The omniscient point of view The first of point of view Observer’s point of view The objective point of view


2.6.1 The omniscient point of view

In which the author himself tells the story in the third person. The narrator knows everything about everyone in the story and can bring into plays as much of that knowledge as he chooses.

2.6.2 The first of point of view

The writer must whether the “I” is to be major or minor character, protagonist or observer, or someone merely repeating a narrative he has heard at second hand.

2.6.3 Observer’s point of view

In a modification of omniscient point of view, there is the narrative related from the vision of the single character used by the author as a central observer or central intelligence through whom anything cleared.

2.6.4 The objective point of view

Though it is the third person narrative, like the omniscient point of view, the author using this technique refrains from making a sides, commenting on the action, or addressing the reader. The author becomes a seeing eye that reports but does not interpret. 16


3.1 The Theme

Theme in particular for literary work is defined as the central idea of the work. It is the conclusion of the whole story till the end. Theme can be divided into several sub-themes; yet, the central idea cannot be separated any more into any other small ideas. In short, theme represents all the events in the very beginning of the story till the end. There are four types of love including Agape, This is an unconditional love that sees beyond the outer surface and accepts the recipient for whom heshe is, regardless of their flaws, shortcoming or faults. It’s the type of love that everyone strives to have for their fellow human beings. Philo is love of fellow a friend. It makes you desire friendship with someone. Storge is a kind of family and friendship love or love between brother and sister. This is the love that parents naturally feel for their children; the love that member family have for each other. Eros is a passionate and intense love that arouses romantic feelings; it is the kind that often triggers high feelings in a new relationship and makes you say “I love him her ” It is simply an emotional and sexual love. The theme of the novel Little woman is family love and included on the type of Storge love. Love is supposed to be a foundation to the members of the family. Love is kind of cement that ties friendship, togetherness, equality,