Results Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:J-a:Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology:Vol251.Issue1.Aug2000:

90 H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 translocation and exposure experiments were statistically analysed with ANOVA Sokal and Rohlf, 1995 by the Systat programme Wilkinson, 1988.

3. Results

In the preliminary experiment, the measured parameters of the translocated animals, i.e., weight index Fig. 2, copper concentrations Fig. 3, glycogen content Fig. 4, free amino acid composition Fig. 5, and the stress indicator taurine glycine ratio Fig. 5, 3 Fig. 2. The weight-index mg of dry tissue weight DW cm ; average and standard error, N 5 10 of translocated clams in the preliminary experiments at the beginning of the translocation 17 April, 1991 from Dortsman 5 Do, and 1 month after 15 May, in comparison to the endemic local specimens sampled at 15 MaySo 5 Somme, Se 5 Seine, BdV5 Baie des Veys, Lo 5 Loire. H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 91 Fig. 3. The copper concentration mg g DW; average and standard error, N 5 10 of translocated clams in the preliminary experiments at the beginning of, and 1 month after, translocation in comparison to the endemic local specimens dates and abbreviations as in Fig. 2. strongly resembled the values found in the specimens from the local populations within 1 month mid April to mid May. The animals translocated in May 1996 to Arcachon and Bidasoa were recovered in August in original densities hardly empty shells found, and in November 1996 and February 1997 in low densities many empty shells. In May 1997 no animals were recovered. It is not known whether the animals emigrated from the translocation plot, died or were eaten. At Grevelingen higher densities were found till the end of the experiment May 1997. The weight-index weight per volume and glycogen content of clams changed significantly with season and between stations ANOVA, P , 0.01. From August 1996 92 H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 Fig. 4. The glycogen concentration [ DW; average and standard error, N 5 2 two groups of ten animals] of translocated clams in the preliminary experiments at the beginning of, and 1 month after, translocation in comparison to the endemic local specimens dates and abbreviations as in Fig. 2. to February 1997 the weight-index and glycogen decreased at the translocation stations and at the station of origin Fig. 6. The index was always the lowest, and the decrease of the index strongest, at the Southern stations Arcachon and Bidasoa. In Grevelingen the weight-index started to increase again from February 1997; in Paulina from May 1997 no data available on Arcachon and Bidasoa. There was no significant difference in weight between specimens kept for 1 month in the laboratory at the higher temperature M-hi or at the lower temperature M-loANOVA, P 5 0.10. The respiration rate of the clams was higher at the higher test-temperature Fig. 7; ANOVA on all data combined: P , 0.01. Yet, the animals that were kept only 1 month in the laboratory at the testing temperature M-lo and M-hi showed in the summer to be able to acclimatize their respiration. Therefore, it can make rather a difference if animals from territories with a different temperature regime, as such from the Netherlands and South France, are compared to each other at one fixed temperature. A Southern population will be acclimatized to a higher ambient field temperature and thus will experience a fixed test temperature as being relatively lower than clams from a Northern H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 93 Fig. 5. The free amino acid concentration DW, and taurine glycine ratio used as a stress indicator [averages and standard error, N 5 3 three groups of ten animals] of translocated clams in the preliminary experiments at the beginning of, and 1 month after, translocation in comparison to the endemic local specimens dates and abbreviations as in Fig. 2. 94 H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 3 Fig. 6. Weight-index dry tissue weight per volume 5 mg DW cm ; average and standard error, N 5 20 and glycogen content DW; average and standard error, N 5 2, two groups of ten animals, for M-lo and M-hi N 5 1 group of ten animals of clams kept in the translocation experiment Pau 5 Paulina, Arc 5 Arcachon, Bid 5 Bidasoa, Gre 5 Grevelingen, M-lo 5 Mesocosm-laboratory low-temperature 108C, winter 38C, M-hi 5 Mesocosm-laboratory high temperature 208C, winter 108C; the clams from the mesocosm-laboratory were kept for 1 month before measuring the respiration already at the testing temperature, and thus could acclimatize, yet with a low level of food. station. Because of such, the results were also re-arranged according to the difference between ambient and testing temperatures Fig. 8. The respiration of the clams from Paulina was remarkably stable around 0.6 ml O h g DW during all seasons when 2 H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 95 Fig. 7. Respiration rate ml O g DW h of clams kept in the translocation experiment in the field or in the 2 laboratory experiment abbreviations as in Fig. 6. tested at ambient temperatures, with slightly lower respiration 0.4 ml O h g DW at 2 lower temperatures, and higher respiration 0.8 ml O h g DW at higher temperatures 2 Fig. 8. The respiration of specimens translocated to Arcachon, Bidasoa, and Grevelingen differed significantly from those at Paulina Table 1. Yet, the difference, as well as the 96 H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 Fig. 8. Respiration rate of clams. Same data as in Fig. 7, but now arranged into groups with regard to difference between test temperature and ambient field temperature T normal 5 test temperature was , 38C lower or higher than ambient temperature, T low 5 test temperature was . 38C lower than ambient temperature, T high 5 test temperature was . 38C higher than ambient temperature abbreviations as in Fig. 6. sign of the difference i.e., being more or less, changed with the season Table 1. During summer the respiration of the translocated clams was 25–50 higher than of those at Paulina Fig. 8; August. In contrast to this, during winter the respiration of H . Hummel et al. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 251 2000 85 –102 97 Table 1 Significance of the differences in respiration rate ml O h g DW between clams kept at Paulina and those 2 translocated to other stations 5 effect of station, between seasons at a station 5 effect of season, and the interaction of differences [indicating changes in the sign of differences between stations throughout the seasons a 5 effect of stationseason Effect of Difference between Paulina and Bidasoa Arcachon Grevelingen Mesocosm Station – StationSeason – Season – – – a ANOVA: P , 0.05, P , 0.01, –, not significant. clams at Arcachon and Grevelingen decreased to a much lower level than the controls at Paulina Fig. 8; November, February. Whereas at Bidasoa the respiration at ambient temperatures remained as in Paulina stable, yet at a higher level. In the laboratory, the animals that were allowed to acclimatize during 1 month, the respiration in winter decreased as did that of the translocated specimens at Arcachon and Grevelingen Fig. 8. In the test with different sediment and water types, the weight index and glycogen content of the clams did not differ between treatments Fig. 9; ANOVA, P . 0.05. The respiration was higher at the higher test temperatures ANOVA, P , 0.01. A significant difference in the respiration rate occurred also in case water from the different stations was used Fig. 9; ANOVA, P , 0.05, with a consistently higher respiration in the clams exposed to water from Bidasoa.

4. Discussion