Frodo Baggins Theoretical Discussion

Arwen - the Queen - represents the society by his role as authority who constructs the norm in Middle- earth. She has a big influence in deciding one’s fate; and since Frodo does not line up with the norm, she directly asks Forodo to leave. At last, on September 21, 1421, Frodo leaves Middle-earth with Gandalf 246.

6. Gimli and Legolas

Legolas is an Elven Prince - the son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood - who becomes the representative of the race of Elf in the fellowship. He manages to have an intimate relationship with Gimli, the Dwarven representative of the fellowship. Their relationship grew from hate to love. In the history of Middle-earth, Elf and Dwarf were never befriends, yet the two are creating a new history in which Elf and Dwarf can be a really close friend. The queerness between Legolas and Gimli is showed by the way Tolkien writes The Return of the King. Throughout the book t he word ‘Legolas and Gimli’ appear approximately 20 times and they always paired in the whole story. Never that Tolkien put them with the other characters, where there’s Legolas, there must be Gimli around, “…and Legolas and Gimli as ever rode together upon Arod” 157. The word ‘as ever’ in the line shows that they alway s come together and inseparable. ‘Arod’ in the quotation is the name of a horse; it means that Legolas and Gimli ride together on the same horse anywhere they go. - an action showing the intimacy between them. These dialogues show how both of them are inseparable: I cannot say yet, Aragorn answered. As for the king, he will go to the muster that he commanded at Edoras, four nights from now. And there, I think, he will hear tidings of war, and the Riders of Rohan will go down to Minas Tirith. But for myself, and any that will go with me . . . I for one cried Legolas. And Gimli with him said the Dwarf. p.21 Therefore, only of your free will would I have you come, for you will find both toil and great fear, and maybe worse. I will go with you even on the Paths of the Dead, and to whatever end they may lead, said Gimli. I also will come, said Legolas, for I do not fear the Dead. p.28 Page 21 is when Aragorn wants to find help at Edoras without asking anyone to come with him, yet Legolas willingly volunteer himself, and Gimli goes along with him, does not want to be left behind. In page 28, Gimli agrees to go with Aragorn to The Paths of the Dead, and Legolas follows. In addition, Tolkien writes how Gimli need Legolas and how they love each other. First, it is stated by Pippin about Gimli needing Legolas, “There will always be some folk, big or little, and even a few wise dwarves like Gimli, who need you Legolas ”93. Second, it explains, “He was named Elf-friend because of the great love that grew between him Gimli and Legolas, son of King Thranduil …” 234.Those two lines, by some means strengthen the queerness between them, proven by Tolkien who directly stated the love between Legolas and Gimli, and how other character view their relationship. Furthermore, the story shows some homo erotic actions. Have a look at this quotation; “The Company now mounted again, and Gimli returned to Legolas. They rode in file, and evening came on and a deep blue dusk; and still fear pursued them. Legolas turning to speak to Gimli looked back and the Dwarf saw before his face the glitter in the Elfs bright eyes . Behind them rode Elladan, last of the Company, but not the last of those that took the downward road ” 32. Gimli, instead of coming to another character, he chooses to return to Legolas that means, he wants to stay near him. Then, Gimli sees Legolas bright eyes’ are glittering, and unusual description for a man looking at another man. Gimli’s romantic examination toward Legolas continues to chapter 9, “…but Gimli stalked beside him Legolas, stroking his beard and staring about him ”92. The word ‘staring’ in Merriam-Webster Dictionary means ‘to look at someone or something for a long time often with your eyes wide open’. From the description, instead of using ‘look’ Tolkien choose ‘staring’ that sound more intimate. After that, both Gimli and Legolas are making promises, just like a