The Effect of Bingo Games in Teaching Vocabulary to First Grade
Students of SMA YP Unila

Puspa Aprilia Ningtias

Vocabulary is one of the most important components to be mastered by English
learners. Without having enough vocabulary, English learners cannot learn English
very well. Many people want to learn English, but they are lack of vocabulary, thus it
can make them difficult to master English subject.
The aims of this research were to find out whether there are good response and
improvement of students’ vocabularies between before and after being taught
through Bingo game and all of the problems that were faced by the reasercher and
students in using Bingo game as a technique for teaching Vocabulary. The sample of
this research was the X ISOS4 class of the tenth grade of SMA YP Unila Bandar
Lampung in the year 2013/2014.
The researcher applied one group pre-test post-test design with the instrument, was a
vocabulary test. The result of the teaching vocabulary using Bingo Game showed that
there were good responses and enthusiasm from students, and they students’ posttest
result was higher that of pretest, its gain was 21,5% after using Bingo Game. It means

that there an improvement of the students’ score after the teaching of vocabulary
through Bingo Game. The last there are some problems faced by the reasercher and
students, first, the problems of the researcher are: 1. It was too difficult to control the
class, 2. Some of students still relied on their friend , 3. There were two or three
students who were still busy with their activities. And the students also have some
problem, those are: 1. Some of students had a difficulty to understand even it is a
simple questions (synonym and antonym questions), 2. Almost of the students in the
class could not catch the idea of the game when it was explained in English.


13th 1993. She is the fourth child of bapak Hi. Drs. Kabit Paidiyanto M.Pd and ibu Hj.
Dra. Yani Hernawati.
She started her study at TK Aisiyah Rawa Laut in 1997 and continued her study at
SDN 1 Rawa Laut in 1998. After graduating from Elementary school in 2004, she
went to SMP N 25 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2007. Then she finished her
high school at SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung in 2010.
After finished her high school, in 2010 she was accepted as the students of Lampung
University at English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

In 2013, she carried on Teaching Practice Program (PPL) at SMP N 2 Sumber Jaya,
West Lampung for two months. And she did her research at SMA YP Unila Bandar


This script is dedicated to:
My dearest parents Hi. Drs. Kabit Paidiyanto, M.Pd and Hj. Dra. Yani Hernawati
My beloved sister Puspita Yuliandari STP,
My beloved brothers Doni Hermawan and Deddy Heriyanto
My almamater

A specialist is someone who does everything else worse.
- Ruggiero Ricci



1.1. Background of the Problem.................................................................
1.2. Identification of the Problems .............................................................
1.3. Limitation of the Problem ...................................................................
1.4. Formulation of the Problems ...............................................................
1.5. Objectives of the Research ..................................................................
1.6. Significance of the Research ...............................................................


2.1. Review of Previous Research ..............................................................
2.2. Review of Related Literature ...............................................................
2.2.1 Concept of Vocabulary ..............................................................
2.2.2 Concept of Teaching Vocabulary through Games .....................
2.2.3 Teaching through Bingo Games ................................................

2.2.4 Teaching through Synonym and Antonym.................................
2.2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bingo Games ......................
2.2.5 Procedures of Teaching through Bingo Games .........................
2.3. Hypothesis testing................................................................................


3.1. Setting ................................................................................................
3.2. Population and Sample.........................................................................
3.3. Research Design...................................................................................
3.4. Data Collecting Techniques.................................................................

3.4.1 Test ............................................................................................
3.4.2 Questionnaire .............................................................................
3.5 Research Procedure..............................................................................
3.6. Try Out the Instrument ........................................................................
3.5.1 Validity of the data .....................................................................
3.5.2 Reliability ...................................................................................
3.5.3 Level of Difficulty ......................................................................
3.5.4 Discrimination Power .................................................................
3.6 Scoring System ....................................................................................
3.7. Data Analysis.......................................................................................



4.1 Result of the Research........................................................................
4.2 Result of the Pre-test and Post-test.....................................................
4.1.1 The‎increasing‎of‎students’‎vocabulary‎after‎being‎taught‎through‎
Bingo Game.................................................................................. 41

4.1.2 Students’‎Perception‎after‎being‎taught‎Through‎Bingo‎Game..


4.1.3‎Increase‎of‎students’‎vocabulary after being taught through.....
Bingo Game.............................................................................

4.2 Discussion and Findings.....................................................................


5.1 Conclusions.........................................................................................
5.2 Suggestion...........................................................................................




1. Table of Specification Vocabulary.........................................................


2. Distribution of the Pre-Test and Post-test scores.........................................


3. Mean Scores of the Pretest and Posttest Students’ Vocabularies................


4. The significant difference between the pretest and the posttest............


5. The differences ability before and after being taught through Bingo Game..



1. The difference scores between the pretest and the posttest.......................


2. The students’ perceptions..........................................................................


1. Lesson Plan I....................................................................................... 57
2. Lesson Plan II..................................................................................... 63
3. Test of Vocabulary (Tryout).............................................................. 68
4. Test of Vocabulary (Pretest)............................................................... 73
5. Test of Vocabulary (Posttest)............................................................. 78
6. Questionnaire...................................................................................... 84
7. The Scores of Tryout.......................................................................... 86
8. Upper and Lower Class of Tryout...................................................... 87
9. Level of Difficulty and Discrimination Power of Tryout................... 88
10. Coefficient of Reliability.................................................................... 89

11. Reliability of Tryout........................................................................... 90
12. Scores of Students’ Pretest and Posttest............................................ 91
13. Random Test of Pretest...................................................................... 93
14. Random Test of Posttest.................................................................... 94
15. Normality Test of Pretest................................................................... 95
16. Normality Test of Posttest................................................................. 96
17. Distribution the Frequency of Pretest................................................ 97
18. Distribution the Frequency of Posttest...............................................98
19. Distribution the Data of Pretest..........................................................99
20. Distribution the Data of Posttest........................................................101
21. The Example of Bingo Game Boxes................................................. 102

This chapter discusses the background of problems, identification of the problems,
limitation of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research
and significances of the study.

1.1 Background of Problems
In learning English, vocabulary is one of the most important components to be

mastered by English learners. Without having enough vocabulary, English
learners cannot learn English very well. Many people want to learn English, but
they are lack of vocabulary, thus it can make them difficult to master English
subject. From that statement, it can be concluded that vocabulary should be taught
as soon as possible to make students familiar with it. In contrast, there are still a
lot of senior high school students who have difficulty to understand some of
vocabularies, this condition makes them do not like English subject. They think
English is a difficult subject and that was not interesting.
One of the students in SMA YP Unila said that, they are less to practice, it makes
many of the students are unconfident and afraid of talking in front of the class,
and finally they do not have sufficient vocabulary in their brain, that is why, they

need to practice, even they have a mistake, but in the fact they still have less
motivation to do it, they just look at one or two students who have a good
speaking in the class and they do not have the opportunity. According to the book,
learning is easy, in order to increase the desire to learn and eliminate the feeling
that foreign languages especially English is a difficult subject is to practice it and
practice a lot, because without practicing we are not able to master the language
Then, many of the students said “English is difficult, because the written form of
vocabularies are different from the pronunciation”, so when the teacher asks
students to say some words in English, they are just following their friend or just
pronounce randomly, even though some of students know if they have mistakes in
pronouncing some English word, it can change the meaning of the word. The next
problem is coming from the teaching method, students said, teacher always uses
traditional method (answer and question method) in the class and just a clever
student who can follow it, because the students in the middle rank and in the low
rank know their answer frequently wrong and they feel they are not as competent
as the clever students.
These problems are really serious. If the teacher cannot solve it, the students
cannot develop their abilities in English. They always cannot memorize any
vocabulary. They always think English is a difficult subject. They always feel lazy
to learn English as a result. They do not have any interest in English. They need a
more motivation. They need more varieties of teaching methods and they need to
be more enthusiastic when they learn English. The teacher must create a pleasing


class, but still serious to learn. The teacher must be able to build a good classroom
One of the good techniques to make students have an interest when they learn
English is game. Games are believed to make them enjoy the class, not afraid of
talking in front of the class, making them active and the class more competitive.
The teacher can give rewards to them to make them become more enthusiastic.
With this method, it is believed that their ability to use English, especially in
vocabulary will increase. There are many games that the teacher can use to teach
students, but one of them is really interesting, it is usually called Bingo game.
Bingo game is a game for the whole class or for small groups too (Kimberly,
2009). The teacher can serve as the caller, or the students can take turns serving as
the caller. The basic idea of Bingo game is to encourage the students to study and
review their vocabulary words (Richardson and Morgan, 2003). The caller calls
out the definition, then the players have to determine if their bingo card has the
word that matches the definition.
Through this method, the students' problems may be decreased, making them
begin to be interested in learning vocabulary. And with this game, the students
may not feel forced to learn English, they will be able to memorize some
vocabularies even it is difficult words, because they do not have to worry about
the mistakes or they are in the low rank of the class, they just think to have to
participate in the games, that is why some students who have problems when they
have to speak up in front of the class may forget it and enjoy the games.


1.2 Identification of the Problems
Based on the background of the problems the following problems can be
a. They are lack of practice
b. They always think English is a difficult subject, because the words
in English are different in written and spoken.
c. They are lack of motivation.
d. The teacher always uses a question and answer method, and it bores
e. They think English vocabularies are not familiar to them.
f. The limitation of information sources including dictionaries, on the
other hand, the teacher always explains in English without translating it.
g. The complexity of the word knowledge.
1.3 Limitation of the Problems
From all of the problems that are faced by students, there are three crucial
problems and really influence students.
1. Lack of practice.
2. Ineffective teachers’ method and strategy.
3. Students’ negative attitude when they must speak up in front of the class
There are big problems that make students cannot develop their ability, especially
in memorizing vocabulary. Without practicing students will never familiar to
speak up outside their L1. They will always think English is difficult. They have


to try, even they have a mistake, they can fix it later. Then, students feel question
and the answer method is a boring activity, they need to be more relax, to open
their mind that English is an enjoyable subject. And with the games, the teacher
can solve those problems, because by using game, the student can be active, not
more thinking about mistake, not thinking about confidence, they can talk as
much as they want as the participate during the games. And Bingo game is one of
the best games that can make the class lively.

1.4 Formulation of the Problems
There are three formulations of the problems, and here they are:
1. Is there any improvement of their vocabulary after being taught through
Bingo Game?
2. How is the first grade students’ perception of the use of bingo games to
teach them vocabulary at SMA YP Unila?
3. What are the problems faced by the students and the researcher during
learning and teaching vocabulary through Bingo Game?
1.5 Objectives
There are three objectives of this research, and here they are:
1. To see the students’ improvement on the use of Bingo games in teaching
vocabulary through Bingo Game
2. To analyze the first grade students’ perceptions on the use of bingo
games in teaching vocabulary at SMA YP Unila


3. To identify the students’ and the reasercher’ problems when bingo games
are used for learning vocabulary
1.6 Significances of the study
There are two types of significances, and here they are:
Theoretical uses:
1) To support learning strategy for all of students, when they learn English
2) To be a reference for the next researchers that can make students in
senior high school as the object of the research.
Practical uses:
1) This teaching strategy will contribute to develop the teacher technique
when they want to increase student’s ability in memorizing vocabulary.
2) The result of this research can be useful for the other English teacher in
teaching and sometimes practicing vocabulary in senior high school.
This chapter has discussed about the best strategy and some of the problems that
students face in learn English subject, especially vocabulary, from the students of
SMA YP Unila. The next explanation will be continued in Chapter Two.


This chapter will discuss theoretical points: review of previous research and review of
related literature when using Bingo games as a strategy in teaching vocabulary.

2.1 Reviews of Previous Research
There are many more studies using games that are considered effective and really
helpful, especially for vocabulary learning process. This time, the researcher will use
the games which are still very rarely encountered in teaching vocabulary as one of the
game that are effective, that is Bingo game.
Bingo game is a game which lets the whole class or small groups play (Kimberly,
2009). Through this game, students' problems will decrease, and this makes them
begin to have interest in learning vocabulary. For the winner of the games the
researcher will give them a present, so they will be happy and do not feel force to
study harder than before. The teacher can serve as the caller, or students can take
turns serving as the caller. The basic idea behind Bingo Game is to encourage
students to study and review their vocabulary words (Richardson and Morgan, 2003).

The caller calls out the definition, then the players have to determine if their Bingo
card has the word that matches the definition.
Bingo game came first in Italy 1530. All people call the "Beano", but when they play
the game, there was one player who called Bingo not said Beano, since then Bingo
games starts to be well known. In beginning of Bingo games many of people said this
game had a close relationship with gambling, but over time, Bingo games has been
known as one of the educational media. Many children learn to use Bingo game; there
are some various types of cards to play this game. They can make with their own
creation or usage examples like using picture, or matching a word and that still exist.
In the year of 2011, there was a woman from Indonesia named Puja (Puja, 2011)
which conducted some researches with the use of Bingo games to enhance the ability
of the fourth graders in elementary school Negri Rajegwes. And with the strategy, it
was proven that students were able to increase their vocabulary. Therefore, from that
research, the researcher wants to try this game for teaching other levels like students
in senior high school.

2.2 Reviews of Related Literature
In this part researcher will be explained review of related literature, and it divided in
concept of vocabulary, concept of teaching vocabulary through games, teaching
through bingo game, advantage and disadvantages of Bingo games, procedure of
teaching vocabulary trough Bingo game.


2.2.1 Concept of vocabulary
Vocabulary is one aspect that has to be learned between others language skills.
Learning vocabulary is very important because we are able to speak, write, and listen
well (in English / foreign language) if we know what vocabulary that we should use.
Someone must know the word if they can recognize the meaning when they see it
(Cameron, 2001: 75). It means that if we know a word, then we also have to know its
meaning and function. Learning a language without learning its vocabulary seems
impossible (Khajavi, 2012). According to Gardener (2009) vocabulary is not only
confined to the meaning of words but also includes how vocabulary in a language is
structured: how people use and store words and how they learn words and the
relationship between words, phrases, categories of words and phrases (Graves, 2000).
Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient
vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. Wilkins
(1972) wrote that “. . . while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (pp. 111–112).
Vocabulary is the knowledge involves knowing the meaning of the words and the
purpose of vocabulary test is discovering whether the students can match each word
with synonyms, dictionary definition - tape or equivalent word in their own language
or not (Red John 2000:16). In learning the vocabulary, we have to understand in
using a variety of words that are very different from our native language, such as add
- in, or dis -, un or ing in a sentence. Furthermore, According to Nation (Nation,
2001), the form of a word involves its pronunciation (spoken form), spelling (written


form), and any word the parts that make up this particular item (such as a prefix, root,
and suffix). Within a sentence there are parts of speech, we know as a noun,
adjective, pronoun, verb, adverb, which we also use in Bahasa Indonesia
In learning vocabulary automatically we have to know the meaning of words itself
and can use it in sentences. Vocabulary learning is study to discriminate progressing
the meaning of words in the target language from the meanings of their nearest
„equivalent’ in the mother tongue.
Ann & Lee (1997) Classified Vocabulary into two terms there are:
a. Active Vocabulary refers to items the learner can use appropriately in speaking or
writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary, although, in fact, it is more
difficult to put into practice. It means that to use the productive vocabulary, the
students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they must know and be able
to use grammar of the language target, they are also hoped to familiar with
collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the words. This type is often
used in speaking and writing skill.
b. Passive Vocabulary refers to a language item that can be recognized and
understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive
Vocabulary. Passive Vocabulary or comprehension consists of the words
comprehended by the people, when they read and listen.
In addition to the terms of vocabulary, there are some kinds of vocabulary, and here
they are:


1 Noun

: It is one of most important part of speech. It is arrangement with the

verb helps to form the sentences core which is essential to every complete
sentence. It could be the name of person, place, thing or idea.
2. Verb

: It is the word which expresses an action or a help to make a

3. Adjective

: It is the word used to qualify noun or pronoun.

4. Adverb

: it is a word used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective,

or another adverb.
5. Conjunction : It is a word used to relate one word to another one, or one sentence to
another one.
6. Pronoun

: It is the word which can take the place of a noun.

7. Interjection : it is a word put into sentence to express a sudden felling of mind or
Based on research conducted by Biemiller (Biemiller, 2003) and Paul Nation (Nation,
2008) for a couple years ago, they recognized that vocabulary is a crucial part of
learning a foreign language; in this case is English. Both of them are very interested
in teaching vocabulary, teaching vocabulary right away and look for solutions to the
kinds of problems that exist in the teaching of vocabulary. Nation says in his article
deliberately that teaching vocabulary is one of the least efficient ways of developing
learners’ vocabulary knowledge, but nonetheless it is an important part of a wellbalanced vocabulary program. The main problem with vocabulary teaching is that
only a few words and a small part of what is required to know a word can be dealt
with at any moment.

In this study, Nation and Biemiller are looking from the perspective of a teacher.
Different from Paul, Andrew said in his article that he focused more on the study of
vocabulary and vocabulary growth. Even their findings and product are very
different, but both agreed that learning vocabulary is an important lesson in learning
English, because with our ability to memorize and say a few words, we can do other
activities such as writing, reading and listening to the language outside of the mother

2.2.2 Concept of teaching vocabulary through games
Many of the experts claim that the game is a good way to improve vocabulary.
Through games, students will learn new things other than the usual way of study with
books as the media. The game itself makes the students to be more active and
competitive by trying to win games that the teacher gives, so the class will have a
more lively atmosphere. Learning while playing is a popular activity nowadays, many
researchers use games to teach vocabulary, for example The Than and Thi Thu Nga
(Than & Thu Nga, 2003), in the articles they published, they say and describe the
benefits of using learning games. Based on the viewpoint of their students who states
that using games through the class are not monotonous and boring, they become
much more vibrant when using games as a learning strategy or method. They say in
their journal “students who have a desire to learn English to deal with foreign
vocabulary for their language acquisition”.


To remember and to understand the kinds of new vocabulary, the learners must
participate and contribute in various activities of the task which is in their classroom.
Whether it is the task of guessing, exercise illustrates, or making conversation. Such
activities also include vocabulary games which primarily focused on helping
students’ development by using the words. The most important thing is how to make
them easier to remember new vocabulary in different contexts by making learning
more enjoyable.
Vocabulary is a major part of learning a foreign language. It also supports the lessons
taught in speaking, listening, reading and writing. During the regular lesson, the
students using their own vocabulary in their mind and will be introduced to new
words given by the teacher and classmates that they apply to classroom activities. For
many English learners, every time they think about vocabulary, students will
normally think to learn a bunch of new words without a lot of activities to practice it
in class as a dialogue with their peers or teachers. Number of learners can share the
same experience of looking up words in a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning or
definition when they find new words. They may even write new lines, words without
knowing what the meaning of the word in a context. Some of the researcher suggests
that “When teaching new vocabulary, we should begin by teaching the new item in
context, but at a later stage learners should be given the opportunity of dealing with
the words out of context” Research and publications have shown that this is not a
very effective way to study. DeCarrico (2001) states that the words should not be
studied separately or with memorizing without understanding.


In addition, other students may require teachers to give meaning and grammatical
function of the words that they do not know. Learners are waiting for the teacher to
control lessons to provide new forms of words they write in their books or complete
their exercise. This kind of verbal rote memorization is good to a certain extent
because it helps the students to learn and use the proper form of the words.
In other words, the students only know how to use vocabulary in proper form, but
they do not know how to use it with various shades of meaning in reality. Some
experts of language teaching methodology also agree that playing games is a good
way to learn vocabulary. In order to enhance learners’ learning of vocabulary, they
need to be motivated to play a game or to complete a task, and with the enjoyment
achieved, learning the lexis occurs smoothly (Moon, 2000).
Based on book Learning with the approach, active, innovative, environment, creative,
effective and attractive (Uno & Mohamad 2011) there are some conclusions that in a
learning process, we need a variety of strategies that can attract students to deepen
what they have been learning. Learning through an innovative strategy will give a
new thing that has been rarely or never they do before that in the learning process.
From the review above, the researcher believes that one of the suitable strategies in
learning vocabulary is through the game.
There are so many games that can be used to help students to be able to fix their
vocabulary, like, Scrabble, Flash card, Guessing games, Word Trees, Word maps,
Alphabet book, and Bingo game. All the games are quite effective in improving


students' ability to understand and memorize a variety of new vocabulary; with the
games many students will feel motivated, relaxed, interested and confidenced to
speak in front of the class. The words will be easier to memorize even the words that
were previously considered difficult and unattractive.
In 2007, Rashed (Rasheed, 2007) has a researched about the improvement of
vocabulary through guessing games. This action research was carried out during the
first and second semesters of his final years’ teaching practice in a boys’ primary
school in Al Ain in the U.A.E. He observed that the English language teachers in the
schools tend to rely heavily on drilling and questioning as strategies for teaching and
learning vocabulary. His finding in the action research project made him realizes that
language games help students learn vocabulary and help their learning in general.
Drilling is not the only way to achieve memorization of vocabulary.
In 2009 the other research used vocabulary as a subject and game as the media is
Joklova (Joklová, 2009) observed about teaching students using flash card or picture,
in her thesis she says pictures are one of these valuable aids. Pictures bring images of
reality into the unnatural world of the language classroom, Pictures bring not only
images of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class. So, she is really
sure this strategy can increase students’ ability in learning vocabulary, this
assumption is based on the perspective as the measurement for her research. After all
of the research process, she finds Pictures do have an impact on students’ motivation
and interest. They are excellent tools for the demonstration of the meaning, especially
regarding particular things.


Therefore, from all of the research, the researcher concluded that, games is one of the
best term to teach the students especially in vocabulary, it made them can understand
and memorized some words, because they are really happy to do that.

2.2.3 Teaching through bingo game
This game is very interesting and may stimulate the activity of the students in the
class. First students can make BINGO cards to divide a piece of paper into five rows
and five columns or four rows and four columns (depending on the command of the
teacher) with one free space box where students can determine the position of their
free space box. The students can create questions and answers in another paper that is
given to the caller (the person who read about). All vocabularies and definitions are
written on strips of paper and put in a container. Caller pulls the strip from the
container, then read the definition; check the word from the list. They will write the
correct answer according to the column of numbers or objects that definition read out
by the caller. The first student to get BINGO wins the game. A bingo card looks
much like an un-filled crossword puzzle with filled and blank squares. Each subgame is completed when a participant who has filled in all blank squares calls out
According to Whereas Ito & Berry (2001, p. viii), bingo games have four
classifications such as Traditional Bingo games; Task Bingo games; Talking Bingo
games; and Testing Bingo games. Traditional Bingo Game, Some of the games
involve more difficult variations on the standard instructions for Bingo. In Task


Bingo Game, the students are required to do something before they can make a
square. Then, in “Talking” Bingo Game, the students have to talk to people before
they can mark a square. In Testing Bingo Game, all of the students have the same
board. If they all get BINGO at the same time, the teacher knows they have acquired
the necessary skills/knowledge.
Finch (Finch, 2006) Agt from National University in his journal this game can be
classified as follows:

Picture Bingo (picture to word) : this type use a picture to describe,

what is the word that must answer by the participant. Ex: the teacher give the
picture then students guess what the picture is about.

Word Bingo (word to word) : this type use a word to describe, what is

the word that must answer by the participant. Ex: the teacher give the clue
“you need to mentions 3 provinces in Indonesia” then the students answer it.

Synonym Bingo (similar word – thesaurus) : this type use a synonym

to describe, what is the word that must answer by the participant . Ex: the
teacher gives the students a word then the students need to memorize the
synonym of the word.

Antonym Bingo (opposite word) : this type use an antonym to

describe, what is the word that must answer by the participant. Ex: the teacher
gives the students a word then the students need to memorize the antonym of
the word.


Translation Bingo (Indonesia-English, English-Indonesia) : this type

use a translation to describe, what is the word that must answer by the
participant. Ex: the teacher gives the word in Bahasa Indonesia, and then the
students need to answer it in English.

Matching Bingo (matching a sportsperson to a sport, a singer to a

song, etc.) : this type use a matching picture to describe, what is the word that
must answer by the participant. Ex: teacher gives a sportsperson then the
students need to match the picture with the sport.

20 Questions Bingo (asking questions about the words) this type uses

20 questions to describe, what the word that must answer by the participant is.
Ex: the teacher gives 20 questions then the students need to answer it yes or
no, not a long answer.

Riddle Bingo (definitions – dictionary) : this type uses a definitions to

describe, what is the word that must answer by the participant. Ex: the teacher
give the definitions of a word then the students need to guest what the
definition is about.

Idiom Bingo (explanations): this type uses an idiom to describe, what

is the word that must answer by the participant. Ex: the teacher give the
explanation or the meaning of the idiom then the students need to give the
suitable idiom.
These various types and classifications can be employed in various situations and
transformations. Bingo can be used in one form or another for most purposes,


according to the language content and the characteristics of the learners (age,
proficiency, affective variables, etc.). In this way, it is hoped to show that the Bingo
concept can be adapted to meet the needs of any group of language learners.
In this case, the task bingo is an appropriate bingo to teach them. Because the
regulations on the Task Bingo we have to carry out or do something before marking
answers correctly, then the example is: before the boys and girls answer or mark the
appropriate answer in their paper, they will ring and the first voice indicates that they
have managed to find the right answers to the definition given by the caller. Then the
antonym and synonym Bingo are suitable for the senior high school students because
they have been learn in Bahasa Indonesia before and it will be useful for them if they
know how to use and what kind of the word in the antonym and the synonym. For
their level, it is quite enough if the teacher using a synonym and antonym in a
questions structure, it can make them have more vocabulary in their mind.
Learning vocabulary is not easy to memorize. In high school students, they are still
having a lot of trouble to memorize English vocabulary. Exciting games are effective
way to increase interest and enthusiasm. Bingo game are still rarely used in learning
vocabulary, with bingo games the students will create a sense of curiosity, how does
it work, what are the advantages, is it interesting or not. So that, students will study
carefully and they will feel a different atmosphere, yet still fun. Because of that
students will be lured to become more active in the classroom. The teacher can also
increase the students’ spirit and motivation by giving a reward for winner of the


2.2.4 Teaching through Synonym and Antonym

Synonyms are the words that share similar meaning, it is important to remember that
synonyms are not words that have the same meaning, but rather, words that
have similar meanings. This means that by learning synonyms, students learn to
differentiate between shades of meaning. Antonyms are the words with opposite
meaning, by learning antonyms, students learn the logical opposites of important
words, thus enhancing their overall command of language. Synonym and antonym
used as vocabulary practice, one possible explanation that they are used as in the class
practice is. Synonyms and antonyms are relatively easy for teacher to introduce and
for students to understand and they do not take too much time. According to Hedge
(2000) by introducing synonym and antonym, students are able to understand the
meaning relation among words and related new ones to old ones.
From that statement Task Bingo game with synonyms and antonyms is suitable to be
implemented for Senior high School students, because on their stage, they are already
familiar synonyms and antonyms even though in their language and using synonym
and antonym are easy for them to understand, but they still have difficulty in
matching and often still forget some words in the English language at the high school
level when they should have been able to master it, then bingo antonyms and
synonyms will help them to improve their abilities.


2.2.5 Advantage and disadvantages of Bingo games
Using Bingo games as a strategy have some advantages and they are (Finch, 2006):
1. Bingo game is a game that suitable for all ages.
2. More motivation for using while learning how to play.
3. Able to help the students remember some vocabularies which are difficult to
be memorized.
4. Improve the ability to cooperate with each other (if using groups).
5. Invites students to think quickly
6. Influences students to be more creative and active
And Bingo game has advantages too, and here they are:

Makes the class difficult to be controlled


Students will be asked to make games continuously more than the material.

2.2.6 Procedure of teaching vocabulary trough bingo games
The activity of studying vocabulary by using Bingo Game (Finch, 2006):
There are two steps of pre activities and here they are:
a) The teacher greets the students


b) The teacher tries to get students’ attention by asking some question about the
topic that is related to the material and in here teacher used some words of
the antonym and synonym
Whilst activities:
There are eight steps of whilst activities and here they are:
a) The teacher tells the student that they are going to learn about vocabulary
which is involve synonym and antonym the words that have they learnt
b) Then, teacher lists the words on the whiteboard,
c) The teacher asks students that they will play with these words, the games
call “ bingo games”,
d) The teacher asks the students to prepare the paper. The teacher asks for each
student’s player has a paper with random numbers on it with five equal rows
and columns by folding the paper in halves until there are 25 squares on the
paper. The students determine where their free space will be and write the
word “Free” in one of the spaces on the card, the FREE Square indicates that
the player doesn’t need to cover this square. On the other hand, the teacher
draws the same table in the whiteboard Teacher give the explanations, There
is one CALLER, who shouts out the names of the numbers and questions.
e) Teacher asks students to make 3 questions about antonym and synonym that
teacher have written before, but the words are divided by the teacher. All the
questions in use have different combinations of numbers.


f) The teacher asks all of the students to collect the questions into a container,
teacher shakes all of the questions and read it as a caller one by one and
randomly, but before students fill their answer they must give sounds
“yes..yes..yes” it is a mark they can answer the question very well, and
students can get the answer of the question must give sounds “” ,
but the game must still go on even some of groups can’t answer it
a) Therefore,

the teacher tells that the groups who can answer diagonal,

vertical and horizontal line first, they are the winner, and the teacher chooses
3 groups to get the rewards, but before getting rewards teacher must check
students answer, whether correct or not.
Post activities:
There are three steps of post activities. And here they are:
a) Teacher corrects all the students’ mistake, and evaluates it.
b) Teacher asks students to remember some of the word from the text that they
have learnt before because they will play individually next week
2.3 Hypothesis testing
The hypothesis was analysed by using repeated measures T-test through computing
with Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The hypotheses are formulated
as follow:
a. There is no improvement from the students’ vocabulary after being taught trough
Bingo Game


b. There is improvement from the students’ vocabulary after being taught trough
Bingo Game
Those are the explanations in this chapter, the next explanation will be continued in
the Chapter Three.



This chapter discusses about setting, population and sample, research design, data
collecting techniques, research procedures, tryout test, scoring system, and data
analysis as follows.

3.1 Setting
This research was conducted at SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung for months. The
researcher chose SMA YP Unila as the setting, because the students were classified
as having a quite poor student in vocabulary. Further research was conducted to get
the data after giving the treatment and some tests to the students at the school.

3.2 Population and Sample
The subjects of this research were the first grade students of SMA YP Unila in the
academic year of 2013/2014. In the first grade, there were two types of the class in
this school, ISOS (social students) had four classes and MIA (science students) had

seven classes. All of them consisted of 40 to 43 students. To obtain a fair sample, the
researcher used random sampling. Then, from the social and science class, the
researcher drew a lottery to choose one of the twelve classes. Then, ISOS 4 came out
as the choice. In this class there were 32 students, 12 boys and 20 girls. They had a
good interaction with the teacher, but their ability in English was low because they
were still lack some practices. By using this new strategy, the researcher hopes that
the students can find different atmosphere, and improve their ability especially in

3.3 Research Design
This study used one-group pretest and posttest as the research design which one
group of the participants was given the pretest before the treatment; and the posttest
after the treatment. The researcher chose this design because the result would be more
accurate as it could compare the situation before and after the treatment was given.
Then, there was a pretest that indicated how the participants did prior to the
administration of the treatment, and the posttest was used to measure student ability
after treatment. The pretest was administered first to measure students’ weakness in
the classroom. After implementing the treatments, the posttest was administered to
test students’ skills after given a new learning method. This research was conducted
to find out the improvement of students vocabulary and their perception after
treatment was given. In this case,the researcher used Bingo games as the learning


method to figure out students’ ability in terms of recalling and understandingthe
antonyms and synonyms of the materials that they had learnt in the classroom.
The research design:
T1 X T2
T1: pretest (test before using new strategy)
X: method (using Bingo Games)
T2: posttest (test after using new strategy) (Hatch and Farhady, 1982)

3.4 Data Collecting Techniques
There were two types of data collecting techniques that were used by the researcher,
they were test and questionaire. The explanation of data collecting technique is as
3.4.1 Test
There were two kinds of test in this research: pretest and posttest. Before giving
the treatments tostudents, the researcher wanted to know how far the students
had mastered the vocabulary. The pretest that was used by the researcher was
an objective test in the form of multiple choices. There were 30 items and each


item had four options of answer (A, B, C, D). Time allocation was 45 minutes.
The result of pretest was compared with the posttest.
The second was posttest which was administered to the student in the class after
the treatments to find out whether their ability to memorize some vocabularies
increased or not, similar to the pretest, in the posttest the researcher used
objective test with the same questions in multiple choices. The researcher made
the sentence of the story different from the pretest, and also gave random
questions. It made the student did not only memorize the order of the answers
for each question, but also understood, and could answer it with their own
experiences in studying vocabulary through Bingo Games. They should answer
30 questions and they had 45 minutes to answer them. The posttests had the
same difficulty and the scoring system as in the pretest.

3.4.2 Questionnaire
The questionnaire wasadministered to measure the ability of students owned
either before or after the treatment was done. Through the questionnaire, the
students could say what was on their mind through writing. In this study, the
researcher used closed and opened questionnaire which the students had to
choosethe answers based on the choice that suitthem, and wrote down their
opinions about the method. The questions that they answered were related to
the learning process in the classroom, either by their teacher or by the
researcher. The results of the questionnairewere used to find out the problems


and the responses of the students after learning vocabulary through Bingo

3.5 Research Procedures
The research was conducted during normal class periods with the following

1. Determining the research problems in English teaching learning process which
were faced by students, one of the problems was the vocabulary mastery. The
researcher found the problem when teaching at SMA YP Unila, and continued to
observe at SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung.

2. Determining the population and sample. The population of this research was tenth
grade of SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung consisted of eleven classes. Those classes
were chosen randomly. The sample of this research was XISOS4.

3. Administering the tryout test to know the quality of the vocabulary test. The tryout
test consisted of multiple choices with four options A, B, C, and D. This test was
administered to measure the level of difficulty (LD) and discrimination power (DP)
as well as to find out reliability and validity of the test.

4. Preparing the materials which would be taught to the students. To improve the
material, the researcher took the material based on the English book of the tenth grade


students and searched in the internet too. It made the students became more attractive
to learn vocabulary.

5. Administering the pre-test and finding the result. In this research, there was one
pre-test that was proper to the tenth grade of SMA YP Unila Bandar Lampung. The
researcher administered the pretest in order to measure the students’ basic ability
before the treatment. In this way, the researcher askedthe students to do the multiple
choices test which consisted o