Background of the Study


A. Background of the Study

Human being cannot life without communicating with others. In communication, people usually greet someone else before starting conversation. There is a social relation between them. This relationship makes language has important function in society, such as to create and keep the relationship among the others. Every language also reflects the social characters of the speaker, of the addresse or the relation between them . The study of language in relation to society is sociolinguistic. One of the studies is address system. Address system is one of the important tools of communication used in society. Address forms are the speaker’s words used to appoint the person they are talking when the conversation is going on. Names and second-person pronouns are the kinds of address form Fasold, 1990:1. While Chaika 1982:46 states that addressing differs from greeting in two ways. First, addressing is used almost solely for power and solidarity. Greeting may be different between two people depending on their mood. Two people who address each other the same way each time they meet may be different their greeting. Second, addressing can be repeatedly constantly throughout a conversation, to strengthen the relation intimacy and solidarity between people. Address system in greeting of conversation show the interest between the participants. The statement above means that address system is word used to appoint person in a conversation. The words used are depending on the relationship and 1 2 the closeness between them. It may to respect someone, for example by title, Mr., Mrs., Professor, Doctor etc. or non-formal, for example by nickname, Thom, John, Tim, etc. Some factors influence the close relationship between the people in particular situation and how the speaker feels about the people being addressed. Wardhaugh 2000:262 states that someone can address other by title T, by first name FN, by last name LN, by nickname, by some combination of these, or by nothing at all. The choice of name which someone uses to address other depends both on knowledge of the person as addresser and on the situation. It can be concluded that someone address other by title or full name can be indicated inequality and unfamiliarity. While if someone address other by first name moreover nickname it can be indicated equality and familiarity. So, it can be known the relationship and the closely between people and other from how they address each other is. In the thriller movie, there are many address term used. For example “honey”, “sweety”, “baby” to show love in the close relation, “Mr. Coleman”, “Sir” to respecting, “daddy”, “mommy”, “sister”, “grandma” to show kinship, “guys” and “dude” to friendly relation, “detective”, “doctor”, “maestro” to mention the occupation, “fucking mommy” and “fucking sister” to show anger. However, not all the address term used in the thriller movie are translated in the subtitle, because several of them containing dirty word and even there are address terms are not translated at all. So it makes some nonequivalence between the source language SL and target language TL. 3 According to Dirks in his article http:www.filmsite.orgsubgenres.html thriller films are virtually synonymous and interchangeable categorizations. They are types of films known to promote intense excitement, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve- wracking tension. In this study the writer deals with analyzing the address systems used in thriller movie and it’s subtitle. The movies are Black Swan , Orphan , and Drive Angry . Example in Orphan movie: 0009SLTLOP INT.EXT. TREEHOUSE - DAY Daniel and his friends AUSTIN and TREVOR run down a short path through the woods behind.the Colemans house to a tall tree. -This is no Little Rascals job -- this thing was professionally built. They climb up to it. Inside, Daniel throws back a rug and pries up a loose plank. Under it is a small STASH OF WEED. SL Daniel : Dude, its all in here. Oh, God. My hands are freezing. TL Daniel : Semua ada di sini. Astaga. Tanganku kedinginan. On the conversation above, in the source language SL the speaker address by Dude. Dude belongs to address term used to show closeness. Usually, it is used to address close friends such like guys . The purpose is to show closeness, because in the situation, Daniel is talking to his close friends. The relation between them is close relation that they have known each other. Then, in target language TL the address term is not translated. There is deletion here that in target language Dude isn’t translated. So, it is not equivalence because in target language the speaker doesn’t show the closeness. 4 By the background above, the writer is interested in analysis the address systems used in thriller movie. So, the writer decides to conduct a research paper entitled A Study on the Address System Used in Thriller Movie and It’s Subtitle.

B. Previous Study