Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana

Registration Number: 2123321086



Expect where appropriate acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been
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August 2016

Vony De M. J. S

Reg. No. 2123321086

Sigiro, Vony. Rgistration Number: 2123321086. Teacher Talk in Teaching
Speaking Analytical Exposition Text at the Eleventh Grade of Senior High
School. A Thesis. English Education Program, State University of Medan,
This present study focuses on the teacher talk in teaching speaking

analytical exposition text which conducted in an eleventh grade classroom of
SMA Swasta Teladan Medan. This research aims to find out the categories of
teacher talk occur in the speaking analytical exposition text classroom in the
eleventh grade of SMA Swasta Teladan Medan and to describe how the categories
teacher talk affect the students’ learning process during the teaching of speaking
analytical exposition to the eleventh graders of SMA Swasta Teladan Medan. In
this research, the FLINT is used to identify the categories of teacher talk occur
during the learning process. Moreover, this study is conducted in the form of
descriptive qualitative research where the researcher as the non-participant
observer on the classroom. The subject of this study is a senior high school
English teacher and the eleventh graders of SMA Swasta Teladan Medan.
From the data that has been taken, it is obtained that the categories of teacher talk
used by the teacher in teaching speaking analytical exposition in the eleventh
grader of SMA Swasta Teladan Medan are deals with feelings, praises or
encourages, jokes, uses ideas of students, repeats students response verbatim, asks
questions, gives information, corrects without rejection, gives direction, and
criticizes student behavior. Moreover, the categories of teacher talk used also have
been proven to help the students understand better about the subject and elicit
students’ contribution during the learning process.
In conclusion, the researcher has found that the teacher who teaches speaking

analytical exposition text in an eleventh grade classroom of SMA Swasta Teladan
Medan has performed some categories of teacher talk from FLINT. Those
categories of teacher talk used are found to be able to elicit students’ contribution
and assist the students’ speaking skill development in the speaking analytical
exposition learning process.
Keywords: Teacher Talk, Speaking, Analytical Exposition Text


First of all, the writer is so grateful to God the Almighty who has granted
His blessing and given the ability that the writer can complete her thesis as the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the
English Department of Faculty Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the
help of several individuals who always contributed and extended their valuable
assistances in the preparation and completion of this thesis. Thus, the writer would
like to express her deepest gratitute and appreciation to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Language and Arts,
State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Educational Study

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., her Thesis Supervisor.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her Academic Advisor.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., and Syamsul Bahri, S.S.,
M.Hum., her Thesis Reviewers.

Birma Sigiro and Rosinta Malau, her beloved parents who never give
up in supporting and loving her in any ways. Besides, the writer also
extends her very special thanks to her lovely siblings Veny De Agustina
Sigiro, Valga De Rosario Sigiro, Ventry De Novenasari Sigiro, Voit De
Rezeki Agustinus Sigiro, and Vonsius De Martin Sigiro, who had
supported and motivated her during the accomplishing of this thesis.

Drs. Kasto Nadir, The Headmaster in SMA Swasta Teladan Medan.

Ma’am Erna, The English Teacher in SMA Swasta Teladan Medan.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd, for all helps to finish this study program.

All the writer’s classmates in EXT C 12 for sharing their
happines,togetherness, fights, laughter, time, support and helps that they
experienced in class and outside the campus in achieving Bachelor
Degree. I love you all guys.

Her special man Andreas Hasudungan Manihuruk the biggest gratitude
for his great love, supports, caring, advises, helps and prayers to the writer.

The writer’s best friends in RAMV gang: Risma Rohayati Sipayung,
Anita Purnamasari Simarmata, and Maria Sabrina Siregar. Guys,
thank you for giving me your warm friendship.

For All PPLT friends in YP. Dharma Karya Beringin.
Medan, August 2016
The writer

Vony De Maria Junior


ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................vi
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1
A. The Background of the Study.........................................................................1
B. The Problems of the Study.............................................................................9
C. The Objectives of the Study............................................................................9
D. The Scope of the Study.................................................................................10
E. The Significance of the Study.......................................................................10
CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................11
A. Theoretical Framework.................................................................................11
1. Language Learning in the Classroom....................................................11
2. Classroom Interaction............................................................................12
3. Methods of Interaction Analysis............................................................13
a. Flanders' Interaction Analysis Category (FIAC)...............................13
b. Foreign Language INTeraction (FLINT)..........................................14

c. Brown Interaction Analysis System (BIAS)......................................17
4. Teacher Talk...........................................................................................18
a. Definition of Teacher Talk................................................................18
b. Characteristics of teacher Talk..........................................................19

c. The Role of Teacher Talk................................................................21
d. Categories of Teacher Talk..............................................................23
5. Foreign Language INTeraction (FLINT).............................................25
6. Speaking...............................................................................................26
a. Definition of Speaking.....................................................................26
b. The Importance of Speaking............................................................27
c. Components of Speaking.................................................................28
B. Relevant Studies...........................................................................................32
C. Conceptual Framework.................................................................................34
CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................37
A. Research Design..........................................................................................37
B. Data and Source of Data..............................................................................37
C. Technique of Collecting Data......................................................................38
D. Data Analysis..............................................................................................40

CHAPTER IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION................................................41
A. The Findings................................................................................................41
1. The Categories of Teacher Talk...............................................................42
2. Teacher Talk Effect on the Students’ Learning Process..........................52
B. The Discussion............................................................................................59
CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION......................................63
A. The Conclusion............................................................................................63
B. The Suggestions..........................................................................................64


Table 2.1 Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC)................................13
Table 2.2 Foreign Language Interaction (FLINT).................................................15
Table 2.3 Brown Interaction Analysis System (BIAS)..........................................17
Table 4.1 The percentage of indirect influence teacher talk..................................42
Table 4.2 The percentage of direct influence teacher talk.....................................48


Figure 2.1 Chart of Conceptual Framework..........................................................36

Figure 4.1 The most frequently used categories of indirect influence
teacher talk.................................................................................................43
Figure 4.2 The most frequently used categories of direct influence
teacher talk.................................................................................................49
Figure 4.3 Categories of indirect influence teacher talk that can affect
the students’ learning process....................................................................55
Figure 4.4 Categories of direct influence teacher talk that can affect
The students’ learning process...................................................................57


Appendix 1. Classroom Observation Checklist.....................................................70
Appendix 2. Classroom Field Note Sheet..............................................................71
Appendix 3. Transcript...........................................................................................72
Appendix 4. Interview Questions...........................................................................81
Appendix 5. Pictures of Observation...................................................................109



A. The Background of the Study
The teacher‟s role to make students feel interested in learning is very
important. Teachers should know how to make their students learning well.
Particularly in learning a language, a teacher should be able to stimulate the
students to get involved in using the language in order to make the students get
the optimal knowledge of the target language. Teachers also should consider the
language used to interact with the students, which will encourage them to speak
Speaking is considered as a skill which is hard to be mastered. It is
because in speaking there are many elements of language which have to be
acquired by the students such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc as
Luoma (2004) states that to speak in a foreign language students must master the
sound system of the language, have almost instant access to appropriate
vocabulary and be able to put words together intelligibly with minimal hesitation.
In teaching speaking, the teachers should be able to use the language correctly,
should be the example for the students to use English fluently without many
hesitations and also has to make sure that the utterance can be accepted well by
the students.



There are some texts that must be taught in the level of senior high school.
One of the texts is analytical exposition text. Analytical exposition text is a piece
of text that elaborates someone‟s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Based
on standard competence of senior high school, eleventh graders are expected to be
able to express meaning in short functional text and monolog in the form of
analytical exposition text (Depdiknas, 2007). The goal of teaching analytical
exposition text in the scope of spoken language to the eleventh graders of senior
high school is expecting the students to be able to give argumentation for
something that needs to get attention.
As known, the objective of the language learning is to be able to communicate
in the target language. Hence, the students need some opportunities to use the
target language. Generally, the students spend much time in the classroom in
which they learn the target language, so classroom is considered as the possible
place where the students get the opportunities to speak in the target language. The
opportunities are realized through interaction in the classroom. The interaction
between teacher and students takes an important part in the process of learning
language because is considered as an effective tool in the learning process which
may in turn help these students in overcoming their speaking problems and
enhancing their oral proficiency and language use.

Moreover, Lyster (2007) states that interaction makes the learners be able to
test their communicative success through exchanging information with the teacher
or among the students themselves. Therefore, interaction in the language


classroom has advantages to the students speaking performance. The way teachers
control the classroom interaction also can enhance students‟ understanding about
the language. Yu (2008) supports that classroom interaction in the target language
can now be seen as not just offering language practice, nor just learning
opportunities, but as actually constructing the language development process
itself. This reveals that, the development of language can only be realized through
classroom interaction which constructs the whole operation.

The happening of interaction is affected directly by ways of teacher talk since
it is the major spoken exposure to the students. There are some interpretations of
teacher talk based on different sources such as Szendroi (2010:39), states teacher
talk is the language typically used by the foreign language teachers in the process
of teaching. In addition Liu and Zhu (2012:117) defines teacher talk is the major
resources of comprehensible target language input the learners are likely to
receive in the foreign language classroom teaching. From those definitions it can
be said that teacher talk is a speech used by a teacher in order to deliver lessons in
the class. Teacher talk is very important to language teaching as Walsh (2011)
claims that teacher talk is more important in language classroom than any other
classroom since in this context the language being used by teacher is not only the
means of acquiring new knowledge, it is also the goal of the study.

Teacher talk also has a special purpose in the language learning. Its purpose is
to communicate with students and to develop students‟ foreign language
proficiency. Teacher talk is used to deliver the material, attract students‟ attention,


and engage them to be active in teaching learning process. Thus, teachers should
know teacher talk well so that they can adjust her talk to make their sentences
comprehensible for their students. The teacher talk is very possible to affect
students„ language acquisition since teacher is the one who speaks the most in the
classroom. The proper use of teacher talk will have a positive effect on language
learners' language output.
Actually, there are many senior high schools in Medan which are appropriate
to be chosen as a setting to conduct the study, especially school that emphasize to
use English in their daily activity. The researcher chooses SMA Swasta Teladan
Medan as the subject for conducting this study. It is one of favorite senior high
schools in Medan. This school consists of general classes. Many researches had
been done in this school, but the researcher has not found any research focusing
on analyzing the teacher talk in this school. That is why the researcher is
interested to conduct a study about teacher talk used by the English teacher in
SMA Swasta Teladan Medan.

The researcher had done an observation to the English teacher when teaching
hortatory exposition text to the students of eleventh grade at SMA Swasta Teladan
Medan . The following is the result of the observarion:
T: Good morning student?
SS: Good morning miss
T: Let‟s start on English. Silahkan dibuka halaman 103. Tolong perhatian ya,
Okey students now you will study about the second text ya. I will read one text.
Please you hear me carefully. After I read the text I will give one question. Do
you understand?
SS : Yes


T: [The teacher reads the text with the title A Mobile Phone] Coba ya after you
hear me, do you know what kind of the text? Once again Do you know what
kind of the text I read? Kind of apa artinya?
SS: Tidak tahu
T: Kind? What kind of this text [writes on the whiteboard >> Jenis text apa ini?]
SS: Hortatory
T: Apa? Ya Hortatory text.
Horatatory text is designed to persuade the reader on listen thet something
should or should not be the case. Harus atau tidak harus berupa permasalahan.
(writes on the whiteboard). Hortatory is designed to persuade reader or listener
that something should or should not harus atau tidak harus berupa
permasalahan. If you will write hortatory text it begin with tenses followed by
some argument and after that it gines recommendations. Jadi yang tadi sama
dengan langkah – langkahnya dalam bahasa Indonesia itu atau Generic
structurnya. First is thesis second is argument and the third is recommendation.
In thesis dalam tesis you must concern about your issue. Kamu harus
menyebutkan issue permasalahan yang akan dibahas apa? Harus
berkomunikasi pada permasalahan itu apa atau disebut dulu permasalahan yang
akan kita bahas. And in argument you can mention some reason. Sebutkan
beberapa alasan . Kamu sebutkan beberpa alasan yang mendukung thesis
tersebut. Misalnya kamu membahas apa berikan beberapa argumennya ya.
Argument can be more than one. Argument bias lebih dari satu misalnya
seandainya satu sudah cukup tidak apa-apa. Tetapi jika butuh banyak
disebutkan and after that give a recommendation. In recommendation you can
give some advice, tips misalnya saran yang bisa mendukung argument tersebut.
So you can made a wise decision before you doing something sehingga kamu
bisa membuat keputusan yang bagus yang bijaksana sebelum kamu melakukan
sesuatu. Disini disebutkan dalam recommendasinya, jadi di ingat ya hortatory
text pengertiannya itu atau tujuan dan fungsinya sedangkan langkahnya,
argument and recomendation. And in hortatory text is still use present tense
jadi dalam kalimatnya berupa present tense. Oke Do you know still remember
the formula of Present These?
SS: [Silent]
T: Oke jadi dalam setiap kalimatnya karena menggunakan present tense sehingga
ada kalimat – kalimat atau banyak memahami rumus-rumus present tense.
[write on the whiteboard “S + Verb I + O”] understand?
SS: Yes
T : You can look in your book in page 114.
SS: Open the book page 114
T : Bukumu mana? Yang tidak punya gabung dengan yang punya buku.
SS: Open page 114
T: Ya open page 114. Ya sudah? In page 114 there is one example of hortatory
text. Coba yang tadi sudah saya baca ada di halaman 114 yaitu membahas
mengenai a mobile phone oke coba ya karena kalimat ini atau text ini
memakai rumus present tense, I want to know in very paragraph which
sentences. Please you look for a sentences not word tetapi kalimat which


medicate present tense. Menunjukan bentuknya present tense. Ok in every
paragraph ya coba please you write on your paper first after that I will ask
you one by one to write on the whiteboard.
[The teacher sit] [After some minutes....]
T: Ok coba plelase you write the fisrt paragraph. Paragraph pertama dulu coba
Toridei. Please you write on the whiteoard. Mana kalimat yang menunjukan
present tense. The second paragraph in Slamet. The third paragraph Eko,
Please! Reza nanti paragraph ke empat ya! Novika paragraph kelimanya,
nanti gantian yang menulisnya dipapan tulis.
SS: When we buy some mobile phone we have to consider some points.
T: Jika kita beli handphone kita harus mempertimbangkan beberapa poin.
SS: Present tense We buy a mobile phone
T: Is that right or wrong?
SS: Right
T: Kenapa?
SS: [Silent]
T: Karena rumusnya S + Verb I. Subjectnya yang mana?
T: WE. Verbnya?
SS: Buy
T: Menunjukan present tense. Ini benar ya di paragraph pertama. Apakah hanya
ada satu.
SS: Yes
T: Ya, just one. In the second paragraph, If we buy a mobile phone we can start
asking ownselve the we may ask. Do we want if for our prestige on for the
usefull ness. Jika kita menentukan untuk memiliki hand phone kita Tanya pada
diri kita sendiri. Apa kegunaan dari alat tersebut. Kita bisa bertanya apakah kita
membutuhkannya untuk prestise kita atau kegunaannya? Isi teman kalian
menulis ada dua:
S: a. We decide to but a mobile phone
b. Do we want it?
T: We subject decide Verb I, Do sebagai to be we subject. Ini suatu contoh bentuk
kalimat apa?
SS: Kalimat Tanya
T: Atau interrogative. Apakah kita…..jadi ini salah satu bentuk contoh
interrogative. Ini ada dua ya, sekarang paragraph three coba seperti apa?
“ After we decide to use mobile phone. We should make a choice on the type
of mobile phone. We should decide the one that must should decide the one
that meet should decided the one that meet our need. We must know what our
need. Coba ya seteleh memutuskan untuk menggunakan sebuah hp. Rita
harus membuat sutu pilihan megenai jenis hp dengan berbagai jenis pilihan
yang ada. Kita harus memutuskan salah satu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan
kia. We must know what we need. Kita harus tau apa kebutuhan kita. Coba
dilihat teman kalian menulis.
SS: We decides to use a mobile phone
T: Hanya ada satu?


SS: Ya
T: Just one. We decided sama dengan paragraph 2 Subject + Verb I juga sudah
menunjukan present tenses ya. And the fourth paragraph.
SS: We only use it
T: We = subject only use = Verb I it sudah betul semua, and in the last paragraph!
In the recommendation hanya ada satu present tense. Apa itu?
SS: Do I really need at the moment
T: Itu merupakan contoh bentuk kalimat tanya. Sama dengan paragraph kedua jadi
itu tolong diingat rumus equel tenses soalnya simple present tense merupakan
bentuk paling mudah. Coba sekarang kira – kira dari bacaan ini. What does the
text tell you about?. Text tadi membicarakan mengenai apa!
SS: Mobile phone
T: Ya. Mobile phone itu ya. Seperti yang lain dalam setiap text there is a language
features. In Hortatory text there are some language features. The first is causal
connective the second is being verb. The thisrd is action verb. The fourth is
general participant. The fifth is specific participants. The sixth is strong
modality and the seventh is present tense. Karena memang bentuknya
memakainya present tense jadi ada present tensenya. Causal connective berasal
dari dua kalimat ya. Causal and connective. Causal apa?
SS: Karena atau sebab?
T: Connective adalah penghubung jadi penghubung yang mempunyai arti sebab
atau penyebab, being verb action verb, such as diterangkan sebelumnya.
Generic participant juga sudah specific participant masih ingat ya! General
participant pendukung umum scantific. Disini misalnya, Mak atau misalnya
siswa ini termasuk general participants yang sifatnya masih umum. Strong
modality bentuk modalnya seperti should must dst. The own present past. Coba
ya in your book coba cari dari paragraph pertama sampai terakhir itu apakah
sudah memenuhi unsur – unsur di atas atau belum? Tidak semua unsur di atas
selalu di temui dalam text hortatory paling tidak tiga atau empat di antaranya
boleh yang penting sudah ada ciri – ciri dari hortatory text. Coba di lihat dulu
pada paragraph pertama sampai paragraph ke lima. Cari kalimat mana yang
menunjukan causal connection ada penghubung yang menyebabkan being verb
seperti to be to be, action verb, general participants, specific participant, strong
modality and present tense. Kalau yang present tense kan sudah tinggal yang
lainnya okey! Coba di cari dulu!
SS: Yes miss
T: Kalian bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan kalian di rumah, untuk homework. I close
this meeting you must study hard a bout hortatory text. For the next meeting
you do not forget apa yang sudah saya jelaskan, tidak lupa. Terutama bentuk –
bentuk tensesnya rumusnya, karena setiap tenses itu selalu di pakai, jelas ya!
SS: Jelas
T: Setiap text adalah tidak selalu sama, berganti – ganti terus. Tolong karena
setiap text punya ciri sendiri-sendiri, jadi jangan lupa setiap tenses yang saya
terangkan jika sering lupa akan selalu diterangkan lagi, lupa lagi. Thank‟s a lot
see you. Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
SS: Wa‟alaikumsalam Wr. Wb.


Based on the researcher‟s observation, the researcher found that at the
beginning the teacher directly asked the students to open the book. The teacher
tend to focus on delivering the lesson without paying attention to the
understanding of the students. She directly explained the lesson without
considering what she said during the lesson. When she had done the explanation,
she asked the students to do the exercise on certain page while the teacher only
sat. After that the teacher asked each student to read the answer and the teacher
corrected any mistake. The teacher almost never gave the students brain storming
as warming up and oppurtunities to ask or speak. Because of that, the students
tend to be passive and do not understand what the teacher explained and said.
They cannot follow the lesson well because the teacherwas lack to consider her
talk, which make it as meaningless talk. She couldn‟t convey the proper teacher
Many researchers have tried to analyze the teacher talk related to strategy,
question, turn-taking, etc using various devices of analysis such as Flanders‟
Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC), Foreign Language INTeraction (FLINT),
Brown Interaction Analysis System (BIAS). Among those famous devices of
analysis this study tries to carry out the Foreign Language INTeraction (FLINT)
as the instrument to process the information and analyze the teacher talk happens
in the classroom. FLINT is an instrument, which is used to describe the verbal
communication in the classroom. This theory is developed by Moskowitz in 1975.
Moskowitz divided teacher talk into two categories, including indirect influence


and direct influence. In each category, there are some points, which describe
certain interaction event that we can find in the classroom.
Regarding the importance of teacher talk in teaching learning process, this
study is intended to analyze the teacher talk in teaching speaking analytical
exposition text at the eleventh grade of senior high school.

B. The Problems of the Study
In line with the background of the study, the questions to be answered are
formulated as follows:
1. What are the categories of teacher talk used by the teacher in the
speaking analytical exposition text classroom?
2. How do the categories of teacher talk affect the students‟ learning
process during the teaching of speaking analytical exposition text?

C. The Objectives of the Study
Related to the problems of the study above, the objectives of this study are
stated as follows:
1. To investigate the categories of teacher talk used by the teacher in the
teaching learning process.
2. To describe how the categories of teacher talk affect the students in
learning speaking.


D. The Scope of the Study
Since this study wants to observe the teacher talk in teaching speaking
analytical the points of observation are also limited to those which are done by the
teacher in the classroom. This study will limit and focus on the investigation on
one English teacher who teaches for the eleventh grader at SMA Swasta Teladan
Medan. As the consequence, the result of this study cannot be generalized for all
English teachers. The limitation also comes from the language skill. Out of four
skills, the researcher chooses speaking as the skill.

E. The Significance of the Study
The results of this study are expected to have contribution for the following:

The study would give point of view about how teacher talk and interaction

have an effect to the language learning, so, the information would be a reference
for the next researcher to conduct such similar research.

Give a contribution to the English teachers of Senior High School to

improve their classroom discourse so that learning process can take place more
effectively and efficiently in the classroom and clarify the appropriate teacher talk
that are able to stimulate students to laern speaking.

A. The Conclusion
The findings of the study lead to the following conclusion:
1. The categories of teacher talk in the English class at SMA Swasta Teladan
Medan are the indirect teacher talk and direct teacher talk. The indirect influence
consists of “deals with feelings, praises/encourages, jokes, uses ideas of student,
repeats students response verbatim, and asks questions”. While direct influence
consists of gives information, corrects without rejection, gives directions, and
criticizes students behavior. In the indirect teacher talk the asks questions is the
most often used by the English teacher. The total of this category is 48 utterances
(35.03%). In the direct influence gives information has the highest total score with
25 utterances (18.24%). The indirect teacher talk took up the major portion of
teacher talk (66.54%).
2. The ten categories of teacher talk that were employed by the teacher during the
teaching learning process affected the students in learning paticularly asks
question and praises/encourages (indirect influence) and gives information and
gives directions (direct influence).



B. The Suggestions
Based on the data findings and what this research intended to, it
issuggested that:
1. English teachers should pay attention to their either indirect nor direct talk
since it would determine the way their students involve and participate in
classroom activities. The teacher should increase their talk it is amount of indirect
influence or direct influence, which includes acceptance of students’ feeling,
praises and encouragement, and acceptance or uses of the students’ ideas. This is
important because such talk has strong motivational impact on the students. They
need to be encouraged, paid attention to, and tolerated, but also criticized and
reminded. In that way, their learning will be more effective.
2. Further research in classroom practice should consider teacher talk as an
important part that contribute the whole classroom process and not to over ride its
significance by paying attention too much on the material only.




Appendix 1
Indirect Influence
Deals with feelings


Uses ideas of

Repeats students
response verbatim
Ask question


Direct Influence
Gives information

Corrects without
Gives directions

Criticizes student

Criticizes student




Greeting the students
Asking the students condition
Praising the students after answering question
Encouraging students to continue
Trying to give them confidence
Confirming that the answer is correct.
And then there is a smoke, haaap, dia punya
penyakit asma. Kayak mana Mora Simamora
Clarifying the idea of the student
Interpreting the idea of the student
Summarizing the idea of the student
Rephrasing the idea of the student
Repeating the exact words of the students
Asking question to which the answer in anticipated


Giving information
Giving opinions
Giving facts
Giving ideas
Telling the students who have made a mistake
Correcting the response without using words or
Giving direction
Giving request
Giving command
Directing various drill
Rejecting the behavior of the students
Trying to change the non-acceptable behavior
Communicating anger
Getting displeasure
Getting annoyance
Dissatisfaction with what students doing
Telling the students that the response is not correct
or acceptable
Communicating criticism
Rejection by word or intonation


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


T: Ok. Good morning everybody?
SS: Morning maam
T: How are you today?
SS: I’m fine
T: Ok. Now we want learn about our subject today it is our subject is exposition
Exposition? (writing in the white board)
SS: Text.......
T: Apa itu exposition text?
SS: Exposition text adalah sebuah text yang membahas sebuah isu atau
permasalahan dan membahasnya dari satu sudut pandang.
T: Ok. Jadi exposition text itu apa tadi? Is a text, is a text that discuss about apa
SS: Problem
T: Yes. Issues and?
SS: Problems
T: Problems ya. And then there is there is a point of point of view. Jadi dia dari
satu sudut....
SS: Pandang
T: Ok. And then exposition text ini, this exposition text instead of two ada dua
there are two yah. Exposition text there are two types. That is is number one
analytical exposi...
SS: tion
T: Exposition. And then the second is what?


SS: Hortatory exposition
T: Hortatory expo?
SS: sition
T: Nah, maam apa bedanya what is the difference analytical exposition and
hortatory exposition? Listen to me please! Jadi analytical, analytical exposition itu
ada yang namanya the first is thesis. Thesis it is the issue. Itulah problemnya. Apa
yang akan kita bicarakan. What we will talk about. And then, masuk ke? Ar?
SS: Argumen....
T: Argument about apa ini? What about? Ya. Mengenai apa dia? So, it is
argument about the? Thesis. The argument, the argument is not just one, may be
two, three, four, or five. Ya. And there is no suggestion. Tidak ada di sini
suggestion. Saran or conclusion. Conclusion lah kita bilang. Ya. Conclusion or
suggestion. Tidak ada di sini. Dia tidak ada saran di sini. Ok. Analytical
exposition there is a thesis, argument, argument that’s finally habis. Ok. And then,
what is about hortatory exposition? Hortatory exposition same, thesis first,
permasalahan dulu. Sudah. What is. What we will talk and then argument,
argument again. Argument is your opinion. Opinion. Apa opinion?
SS: Pendapat....
T: Pendapat. It is from your brain, dari otakmu. And then, here there is a
conclusion. Ada yang namanya conclusion ataupun suggestion. Ok. Any question
until here? No?
SS: No.
T: Nah, yang tadi maam sebutkan tadi seperti yang dua point itu thesis, argument
itu biasanya disebut dengan generic structure ya atau struktur kebahasaan ok
urutannya lah bisa dibilang. Understand ya.
SS: Yes maam.
T: Kalau belajar tentang text itu tidak terlepas dari yang namanya generic
sturucture mau text apa pun itu. Mau narrative, descriptive, apa lagi?
SS: Recount maam.
T: Ya recount. Trus procedure juga ada itu yang namanya generic structure. Pasti
ada struktur kebahasaannya. Ok.


S: Maam, kenapa harus ada generic structure? Fungsinya untuk apa itu maam?
T: Iya, bagus pertanyaannya ya. Coba lah dari kalian ada yang tau. Siapa yang
mau mencoba untuk menjawab? Ayo jangan takut salah. Yusuf please.
S: Sebagai petunjuk dalam menulis maam.
T: Bagus. Ada yang lain dari si Yusuf angkat kaki, ehee salah angkat tangan
maksudnya ya. Langsung mau dipraktekkan si Mora ini nya.
SS: (Laugh)
T: Ayo yang lain jangan malu-malu bilang kalau tau if you know tell me. Rizki
tell me!
S: Karena maam, kalau nggak ada generic structure nya bingung mau nulis apa
T: Iya benar ya. Jadi generic structure ya struktur kalau dibilang struktur berarti
urutan kan kerangka di dalam text itu apa.
SS: Yes maam.
T: Jadi itu gunanya supaya kita lebih mudah untuk membuat suatu text tertentu ya.
Jadi kalau nggak ada itu ya if there is no generic structure pastinya kita bingung
lah ya kan apalah yang mau di tulis di sini gitu. We confuse what we will write.
Bisa dimengerti ya.
SS: Yes maam.
T: Trus selain generic structure biasanya ada apa lagi di dalam sebuah text?
S: Tujuan maam.
T: Selain itu? Oh ya, tujuan analytical exposition text ini untuk meyakinkan
pembaca ataupun pendengar kalau topik yang sedang dibahas adalah penting ya
makanya di dalamnya terdapat argumen-argumen kan?
SS: Yes maam
T: Ok. Lanjut. Selain generic structure dan tujuan apalagi yang ada di dalam
sebuah text? Is there anyone know ada yang tau? Ok ya. Jadi ada dia yang
namanya language features. Language?
SS: Features....


T: Language features atau ciri kebahasaan ok. Jadi apa aja ciri-ciri kebahasaan
untuk analytical exposition text maam? Dengarkan semua! Yang pertama dia
menggunakan simple present. The tenses is simple present. Ingat ya simple
present karena dia menyatakan pendapat jadi waktunya yang sekarang bukan
lampau ya. Lalu dia pakai conjunction or kata penghubung. Kata penghubung tau
SS: Tau maam.
T: Yes jadi itulah dia.
S: Maam, how we if we want merespon analytical exposition?
T: What? Maksudnya?
S: Iya seperti yang maam bilang tadi kalau tujuan analytical ini kan untuk
meyakinkan penonton, eh pembaca atau pendengar kalau sesuatu itu penting
untuk dibahas. Lalu ada tidak expresi khusus yang digunakan untuk merespon
T: Yes, bagus ya pertanyaannya. Bagaimana cara merespon ada dua there are two
ways ok. Yang pertama kalau misalkan setuju dengan argumen yang diberikan
bisa kau bilang I agree with you, ya, atau I think so atau you are right seperti itu
banyak yah. Nah, kalau misalnya nggak setuju bilang aja I am not agree with you
tinggal tambahin kata not ajaI. Kata not menunjukkan apa biasanya?
S: Tidak maam.
T: Iya. Itu. Ngerti ya semua.
SS: Yes, mam.
T: Ingat aja analytical itu identik dengan memberikan argumen atau opini
pendapat tentang sesuatu fenomena ok bisa ya.
SS: Bisa maam.
T: Jadi seperti a news, ada berita kau lihat berita di situ, ok, pasti surely you have
opinion about the news. Ok lanjut. Jadi kita buat contoh, for example ada yang
namanya di situ no smoking. No smoking. No smo?
SS: Kingggg
T: No smoking. Thesisnya apa yang bisa kita buat di sini? Apa thesis yang bisa
kita buat di sini? What problem we can write here? Why the?


SS: Visitors.
T: Yes. The visitors can not can not apa?
SS: Smoke.
T: Smoke.... Smoke in?
SS: In the area....
T: Yes. In the area of?
SS: Restaurant.
T: Restaurant. Nah, inilah pertanyaannya kan. Problemnya ini dia. Masalahnya ini
dia. This is our problem about no smoking. Why? Why? Kenapa bisa merokok?
Ok? Lanjut. Argument. So, you can give your opinion. So, you can give your
opinion. Maybe why the visitors can not smoke in the area of restaurant maybe
impolite, dangerous, or whatever things ya. Ok. Jadi for this argument first
argument hands up. Ok Juan. Juan dulu.
S: Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is empolit (impolite). The smell of the smoke
affects all people and can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food
and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.
T: Ok. Ok number two?
S: Smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others.
Passive smoking that is berathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma
attacks and even cancer.
T: Ok, number three?
S: Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes
cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in
T: Ok. Number one coba Juan stand up please. Stand up. Please read so slowly.
So slowly ya pelan-pelan aja nggak ada yang kita buru di sini nggak ada yang kita
makan di sini, ok? Ok just slowly. Read.
S: Firstly, smoking in restaurant is aimpolit (impolite)
T: Impolite
S: Impolite (correct pronunciation)


T: Yes. Impolite. Why it is impolite? Lanjut continue.
S: The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn them off their food.
T: Ok jadi. Lanjut.
S People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.
T: Yes. Sit down ya. From first argument katanya di situ it is impolite. Impolite
itu adalah tidak?
SS: Sopan....
T: Why? Karena itu smellnya baunya udah. Mengganggu orang. So you think that
you come to in the restaurant to what? To eat or to smell smoke?
SS: To eat.
T: To?
SS: Eat.
T: Kalau kita masuk restauran pastinya mau makan dengan nyaman. Nyaman ya,
ya kan?
SS: Yes, maam.
T: Ya. Kalau misalnya if you eat there is a smoke baulah jadinya kan? Maka
makanan kita sudah ter?
SS: Tercemar.
T: Ok. Number two di sini saya buat ya. Argument. Second argument siapa tadi
stand up please.
S: Smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others.
Passive smoking that is berathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma
attacks and even cancer.
T: Ok, finish?
S: Finish.
T: Katanya itu smoking is not allowed. Lalu difficult to. To what? To breathing.
What breathing?
SS: Sesak nafas.


T: Yes.
SS: Sesak nafas. Asma.
T: Bernapas dulu, ya kan? And then there is a smoke, haaap, dia punya penyakit
asma. Udah? Masuklah yang namanya smoke tadi ciggarette smoke and then
what? Get asma? Kayak mana Mora Simamora asmanya?
S: (Practice)
T+SS: (Laugh)
T: Ok ya. Difficult to breathing. Pastinya sulit untuk bernapas. And then what,
become a cancer. Cancer itu bukan kantong kering ya. Cancer ini adalah jenis
penyakit. Ok. The third argument. Yang ketiga.
S: Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes
cause heart and lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in
T: Yes. Dah, katanya argumentnya this is smoke is dangerous. For apa? For apa?
S: Kesehatan.
T: For our healthy, ya. Ok. Dangerous for our healthy. Anything else? Ada yang
lain? Ya. Your name please? Stand up! Walaupun tinggi. Ya.
S: Because the restaurant was a publik (public) place not everyone for is their
T: Yes, because restaurant is a public place so there is regula? Regulation that?
That? The restaurant do. Ok anything else? Yes.
S: Because can disturb other visitors and can make dirty area of restaurant.
T: Yes, can make dirty restau?
SS: Rant.
T: Ya kan. Keep clean katanya. Keep clean kalau restauran itu pastinya clean
karena kalau misalnya jorok tikusnya ada ya kan kemudian aaaa kecoanya banyak
do you want to that restaurant?
SS: No.


T: No, pastinya. Kan. So, if there is a smoke blaap, ya kan you throw it blaap it
can be dirty. Anything else? Anyone? Ada yang lain? Berarti ada lima argumen.
Come on, don’t be afraid semua bisa ngasih argumentnya.
S: Because with smoking in restaurant will to taste it people that it with smoke.
T: What? Repeat.
S: Because with smoking in restaurant will to taste it people that it with smoke.
T: Yes. Sama sama yang seperti tadi ya. Itu yang kemana tadi? Yang kemari kan?
Ya kan? The taste of the food it will be smell smoke. Kan. Baunya terasa seperti
bau rokok. Itu maksudnya kan?
S: Ya maam.
T: And then who stand up? Anything else? Anything else? Yes.
S: One, because it will disturb visitor other. Two, air will dirty. Three, because it
will happen configuration dangerous to children.
T: Dangerous to?
S: Children.
T: Be calm down napa. Agak tenang sedikit. Be slowly pelan-pelan read again.
S: One, because it will disturb visitor other.
T: Disturb visitor. Two?
S: Two, air will dirty.
T: Air will dir?
S: Ty
T: Dirty. Then?
S: Three, because it will happen configuration
T: Yes.
S: Dangerous to children.
T: Dangerous to children. Ok anything else? Anyone? Yes.
S: Because smoke very disturb for the visitors.


T: What?
S: Because smoke very disturb for the visitors.
T: Yes. It will disturb. Ok. So all you can make argument and then you
S: Because smoke can disturb the visitor and the smoke will can make the area
T: Ok disturb also, right? And then anything? Anyone? No one again? No one
again? So this is thesis, argument, argument, no conclu? No conclusion. So,
please for all of you. For all of you boy or girls ya dont smoke ok because apa
tadi? It because it will be impolite and then what again. Not allowed, difficult
SS: Breathing.
T: The third is dangerous for?
SS: Healthy
T: Healthy. And then apa tadi you? Yes you.
S: Dangerous to children.
T: Ya number two. Air pollu?
S: Tion.
T: Ya. Air pollution. Ok. Ok undrestand?
SS: Yes.
T: So, that is. That is exposition...
SS: Text.
T: Ok. Any question about exposition text? Is there any question about exposition
SS: No.
T: Do you understand?
SS: Yes.
T: Do you understand?


SS: Yes.
T: Ok if you have understand, so aaaa write, write one thesis ya one thesis in your
book and then make your argument ok. Aaaa one more time ya this is your
exercise right now is make one topic about exposition text there is a thesis. Thesis
tadi adalah problemnya and then there is argument ya argument, argument,
argument. Ok. No conclusion. Gak ada conclusionnya tapi but you have to
strenght your argument kamu harus kuatkan argumenmu. That is exposition text.
Ok. Next week we will aaaa learn about hortatory exposition ya. Sama tapi tak
eeee serupa tapi tak sama. Ok? Ok?
SS: Ok.
T: Now, you do your exercises. Kerjakan yang namanya tadi thesis, argument,
argumentnya. Ok any question about the exercise the exercise? No, nothing. You
understand, right?
SS: Yes.
T: Ok, open your book and do the task.


Appendix 4

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dan berikan penjelasan.
1. Menurut anda, apakah petunjuk yang disampaikan guru cukup membantu anda
memahami materi yang disampaikan? Berikan alasannya.
2. Apakah kegiatan belajar di dalam kelas tetap berjalan baik meski tanpa pendampingan
guru? Berikan alasan.
3. Apakah ucapan guru yang membantu anda memahami materi dengan baik? Pilih dan
sebutkan alasannya kenapa! (Pilihan boleh lebih dari satu)
1. Deals with feelings (menerima, mendiskusikan, berhubungan dengan perasaan
2. Praises or encourages (memuji, memberitahu siswa bahwa apa yang
dikatakannya bernilai, mendorong siswa untuk melanjutkan, memberikan
kepercayaan diri, memberitahu siswa bahwa jawabannya benar).
3. Jokes (bercanda, humor, permainan)
4. Uses ideas of students (mengklarifikasi, menggunakan, menerjemahkan, dan
meringkas pendapat siswa)
5. Repeats student response verbatim (mengulangi respon siswa)
6. Asks questions (bertanya)

7. Gives information (memberi informasi, fakta, pendapat, or ide: menjelaskan)
8. Corrects without rejection (membenarkan)
9. Gives directions (memberi arahan, meminta or memerintah)
10. Criticizes student behavior (menolak perilaku siswa, mengubah perilaku yang
tidak terpuji, kemarahan, ketidaksenangan, dll)
11. Criticizes student response (memberi tahu bahwa jawaban siswa adalah salah)


R: Silahkan sebut nama Anda?
S: Rahmad Pulungan.
R: Kelas?
S: XI IPA 2.
R:Ok, menurut anda, apakah petunjuk yang disampaikan guru cukup membantu anda
memahami materi yang disampaikan? Berikan alasannya.
S: Iya kak. Menurut saya petunjuk yang disampaikan oleh maam itu sangat membantu
karena cara menjelaskannya. Cara menjelaskannya cukup sangat bagus. Cara
menjelaskannya cukup detail, jelas, dia pun nggak memaksakan untuk berbahasa inggris
full. Dia pun nggak harus sesuai dengan pemikirannya. Dia Cuma pengen apa yang ada di
dalam pikiran.
R: Ya, apakah kegiatan belajar di dalam kelas tetap berjalan baik meski tanpa
pendampingan guru? Berikan alasannya!
S: Menurut saya sih kayak gitu kita bisa memberikan pendapat masing-masing sama
teman tapi lebih bagus lagi kalau ada guru kak.
R: Ok, apakah ucapan guru yang membantu anda memahami materi dengan baik? Ada
list disini. Anda bisa pilih dan sebutkan alasannya kenapa!
S: Memberi arahan.
R: Jadi anda menganggap bahwa memberi arahan membantu anda memahami materi
dengan mudah. Bisa dijelaskan!
S: Iya kak. Menurut saya kalo guru memberikan arahan biasa kalo dari diri kita sudah
jenuh mendengarkan tapi kalo gurunya memberikan arahan dengan baik saat belajar
misalnya disuruh buat menjawab pertanyaan begini kita bisa bangkit lagi se