An Analysis on the difficulty level of english achievement test items for elementary level2 : a case study at new concept english education center pamulang tangerang




A Case study at New Concept English Education Center, Pamulang, Tengerang


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of S. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education


SARI MUBAROH NIM. 103014026972






A Case study at New Concept English Education Center, Pamulang, Tengerang


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of S. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education

Approved by:

Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd NIP. 150 041 070





The Examination Committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training certifies that the ‘Skripsi’ (Scientific Paper) entitled “An Analysis on the Difficulty Level of English Achievement Test Items for Elementary Level 2”, written by Sari Mubaroh, students’ registration number: 103014026972 was examined by the Committee on October 2nd, 2007, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of ‘S.Pd.’ (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, October 2nd 2007 EXAMINATION COMMITTEE

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. ( )

NIP. 150 041 070

SECRETARY : Nida Husna, M.Pd. ( )

NIP. 150 326 910

EXAMINERS : 1. Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. ( )

NIP. 150 299 480

2. Drs. Zainal Arifin Toy, M.Sc. ( )

NIP. 150 031 215

Acknowledge by:

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty

Prof.Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA NIP. 150 231 356



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises be to Allah Lord of the

worlds who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this skripsi. Peace and

blessing be upon our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W., his families, his companions and his


In this occasion the writer would like to express her great honor and acknowledgement to Mr. Nasrun Mahmud as the advisor who has guided her in writing this “skripsi”. Her beloved mother (Hj. Roos Mery), father (H. Marban), sister and brothers who always give support, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study.

Her gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers in the English Department, the staff and officers of UIN library, Atmajaya University library, British Council, UI library, who have given permission to use their books.

2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd, the Head of English Department

3. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training.

4. Mr. Fathurrahman, the Manager area of New Concept Pamulang who has given the permission to do this research in his area.

5. All of teachers and staff administrations of New Concept who have given their time for sharing.


6. All of friends in English Department (A, B and C 2003) for sharing their time and for being good friends.

May Allah, the Almighty bless them all, Amin.

Jakarta, August 31st 2007





LIST OF TABLES ……….. vii


A. Background of the Study ………. 1

B. Statement of the Problem ……….. 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ……… 4

D. Objectives of the Study ……… 4

E. Method of the Study ……… 4

F. Organization of the Writing ………. 5


A. Test ………. 6

1. Definition of Test ………. 6

2. Function of test ………. 7

3. Types of Test ……… 8

4. Types of Test Items ………. 9

B. Item Analysis ……….. 15

1. Definition of Item Analysis ………. 15


3. The Importance of Item Analysis ……… 19


A. Background ………. 20

B. Visions ……….. 21

C. Missions ……….. 21

D. Six Reasons why People Choose NCEEC ………. 21

E. Organization of NCEEC Pamulang Officer ……… 22

F. Teaching Programs ………. 23

G. Learning Facilities ………. 24

H. Teaching Method ……….. 24

I. Instructors of NCEEC Pamulang ……….. 25

J. Supporting Activities ……….. 25


A. Research Methodology ……… 27

1. The Purpose of Research ……….. 27

2. Place and Time of Research ………. 27

3. Technique of Sample Taking ……….. 27

4. Technique of Data Collecting ……….. 28

5. Technique of Data Analysis ………. 28


1. Description of Data ……… 28

2. Data Analysis ………. 29

3. Interpretation of Data ………. 40


A. Conclusion ……… 42

B. Suggestion ……….. 42





A. Background of the Study

One of the ways to know whether students have learned their lesson at school is evaluation. Evaluation is a very important aspect in teaching and learning activities. Evaluation plays an important role in some activities, especially in terms of education. Through evaluation a teacher will be able to know his or her students’ achievement on the materials that have been taught in a certain period of time, so the teacher can measure his or her teaching effectiveness which has been applied in the classroom. And the information gained through the evaluation will be very useful to make improvement in the future.

A good teacher is the one who knows what to teach, how to teach as well as how to evaluate. The teacher has to evaluate students’ progress on the mastery of academic skill which is being taught. The results of evaluation give information to the teacher about the quality of their instruction and it also gives data to judge students whether they are successful or not. Kenneth D. Hopkins says: "Evaluation is the process of education depends extensively on assessment and measurement and on a related procedure."1


Kenneth D. Hopkins, Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, 8th ed., (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998) p. 6


Gronlund says in his book that: “Evaluation is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives.”2 Therefore evaluation is not the only way to judge whether something or someone is good or bad, but it also focuses on how to use the data as a means for future direction of classroom practice such as to develop the teaching and learning activities.

Evaluation is defined as “The systematic gathering of information for the purpose of making decision.”3 The more reliable and relevant the information, the better the likelihood of making the correct decision connecting with students and the instruction.

Evaluation is an integral part of the instructional program. It contributes directly to the teaching and learning process. The evaluation result is useful to improve students learning by providing information to overcome learning difficulties, to assess and improve instruction by judging the appropriateness and attainability of instructional objectives.4

In the effort for obtaining information about the classroom, teachers need an instrument to assess the students’ performance.

The writer considers that the test is one of the instruments which can be used for gathering the information about the strengths and the weaknesses in accepting the lesson by the students.


Gronlund, N.E., Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching 5th ed, (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985) p.5


Lyle, F. Bahman, Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing, (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990) p.22



Tests are often used for pedagogical purposes, either as a mean of motivating students to study or as a means to review materials taught. Students usually tend to study harder when they are going to have an examination rather than when they are not and they will emphasize on studying the study materials that they expect to be tested. Thus, if the teacher announces that they are going to have an examination, most students are motivated to review the material assigned.

As a means to measure students’ achievement in learning process, a test should be constructed well. So that it is able to distinguish between the students who have studied well and those who have not.

Based on the reality above, the writer would like to analyze the difficulty level of English Achievement Test Items for Elementary level (case study at New Concept English Education Center, Pamulang, Tangerang) as the subject of her paper.

B. Statement of the Problem

The statement of problem in this research report is as follows: “How is the difficulty level of the items of New Concept English Education Center achievement test for Elementary Level 2?”


The writer limits the analysis on achievement test items. The students in this research are the students of New Concept English Education Center at the Elementary Level 2.

D. Objective of the Study

The analysis is done to measure the achievement test quality and the writer would like to know the difficulty level of each item. The writer will analyze it. As the follow up of the research she offers a revision of each weak item. And the writer hopes this writing is useful for herself and anyone who is interesting in the teaching and learning process.

E. Method of the Study

In the process of writing this paper, the writer did the field research: taking the students’ achievement test, analyzing the items and correcting the students’ items.

F. Organization of Writing

The writing is systematically divided into four chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter contains of background of the study, statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, objective of the study, method of the study, and organization of writing.

Chapter II discusses the theoretical framework divided into two parts: test that contains theory of a test, types of test and types of test item. And item analysis that


contains definition of item analysis, difficulty level, and the importance of item analysis.

Chapter III deals with a research methodology and findings. For the research methodology consists of purpose of research, place and time of the research, technique of sample taking, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis. In addition, for the research finding consists of the description of data and the interpretation of data.




A. Test

1. Definition of Test

There are many functions of a test. M. Buchory as quoted from Suharsimi Arikunto says that: “Tes merupakan alat atau prosedur yang digunakan untuk mengetahui atau mengukur sesuatu dalam suasana, dengan cara dan aturan-aturan yang sudah ditentukan.”5

Anas Sudijono says that: “Tes adalah cara atau prosedur dalam rangka pengukuran dan penilaian di bidang pendidikan yang berbentuk pemberian tugas atau serangkaian tugas baik berupa pertanyaan atau perintah sehingga dapat menghasilkan nilai yang melambangkan tingkah laku atau prestasi pesrta tes.”6

While H. Douglas Brown says that: "A Test, in plain, ordinary words, is a method of measuring a person's ability or knowledge in a given area.”7

According to Antony J. Nitko, “Test is a systematic procedure for observing and describing one or more characteristics of a person with the aid of either a numerical of category system.”8


Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan ed. rev, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1999), p.53


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003) p. 66


H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 3rd ed., (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1994), p. 252


Antony J. Nitko, Educational test and Measurement An Introduction, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983), p.6


While Michael T. Nietzel says that: “A test is a systematic procedure for observing and describing a person’s behavior in a standard situation.”9

In same words, Jum C. Nunnaly says that: “A test is a standardized situation that provides each student with a numerical score.”10

Based on the above opinion, the writer tends to follow what Nitko says that it emphasized on the characteristics of a person that should be tested.

2. Function of Test

As a means of evaluation, test has some functions of course. Penny Ur writes some functions of test. She says that test is a means to:

a. Give the teacher information about where the students are at the moment to help decided to teach next.

b. Give the students information about what they know, so that they also have an awareness of what they need to learn or review.

c. Assess for some purpose external to current teaching. d. Motivate students to learn or review specific material. e. Get a noisy class to keep quite and concentrate.

f. Provide a clear indication that the class has reached a ‘station’ in learning. Such as the end of unit, thus contributing to a sense of structure in the course as a whole.

g. Get students to make effort (in doing the test itself), which is likely to lead to better result and feeling of satisfaction.

h. Give students task which themselves may actually provide useful review or practice, as well as testing.

i. Provide students with a sense of achievement and progress in their learning.11


Michael T. Nietzel, Introduction to Clinical Psychology, (New Jersey: prentice hall, 1998), p.159


Jum C. Nunnaly, Educational Measurement and Evaluation,(New York: Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, 1964), p.12


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 34


From the description above, test has some important function to make the education getting better. From it we can determine what we will do to the students, method of teaching and learning, teachers and curriculum.

3. Types of Test

There are many types of test used to measure students’ achievement. There are four types of achievement test which are very commonly used by teachers in the classroom:

a. Placement Test

A placement test is designed to determine the pupils’ performance at the beginning of instruction.

b. Formative test

It is used at the end of a unit in the course book or after a lesson designed. The result of this test will also give the students immediate feedback.

c. Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic test is intended to diagnose learning difficulties during instruction. Thus, the main aim of diagnostic test is to determine the causes of learning difficulties and then to formulate a plan for a remedial action.

d. Summative Test

The summative test is intended to show the standard that the students have now reached in relation to other students at the same stage. Therefore it typically comes at the end of a course or unit of instruction.”12

While Suharsimi Arikunto says in his book that there are three kinds of test to measure students, they are diagnostic test, formative test and summative test.”13

4. Types of Test Item


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan, Op. Cit., p.7-9



In this discussion a distinction will be made between the more subjective types of question or items, such as the essay and short-answer, and the more objective types such as true false, multiple choices, and matching.14

a. Subjective Test

Subjective test is a test where in its scoring requires judgment and evaluation of the scorer. In this type of test, the answer usually is in a form of composition where the students are given a freedom to relate in their own words. The subjective tests that are common used in classroom are essay, short answer and completion.

1) Essay

The essay item is the most complex of supply type item. It demands that the students compose a response, often extensive to a question for which no single response or pattern of response can be cited as correct to the exclusion of are the answer.”15 An example of instructions to answer essay question: “Explain the differences between subjective test and objective test!”

Thus, the distinctive feature of essay question is freedom of response it provides. The advantages of the essay questions:16

a) The essay question is useful for measuring the pupil ability to organize, integrate, and express their idea.

b) Constructing essay question is relatively easy. c) The possibility of guessing is minimized.


Victor H. Noll, Introduction to Educational Measurements, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1965), p.129-130


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan, op. cit., p.86



d) Constructing essay question require less time than the other measurement tool such as true false or multiple-choice item.

Besides the above advantages, the essay type questions also have a few disadvantages such as:17

a) Scoring essay question is difficult b) Unreliability of scoring

c) Judgment of students; responds requires much time d) Limited sample of total instructional content.

2) Short Answer Question

The short answer item consists of a question, which can be answered with a word or short phrase.18 An example of instructions to answer the short answer question: “A question which can be answered with a word or short phrase is called………”

Generally, teachers prefer to use the short answer type of question, probably because they think it has some advantages. It is relatively easy to construct, it also gives the teacher some opportunity to see how well students can express their thought and it is also not difficult to score or mark than the essay question.19 However, it is difficult to phrase the short answer question so


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan, op. cit., p.88


Victor H. Noll, op. cit., p. 129-130

19 Ibid


that only one answer is correct.20 And this type of question will be more useful only in testing knowledge of facts and quite specific information.21 Thus, when teachers are going to know the boarder description about something, they are better to use the essay form.

3) Completion

The completion item is a written statement that requires the examinee to supply the correct word or short phrase in response to an incomplete sentence, a question or a word association. Completion test can be used effectively to measure the recall of terms, dates, names and generalizations.22 Example: “There are five continents in the world. They are …….., Africa, ………., Australia and Europe. Asia is ………… continent in the world, ………… one is Australia.

The completion item and short answer item are both supply type test items, but in the short answer type, the blank is nearly always at the end, whereas in the completion in the completion, type of the blank may occur everywhere in the statement.23

This type of test can be used at almost all levels. But it is extremely difficult to phrase the question or incomplete statement so that only one answer is correct, and in making the questions, it may not too many clues are given to


Wilmar, op. cit.,p. 62. 21

Victor H. Noll, op. cit., p.139


Wilmar, op.cit., p. 61



answer the questions. Cause if too many clues are given, the items will be too easy, and if an insufficient number of clues are presented, the item will be ambiguous and may yield several possibility of correct answer.24

b. Objective Test

An objective test item is any item that there is only a single predictable correct answer.25 The test is scored in such a manner that subjective judgment is eliminated when determining the correctness of a pupil‘s answers.26 Therefore, whether the item is scored by one teacher or another, today or last week, it will yield the same score.

The objective test items commonly used in classroom testing are true false, matching and multiple choices.

1) True False

True false item is referred to alternative response item, the items asks the student to answer with the “true” if conform to the truth or “false” if it essentially incorrect.27 Example: “(T) (F) All sentences consist of subject and verb.”

Thus, the item provides the student with a choice of two alternatives, so the student have a possibility to guess the answer and sometimes it will be the right answer. Because of the random guessing to produce the correct answer the


Wilmar Tinambunan, op. Cit., p.62


Rebbeca M. Valette, Modern Language Testing, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1997) p.8


J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil growth, Principle of Test and Measurement , (Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1976) p.18



true false tests are become less reliable than the other types of test. But these items are appropriate for occasional use, for example after the students choose the two alternatives between rights and wrong, correct or incorrect, etc. they asked to explain by writing the sentences justifying their response.28

Another advantage of constructing a true false item is that the student are able to respond to more true false items in a given time period than any other selection type items.29

2) Matching

The matching test item consists of two parallel columns with each word, number or symbol in one column being matched to a word, sentence or phrase on the other column.30 This type of item is employed widely in situation where relationship of more or less similar ideas, facts, and principles are to be examined or judged.31 Example:

“The…..trains the players in the field a. coach The…..catches fishes in the sea b. Doctor

The…..examines the patient c. Fisherman”


Barbara Gross Davis, Tool for Teaching, (San Francisco: Jersey Bass Publisher, 1993), p. 243


Wilmar Tinambunan, op. cit., p.70


Ibid., p.64



This kind of test is an effective way to test students’ recognition of the relationships between words, definitions, events, dates, categories, example, and so on.32

Matching items are also useful in measuring students’ ability to make association, interpretations or measure knowledge of a series of fact. Besides that, the matching items can be used for a large quantity of associated factual material to be measured in a small amount of space while the students’ time needed to respond is relatively short.33

3) Multiple Choices

A multiple choice item consists of one or more introductory sentences followed by a list of two or more suggested responses from which the examinee chooses one as the correct answer.34 Example: “Language is a tool of communication. People can… to one another with a language

a. communicates c. communication

b. communicate d. communicating

The multiple choices item can measure a variety of learning outcomes from simple to complex, and it is adaptable to most types of subject matter content.

B. Item Analysis


Barbara Gross Davis, Loc. Cit. 33

Wilmar Tinambunan., op. cit., p.65



1. The Definition of Item analysis

There are several descriptions about item analysis. According to J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, “Item analysis is reexamining each test item to discover its strength and flaws”.35

While Anthony J. Nitko, in his book, says that: “item analysis refers to the process of collecting, summarizing, and using information about individual test items, especially information abut pupils’ response to items”.36

Meanwhile, Harold S. Madsen explains that the selection of appropriate language items is not enough by itself to ensure a good test. Each question needs to function properly. Otherwise, it can weaken the exam. Fortunately, there are some rather simple statistical ways or checking individuals’ item. This procedure is called “item analysis”.37

From those opinions, she can conclude that item analysis is the process of collecting information about pupils’ response to the quality of test items.

2. Level of Difficulty

Level of difficulty means the percentage of pupils who answer correctly each test item.38 The percentage is inversely related to difficulty because the larger the fewer will be the students who select the correct option.


J. Stanley Ahmann and Marvin D. Glock, op.cit., p.184


Anthony J. Nitko, op.cit p. 284


Harold S. Madsen, Techniques in Testing, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983) p.180



A good test item should have a certain degree of difficulty. It may not too easy or too difficult because the tests that are too difficult will yield score distribution that make it hard to identify reliable differences in achievement between the pupils who have done well and those who have poorly.

By analyzing the student‘s response to the items, the level of difficulty of each item can be known and the information will be helpful for teacher in identifying concepts to re-teach the study material and giving the students feedback about their learning.39

Mariane Celce-Murcia says that item difficulty refers to the proportion of correct responses to a test item.40

According to Anthony J. Nitko, item difficulty is the fraction of the total group answering the item correctly. To compute it for each item, add together the number of students choosing the correct alternative in the upper, middle and lower groups, and then divide this sum by the total number of the respondents taking the test. It can be stated below:

To make easier in computing the level of difficulty, the writer divides the students into three groups. They are upper, middle, and lower group. Upper and lower


Antony J. Nitko, op .cit., p. 292


Mariane Celce Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (Boston: Heinle and Hainle Publisher, 1991), p. 495-498

Number of students choosing correct answer P = ____________________________________


group are be focused in analysis and the middle group is aside. The writer uses following technique to find out difficulty level of each item in the achievement test:


P = Level of Difficulty

U = Number of students choosing right answer from the upper group L = Number of students choosing right answer from the lower group T = Total number of students in upper and lower group41

Based on the technique above, the writer tries to find out the difficulty level of all the items in Achievement test by the following formula:

Where:P = Difficulty Level of all the items b = Difficulty level of each item N = Total number of test items42

Score of ‘P’ can be range from 0.00 to 1.00. If ‘P’ is 0.00, it means there are not students from upper and lower group can answer the item test correctly. These items belong to very difficult one. And if ‘P’ is 1.00, it means that all the students in upper


Ngalim Purwanto, Prinsip-prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1986), p. 119


Aswani Z and Noehi N, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, (Jakarta: PAU – PPAI, UT, 2001), p. 176 U + L

P = ________ N

∑ b P = ________


and lower group can answer the item test correctly. These items belong to very easy one.

To make clear the writer will give the table of difficulty level range as follow: Table 1

Level of Difficulty

Difficulty Level P

Difficult 0.00 – 0.25

Average 0.26 – 0.75

Easy 0.76 – 1.00

The level of difficulty shows the easiness or difficultness of item test for that group. So the level of difficulty is influenced by the students’ competence. It will be different if the test is given to another group.

3. The Importance of Item Analysis

Item analysis is an important and necessary step in the preparation of good multiple choices tests. Because of this fact, it is suggested that every classroom teacher who uses multiple choice test data should know something of item analysis, how it is and what it means.”43

For the teacher who make test, the following are the important uses of item analysis: determining whether an item functions as teacher intends, feedback to students



about their performance and as a basis for class discussion, feedback to the teacher about pupil difficulties, area for curriculum improvement, revising the item and improving item writing skills.44




A. Background

New Concept English Education Center is an Institution under “Yayasan Pendidikan” New Concept (New Concept Education Foundation). Since its establishment in 1983, New Concept English Education Centre has graduated thousands of students ranging from Elementary students to professionals and executives, including those who made preparation to continue their study abroad. In 2002 New Concept has developed their network by establishing new branches (now 96 branches are operating) in “JABOTABEK” area and will very soon establish new other branches in several big cities outside the area. To achieve its mission, New Concept English Education Centre is supported by 210 teachers and 175 administration staffs.

In Pamulang area, there are 9 branches of NCEEC; they are N.C. Pamulang Estate, N.C. Pamulang Villa, N.C. Bumi Pamulang Indah, N.C. Pamulang Permai, N.C. Sarua Permai, N.C. Pamulang II, N.C. Permata Pamulang, N.C. Bukit Dago, and N.C. Villa Dago Tol. It is also supported by 14 teachers and 9 administration staffs which are managed by an area manager.


B. Visions

• Participating in the provision of education to Indonesia citizens, especially in English Language Teaching to provide them with a key to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in other sciences.

• Creating job opportunities and English – Proficient work force.45

C. Mission

• Creating an up-to-date teaching method which enables the acceleration of English acquisition.

• Building a professional management support system which maintains the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching-learning process.

• Preparing professional human resources by way of systematic training and development programs.

• Developing networks and marketing strategies to widen educational service to people from all walks of life across the country.46

D. Six Reasons why People Choose NCEEC

• NCEEC is an English Course with an extensive experience (more than 19 years)

• NCEEC has published 21 books equipped with recorded cassettes by English Native speaker (for different levels of study)


Institution Profile New Concept English Education Centre, p.2

46 Op cit.


• NCEEC operates based on a standardized academic system, which is tight, measurable, and has graduated a great number of people with proven English proficiency based on clear teaching objectives.

• NCEEC is supported by a topnotch English Consultant with a doctorate from the OHIO State University.

• NCEEC has successfully proven itself in teaching English to thousands of students.

• NCEEC is supported by hundreds of professional management staffs.47

E. Organization of NCEEC Pamulang Office

Director : Arsadi Latief

Language Consultant : Bachrudin Musthafa, MA.,PhD

Director of Research and Development : Drs. Sri Yunanto

Director of Education : Drs. H. Asnawi Yusuf

Director of Marketing : Khumaedi Soewardi, MBA

Director of Finance : Aris Fadhilah, SE

Director of HRD : Drs. Y. Ambar Wahyudi

Pamulang Area Manager : Faturahman

Ass. Pamulang Area Manager : Sangidun

Adm. NC. Pamulang Estate : Rasimin

Adm. N.C. Bumi Pamulang Indah : Sri Rejeki



Adm. N.C. Pamulang Permai : Widyaningsih

Adm. N.C. Pamulang II : Heru Susanto

Adm. N.C. Sarua Permai : Maryanto

Adm. N.C. New Vila Dago Tol : Wawan Sucibrata

Adm. Permata Pamulang : Isriyanto

Adm. Pamulang Villa : Sri Jumiem

Adm. Bukit Dago : Tukiyem

F. Teaching Programs

1. General English Program those are:

a. Pre-School 1-3 (Playgroup & Kindergarten) b. Pre Introduction 1-3 (1-3 elementary school) c. Introduction 1-3 (4-6 elementary school) d. Pre Beginner 1-3 (1-2 junior high school) e. Beginner 1-3 (2-3 junior high school) f. Elementary 1-3 (transition)

g. Pre Intermediate 1-3 (equal to 1 senior high school) h. Intermediate 1-3 (equal to 2 senior high school)

i. Higher intermediate 1-3 (equal to 3 senior high school) j. Advanced 1-3 Completion

2. English for Specific Purpose


3. English for Academic Purpose

(TOEFL – IELTS – Reading Workshop – Writing Workshop) 4. Private Class

5. In-Company Training

G. Learning Facilities

The Teaching Learning Process is designed promoting effectiveness and efficiency in English learning. The seating arrangement of the learners is U-shape which promotes effective communication between learners and teachers.

Every classroom is air-conditioned and equipped with a stereo set. The stereo set is to provide pronunciation, speaking and listening practices with the recorded tape by English native speaker. The number of students in every classroom, moreover, is limited 8-12 pupils.

H. Teaching Method

The teaching method adopted in NCEEC is based on “Communicative Approach”. The method is applied with typical flavor of an English course.

The presentation of the material is based on “Spiral Method” and Expanding horizon”. Themes are presented from simple to complex ones, from familiar to new ones. The process of learning is measured using several phases of assessment: Pre Evaluation, Mid Evaluation and Post Evaluation. Successful students – those who


pass the evaluations in one level – will be awarded “Report Cards” and “Certificate”48

I. Instructors of NCEEC Pamulang

At the present time, NCEEC is supported by more than a hundred teaching instructors. They are graduates from different reputable universities, such as: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), State Islamic University (UIN Jakarta), STKIP UNINDRA, Akademi Bahasa Asing Yogyakarta (ABAYO) and other reputable universities. To improve their teaching ability, NCEEC provides them with a series of well-designed trainings.

J. Supporting Activities

To achieve the best accomplishment in learning English, the teaching learning process taking place in the classroom is supported with learning activities outside the class. The activities included: New Concept Conversation Club (NCCC), Sunday Meeting, Speech and Storytelling Contest, Poetry Reading Contest, Study tour, Jamboree and Grand Meeting.





A. Research Methodology 1. The Purpose of Research

The analysis is done to measure the quality of English achievement test at the Elementary level 2 of New Concept English Education Center. In this case, the writer would like to know about the difficulty level of each item.

2. Place and Time of Research

The research is done in New Concept English Education Center, Pamulang. The writer did the research from 1st of May to 20th of August 2007. The writer took the test paper and students’ answer sheet to be analyzed.

3. Technique of Sampling

The writer took the sample from Elementary level 2 of New Concept. The total number of the students is 30 students. But the writer divides the students into three groups, they are upper, middle and lower group, and then the writer takes upper and lower group to be analyzed.


4. Technique of Data Collecting

To collect data based on the topic of discussion, the writer asked for the students’ answer sheet and the test paper of the achievement English test at Elementary 2 level of New Concept to be analyzed.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis, which is used in this research, is descriptive analysis technique. It will describe difficulty level of each item in Students Achievement Test. The writer analyzes the sixty items (75%) from the difficulty level of test item.

Before the writer discusses the difficulty level of test item, the writer divides the students into three groups, they are upper, middle and lower group, and then the writer takes upper and lower group to be analyzed.

The writer also divides the test items to be two groups; they are use of English and listening.

B. Research Finding 1. Description of Data

The Data that the writer used in this study is the English Achievement Test for the Elementary 2 of New Concept on 22nd of April 2007 with the given time 90 minutes. The total numbers of test items are 80 items which consists of 40 Use of English items, 20 listening test items and 20 writing test items. But the writer


focused to analyze only in multiple choice items which consists of 40 Use of English items and 20 listening items.

There are 30 students who were classified into 3 groups. 10 students are in the upper group, 10 students are in the middle group and others are in the lower group. Not all the students’ answer will be analyzed. The writer took only two groups of them. The data that will be analyzed is 33% from the upper group and 33% from the lower group.

This analysis focused in the students in the upper and lower group in order to determine the students who follow the test well (upper group) and the students who follow the test worst (lower group). The following table is the differences of students’ answer in the upper and lower group in English achievement test at the Elementary level 2 of New Concept English Education Center.

2. Data Analysis

1). Use of English (Multiple Choice)

Number 1 is a difficult item, because there are only four students in upper group and a student in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 2 and 3 are good items, because their level of difficulty is 0.70. It is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to average item. In these items, there are nine students in upper group and 5 students in lower group who can answer it correctly.


Number 4 is a good item also. There are six students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 5 is a good item. There are three students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 8 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.40. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 6 is a good item, because their level of difficulty is 0.60. It is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to average item. In these items, there are nine students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly.

Number 7 is a difficult item, because there are only a student in upper group and a student in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 2 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.10. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 8 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and a student in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 9 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.45. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item

Number 9 is a good item because there are eleven students that contain eight students from upper and three students from lower group who can answer it correctly. And it has level of difficulty 0.55 that belongs to average item.


Number 10 is a good item too because there are six students that contain three students from each group who can answer it correctly. And it has level of difficulty in 0.30 that belongs to average level.

. Number 11 is a difficult item, because there are only four students in upper group and a student in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item

Number 12 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.70. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 13 is a difficult item, because there are only three students in lower group and there isn’t any student from upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 3 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.15. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item

Number 14 is a good item. There are six students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 15 is a good item. There are seven students in each group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.70. It means, it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.


Number 16 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 17 is a good item. There are seven students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 10 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.50. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 18 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 19 is an easy item because most students can answer it correctly. They are nine students in upper group and eight students in lower group. Because there are 17 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.85. It means that it is in range 0.76 to 1.00 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 20 is a difficult item, because there are only two students in lower group and a student in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 3 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.15. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 21 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from


20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.60. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 22 is an easy item because most students can answer it correctly. They are ten students in upper group and six students in lower group. Because there are 16 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.80. It means that it is in range 0.76 to 1.00 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 23 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 24 is a good item. There are five students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 8 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.40. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 25 is a difficult item, because there are only five students in upper group and there isn’t any student in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 26 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.


Number 27 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 28 is a good item. There are six students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 29 is a good item. There are two students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 7 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.35. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 30 is a good item. There are seven students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 31 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and two students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 32 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from


20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.70. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 33 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 15 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.75. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 34 is a difficult item, because there are only four students in upper group and one student in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 35 and 36 are good items. There are ten students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of these items is 0.65. It means that they are in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 37 is a good item. There are five students in upper group and two students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 7 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.35. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 38 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.70. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.


Number 39 is a good item. There are seven students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 10 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.50. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 40 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Based on the data above, she can see that in multiple choice (use of English) items, there are two items which belong to the easy items, with the range of difficulty level: 0.76 – 1.00, they are items no. 19, 22. And there are seven items which belong to the difficult items with the range of difficulty level: 0.00 – 0.25, they are items no. 1, 7, 11, 13, 20, 25, and 34. And the others are average items which have good difficulty level: 0.26 – 0.75.

2). Listening

Number 1 is an easy item because most students can answer it correctly. They are eight students in upper group and nine students in lower group. Because there are 17 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.85. It means that it is in range 0.76 to 1.00 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 2 is a good item. There are eight students in upper group and two students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 10 students from


20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.50. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 3 is a good item. There are seven students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 12 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.60. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 4 is an easy item because most students can answer it correctly. They are ten students in upper group and six students in lower group. Because there are 16 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.80. It means that it is in range 0.76 to 1.00 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 5 is a good item. There are six students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 6 is a good item. There are four students in each group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 12 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.40. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 7 is a difficult item, because there are only four students in upper group and one student in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.


Number 8 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 15 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.75. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 9 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 14 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.70. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 10 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and six students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 15 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.75. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 11 is a difficult item, because there are only two students in upper group and one student in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 3 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.15. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 12 is an easy item because most students can answer it correctly. They are ten students in upper group and six students in lower group. Because there are 16 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.80. It means that it is in range 0.76 to 1.00 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 13 is a good item. There are nine students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from


20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 14 is a good item. There are ten students in upper group and three students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 15 is a good item. There are seven students in upper group and six students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 13 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.65. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 16 is a good item. There are five students in upper group and one student in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 6 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.30. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 17 is a difficult item, because there are only one student in upper group and four students in upper group who can answer it correctly. Because there are only 5 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.25. It means that it is in range 0.00 to 0.25 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 18 is a good item. There are five students in upper group and six students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.


Number 19 is a good item. There are five students in upper group and four students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 9 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.45. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Number 20 is a good item. There are six students in upper group and five students in lower group who can answer it correctly. Because there are 11 students from 20 students, the difficulty level of this item is 0.55. It means that it is in range 0.26 to 0.75 that belongs to difficult item.

Based on the data above, she can see that in listening items, there are three items which belong to the easy items, with the range of difficulty level: 0.76 – 1.00, they are items no. 1, 4, 12. And there are also three items which belong to the difficult items with the range of difficulty level: 0.00 – 0.25, they are items no. 7, 11, and 17. And the others are average items which have good difficulty level: 0.26 – 0.75.

3. Data Interpretation

Based on the data of item analysis result in difficulty level, she can see that from 60 items there are 45 items regarded as good test items because they have fulfilled the criteria of a good level of difficulty, they consist of 31 items of Use of English and 14 items of Listening. Besides that, there are 5 items which belong to the test item having low level of difficulty that range from 0.76 until 1.00. So these items are easy items which consist of 2 items of Use of English and 3 items of Listening. And 10 items are difficult items because they have high level of difficulty


that range from 0.00 until 0.25. They are 7 items of Use of English and 3 items of Listening.

For whole items, the writer can say that the difficulty level of English achievement test items for Elementary Level 2 of New Concept belongs to the test items which have average level of difficulty ranging from 0.26 until 0.75. So, these test items are average. In other word, the test has a good difficulty level.





Based on the data analysis and the interpretation in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude that the quality of English achievement test items tested at Elementary level 2 of New Concept English education center are as follows: there are 45 items (75 %) regarded as good test items because they are in average level that range from 0.26 until 0.75. Besides that, there are 5 items (8 %) which belong to the test item having low level of difficulty because that ranges from 0.76 until 1.00. So these items are easy items. And 10 items (17 %) are difficult items because they have high level of difficulty that range from 0.00 until 0.25.

And the difficulty level of English achievement test items for Elementary Level 2 of New Concept belongs to the test items which have average level of difficulty ranging from 0.26 until 0.75. So, these test items are average. In other word, the test has a good difficulty level.


From the conclusion written above, the writer would like to give some suggestion for the teachers of Elementary level 2 as follow:

1. To know whether an item given to student is a good quality or not, the teacher should analyze the student’s test result


2. The items that fulfill the criteria of good items can be used for the future evaluation.

3. The items that do not fulfill the criteria should be revised so that they can be used for the next evaluation.

4. The teacher can improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning process by using the result of analysis on the items



Ahmann, J. Stanley and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil growth, Principle of Test

and Measurement, Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1976.

Arikunto, Prof. Dr. Suharsimi, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan ed. rev, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1999.

Brown, H. Douglas, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 3rd ed., Englewood Cliff: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1994.

C. Nunnaly, Jum, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, New York: Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, 1964

Celce Murcia, Mariane, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Boston: Heinle and Hainle Publisher, 1991.

F. Bahman, Lyle, Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990

F. Station, Thomas, Cara Mengajar dengan Hasil yang Baik, Bandung: Diponegoro, 1978

Gross Davis, Barbara, Tool for Teaching, San Francisco: Jersey Bass Publisher, 1993. Hopkins, Kenneth D., Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, 8th

ed., Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.

J. Nitko, Antony, Educational test and Measurement an Introduction, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983.

M. Valette, Rebecca, Modern Language Testing, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1997.

N.E., Grounlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching 5th Ed, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985.

Nunan, David, Research Methods in Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992


Purwanto, M.Pd, Drs. M. Ngalim, Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006.

S. Madsen, Harold, Technique in Teaching, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Sudjana, Dr. Nana, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 1992. Suryabrata, Sumadi, Pengembangan Tes Hasil Belajar, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo

Persada, 1997.

T. Nietzel, Michael, Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Englewood Cliff: Prentice hall, 1998.

Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, London: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

W. Oller, John, Language Test at School, A Pragmatic Approach, London: Longman, 1979.



1. Students’ answer in the upper group (Use of English) 2. Students’ answer in the lower group (Use of English) 3. Students’ answer in the upper and lower group (Listening) 4. Soal Ujian Elementary 2

5. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi 6. Surat izin Penelitian


that range from 0.00 until 0.25. They are 7 items of Use of English and 3 items of Listening.

For whole items, the writer can say that the difficulty level of English achievement test items for Elementary Level 2 of New Concept belongs to the test items which have average level of difficulty ranging from 0.26 until 0.75. So, these test items are average. In other word, the test has a good difficulty level.





Based on the data analysis and the interpretation in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude that the quality of English achievement test items tested at Elementary level 2 of New Concept English education center are as follows: there are 45 items (75 %) regarded as good test items because they are in average level that range from 0.26 until 0.75. Besides that, there are 5 items (8 %) which belong to the test item having low level of difficulty because that ranges from 0.76 until 1.00. So these items are easy items. And 10 items (17 %) are difficult items because they have high level of difficulty that range from 0.00 until 0.25.

And the difficulty level of English achievement test items for Elementary Level 2 of New Concept belongs to the test items which have average level of difficulty ranging from 0.26 until 0.75. So, these test items are average. In other word, the test has a good difficulty level.


From the conclusion written above, the writer would like to give some suggestion for the teachers of Elementary level 2 as follow:

1. To know whether an item given to student is a good quality or not, the teacher should analyze the student’s test result


2. The items that fulfill the criteria of good items can be used for the future evaluation.

3. The items that do not fulfill the criteria should be revised so that they can be used for the next evaluation.

4. The teacher can improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning process by using the result of analysis on the items



Ahmann, J. Stanley and Marvin D. Glock, Evaluating Pupil growth, Principle of Test and Measurement, Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc., 1976.

Arikunto, Prof. Dr. Suharsimi, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan ed. rev, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1999.

Brown, H. Douglas, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 3rd ed., Englewood Cliff: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1994.

C. Nunnaly, Jum, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, New York: Mc. Graw Hill Book Company, 1964

Celce Murcia, Mariane, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Boston: Heinle and Hainle Publisher, 1991.

F. Bahman, Lyle, Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1990

F. Station, Thomas, Cara Mengajar dengan Hasil yang Baik, Bandung: Diponegoro, 1978

Gross Davis, Barbara, Tool for Teaching, San Francisco: Jersey Bass Publisher, 1993. Hopkins, Kenneth D., Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation, 8th

ed., Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998.

J. Nitko, Antony, Educational test and Measurement an Introduction, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983.

M. Valette, Rebecca, Modern Language Testing, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1997.

N.E., Grounlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching 5th Ed, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985.

Nunan, David, Research Methods in Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992


Purwanto, M.Pd, Drs. M. Ngalim, Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006.

S. Madsen, Harold, Technique in Teaching, New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Sudjana, Dr. Nana, Penilaian Hasil Belajar, Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 1992. Suryabrata, Sumadi, Pengembangan Tes Hasil Belajar, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo

Persada, 1997.

T. Nietzel, Michael, Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Englewood Cliff: Prentice hall, 1998.

Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, London: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

W. Oller, John, Language Test at School, A Pragmatic Approach, London: Longman, 1979.



1. Students’ answer in the upper group (Use of English) 2. Students’ answer in the lower group (Use of English) 3. Students’ answer in the upper and lower group (Listening) 4. Soal Ujian Elementary 2

5. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi 6. Surat izin Penelitian