appc autotype deprecated BuildXMLGen ClientDeployer

2-2 Command Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server ■ Section 2.18, getProperty ■ Section 2.19, host2ior ■ Section 2.20, ImportPrivateKey ■ Section 2.21, jhtml2jsp ■ Section 2.22, jspc deprecated ■ Section 2.23, logToZip ■ Section 2.24, MBean Commands ■ Section 2.25, MulticastTest ■ Section 2.26, myip ■ Section 2.27, pem2der ■ Section 2.28, rmic ■ Section 2.29, Schema ■ Section 2.30, servicegen deprecated ■ Section 2.31, SearchAndBuild ■ Section 2.32, source2wsdd deprecated ■ Section 2.33, system ■ Section 2.34, ValidateCertChain ■ Section 2.35, verboseToZip ■ Section 2.36, wlappc ■ Section 2.37, wlcompile ■ Section 2.38, wlconfig ■ Section 2.39, wldeploy ■ Section 2.40, wlpackage ■ Section 2.41, wlserver ■ Section 2.42, wsdl2Service ■ Section 2.43, wsdlgen deprecated ■ Section 2.44, wspackage deprecated

2.1 appc

The appc compiler generates and compiles the classes needed to deploy EJBs and JSPs to Oracle WebLogic Server. It also validates the deployment descriptors for compliance with the current specifications at both the individual module level and the application level. See appc Reference in Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.

2.2 AppletArchiver

The AppletArchiver utility runs an applet in a separate frame, keeps a record of all of the downloaded classes and resources used by the applet, and packages these into either a .jar file or a .cab file. The cabarc utility is available from Microsoft. Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Java Utilities 2-3

2.2.1 Syntax

java utils.applet.archiver.AppletArchiver URL filename Table 2–1 describes the arguments passed to the AppletArchiver utility.

2.3 autotype deprecated

Use the autotype Ant task to generate non-built-in data type components, such as the serialization class, for Web Services. The fully qualified name for the autotype Ant task is weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.javaschema.JavaSchema. For a complete list of Web Services Ant tasks, see Ant Task Reference in WebLogic Web Services Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server.

2.4 BuildXMLGen

Use BuildXMLGen to generate a build.xml file for enterprise applications in the split-directory structure. For complete documentation of this utility, see Building Applications in a Split Development Directory in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.

2.5 CertGen

The CertGen utility generates certificates that should only be used for demonstration or testing purposes, not in a production environment.

2.5.1 Syntax

java utils.CertGen -certfile cert_file -keyfile private_key_file -keyfilepass private_key_password [-cacert ca_cert_file][-cakey ca_key_file] [-cakeypass ca_key_password] [-selfsigned][-strength key_strength] [-e email_address][-cn common_name] [-ou org_unit][-o organization] [-l locality][-s state][-c country_code] [-keyusage [digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign, cRLSign,encipherOnly,decipherOnly]] [-keyusagecritical true|false] [-subjectkeyid subject_key_identifier] [-subjectkeyidformat UTF-8|BASE64] [-help] Table 2–2 describes the arguments that are passed to the CertGen utility. Table 2–1 AppletArchiver Arguments Argument Definition URL URL for the applet. filename Local filename that is the destination for the archive. 2-4 Command Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server Table 2–2 CertGen Arguments Argument Definition -certfile cert_file -keyfile private_key_file Respectively, the output file names without extensions of the generated public certificate and private key. The appropriate extensions are appended when the pem and der files are created. -keyfilepass private_key_password The password for the generated private key. -cacert ca_cert_file -cakey ca_key_file -cakeypass ca_key_password Respectively, the public certificate, private key file, and private key password of the CA that will be used as the issuer of the generated certificate. If one or more of these options are not specified, the relevant demonstration CA files will be used: CertGenCA.der and CertGenCAKey.der. The CertGen utility first looks in the current working directory, then in the WL_HOMElib directory. -selfsigned Generates a self-signed certificate that can be used as a trusted CA certificate. If this argument is specified, the ca_cert_filename, ca_key_ filename , and ca_key_password arguments should not be specified. -strength key_strength The length in bits of the keys to be generated. The longer the key, the more difficult it is for someone to break the encryption. -e email_address The email address associated with the generated certificate. -cn common_name The name associated with the generated certificate. -ou org_unit The name of the organizational unit associated with the generated certificate. -o organization The name of the organization associated with the generated certificate. -l locality The name of a city or town. -s state The name of the state or province in which the organizational unit ou operates if your organization is in the United States or Canada, respectively. Do not abbreviate. -c country_code Two-letter ISO code for your country. The code for the United States is US. -keyusage [digitalSignature, nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment,keyAgreement, keyCertSign,cRLSign, encipherOnly,decipherOnly] Generate certificate with a keyusage extension, and with bits set according to the comma-separated list of bit names. Specify a key usage when you want to restrict the operation for a key that could be used for more than one operation. -keyusagecritical true|false By default, a keyusage extension is marked critical. To generate a certificate with a non-critical extension, use -keyusagecritical false. -subjectkeyid subject_key_ identifier Generates a certificate with the specified subject key identifier. -subjectkeyidformat UTF-8|BASE64 The format of the subjectkeyid value; UTF-8 is the default. Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Java Utilities 2-5

2.5.2 Example

By default, the CertGen utility looks for the CertGenCA.der and CertGenCAKey.der files in the current directory, or in the WL_HOME directory, as specified in the weblogic.home system property or the CLASSPATH. Alternatively, you can specify CA files on the command line. Enter the following command to generate certificate files named testcert with private key files named testkey: java utils.CertGen -keyfilepass mykeypass -certfile testcert -keyfile testkey Generating a certificate with common name return and key strength 1024 issued by CA with certificate from CertGenCA.der file and key from CertGenCAKey.der file

2.6 ClientDeployer

You use weblogic.ClientDeployer to extract the client-side JAR file from a Java EE EAR file, creating a deployable JAR file. The weblogic.ClientDeployer class is executed on the Java command line with the following syntax: java weblogic.ClientDeployer ear-file client The ear-file argument is an expanded directory or Java archive file with a .ear extension that contains one or more client application JAR files. For example: java weblogic.ClientDeployer app.ear myclient In the preceding example, app.ear is the EAR file that contains a Java EE client packaged in myclient.jar. Once the client-side JAR file is extracted from the EAR file, use the weblogic.j2eeclient.Main utility to bootstrap the client-side application and point it to a WebLogic Server instance as follows: java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main clientjar URL [application args] For example: java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main helloWorld.jar t3:localhost:7001 Greetings

2.7 clientgen