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Chapter 10. Kerberos Futures

Kerberos is constantly evolving to integrate new technologies and thwart new threats. As a result, the Kerberos working group has developed several extensions to the base Kerberos 5 protocol to provide the necessary capabilities to continue using Kerberos in the future. These protocol extensions are currently available as Internet Drafts from the IETF. The principal draft is the Kerberos Clarifications, which will replace the current RFC 1510 as the authoritative document for Kerberos protocol implementers. While the Kerberos Clarifications is true to its name and, for the most part, simply provides a more concise and clear description of the current protocol, it also contains new recommendations and small protocol changes that result from years of practical implementation experience and security reviews. Other related draft documents describe more dramatic protocol extensions that are optional. The current home page of the Kerberos Clarifications is the Kerberos page at the USC Center for Computer Systems Security, located at . Additionally, current Internet Drafts can be downloaded from the IETF home page at . The index to the current Internet Drafts issued by the Kerberos working group is located at . Readers interested in a more technical discussion of these proposals are encouraged to read the Internet Drafts published at the IETF and USC Kerberos sites. [ Team LiB ] [ Team LiB ]

10.1 Public Key Extensions

Kerberos was designed when public key encryption was still in its infancy. Public key algorithms were not widely in use at the time, the technology was heavily patented by RSA Security, Inc., and the computing power commonly available at the time was not sufficient to sustain a large public key infrastructure. Today, these factors have changed: the patents on the popular RSA public key algorithm have expired, opening the door to royalty-free implementations of RSA, and Moores law of exponential growth in computing speed has provided more than enough computing power to handle the large calculations involved in public key cryptography. The development and wide deployment of the Secure Sockets Layer SSL and its successor, Transport Layer Security TLS, which use public key cryptography primarily for securing communication with web sites, have proven that public key cryptography is useful and can be trusted for secure systems. The question is, then, what benefits can the introduction of public key cryptography bring to Kerberos? To answer this question, we need a clear understanding of what makes public key cryptography different from traditional, private key cryptography.

10.1.1 Public Key Cryptography

Traditional cryptographic systems require the sender and recipient to share a common secret key to communicate securely. The sender uses the secret key to encrypt messages to the recipient, and the recipient uses the same secret key to decrypt the incoming message. This is known as symmetric, or private key cryptography, and is the type of cryptography used by the Kerberos protocol. The problem, of course, is how the two parties agree on and communicate the secret key. This problem is generally known as key management, and is a crucial factor in the practical operation of any encryption scheme. Key management affects all encryption algorithms, regardless of their strength, and a compromised key in a relatively weak cryptosystem has exactly the same consequences as a compromised key in a relatively strong cryptosystem—namely, that all communications using that key are now easily decrypted by an attacker. Implementers of private key cryptosystems typically address the key distribution issue by using some form of personal contact between sender and recipient prior to the first message exchange to establish a secret key; for example, users requesting access to a Kerberos-protected network may have to apply for an account and receive an initial password from a system administrator in person. This process becomes unwieldy in a large environment; however, a different type of cryptographic algorithm provides another approach to the problem of key management. Public key, or asymmetric key cryptography splits the encryption key into two parts. Each user in a public key system generates a key pair, consisting of a private key and public key. These two keys are mathematically linked so that messages are encrypted with one key and decrypted with the other. Furthermore, deriving one half of the key given the other half is mathematically very difficult, and the difficulty of performing this operation determines the relative strength of public key encryption algorithms. The two parts of the encryption key are termed the private key and the public key. The private key is kept secret, and the public key is widely distributed to everyone that you wish to communicate with. When someone wants to send you an encrypted message, he encrypts the message with your public key. Once encrypted, the only person who can decrypt the message is the person who holds the other half of the key—the private key—which is securely stored on your computer. This demonstrates the