Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2113121032



I have familiarized with the university’s policy on academic integrity. Except where
appropriately acknowledged, this Thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words,
and has not previously been submitted for assessment. I understand that this paper may be
screened electronically or otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, April2016
The Researcher,

Indri Widyastuti
Reg. No. 2113121032

Widyastuti, Indri. 2113121032. The Effect of Picture Word Inductive
Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis.
Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan.

The aim of this study is to discover the effect of Picture Word Inductive Strategy
in writing descriptive text. Experimental research design is used as the research
method. This research took place at SMP Swasta PAB 7 Tandem Hilir. There
were 2 classes chosen as the population with 20 students in each class as samples.

The classes were divided to be experimental and control group. The experimental
was taught by using Picture Word Inductive Strategy and the control group was
taught by using Roundtable Strategy. The instrument in collecting the data was
writing test, which was provided from pre – test and post – test. The result of the
research was analyzed by using T – test formula. The result shows that the T –
test was higher than T – table (2.838>1.684) at the level significant 0.05 with
degree of freedom (df) 38. It proves that hypothesis is accepted that students who
are taught by using Picture Word Inductive Strategy are higher than the students
who are taught by Roundtable Strategy.

Keywords: Picture Word Inductive Strategy, Students’ Achievement, Writing
Descriptive Text.



First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given the
blessing and opportunity so that the writer can finish the academic year and
complete this Thesis. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the

degre of Sarjana Pendidikan of English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
During the process of writing and conducting the research, many people
have contributed their thought and assistance. This Thesis could have not been
accomplished without the suggestion and comment from them, for which the
writer would like to express her sincere appreciation which directed to:
1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
4. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M. S.,
her thesis supervisors for great care, guidance, and advices during the process
of accomplishing this Thesis.
5. Rafika Dewi Nasution, S. Pd., M. Hum., her Academic Consultant and her
6. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M. Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.
Hum., her Reviewers.
7. Abdul Rahman, S. Ag., the Headmaster of SMP Swasta PAB 7 Tandem Hilir
and Indah, S. Pd., the English Teacher.

8. Truly deeply sincerely thank to her parents, Sukamso and Sukarmi, for their
love, prayer, sacrifice, support, guidance, and advices during the finishing of
her study. Hopefully this could make them proud.
9. Her beloved sister, Indah Dwi Cahyani, and her beloved brother, Fraja
Prasetya, and her sister in law, Etty Dwi Westari, for their love, help,
motivation, pray, and support.
10. Her special one, Rendy Irawan, for the companionship and help during the
writer’s study.
11. The years of the study will not be the same without the existence of her
friends: Nina Tiya Hara, Fitri Mardiana Siregar, Dini Khairani Sazolly, as
her closest friends and all class members of Rexyans (Regular C 2011),
Nancy, Putra, Ade, Connie, Diah, Nashroh, Laura, Widya, and for the
others whose names cannot be mentioned.


12. Her beloved friends at SMA Negeri 1 Stabat, Bella Octaviana and Laila
Ramadhani, for their kind friendship and motivation.
13. Her best friend, Ganda Hartoyo, Ayu Syahputri, Rizky Utami, Yolanda,
Septian, Robby Muhammad, Syaiful Bahri, and the others friends from

SMP Negeri 3 Stabat and SDN 106151, for their existence and craziness
during her life.
Finally, the writer hopes this Thesis will be useful for those who read it,
especially for the students of English Department.


April 2016

Indri Widyastuti


ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. ii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ iv
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................... v

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1
B. The Problem of the Study .............................................................................. 4
C. The Objective of the Study ............................................................................ 5
D. The Scope of the Study ................................................................................. 5
E. The Significance of the Study ....................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 6
A. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................. 6
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text ................................ 6
2. Writing.................................................................................................... 8
3. Writing Process ....................................................................................... 10
4. Genres of Writing.................................................................................... 12
5. Descriptive Text ...................................................................................... 13
a. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ................................................ 13
b. Language Features of Descriptive Text .............................................. 14
6. Assesment of Writing Descriptive Text ................................................... 14
7. Media ..................................................................................................... 15
8. Kinds of Media ....................................................................................... 15
9. Picture ..................................................................................................... 17
a. Picture Word Inductive Model ........................................................... 18

b. Moves of Picture Word Inductive Model ........................................... 21
c. The Advantages of Picture Word Inductive Model............................. 21
10. Roundtable Strategy ................................................................................ 22


B. Relevant Studies ........................................................................................... 23
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................. 24
D. Hypothesis .................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................... 27
A. Research Design ........................................................................................... 27
B. Population and Sample .................................................................................. 27
C. Instrument for Collecting Data ...................................................................... 28
D. Scoring of the Test ........................................................................................ 29
E. The Procedure of the Research ...................................................................... 30
1. Pre – Test ............................................................................................... 30
2. Treatment ................................................................................................ 30
3. Post – Test .............................................................................................. 35
F. Validity and Reliability of the Test ................................................................ 36
1. The Validity ............................................................................................ 36

2. The Reliability ........................................................................................ 36
G. The Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................................. 37
H. The Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................................. 37
CHAPTER IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............................... 38
A. Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 38
1. Analyzing the Data Using T – Test .......................................................... 39
2. Testing the Reliability of the Test ............................................................ 39
3. Testing Hypothesis .................................................................................. 40
B. The Discussion.............................................................................................. 40
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 43
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 43
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 43

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 45
APPENDICES................................................................................................... 47



Table 1.1 The Mean of English Score of VIII Class ......................................... 2
Table 1.2 Experimental Research Design ......................................................... 27
Table 3.2 Scoring of the Test ........................................................................... 30


Appendix A. Pre – Test Sheet ......................................................................... 47
Appendix B. Post – Test Sheet ......................................................................... 48
Appendix C. The Score of Pre-Test and Post—Test Experimental Group ......... 49
Appendix D. The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test Control Group .................... 50
Appendix E. The Calculation of the Test ......................................................... 51
Appendix F. The Calculation of the Reliability of the Test ............................... 55
Appendix G. Percentage points of the T Distribution ....................................... 57
Appendix H. Lesson Plan of Experimental Group ............................................ 58
Appendix I.

Lesson Plan of Control Group..................................................... 73

Appendix J.

Pre-Test and Post Test Sheet in Experimental ............................. 89

Appendix K. Pre-Test and Post Test Sheet in Control ...................................... 97


A. The Background of the Study
Education in Indonesia has more enhancements because it puts English as
one of the subjects in schools. It means that English becomes one of the important
subjects which are taught in the school. But, it doesn’t mean that every teacher
and student in school should speak English as English is only a foreign language
in Indonesia.
The purpose of learning English is to master four integrated skills of
language, namely: speaking, listening, reading and writing. All of those skills
must be taught and applied in teaching-learning process. Writing is one of basic
language skill that is important to be taught to students as learning writing helps

them to put out ideas in their mind. This activity will produce products like essays
and papers.
In the Curriculum of Educational Stratified Level (Kurikulum Satuan
Tingkat Pendidikan) and written in the syllabus of second year students of Junior
High School, students are expected to master the ability in writing some genres
especially descriptive.
Descriptive text becomes an important kind of text that should be mastered
by students in the process of learning. Siahaan and Shinoda (2008) state that
descriptive is a written English text in which the researcher describes an object. In
this text, the object can be a concrete or abstract object. Commonly a descriptive
text will describe a particular thing, place, or person. A descriptive text is


structured with general identification and followed by detail description (Nasution
et al., 2007:73).
Based on the researcher’s experience in Teaching Practice Program and
based on an observation conducted in junior high school named SMP Swasta PAB
7 grade VIII, it was found that students’ ability in writing was not good enough.
The researcher did observe the students in class VIII.2 by giving questionnaire.
From that questionnaire, the researcher found if the students did not like studying
English. That’s why their score in the first year was not too far from KKM which
is only 70. The mean of English score of the students could be seen in table 1.1 as
TABLE 1.1 The Mean of English Score of VIII Class




Mean of English Score

Then, the researcher also found some problems related to the students’
interest in learning English. Most of the students were not interested in learning
English. It can happen as they didn’t understand about English at all. More than
70% of the students were agree if they don’t like English and the rest of the
students like to study English. The main reason of this case was that the students
were lack of vocabulary. They didn’t know the words and their meaning. This
situation made them to be lazy as they know nothing about English. Besides that,


they also had no curiosity to look for the meaning in dictionary. Most of the
students didn’t bring their dictionary when they were learning English.
The other reason was the using of old method. Most of the teacher still use
the old method in teaching. The students did bored as the teacher didn’t use
interesting media in teaching English. In this situation, the teacher should be
creative in creating new methods or interesting media so that the students would
enjoy in following the learning process.
In teaching and learning process, the use of media could improve the
ability of students especially in writing descriptive text. Pictures is one of the
easiest media can be used to teach students of junior high school.
Based on the problem in writing a descriptive text above, the researcher
wanted to use Picture Word Inductive Strategy in solving the problems. By
applying this strategy, the students would get improvement in their writing as
Picture Word Inductive Strategy help them in remembering words and writing a
descriptive text. Another advantage of using this strategy was that the students are
able in remembering the words and their meaning as Picture Word Inductive
Strategy was focused on words.
The Picture Word Inductive Strategy is an inquiry-oriented arts strategy
that uses pictures containing familiar objects and action to elicit words from
children’s listening and speaking vocabularies (Calhoun, 1999:21). The Picture
Word Inductive Strategy is designed to teach writing. A major principle of the
strategy is that students have the ability to make generalizations that can help
them to master in writing descriptive text.


As stated before, the problem of the students in writing descriptive text
was actually based on the ability of the students which are lack of vocabularies.
The Picture Word Inductive Strategy helps the students to learn word by word by
using pictures. By seeing pictures, the students become interested in learning
English. Then, the students would analyze the content of the pictures and try to
look for the word in English. That’s why it was very recommended to use Picture
Word Inductive Strategy in teaching writing of descriptive text.
Review the fact, the researcher was interested in conducting a research in
order to know that Picture Word Inductive Strategy could be significantly give the
improvement on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text on VIII grade
In another side, the researcher realized that there were so many researches
which use Picture Word Inductive Strategy as a strategy in improving the ability
of the students. But, some of the researchers applied the Picture Word Inductive
Strategy in Senior High School or Vocational School. So, in this research, the
researcher tried to apply Picture Word Inductive Strategy to the students in the
second year of Junior High School.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the study was
formulated as follows: “Is the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text
taught by using Picture Word Inductive Strategy significantly higher than that
taught by using Roundtable Strategy?”


C. The Objective of the Study
As stated in the title and the formulated problem of the study, this research
was conducted to investigate whether the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text taught by Picture Word Inductive Strategy was higher than that
taught by using Roundtable technique.

D. The Scope of the Study
In order to see the effect of Picture Word Inductive Strategy in teaching
descriptive writing, the limitation of applying Picture Word Inductive Strategy
was only focused on the application in writing descriptive text.


The Significance of the Study
The finding of this study expected to have both theoretical and practical

importance in writing as a process and product especially the framework of
1. Theoretically, the findings of this study were expected to be useful to
increase knowledge on the theories of teaching language.
2. Practically, the findings of the study were useful and relevant to
a. English teacher, to add and improve their way in teaching writing
descriptive text by using picture word inductive strategy.
b. The students could improve their ability in writing descriptive text.
c. The readers, who were interested in conducting further study related to
the improvement of the students in writing descriptive text.

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis, it was conclude that using Picture
Word Inductive Strategy significantly affect the students’ ability in writing
descriptive text (t-calculated > t-table, p = 0.05). The using of Picture Word
Inductive Strategy made the students write descriptive text grammatically and
coherently than by using Roundtable Strategy. The calculation of t – test is 2.838
> 1.684 with df 38 and the level of significance α = 0.05.
From the result of the data, it can be seen that the highest score of
experimental group was 81 and the lowest score was 58 in post-test. Meanwhile,
the highest score of control group was 70 and the lowest score was 49 in post-test.
The students’ score in experimental group was higher than the students’ score in
control group. It means that the alternative hypothesis is acceptable.
Therefore, it is concluded that the using of Picture Word Inductive
Strategy significantly raise the students achievement in writing a descriptive text
compared to the using of Roundtable Strategy.

B. Suggestion
Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are pointed to English
teacher, students, as well as other researchers who are interested in this technique.
The suggestions are:



a. It is advisable that the teachers of English to apply Picture Word Inductive
Strategy in teaching writing of descriptive text as the strategy in teaching
learning process.
b. It is suggested for the students to use Picture Word Inductive Strategy because
this strategy can overcome their problems in descriptive writing, such as
lacking of vocabularies.
It is necessary to another researcher to conduct a further research, in order to
validate the result of this study.

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