Virgin Tragic Perfume In Patrick Suskind Novel “Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer”









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Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

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Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

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1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum. (Supervisior) 3. Mahmud Arief Albar, S. S., M.Hum. (Reader)



I, AYA SYARIFAH NASUTION, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the references is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Title of Paper : Virgin Tragic Perfume in Patrick Suskind Novel “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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Kertas karya ini berjudul Virgin Tragic Perfume in Patrick Suskind’s Novel

“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” Penulis tertarik membahas tentang parfum perawan yang diciptakan melalui kejadian-kejadian tragis pada novel. Novel laris ini menceritakan parfum terbaik perawan yang diciptakan oleh seorang laki-laki bernama Jean-Baptiste Grenouille yang tidak memiliki bau badan namun punya indera penciuman yang sangat tajam. Parfum terbaik aroma perawan tercipta karena obsesi Grenouille yang muncul setelah mencium aroma seorang perawan cantik. Dengan cara jenius aroma perawan ditangkap satu persatu, dibunuh dan dikuliti untuk diambil aromanya. Aroma 24 gadis perawan dikumpulkan dan dijadikan ekstrak parfum. Proses pembuatan parfum perawan diawali dengan membunuh 24 gadis perawan. Tubuh mereka layu, pakaian beserta rambut dan kulit kepala hilang. Pembunuhan berantai berjalan rapi, terencana dan misterius. Tetapi kerapihan tokoh akhirnya tertangkap dan ia dihukum. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode perpustakaan dan pendekatan intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti dengan unsur-unsur dalam novel.



This work paper entitled Virgin Tragic Perfume in Patrick Suskind’s Novel

“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” The writer was interested to discuss about virgin’s perfume created through tragic stories. This popular novel tells about a virgin’s best perfume created by a man, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who had no body smell even though he had a good sense of smell. The creation of best virgin fragrant perfume caused by Grenouille’s obsessions after he had smelled a beautiful virgin’s aroma. With tricky ways, he collected the virgin’s aroma periodically, murdered and peeled or removed her skin to take the aroma. The aroma of 24 virgin girls were collected and made into extracted perfume. The production process of virgin perfume was begun by murdering 24 virgin girl. Their bodies were withered, their clothes and hair and head skin were lost. This chained-murdering was successfully done with planned and mysterious ways. However, his trickiness was revealed and got punishment. Within this work paper, the writer uses library researches and intrinsic approaches. All data is collected, analyzed, concluded to support this work paper. The writer hopes the readers can understand with elements of the novel.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Science, University of Sumatera Utara.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to:

1. My beloved parents, Drs. Syahruddin Nst and Nurkhalijah Pane

thanks for loving, caring, suppoting me morally, financially, spiritually, especially in studying in English Diploma III and in completing this paper. Thanks for being my inspiration.

2. My beloved sisters and brother, Khaironi Syahriza Nst, Sri Khairunnisa Nst and Fawwaz Ashrafuddin Nst. Thanks for motivations and advices.

3. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, MA as the Head of English Diploma Study Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

4. My supervisor, Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum.

thanks for the valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

5. My reader, Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A. who has given his time to read my paper for its completeness.


6. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Science, University of Sumatera Utara.

7. All lectures in English Diploma Study Program for giving me advices and knowledges.

8. My big family (Nasution & Pane), opung, bujing, bou, tulang, uda, nantulang, amangboru, Lila, Niki, Riska and all of my cousins thanks for your support.

9. My little family, CUNers: Tria Anindi (Inyem), Rima Virgi (Imin),

Rizki (Kidok), Anisha Fatiah (Nisut), and Abun Fauji (Buncan) thanks for crazy moment and always make my world alive. I love you guys.

10.For Batman gank: Mahyar, Angga, Andrian (Yayan), Dani (Ani),

Rahmad, Rio, Yojek, Topek and Aprot thanks for the rock n’ roll moment.

11.My lovely friends, pasid’10: Irna, Bulan, Della, Fatiyah, Milva,

Emi, Irfan, Erwin, Firman, Wayang, Adi and many more, thanks for your support and always make me smile. I love you guys.

12.All of my friends in Diploma III English Study Program, SOLIDAS thanks for your supports, happiness and madness.

13.My special someone, Rahmad Riwanda Siregar (Bebibooo) thank you for your love and your attention.


Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, 2013

The writer,

Reg. No. 102202035 Aya Syarifah Nasution










1.1Background of Study 1

1.2Problem of Study 3

1.3Scope of Study 3

1.4Purpose of Study 3

1.5The Significance of Study 3

1.6Method of Study 4

1.7 Reason for Choosing the Topic 4


2.1Novel 5

2.2Character 6

2.3Plot 6

2.4Structure 7

2.5Theme 7

2.6 Intrinsic Approach 8


3.1 Perfumes 10

3.2 Perfumes Production Process 12


4.1 Conclusion 17

4.2 Suggestion 17



A.Biography of Emily Giffin 20



Kertas karya ini berjudul Virgin Tragic Perfume in Patrick Suskind’s Novel

“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” Penulis tertarik membahas tentang parfum perawan yang diciptakan melalui kejadian-kejadian tragis pada novel. Novel laris ini menceritakan parfum terbaik perawan yang diciptakan oleh seorang laki-laki bernama Jean-Baptiste Grenouille yang tidak memiliki bau badan namun punya indera penciuman yang sangat tajam. Parfum terbaik aroma perawan tercipta karena obsesi Grenouille yang muncul setelah mencium aroma seorang perawan cantik. Dengan cara jenius aroma perawan ditangkap satu persatu, dibunuh dan dikuliti untuk diambil aromanya. Aroma 24 gadis perawan dikumpulkan dan dijadikan ekstrak parfum. Proses pembuatan parfum perawan diawali dengan membunuh 24 gadis perawan. Tubuh mereka layu, pakaian beserta rambut dan kulit kepala hilang. Pembunuhan berantai berjalan rapi, terencana dan misterius. Tetapi kerapihan tokoh akhirnya tertangkap dan ia dihukum. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode perpustakaan dan pendekatan intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti dengan unsur-unsur dalam novel.



This work paper entitled Virgin Tragic Perfume in Patrick Suskind’s Novel

“Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” The writer was interested to discuss about virgin’s perfume created through tragic stories. This popular novel tells about a virgin’s best perfume created by a man, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who had no body smell even though he had a good sense of smell. The creation of best virgin fragrant perfume caused by Grenouille’s obsessions after he had smelled a beautiful virgin’s aroma. With tricky ways, he collected the virgin’s aroma periodically, murdered and peeled or removed her skin to take the aroma. The aroma of 24 virgin girls were collected and made into extracted perfume. The production process of virgin perfume was begun by murdering 24 virgin girl. Their bodies were withered, their clothes and hair and head skin were lost. This chained-murdering was successfully done with planned and mysterious ways. However, his trickiness was revealed and got punishment. Within this work paper, the writer uses library researches and intrinsic approaches. All data is collected, analyzed, concluded to support this work paper. The writer hopes the readers can understand with elements of the novel.




1.1 Background of The Study

The tragedy such a murdering frequently happens within society. Almost every day on television, radio station, and newspaper report about murdering. Those incidents are caused by many factors, for example jeolousy, grudge, debt, and so on. These things are very different conditions within novel Perfume: The

Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind. In the novel, Patrick Suskind gave

explanations about tragic murdering to produce perfume.

The writer was interested to analyze a novel of Patrick Suskind entitled “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” This novel tells about perfume was made of 25 virgin girls’ aroma. Jean- Baptiste Grenouille, who had a good sense of smell, was a genius and capable to make good fragrant. He was obsessed to make the best perfume because he had ever smelled a virgin girl’s aroma. Then he murdered 25 virgin girls to take their body fragrance. The virgin girls died improperly. Their clothes, hair and head skins were lost. The murdering of the 25 girls was successfully done with planned and mysterious ways and finally created the best virgin perfume with magic. As the object of this paper, the writer will analyze the tragic virgin perfume on “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” by Patrick Suskind.

Novel is a long work of prose fiction. In English the word “novel” was borrowed from French and Italian to describe these works and to distinguish them


from medieval and classical romances as something that was new. In their book, they also says that there are four aspects of fiction, works of fiction share a number of common elements, they are: character, plot, structure, and theme. First, Character is an extended verbal representation of human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behavior. A story is usually concerned with a major problem that a character must face. This may involve interaction with another character, with a difficult situation, or with an idea or general circumstances that force action. The character may win, lose, or tie. He or she may learn and be better for the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged. Second, Plot is the serial arrangement of incidents, ideas or events. The story of the novel progresses through various plots and conflicts. One of the most important elements in shaping a work of fiction is plot. In the analysis of the story, sometimes the plot is called as groove. Third, Structure refers to the way a plot is assembled. Chronologically, all stories are similar because they all move from beginning to end in accord with the time it takes for causes to produce effects. Fourth, Theme is something which becomes the authors thought. It means explains about view of life or the author’s image and how the consider the case. Theme becomes a basic development of the whole part of the story the novel.

To understand a novel, we should know prose elements, such as plots, characters, settings, themes, point of view, and figure of speech. Furthermore, an ability in identifying novel elements is required to analyze a novel. The writer uses descriptive methods or library researches by collecting data from some books in library and searching information from internet. The writer also uses intrinsic


approaches by Wellek and Warren (1994:24), which is taken from data in the text.

1.2 The Problem of The Study

Based on the background of the analysis, the problem of the study may be recognized as follows:

a. Why does the tragic virgin perfume become an exciting tragedy? b. How to produce the perfume?

1.3 The Scope of The Study

In this paper, the writer found many tragic stories to produce the virgin perfume and excited to analyze. The writer just focused on the tragic virgin perfume to make the readers easier to understand the novel.

1.4 The Purpose of The Study

The purpose of the study is to analyze and explain the virgin perfume made of tragic stories.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this paper is to enrich the understanding on literary works and it can improve the students to more interest in studying and enrich about literature and also increased the habit for reading among the young people.


1.6 The Method of The Study

The writer uses the work of the library method that is by collecting data from books in the library and the writer also search the information from internet, such as data are colleceted, sorted, and summarized.

The writer also uses intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data from text itself and also use library method (Library Research) that is by collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from internet, such as data are colleceted, sorted, and summarized.

1.7 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The writer has chosen Patrick Suskind’s novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderer as a subject of this paper. The writer is interested in tragic stories the virgin perfume which is very excited. Especially tragic stories to produce the virgin perfume.




The novel is a work of prose fiction written in the narrative, usually in story form. The word comes from the Italian, novella which means “a story or piece of news.” The novel is literary form of the most popular in the world. This form of literature is the most outstanding, because the vast power of communication in society. As literature, the novel can be devided into two groups, namely the work seriously and works of entertainment, but not all are able to provide entertainment could be called serious literature. A serious novel that he demanded not only a work of beautiful, attractive, and this also provide entertainment for us. But he also demanded more than that. The novel is novel primary requirement is taken it must attract, entertain and bring people out of complacency after reading.

The novel is also a fictional work that describes a world which contains a life model idealized, imaginative world, built as its intrinsic elements like story, plot, character, setting, point of view, and so on, which is overall narative. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs in their literary books : An Introduction to reading and writing (1995:49) said that novel is a fictional long prose work. In English, novel is adopted from French and Italy to describe these works and differentiate them from middle century and classical romance as a something new.


In their books, they also said that there are four fiction aspects, fictional works consist of common elements, they are character, plot, structure, and theme.

2.2 Characters

In fiction, a character maybe defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

The characters in a story are the characters involved from the beginning until the ending part of the story (plot). Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1995:51) said that character is natural facsimile from the human with all good and bad characteristics. A story is usually related to big conflict of the character. It is probable to involve interaction with another character in complicated situation, or with idea or ordinary condition. The character may win, lose, or relevant. He or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change. Furthermore, according to Edgar V. Roberts, character is the verbal realization from human, personality which determines thoughts, statements, also attitudes. The writer got interactions between character and environment through interview, action, and also comments (1988:64).

2.3 Plots

Plot is the structure of serial incident, idea, or story. Novel story takes place through various plots and conflicts. Plot maybe defined as a story’s sequence of incidents, arranged in dramatic order. One is tempted to insert the


word “chronological.” But doing so would exclude many stories that depart from this strict ordering of events. The plot is decided by three essential elements: events, conflict, and climax.

Edgar V. Roberts said that plot is any conflicts between two powers: between humans and themselves, with other humans, or with nature or supernatural power (Roberts, 1983: 42). The parts which the conflict raising is climax. If we can make a brief description about the plot of the story, we can use it as instrument to define the theme of the story. A story usually has one plot, but it also has additional plots which frequently called as lower plots.

2.4 Structures

Structure refers to how to make plot. Chronologically, all stories are identical because they move from the beginning until the ending accordance with the time required for causes to create effects. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1995:90) said that structure is the arrangement and placement of the material for activity. The structure describes how the writer manages and puts the material accordance with common ideas and the purpose of the activity.

2.5 Themes

Theme is the main idea or thought as the basis of the story. Theme gives power and emphasizes the unity of storytelling and also tells about life in common context. Themes distilled from the motifs contained in the relevant work that determines the presence of events, conflict and situations. The theme became the basis of development of the whole story. A common theme has a generalization,


wider and abstract. Principal themes as the meaning of work of fiction is not deliberately hidden because precisely this that is offered to the reader. However, the overall theme is the meaning of which supported his story by itself would be hidden behind a story that supports it.

Edgar V. Roberts (1964:8) said that theme is the main idea of the writer will be communicated to the readers through the writer’s work. An integrated theme needs a main idea, which is stated in existence of the idea in the plot of story. Basically, a writer of literary works will begin a main idea, which is served in the plot of story. In the main idea can be inserted by some additional supporting ideas, and finally all the ideas are connected into an integrated literary work.

2.6 Intrinsic Approach

Intrinsic Elements (intrinsic) are the elements that build the literary work itself. Elements are what because the literary present as a work of Martial Arts. Intrinsic elements (extrinsic) are the elements that are beyond the works of Matrial Arts, but indirectly affect the building or system of the organism’s Matrial Arts. Extrinsic elements of novel must be still seen as something important. Wallek&Warren (1956).

Wallek and Warren (1975: 75) says that the approach is based on the intrinsic structural point of text and literature. This means the intrinsic approach emphasizes the inter text analysis by describing the elements of prose that described previously. Relationship with the art of literature and art of music is very diverse and complicated. Sometimes they influence each other. Theory of art


and taste can be studied and related to the theory and literary tastes of artists. Besides the issue of sources and influences, inspiration and cooperation, there is another problem, namely literary works often produce the same results with the results of painting and musical. The term is just a vague metafon.

Furthermore Wallek and Warren says, one approach is to find the purpose and theory of the artist creator. A more useful is based on the comparison of works of art, social and cultural background the same, can unravel the background of time, place setting and social background art and literature.




3.1 Perfumes

The best virgin perfume was perfume created by Jean Baptiste Grenouille. The perfume was made of aroma collected from virgins’ bodies. The creation of virgin perfume was caused by Grenouille had a better sense of smell instead of other people even he could sniff something when his eyes closed he could guess the things behind the house wall. One day, his nose smelled a fragrant aroma and no one could know it and he had never found it before. Apparently the fragrance came from a virgin’s body who was cleaning palm fruit on Marais St. Then he was obsessed to make a most fragrant perfume. “He wanted to press, to emboss this apotheosis of scent on his black, muddled soul, meticulously to explore it and from this point on, to think, to live, to smell only according to the innermost structures of its magic formula.” (Suskind, 1986: 42)

A virgin perfume was made of great and wonderful ingredient. The perfume components could produce unequalled aroma and had magic and marvelous power. The greatness of the formula could defeat hundred thousands aroma ever created. “Contained within it was the magic formula for everything that could make a scent, a perfume, great: delicacy, power, stability, variety, and terrifying, irresistible beauty. He had found the compass for his future life.” (Suskind, 1986: 44)


The best virgin perfume created by Grenouille had magic powers. This most fragrant perfume could make anyone who smelled it became surrendering without any reasons. “… the ten thousand people on the parade grounds and on the slopes surrounding it felt themselves infused with the unshakable belief that the man in the blue frock coat who had just climbed out of the carriage could not possibly be a murderer.” (Suskind, 1986: 235)

The virgin perfume could hypnotize thousands people who smelled it to change their mindset. From prejudice and hatred to Grenouille became contrary; beloved and admired. He was arrested to murder 24 virgin girls and would get capital punishment. However, the aroma evaporated from the robe worn by Grenouille and changed him into a holy and innocent figure. “All at once his strong arms were as weak, his knees as wobbly, his heart as anxious as a child’s. … he dreaded the moment when they would lead him forward; he tottered, had to prop himself up with his death-dealing rod to keep from sinking feebly to his knees…” (Suskind, 1986: 236)

Furthermore, the perfume aroma could make everyone surrenders and powerless. To inhale the fragrant aroma of virgin perfume could cause all the bodies bowed and weak. Even a bully could not do his duty to execute him. The virgin aroma made anyone who smelled it blind. “They wept and removed their hats, put them back on, cast themselves to the ground, fell into each other’s arms, withdrew again, flapped their arms absurdly in the air, wrung their hands…” (Suskind, 1986: 237)


The evaporating virgin perfume could also make people drunk. The fragrant aroma of virgin perfume made anyone who smelled it drunk. The people who saw Grenouille’s arrival became drunk too. They were trapped on passion to have a big and illegal sex party on the execution field. “There were women who with one look at Grenouille thrust their fists into their laps and sighed with bliss… There were gentlemen who kept springing up and sitting down and leaping up again, snorting vigorously and grasping the hilts of their swords as if to draw them.”(Suskind, 1986: 237)

Through the excerpt above can be concluded that the beginning of creation of virgin perfume caused by the most fragrant aroma which inspired Grenouille to own it. The virgin perfume had four great powers and contained magic formula. The magic formula could make the people who smelled it became surrendering, hypnotized, and felt love.

3.2 Perfume Production Process

Murdering is the first step of virgin perfume production process. Virgin girl was murdered to get the aroma of the virgin’s body. There were 25 virgin girls became the murdered victims in the story. However, the virgin girl was first time murdered was not found in the perfume. The best virgin perfume was made of only 24 aroma from the murdered virgins’ bodies. Furthermore, step by step the formula was collected by murdering the virgin girl one by one. In this novel, the murdering of 23 virgin girls made into perfume formula were not explained specifically. The twenty-three-virgin girls were only described for their death. However, the murdering of the girl who created as the top formula of virgin


perfume was the most beautiful virgin girl with the best aroma explained specifically.

The murdering happened first time in May. A 15-years-Virgin girl was murdered in the rose garden with a strong hitting in her head. She was the victim who would be created as perfume formula. “In may of that same year, the naked body of a fifteen-year-old girl was found in a rose field, halfway between Grasse and the hamlet of Opio east of town. She had been killed by a heavy blow to the back of the head.” (Suskind, 1986: 194) The girl was only left in the garden. She was found in naked lain down and without any hair on her head. Then a farmer found her body and reported to the police to investigate.

The next murdering was the second and the third victims. Both of the girls were found as the beginning of jasmine harvesting. It was such a previous murdering. Both of them were found in naked condition and any strong hitting on her head. “Not long after the beginning of the jasmine harvest, two more murders occurred. Again the victims were very lovely young girls, again of the languid, raven-haired sort, again they were found naked and shorn and lying in a flower field with the backs of their heads bludgeoned.”(Suskind, 1986: 195) Similar to the previous thung, the victims were left by the murderer in the same garden and the police investigated again.

After the second and the third victims were found in the next days, a dead body of a girl, the palace laundry washer, found again. She was murdered in front of town gate with some strong hittings. “A few days after the double murder,


they found the body of yet another girl, abused in the same manner as the others. This time it was a Sardinian washerwoman from the bishop’s palace; she had been struck down near the great basin of the Fontaine de la Foux, directly before the gates of the town.” (Suskind, 1986: 196) This incidents made many people worried. The polices were more strictly to investigate this case.

The fifth murdering happened to a carpenter’s daughter. She was murdered in her bedroom. No people in the house realized it. Even the dog in the house did not bark because he could not sniff the stranger’s smell or the murderer who came into the house. “The daughter of a carpenter was found slain in her own room on the fifth floor, and no one in the house had heard the least noise, and although the dogs normally yelped the moment they picked up the scent of any stranger, not one of them had barked.” (Suskind, 1986: 197) Her dead body was left in her bedroom. Through this incidents, the people thought that the murderer was nonhuman and maybe it was a ghost.

The sixth until 24th murderings were not explained specifically by Patrick Suskind. In the novel, the writer just described some situations that the murdered victims reached 24 girls.

“… having cut down no fewer than twenty-four of its most beautiful virgins out of every social class, was made anathema and excommunicated both in writing and from all the pulpits of the city, including a ban spoken by the bishop himself from the pulpit of Notre-Dame-du-Puy. The result was conclusive. From one day to the next, the murders ceased.” (Suskind, 1986: 198)

The excerpts above were retold by Patrick Suskind that the murderer had kept 24 virgin formulas and planned to get the last virgin of 25th.


“… in it were twenty-four tiny flacons filled with drops of the congealed aura of twenty-four virgins-precious essences that Grenouille had produced over the last year by cold-oil enfleurage of their bodies, digestion of their hair and clothes, lavage, and distillation. And the twenty-fifth, the most precious and important of all … ” (Suskind, 1986: 209)

The twenty fifth victim happened to the beautiful girl, Laura, the aristocratic girl. She was found murdered on her bed. It was the last murdering done by Grenouille.

“… Laure lying on her bed, naked and dead and shorn clean and sparkling white. It was like his nightmare, the one he had dreamt in Grasse the night before last and had forgotten again.” (Suskind, 1986: 221)

Perfume production process of 24 virgin girls as follows. Preceded by murdering virgin girl. The 24th murdering done by Grenouille was almost same. The girl was hit or strangled until dead. Then the body was made naked and wrapped with linen cloth and smeared oil to stick the sweat. Then he cut their hair and took their clothes to extract the perfume. “At the start of December, reports came in from Grenoble that a murderer there was strangling young girls, then tearing their clothes to shreds and pulling their hair out by the handfuls.”(Suskind, 1986: 198)

On the location where the girls murdered, the victims’ bodies were smeared oil to strengthen the aroma. Then their bodies were wrapped with cloth and take the oil. Even the oil from pore was scraped from the skin.

“He threw open the cloth and pulled it from the dead woman like a bandage. The fat peeled off nicely from her skin. Little scraps of it were left hanging only in the smallest crannies, and these he had to scrape off with his spatula. The remaining streaks of pomade he


wiped off with her undershirt, using it to rub down her body from head to foot one last time...” (Suskind, 1986: 220)

From the excerpt above can be concluded that the virgin perfume production included of many processes. Murdering twenty four girls by hitting their head and wrapping their bodies with linen cloth. Then the cloth was removed until the aroma stick on the cloth. Formula created of the twenty four girls was collected into a great perfume.





Patrick Suskind (1986) is a writer who wants to invite the readers adventure with virgin perfume of Grenouille. He wants to make the readers imagine about the tragic virgin perfume in the novel and how the virgin perfume created and the produced even though it had long process.

After analyzing the novel, it is provable that tragic virgin perfume shown in novel: “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” created to get fragrant virgin aroma which was collected by Grenouille. The aroma of virgin perfume had magic formula which able to anyone smelled it became surrendering, powerless, illogical thinking, and drunk. The virgin perfume was created by skillful talent. With his good sense of smell, he murdered 24 girls to take the aroma. After they were collected, the twenty fourth formula were combined into a best magic virgin perfume with four wonderful miracles. The production process was also surprising by murdering virgin girls and smearing oil to take the aroma from their body. Then their bodies were wrapped and removed by murderer so that the aroma stuck on the cloth. Furthermore, the victims were peeled and cut for their hair.


The writer hopes this work paper can help the readers who want to know about tragic virgin perfume in novel: “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” I hope


the readers of the novel not only sit silently and read the whole story, but also they can understand the story in the novel. In this work paper, the writer hopes the readers know that the virgin perfume created by tragic incidents is the writer’s imagination and perspective only. This is not a true way to reach the dream and ambition because it is the wrong way. The writer realizes that this paper of virgin perfume still needs corrections. Therefore, the writer accepts useful critics and comments to improve this paper. I expect this paper would be useful for the readers in future.



Gray, Martin. 1985. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. Hong Kong: Longman York Press.

Robert, Edgar V and Henry. E. Jacob. 1995. An Introduction to Reading and Writing (Fourth Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Suskind, Patrick. 1986. Perfume: The Story of A Murderer. United States of America: Vintage Books.

Suskind, Patrick. 2007. Perfume: The Story of A Murderer. Jakarta: Dastan Books.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1956. Theory of Literature. New York: A Harvest Books.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1989. Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.




Born in 1949, Süskind was raised in Ambach, Germany, the eldest son of Wilhelm Emanuel Süskind, a writer and journalist best known in Germany for his collection of essays on language, Aus dem Worterbuch des Unmenschen. In 1968 Süskind entered the University of Munich to study history. He later completed a master of arts degree at the University of Aix-en-Provence, France, in 1974. While studying in the perfume-producing country of southern France, Süskind traveled and gathered material for what eventually became the novel Perfume.

Meanwhile, in the fall of 1981, Süskind's play The Double Bass premiered, establishing him as one of the most popular playwrights of German theatre. Originally conceived as prose piece that was repeatedly rejected for publication,

The Double Bass eventually appeared in novella form in 1984. Around the same time, Süskind began collaborating with Helmut Dietl on the hit German television


series, Monaco Franze. In late 1984 the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung contracted Süskind to serially publish his first prose work, Perfume.

Published in book form the following year, Perfume immediately became a German best-seller and subsequently sold over six million copies worldwide by 1991. Wary of his newfound celebrity, Süskind declined a five-thousand dollar prize for best first novel from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 1986, vowing to never again accept awards for writing. That same year, Süskind resumed his collaboration with Dietl by co-writing the script for another popular television series, Kir Royal, which revolved around the adventures of a titular Munich gossip columnist. In 1987 Süskind published the novella Die Taube (The Pigeon) which, though critically well received, failed to attain the popular success of Perfume.

Süskind and Dietl reteamed again in 1996 to write the screenplay for the film

Rossini: oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief, which follows the careers of a variety of characters in the German film industry as their lives intersect in a Munich restaurant.

Patrick Suskind’s career

The principal focus of Süskind's works has been the motivations and behavior of the typical outsider. The Double Bass is a serio-comic monologue that explores a double-bass player's relationship to his instrument, illuminating the instrument's—and the player's—supporting role in the orchestra and in life. The double-bass is alternately characterized as feminine, reliable, discriminated against, and simultaneously protesting and threatening revolution. However, in the


end, both the instrument and its player allow themselves to conform and play their allotted secondary part. Set in urban Paris and the French countryside of the 1700s, Perfume is a study of the dynamics of scents and the sense of smell. The bizarre and ironic tale focuses on an alienated antihero, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a despised outcast orphan who lacks any bodily odor. He roams through eighteenth-century France murdering beautiful young women in order to distill their bodily scents into a perfume that will make him the most desirable and powerful man on Earth—not to mention nominally human. In addition, Perfume

also weaves a detailed discourse on historical perfume-making techniques into its narrative, complete with sensuous descriptions of both pleasant and repellent odors as a recurrent motif.

The novella The Pigeon focuses on a single day in the life of Jonathan Noel, a Parisian bank guard, who has finally attained a measure of happiness after years of personal strife. Totally satisfied with his job and the isolation he secures in his small apartment, Noel finds his serenity abruptly interrupted when a pigeon lands on his doorstep and remains there for the rest of the day. The event is so unnerving for Noel that he goes to sleep vowing to kill himself in the morning. In

Die Geschichte vom Herrn Sommer (1991; The Story of Mr. Sommer), the narrator recalls his post-war childhood, framing his growing knowledge of the adult world in terms of his frequent encounters with the eccentric Herr Sommer, who spends his days frantically traversing the local environs by foot, barely saying a word to anyone but always carrying his extraordinarily long walking stick. The novella concludes with the death of the wandering misfit, which teaches the boy valuable


life lessons about responsibility, suffering, and distress that contrast with his comfortable, contented existence as a child. In the first story comprising Three

Stories and a Reflection (1996), a young artist retreats from the world and

eventually kills herself because critics labeled her art as superficial. The second story involves a game of chess in Luxembourg Gardens between a dashing young stranger and a perennial elderly champion. As the game progresses, the confidence and foolhardiness of the youthful novice unexpectedly yields a victory over the expertise of the seasoned veteran, stunning the audience and ultimately persuading the old man to abandon playing chess. The longest piece of the collection, “Das Vermächtnis des Maitre Mussard,” consists of the first-person deathbed writings of Mussard, a historical figure mentioned in Jean-Jacque Rousseau's Confessions (1782-89), who is suffering from the delusion that petrifaction is overtaking the world. In an addendum, an anonymous narrator tells us that Massard died of a strange form of paralysis and had to be buried in a right-angled hole. The final item of the collection, “Amnesie in litteris,” is a reflection on books, with Süskind proclaiming that he has long since forgotten every book that had once deeply stirred him.


Grenouille is born to a fishwife mother in Paris in the early eighteenth century. He is delivered behind his mother's fish stall and is immediately abandoned to die. The baby, who strangely has no scent, cries out and is saved by onlookers. His mother is executed for this attempt and for her previously


successful infanticides, leaving Grenouille, a bastard, alone in the world. He is brought up in a sort of home orphanage, tended together with several other orphans by an emotionally damaged woman name of eight he is given in apprenticeship to a tanner worked to death. After having survived anthrax, and thus becoming more useful in a tannery, he is treated marginally better and is given some slight freedom. Grenouille roams the city of Paris, searching for new scents, because he has the most gifted nose in the world.

On one of his olfactory jaunts around the city, Grenouille finds the most delicious scent he has ever encountered, that of a adolescent girl. He finds her scent from a long distance, and he follows it until he is very near her in the dark. She senses him, and as she turns around to see him he strangles her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse.

One night he delivers some goatskins t old man to let him work for him, after showing the master that he has a wonderful nose and a great memory for mixing perfumes. Baldini is so impressed with the scent that Grenouille creates that he buys his apprenticeship from Grimal. While working for Baldini, Grenouille makes the best scents Paris has ever smelled, and Baldini becomes very rich. Grenouille falls ill again, but he survives once Baldini tells him there are other ways to distill and preserve scents to be learned in the south of France. This news revives Grenouille, and he lives. Eventually he leaves Baldini to go learn distillation methods in Grasse.


On the way to Grasse, Grenouille makes a detour for seven years to a mountain cave, where he ponders the scents he has known in his life thus far. Descending from the mountain looking like a wild man, he is rehabilitated by a slightly mad pseudo-scientist nobleman who believes that he is a prime example of a vicitm of fluidum letale. After a farce of a scientific "proof" is enacted, Grenouille slips away and goes to Grasse.

There he works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris, another red-head here in Grasse nam he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful.

Grenouille thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region of Grasse, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl, Laure. He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released. Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, Grenouille goes to Paris to die. He douses himself with the master scent and is then devoured by a mob.




Born in 1949, Süskind was raised in Ambach, Germany, the eldest son of Wilhelm Emanuel Süskind, a writer and journalist best known in Germany for his collection of essays on language, Aus dem Worterbuch des Unmenschen. In 1968 Süskind entered the University of Munich to study history. He later completed a master of arts degree at the University of Aix-en-Provence, France, in 1974. While studying in the perfume-producing country of southern France, Süskind traveled and gathered material for what eventually became the novel Perfume.

Meanwhile, in the fall of 1981, Süskind's play The Double Bass premiered, establishing him as one of the most popular playwrights of German theatre. Originally conceived as prose piece that was repeatedly rejected for publication,


series, Monaco Franze. In late 1984 the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung contracted Süskind to serially publish his first prose work, Perfume.

Published in book form the following year, Perfume immediately became a German best-seller and subsequently sold over six million copies worldwide by 1991. Wary of his newfound celebrity, Süskind declined a five-thousand dollar prize for best first novel from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 1986, vowing to never again accept awards for writing. That same year, Süskind resumed his collaboration with Dietl by co-writing the script for another popular television series, Kir Royal, which revolved around the adventures of a titular Munich gossip columnist. In 1987 Süskind published the novella Die Taube (The Pigeon) which, though critically well received, failed to attain the popular success of Perfume.

Süskind and Dietl reteamed again in 1996 to write the screenplay for the film

Rossini: oder die mörderische Frage, wer mit wem schlief, which follows the careers of a variety of characters in the German film industry as their lives intersect in a Munich restaurant.

Patrick Suskind’s career

The principal focus of Süskind's works has been the motivations and behavior of the typical outsider. The Double Bass is a serio-comic monologue that explores a double-bass player's relationship to his instrument, illuminating the instrument's—and the player's—supporting role in the orchestra and in life. The double-bass is alternately characterized as feminine, reliable, discriminated against, and simultaneously protesting and threatening revolution. However, in the


end, both the instrument and its player allow themselves to conform and play their allotted secondary part. Set in urban Paris and the French countryside of the 1700s, Perfume is a study of the dynamics of scents and the sense of smell. The bizarre and ironic tale focuses on an alienated antihero, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a despised outcast orphan who lacks any bodily odor. He roams through eighteenth-century France murdering beautiful young women in order to distill their bodily scents into a perfume that will make him the most desirable and powerful man on Earth—not to mention nominally human. In addition, Perfume

also weaves a detailed discourse on historical perfume-making techniques into its narrative, complete with sensuous descriptions of both pleasant and repellent odors as a recurrent motif.

The novella The Pigeon focuses on a single day in the life of Jonathan Noel, a Parisian bank guard, who has finally attained a measure of happiness after years of personal strife. Totally satisfied with his job and the isolation he secures in his small apartment, Noel finds his serenity abruptly interrupted when a pigeon lands on his doorstep and remains there for the rest of the day. The event is so unnerving for Noel that he goes to sleep vowing to kill himself in the morning. In

Die Geschichte vom Herrn Sommer (1991; The Story of Mr. Sommer), the narrator recalls his post-war childhood, framing his growing knowledge of the adult world in terms of his frequent encounters with the eccentric Herr Sommer, who spends his days frantically traversing the local environs by foot, barely saying a word to anyone but always carrying his extraordinarily long walking stick. The novella concludes with the death of the wandering misfit, which teaches the boy valuable


life lessons about responsibility, suffering, and distress that contrast with his comfortable, contented existence as a child. In the first story comprising Three Stories and a Reflection (1996), a young artist retreats from the world and eventually kills herself because critics labeled her art as superficial. The second story involves a game of chess in Luxembourg Gardens between a dashing young stranger and a perennial elderly champion. As the game progresses, the confidence and foolhardiness of the youthful novice unexpectedly yields a victory over the expertise of the seasoned veteran, stunning the audience and ultimately persuading the old man to abandon playing chess. The longest piece of the collection, “Das Vermächtnis des Maitre Mussard,” consists of the first-person deathbed writings of Mussard, a historical figure mentioned in Jean-Jacque Rousseau's Confessions (1782-89), who is suffering from the delusion that petrifaction is overtaking the world. In an addendum, an anonymous narrator tells us that Massard died of a strange form of paralysis and had to be buried in a right-angled hole. The final item of the collection, “Amnesie in litteris,” is a reflection on books, with Süskind proclaiming that he has long since forgotten every book that had once deeply stirred him.


Grenouille is born to a fishwife mother in Paris in the early eighteenth century. He is delivered behind his mother's fish stall and is immediately abandoned to die. The baby, who strangely has no scent, cries out and is saved by onlookers. His mother is executed for this attempt and for her previously


successful infanticides, leaving Grenouille, a bastard, alone in the world. He is brought up in a sort of home orphanage, tended together with several other orphans by an emotionally damaged woman name of eight he is given in apprenticeship to a tanner worked to death. After having survived anthrax, and thus becoming more useful in a tannery, he is treated marginally better and is given some slight freedom. Grenouille roams the city of Paris, searching for new scents, because he has the most gifted nose in the world.

On one of his olfactory jaunts around the city, Grenouille finds the most delicious scent he has ever encountered, that of a adolescent girl. He finds her scent from a long distance, and he follows it until he is very near her in the dark. She senses him, and as she turns around to see him he strangles her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse.

One night he delivers some goatskins t old man to let him work for him, after showing the master that he has a wonderful nose and a great memory for mixing perfumes. Baldini is so impressed with the scent that Grenouille creates that he buys his apprenticeship from Grimal. While working for Baldini, Grenouille makes the best scents Paris has ever smelled, and Baldini becomes very rich. Grenouille falls ill again, but he survives once Baldini tells him there are other ways to distill and preserve scents to be learned in the south of France. This news revives Grenouille, and he lives. Eventually he leaves


On the way to Grasse, Grenouille makes a detour for seven years to a mountain cave, where he ponders the scents he has known in his life thus far. Descending from the mountain looking like a wild man, he is rehabilitated by a slightly mad pseudo-scientist nobleman who believes that he is a prime example of a vicitm of fluidum letale. After a farce of a scientific "proof" is enacted, Grenouille slips away and goes to Grasse.

There he works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris, another red-head here in Grasse nam he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful.

Grenouille thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region of Grasse, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl, Laure. He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released. Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, Grenouille goes to Paris to die. He douses himself with the master scent and is then devoured by a mob.