Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts,
State University of Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2103121011



Except where appropriately acknowledge, this thesis is my own work, has
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Desember 2014

Detha Sari Anjani Sinulingga
NIM. 2103121011

Sinulingga, Detha Sari A. 2103121011. The Effect of Picture Word Inductive
Model (PWIM) on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text at SMP
N 4 Binjai. A Thesis. Medan: English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan. 2014.
This study aims to discover the effect of Picture Word Inductive Model on
students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It was conducted by using

experimental research design. The population of this research was the eight (VIII)
grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Binjai with seven parallel classes. The samples of
the research were two classes divided into two groups, experimental and control
group which were chosen by using random sampling technique. Sixty six students
were taken as the samples. The experimental group was taught by using Picture
Word Inductive Model, while the control group was taught by using Lecturing
Model. The instrument for collecting the data was a writing test. Then, after
analyzing the data, it was found that the value of tobserved was 3.79 with the degree
of freedom (df) = 64 at the level of significance (α 0.05) = 2.00. It means that
tobserved is higher than ttable (3.79 > 2.00). The result of this study shows that Picture
Word Inductive Model gives a significant effect on students’ achievement in
writing descriptive text. Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted
Keywords: Picture Word Inductive Model, Writing Descriptive Text.


First and foremost, the writer would like to express gratitude to the
Almighty God, Jesus Christ the most gracious and merciful, all praise for His
mercy, guidance and loving care which have been given to her so this thesis

entitled “The Effect of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on Students’
achievement in Writing Descriptive Text at SMP Negeri 4 Binjai” could be
This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Language and Arts
Faculty, Medan State University of partial fulfillment of the requirements for
taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. She believes that thesis is far from being
perfect. In completing this study there were many people have given their help
directly and indirectly.
On this special opportunity, the writer likes to thank people who have
helped in finishing this thesis. The writer’s sincere appreciation is extended to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of States University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty,

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.
Meisuri, M.A, the Secretary of English Department. Dra. Masitowarni
Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., the Thesis Supervisor for her patience in
providing careful guidance, corrections, good advice and encouragement
during the consultation until it appears as it should be.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd., the Academic Advisor as well as
reviewer for her guidance.

Rafika Dewi Nasution, M.Hum., the Reviewer for good advice and
suggestion for the thesis and also All Lectures in English Department for

valuable knowledge, guidance during the years of her study.

Suriadi R., S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMPN 4 Binjai for his permit to do
the research. And the entire teachers, especially Ika Novita, S.Pd., the


English teacher, for her help as the collaborator , her guidance. For all the
VIII-5 and VIII-6 students in SMP N 4 Binjai for their attention and
appreciation during the research and also the school administration staff,
thanks for the cooperation.

Pt. Pelda. Sedia Sinulingga and Curmin br Tarigan, S.Pd., her beloved
parents for always give pray, motivation, endless love and guidance.

Dameria Sanjani Sinulingga, Andi Sanjaya Sinulingga and Dhea
Oriza Sativa Sinulingga, her beloved brother and sisters for their pray
and support to finish this thesis.

(D’Clique) Desy fortin, Rawiyah, Fitri Agnes and Poppy, her best
friend for their support, laughs and friendship along we met. Best friends
as the motivator Dewi, Nando for motivating, and support, also Regular
B 2010 Students, her classmate for their support and sharing information.

At last, the writer would like to express her gratitude to all people who
have supported and helped her in completing her thesis because she can not
mention their names one by one. She also realized that this thesis would not be
finished without their participation.

Medan, Desember 2014
The Writer,

Detha Sari Anjani Sinulingga

NIM. 2103121011



ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................. viii


A. The Background of The Study .................................................. 1
B. The Problem of The Study ........................................................ 4
C. The Objective of The Study ...................................................... 4
D. The Scope of The Study ........................................................... 4

E. The Significant of The Study .................................................... 5



A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................ 6
1. General Concepts of Writing ................................................ 6
a. Definition of Writing ...................................................... 6
b. Types of Writing ............................................................. 7
c. Writing Convention ........................................................ 8
d. Writing Process ............................................................... 9
e. The qualities of Good Writing ..................................... 12
f. The Importance of Writing ............................................. 13
2. Genre ................................................................................. 14
a. Definition of Genre ....................................................... 14
b. Kinds of Genre .............................................................. 14
3. Descriptive Text ................................................................ 15

a. Definition of Descriptive Text ...................................... 15
b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text .......................... 16
c. Language Feature of Descriptive Text .......................... 17
d. Example of Descriptive Text ........................................ 17
4. Picture Word Inductive Model ........................................... 18
a. Definition of PWIM ...................................................... 18
b. The Procedure of Applying PWIM .............................. 19
c. The Benefits of PWIM .................................................. 22
B. Conceptual Framework ........................................................... 23
C. Hypothesis .............................................................................. 25
A. Research Design .................................................................... 26
B. Population and Sample ........................................................... 26
C. Instrument for Collecting Data ............................................... 27
D. The Procedure of Research ..................................................... 27
1. Pre-Test ............................................................................. 27
2. Treatment .......................................................................... 28
3. Post- Test .......................................................................... 35
E. Scoring ..................................................................................... 35
F. Technique for Analyzing Data ................................................ 37

A. The Data .................................................................................. 39
B. The Data Analysis ................................................................... 43
C. Testing Hypothesis ................................................................. 45
D. Research Finding .................................................................... 45


A. Conclusion .............................................................................. 47
B. Suggestion ............................................................................... 47

REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 49


Table 2.1 The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text. ................................... 16
Table 3.1 The Design of An Experimental Research ..................................... 26
Table 3.2 Treatment for Experimental Group .............................................. 28

Table 3.3 Teaching Procedure in Control Group ......................................... 32
Table 3.4 Rubric Assessment of Writing ....................................................... 35
Table 4.1 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Group ...... 40
Table 4.2 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group ................ 41


Figure 2.1 Example of Applying Semantic Mapping Technique ................. 21


Appendix A The Writing Test ....................................................................... 51
Appendix B Lesson Plan of Experimental Group and Control Group ...... 52
Appendix C The Calculation of T-Test ........................................................ 81
Appendix D Percentage Points of The T- Distribution ............................... 85
Appendix E Writing Test Sheet .................................................................... 86
Appendix F The Students’ Task With Applying PWIM ............................ 90


A. The Background of The Study
English as an international language makes Indonesian government
determine that English has to be included in curriculum as a compulsory subject
which should be learnt in every levels of school. In Indonesia, English becomes a
foreign language that make it should be learnt more. Therefore English must be
introduced from the kindergarten level and continuously learnt up to university
Language learning is a skill requires student have to be able to use it for
communicating in their daily life. There are four language skill in English namely,
listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is divided into two, receptive skill for
listening and reading and productive skill for writing and speaking. Writing as a
productive skill becomes the important skills that should be mastered by students.
Through writing, students can express thoughts, communicate ideas and their
views to others. Winch, et al. (2006) as cited by Komang, Dantes and
Ratmaningsih (2013:1) state that writing is a great collector of ideas, a clarifier of
thinking, and a major aspect of learning itself.
Considering that writing is important, teacher has to explore their
experience in teaching writing. They are obligated to use the new curriculum 2013
in teaching learning process as the educational orientation from most of schools in
Indonesia. This curriculum has been included the good steps in learning activity



through the scientific approach and it is better to collaborate the picture word
inductive model in this study to be more effectively work.
In syllabus of Junior High School (SMP) for grade eight (VIII), the goal of
teaching writing is to enable the students to write simple descriptive text by using
accurate vocabulary, appropriate grammar and impresses on the discourse level.
So, writing descriptive text is taught by teacher in order students to know how to
describe themselves or their surrounding in a simple way. Descriptive text is a
type of text that functions to describe particular person, place, or thing. Students
are expected can write a descriptive text, in order to convey their ideas in their
mind into written form as same as an object which is discussed. Moreover,
students can describe the object with correct adjective, and the written product
should be followed with correct punctuation and the generic structure of the
descriptive text.
However, teaching descriptive writing is not easy, although writing has
been taught from the elementary school level, but there are still many students
cannot write well. As the evidence, the interviewed has been done with the
English teacher of SMP N 4 Binjai to know teacher’s perception about the
students’ writing problems. The teacher admitted that many students fail in
achieving writing skill proved from the value of Criteria Standard Minimum is 70.
Mostly students’ writing score are lowest than it, means that they are poor in
writing. The other students’ writing problem especially in writing descriptive,
Students confused what and how to start. It is difficult for them to find ideas if
they are asked to write just by giving a direction without relevant object that used


as visual ideas stimulation, then they felt difficult organize the ideas well in
English. Writing becomes difficult skill for students because they had limited
vocabularies and they also have difficulty in using the convention of English
Based on the problems above, the writer’s expectation can overcome by
applying a teaching model which is appropriate with writing descriptive text, easy,
interesting, effective and helpful for the students. The model is Picture Word
Inductive model (PWIM). According to Calhoun (1999:21) Picture Word
Inductive Model is an inquiry oriented language arts strategy that uses picture
selected by the teacher, identify what students see in the picture for the teacher to
label; read and review the words generated; use the picture word chart to read
their own sets of words; classify words according to properties student can
identify; and develop titles, sentences and paragraphs about the picture. On the
other hand, Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is a model of study that uses
pictures and words to stimulate students’ thinking inductively, from the specific
thinking (looking at the picture and words) to general thinking (making the
pictures and the words that available become a sentence then a paragraph).
By applying Picture Word Inductive Model, students can enrich their
vocabulary while they identify the picture which facilitates them to write the
descriptive text. While identify the pictures, students’ visual stimulation help them
to produce some vocabulary then stimulate students’ thinking of producing ideas.
In conducting this model, teacher’s role is important to help students while
teaching learning works in order to make the class more active and interesting.


In addition, Swartzendruber (2007:36) had an experiment to enhance the
vocabulary acquisition of the students with Picture Word Inductive Model. Even
though her research was about vocabulary, but it was also important part in
writing and this research also used the same model like the writer will be applied.
The result of the research was successfully increased the vocabulary acquisition of
student during the PWIM intervention.

B. The Problem of The Study
Based on the background of the study mentioned above the problem of this
study is formulated in the following question “Is there any significant effect of
applying the Picture Word Inductive Model on the students’ achievement in
writing descriptive text at SMP Negeri 4 Binjai?”.

C. The Objective of The Study
The objective of the study is to find out whether there are some effects of
applying the Picture Word Inductive Model on the students’ achievement in
writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of The Study
Many models of study can be applied in teaching learning process which is
taught for writing in order to improve the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text. The model of study is related to the whole activities done in the
teaching learning process. In limitation on applying Picture Word Inductive


Model, the scope of the study is focused on the application of Picture Word
Inductive Model (PWIM) in writing descriptive text to the Eight Grade of Junior
High School students.

E. The Significance of The Study
The study about the effect of Picture Word Inductive Model on students’
writing achievement in descriptive text hopefully will give contribution to English
teaching and learning, they are:
1. Theoretically
The result of the study will enrich the technique of English teaching
and learning and also to contribute the development of knowledge in English
teaching and learning.
2. Practically
The significances of the research are hopefully useful for:
a. The Students. They can improve their writing ability in descriptive text
through picture word inductive model.
b. The Teachers. This study expect to give contribution to the English
teacher in the use of the PWIM on writing descriptive text in order to
overcome the problems of students’ achievement in writing
c. The Readers. They can get more information in order to conduct
further research related to this study.
d. The writer. She will get new knowledge, experience in teaching
writing descriptive text by using Picture Word Inductive Model.

A. Conclusion
After data analysis was obtained, it was found that the Picture Word
Inductive Model shown significantly effect on students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text when applied in the eighth grade of SMPN 4 Binjai. Based on the
result of research, there was significant difference in students’ achievement in
writing descriptive who were thought using Picture Word Inductive Model and
who were thought by Lecturing Method. The mean of post-test of experimental
was higher than the mean of control group (77.63 > 59.21). As shown by
calculation of t-test presented the result of t-observed (3.79) was higher than the
value of t-table (2.00).Since, the tobserved was higher than the ttable (3.79 > 2.00)
with df 64 at the level of significance 0.05. It means that the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.

B. Suggestion.
Related to the conclusion above, some suggestions are pointed as
1. Picture Word Inductive Model can be used as one of models in the
teaching learning process. So, the teacher can use this model in teaching
writing, especially descriptive text.
2. By using the Picture Word Inductive Model, writing ideas can rise from
the picture as the visual stimulation which drives to find the vocabulary.



3. Student will be more able to explore their writing after they have idea and
some vocabulary then they can created it become a good sentences and the
descriptive text well done.
4. The researchers who intended to conduct the research more detail about
the effect of PWIM for teaching writing.


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