


By :

Fridayuni Simanjuntak Reg. Number : 4123332005

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to fulfill The Requirement for Getting The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan









ON LEARNING COLLOIDAL SYSTEM Fridayuni Simanjuntak (Reg. Number 4123332005)


The objective of this research was to be obtain the chemistry lab manual for students grade XI in even semester on learning colloidal system. This research was done in SMA N 1 Berastagi. This type of research, including development research. Meanwhile, the sample used in this study consisted of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School publisher Duta Nusantara, 2 chemistry lecturers in State University of Medan, 3 chemistry teachers and 32 students for grade XI in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi. Samples were taken by purposive sampling. The result of analysis chemistry lab manual in average 3.22 is quite valid, but need to be developed from various aspects. Teaching materials that have been developed validated by expert validator. Assessment is done based on a standard questionnaire BSNP (National Education Standards Agency). Based on research data obtained an average of 37 respondents that consists of 2 lecturers, 3 teachers and 32 students on the quality of teaching materials developed 3.67 belonging to the criteria of a valid and don’t need revision means of the development of teaching materials is very feasible for use in learning. Elaboration of the overall average respondent to the quality of teaching materials developed are the average results of the assessment of lecturers in the amount of 3.62, the average results of the assessment of teachers is 3.67 and an average students assessment that is equal to 3.74. The influence of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School has positive correlation in student’s that is taught using of chemistry lab manual based on the student’s outcomes the average of pretest is 30.8 and the average of posttest is 84. It’s shown an understanding of student’s during the teaching given colloidal system using of chemistry lab manual that have been developed is higher.

Keywords: Development Research (D & R), Chemistry Lab Manual, Colloidal System, BSNP (National Education Standards Agency)




Thanks to Almighty God, Jesus Christ who always blessed to complete this thesis and provide health, wisdom, strength, knowledge, and always give mercy so that this thesis research could be done on time.

The title of thesis is “Analysis and Development of Chemistry Lab Manual For Grade XI of Senior High School on Learning Colloidal System” that arranged to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), State University of Medan (Unimed). The writer would like to said my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.S., M.Sc., as the Dean of FMIPA Unimed, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as the Coordinator of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, Nora Susanti S.Si Apt., M.Sc., as the Secretary of Bilingual Program in FMIPA Unimed, Mr. Iqbal and Mr. Syamsudin as administrator of Bilingual Office for their advices and other necessary administrative business and also Agus Kembaren, S.Si., M.Si., as Head of Chemistry Department.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the thanks and great appreciate to Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si., as Thesis Supervisor for his valuable time spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation, and suggestion during completing this thesis and also thanks to Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si as Academic Supervisor for her support and advice when learning in colloge. The great thanks also go to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S., Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si., as Thesis Examiner Lecturer. In all daily activities of them, The writer was lucky because they always guide and give advices, brilliant suggestion, and constructive comments for this thesis completeness.

The writer also said thanks to Mr. Alberto Colia, M.Pd., as Headmaster in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi, Mr. Deni Tarigan, S.Pd as Vice Principal who helped and give the writer chances to do research in the school, also thanks to all teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi especially Korry Nainggolan with her husband Mr. Naipospos which has given place to stay during to do research , Asrida Br



Tarigan, Dra. Mariani Barus who helped the writer, giving suggestion in the making of chemistry lab manual become good and advice in the research. The author also says thanks to all students in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi, especially XI Science 3 that give time and attention during validity process up to doing research.

A deepest love, appreciation and thanks also goes to parents, Rinsan Simanjuntak and Nurmaida Sirait are the best parents in this world, also Juntak’s Family, Sirait’s Family, lovely sister Tuesryana Simanjuntak, handsome brothers Trifandi Simanjuntak and Andreas Fourtunando Simanjuntak, and also grandmother and grandfather and all big family for their motivation, advice, prayers and financial support to the author during my university lecture process. Thanks also given to handsome boy, beloved boy and future Hariyandi Pardede, that always gives loves in daily life become beautiful woman, always gives inspiration especially in travelling , motivation, pray and strong girl in this process.

Special thanks are given to all my “Getek’s”; Rolina (ros), Wita and Ivana thanks for love,smile, laugh,crazy, stupid, support, tag inspiration, tag happy and sad, gossip in the all places whatever until gets big smile, and all. Thanks girls always helping me in my thesis process. Big hug for you all. Don’t forget say thanks to 1 teams in thesis (one thesis supervisor) from the first until now always giving me suggestion, friends sharing, and motivation with the others for Pasa, Sherlyn, Marta, Meli, Rani great to have you and great to know you all. Greatest thanks to all my friends in CESP 2012 that always gives me the best moment in my education process for Arif ,Uti, Descey, Elvi, Ernita Evi, Fany, Hariaty (telkuu) big thanks for the laugh, support, love, crazy and all, Lady, Lestari (kepo), Lisna (nakkuu) you are my girl always take of feels ‘BaPer’ but i love you always gives suggestion, support, sad, anger, laugh, and all until making happy and crazy, Marianna, Meli, Nova (halohoo) you are fighting in class but you are beloved, Novel, Saadah, Rimbun, Rina, Uni, and bro Taufik thanks to all classmate, all sister in Bilingual Education Study Program 2013-2015 thanks for



support and pray. And also thanks to YBO (Ecumenical Scholarship Foundation) Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia (PGI) always gives support in funds for education. The writer also would like to say to everyone whose name can’t mentioned one by one for your support and helping in thesis process.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis would be useful for everyone who wants to explore more about the learning media, method, and model that suitable to learn colloidal system. The writer realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect therefore critique and suggestion are needed for further improvement of this thesis.

Medan, 2016


Fridayuni Simanjuntak ID. 4123332005





Ratification Sheet ... i

Biography ... ii

Abstract ... iii

Acknowledgement ... iv

List of content ... vii

List of figure ... x

List of table ... xi

List of appendix ... xii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background ... 1

1.2. Problem Identification ... 4

1.3. Problem Limitation ... 5

1.4. Problem Statement ... 5

1.5. Research Objective... 5

1.6. Research Benefit ... 6


2.1. Practical Guide ... 7

2.2. Development of Teaching Material ... 8

2.3. Component Assessment Instructional Materials According BSNP ... 10

2.4. Education of Science ... 11

2.4.1. Practical activity in the laboratory ... 12

2.4.2. Practicum of chemistry at Senior High School ... 13

2.4.3. Effectiveness of practicum in the learning chemistry ... 14

2.5. Conceptual Framework ... 16




3.1. Research Location and Research Time ... 18

3.2. The Population and Sample ... 18

3.3. Research Instrument ... 18

3.3.1. Validation questionnaire of chemistry lab manual... 21

3.3.2. Question Test ... 21

3.4. Research Design ... 22

3.5. Research Procedure ... 22

3.5.1. The Analysis and Development of chemistry lab manual ... 25

3.5.2. Validation of chemistry lab manual developed ... 25

3.5.3. Trials of chemistry lab manual developed ... 26

3.6. Data Collection Techniques ... 26

3.7. Data Analysis Techniques ... 26


4.1. The Analysis of Chemistry Lab Manual ... 28

4.2. The Analysis of Chemistry Lab Manual for Grade XI that have been developed ... 30

4.2.1. Aspect of Assessment on BSNP (National Education Standards Agency) ... 32

4.2.2. General Aspect ... 35

4.2.3. Content Aspect ... 36

4.2.4. Depth Aspect ... 37

4.2.5. Design Aspect ... 38

4.2.6. Language Aspect ... 39

4.3. Limited Trial Results of Chemistry Lab Manual that have been developed... 42


5.1. Conclusion ... 46

5.2. Suggestion ... 46




Table 3.1. The specification of test ... 20 Table 3.2. The criteria of validity analysis average chemistry lab manual... 21 Table 4.1. The raw data of chemistry lab manual ... 30 Table 4.2. The value of students understanding in the pretest and posttest on learning




Figure 3.1. The Chart of research procedure ... 24 Figure 4.1. The Result of Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual ... 29 Figure 4.2. The Result of Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual from Lecturer and

Teacher ... 32 Figure 4.3. The Result of Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual from Students ... 34 Figure 4.4. The Result of Feasibility Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual based on

The General Aspect ... 35 Figure 4.5. The The Result of Feasibility Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual

based on The Content Aspect ... 36 Figure 4.6. The Result of Feasibility Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual

based on The Depth Aspect ... 37 Figure 4.7. The Result of Feasibility Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual based

on The Design Aspect ... 38 Figure 4.8. The Result of Feasibility Analysis Chemistry Lab Manual




Appendix 1 : Chemistry Syllaby ... 51

Appendix 2 : Appendix 3 : Appendix 4 : Appendix 5 : Appendix 6 : Appendix 7 : Appendix 8 : Appendix 9 : Appendix 10 : Appendix 11 : Appendix 12 : Appendix 13 : Appendix 14 : Questionnaire Test of Chemistry Lab Manual for Lecturer and Teacher The Analysis of Chemistry Lab Manual The Analysis of Chemistry Lab Manual for Grade XI That have been developed Instrument Test The Result of Pretest and Posttest in Experiment Class Lattice of Instrument Test After Validation Elaboration of Chemistry Lab Manual Assessment Questionnaire Questionnaire Test of Chemistry Lab Manual for Students Result of Assessment The Chemistry Lab Manual From Lecturer and Teacher Result of Assessment The Chemistry Lab Manual From Students Chemistry Lab Manual Research Documentation Letter of Administration ... 58

... 63

... 66

... 73

... 80

... 82

... 92

... 101

... 102

... 103

... 104

... 105



We as educators is one of important sector in the building of our country, it can be as an investation for a human in long term. Beside that, education is also one of the effort to develop all potency have by all students through learning processing. That’s why the learning process should be able to make the students potency for future of the students, due to the knowledge can be implemented as long as the student’s life.

Chemistry is Natural Sciences (IPA) which is difficult to be understood by the students because of the chemistry of the majority of abstract, complex and each sequence with the material so much coverage, includes facts, concepts, rules, laws, principles, and questions. (Purba, 2007) explains that the chemistry as a science that is based on practice and experimentation. Students are not quite "feel" to understand but really really should be able to put it into practice in solving problems, solve problems, or scientific skills.

According to Soebagio (2001) there are two important things that must be considered in the study of chemistry, that chemistry as a product of the scientists in the form of knowledge, facts, concepts, principles, laws, theories and chemistry as the process gained through scientific work. Thus, not appropriate in studying the chemistry of the learning process is only done by lecturing in the classroom and the students just listen and criticize the teacher's explanation. Students will be easier to understand and study the chemistry when given the opportunity to actively learn while working in directly observing phenomena or events that occur in chemistry through practical activities that can help learners to understand an event (Permendikbud No. 59, 2014). The implementation of practical activities in chemistry teaching will be effective if supported by the lab user guide.

One each precise method applied in teaching chemistry is practical because it provided a greater opportunity for students to exercise the power of reason, rational thinking, applying attitudes and scientific methods in the search for truth or proof of a theory he had learned (Jahro, 2009). Practicum is a method



of giving an opportunity to the students individually or collectively, to conduct a process or a trained trial (Djamarah, 2000). Through practical activities students have opportunities to participate actively to the conduct of scientific work in discovering the concept, student’s in total were involved in the observation it self, following a process, observing an object or situation / specific process. Therefore, the achievement of learning objectives must be accompanied chemistry laboratory work (Siagian, 2012).

The results of field studies conducted by Jahro and Susilawati (2009) showed that most of the subjects in chemistry requires strengthening the understanding and knowledge development through the application of practical methods. Until now, There are senior high school who do not carry out laboratory work in chemistry learning process. Some of the causes is the lack of practical organizer, a lack of tools and materials lab, and the lack of time available to the laboratory. Moreover, in the practical implementation requires considerable preparation such as setting goals lab, set up a laboratory procedure, prepare observation sheets, preparing tools and substances, prepare observation sheets laboratory activities. Components practical guidance to be prepared optimally is a laboratory procedure.

In others, a survey conducted by Rosmalinda (2013) showed that the desire to create teaching and learning activities in the classroom are ideal and the demand amount of material that must be mastered students, teachers sometimes make trouble focusing attention on the quality of the student practicum.

Based on the research of Hartika (2012) chemistry lab manual that can be used in learning chemistry for grade X of Senior High School in even semester based on KTSP is 81% eligible to use in the school. Based on the research of Fransisca (2011) chemistry lab manual book that can be used in learning chemistry for grade X of Senior High School based on KTSP is 79.66% teacher responden and 77.00%student’s responden of chemistry lab manual eligible as source to support on learning chemistry. Based on the research of Suparni (2013) from theeligible test result of chemistry lab manual is 85.59% can be used in the



school and the result of student’s learning outcomes shown an increase in SMA Negeri 1 BatangKuis 41% and SMA Swasta Josua Medan 63%.

Based on the research of Wirna (2013) from level of student’s understanding test result of chemistry lab manual is 81.39% students in SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan understand with chemistry lab manual after tested and collate based on KTSP in the chemistry laboratory.

Based on the experience of researchers while exercising PPLT in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi which consists of 33 classes that rarely have science teachers that make the process of learning in the laboratory. Whereas laboratory buildings and infrastructure is adequate. Which again surprised researchers the laboratory building used for science class because of the lack of facilities for student’s at the school. Less than optimal implementation of learning in the laboratory is caused by difficulties in coordinating student teachers during their practicum and laboratory science handbook as well as the availability of less material.

Seeing the poor of this condition, we are reminded to go back on the principle of learning chemistry is learning based on experiment (experimental). Unavailability of practical handbook is also one of the factors hamper the practical implementation in schools. Due to practical guidance is a guideline in carrying out practical work and also as an evaluation tool in learning activities. Guidance practicum adopted from the outside and not in tune with the school laboratories are also often an obstacle. Therefore, practical guide needs to be designed in such a way so as to attract, according to student’s needs, easy to implement and does not require too many tools and materials. For that we need to formulate a guideline (guide) chemistry lab by means reviewing all documents / books on chemistry laboratory management that has been there all along.

Julaiha (2014) also said the use of teaching materials is important as a support in the learning process chemistry to get the learning experience in the form of science skills. Given the importance of teaching materials chemistry in the learning process in the form of handbooks chemistry laboratory, most of the teachers high school chemistry just using textbooks and student worksheet (LKS) are not standards it needs if it were carried out development handbook chemistry



lab that can be used by high school students as well as one high school chemistry teaching materials forchemistry teachers.

The existence of practical handbook gives considerable influence in the learning process so that the preparation of practical handbooks must conform and adapt to the demands of K13. Therefore, the source of this study need to be examined for the learning process to be optimal.

One subject on chemical subjects who need assistance in the form of laboratory experiments to better understand it is a colloidal system. Colloidal system is a material that is directed to "seek out" and "doing" that can help students to apply the concepts understood through scientific work (experimental) we need a media for lessons that emphasize students actively.

Based on the above background, the researchers are trying to develop chemistry lab manual in learning chemistry and will standardize chemistry lab manual to some of the chemistry lecturer, chemistry teachers, and student’s in Senior High School/MA. Based on the background that has been stated that the guiding practicum is very important to the success in the practicum, the researchers are interested in doing a study entitled “The Analysis and Development of Chemistry Lab Manual for Grade XI of Senior High School on Learning Colloidal System”.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the problem, the problem identification of this research are as follows:

1. Facilities and infrastructure in the laboratory inadequate includes tools and materials of experiment.

2. Incompatibility the chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School used to the needs of students and the existence of school laboratories.



4. Unavailability chemistry lab manual used schools and teachers still use leaflets worksheets made by teachers themselves or were still based on textbooks in which there Student Worksheet (LKS) of experiment.

1.3. Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification above, the problem limitation of problems can be identified are as follows:

1. Collate and development of chemistry lab manual in Senior High School for grade XI in even semester based on K 13 on learning colloidal system. 2. Trials of chemistry lab manual for grade XI in Senior High School

performed at students in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi laboratory.

3. Calculate the influence using chemistry lab manual based on the student’s outcomes in Senior High School.

1.4. Problem Statement

To give the direction of this research, the problem statements in this research are as follow:

1. Whether the level of feasibility chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School in the school based on BSNP?

2. Whether the level of feasibility chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School that have been developed based on BSNP?

3. How the influence of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School based on the student’s outcomes that have been developed?

1.5. Research Objective

The objectives of this research are:

1. To get data on the feasibility of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School on learning colloidal system circulating in schools. 2. To get chemistry lab manual that have been developed for grade XI of



3. To get the influence of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School based on the student’s outcomes that have been developed.

1.6. Research Benefit

The benefits that will be hoped from this research, are: 1. Teacher

a. As reference to bring students doing activities experiment of chemistry. b. As source of reference to make the chemistry lab manual book.

2. Student’s

a. As reference in implementing activities experiment of chemistry. b. As source of self - learning.

3. College




After conducting the research and analyzing the data, there are some conclusions that gotten, they are:

1. The chemistry lab manual compiled by Nani Herawati, S.P publisher Duta Nusantara on learning colloidal system based responses lecturer, teacher, and students using questionnaire BSNP (National Education Standards Agency) is feasible or standard. However, there are some flaws that must be repaired such as: practical activities that are not in accordance with the syllabus, less to stimulate the curiosity of students, the existing theory on the chemistry lab manual is too short, tools and materials used less detail, and the design is less interesting to read.

2. The chemistry lab manual that have been developed for grade XI of Senior High School on learning colloidal system is feasible or standard with the average value is 3.67 means that it is valid and does not need to be revised.

3. The level of student’s understanding of the content using by chemistry lab manual that have been developed for grade XI of Senior High School on learning colloidal system is very high, especially in the experiment of Introduction of colloid systems, Observing tyndall effect, Observing making the colloid are Manufacture of emulsion and Manufacture colloidal in dispersion has the level of student’s understanding are high.

5.2 Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion must be raised:

1. It is suggested for chemistry teacher not only teach theory but also provides practicum so that students can better understand that chemistry is not an abstract subject but also can be demonstrated through practicum.

2. It is suggested for school in Senior High School should be use the chemistry lab manual because it can improve learning outcomes and creativity of students in chemistry, especially in the practicum.



3. For other researcher, that will be doing the research can using this research as reference in increasing student’s achievement and student’s activity by using the chemistry lab manual, because this development treatment is better than direct instruction.

4. For other researcher, is expected to conduct further development of the research to the improvement of learning outcomes in terms of both cognitive and student’s psychomotor.




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3. To get the influence of chemistry lab manual for grade XI of Senior High School based on the student’s outcomes that have been developed.

1.6. Research Benefit

The benefits that will be hoped from this research, are: 1. Teacher

a. As reference to bring students doing activities experiment of chemistry. b. As source of reference to make the chemistry lab manual book.

2. Student’s

a. As reference in implementing activities experiment of chemistry. b. As source of self - learning.

3. College



After conducting the research and analyzing the data, there are some conclusions that gotten, they are:

1. The chemistry lab manual compiled by Nani Herawati, S.P publisher Duta Nusantara on learning colloidal system based responses lecturer, teacher, and students using questionnaire BSNP (National Education Standards Agency) is feasible or standard. However, there are some flaws that must be repaired such as: practical activities that are not in accordance with the syllabus, less to stimulate the curiosity of students, the existing theory on the chemistry lab manual is too short, tools and materials used less detail, and the design is less interesting to read.

2. The chemistry lab manual that have been developed for grade XI of Senior High School on learning colloidal system is feasible or standard with the average value is 3.67 means that it is valid and does not need to be revised.

3. The level of student’s understanding of the content using by chemistry lab manual that have been developed for grade XI of Senior High School on learning colloidal system is very high, especially in the experiment of Introduction of colloid systems, Observing tyndall effect, Observing making the colloid are Manufacture of emulsion and Manufacture colloidal in dispersion has the level of student’s understanding are high.

5.2 Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion must be raised:

1. It is suggested for chemistry teacher not only teach theory but also provides practicum so that students can better understand that chemistry is not an abstract subject but also can be demonstrated through practicum.

2. It is suggested for school in Senior High School should be use the chemistry lab manual because it can improve learning outcomes and creativity of students in chemistry, especially in the practicum.



3. For other researcher, that will be doing the research can using this research as reference in increasing student’s achievement and student’s activity by using the chemistry lab manual, because this development treatment is better than direct instruction.

4. For other researcher, is expected to conduct further development of the research to the improvement of learning outcomes in terms of both cognitive and student’s psychomotor.


48 Airlangga University Press,Surabaya.

Arikunto, S., (2006), Prosedur Penelitian:Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Edisi Revisi VI). Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Dini, H.F., (2015), The Development of Innovative Guide of Practicum with Virtual Laboratory to Increase Student’s Achievement and Student’s s Activity on Teaching Colloidal System, UNIMED, Medan.

Djamarah., (2000), Strategi Belajar Mengajar, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Djamarah., (2002), Strategi Belajar Mengajar, PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.

Dwiyanti., (1999), Pengembangan Model Pelaksanaan Praktikum Kimia Organik Skala Mikro di LPTK, Laporan Penelitian, Bandung.

Fransisca, T., (2011), Pengembangan Penuntun Praktikum Untuk Kelas X SMA Sesuai Dengan Tuntutan KTSP, UNIMED, Medan.

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