


Nopita Hayani

Vocabulary is complex element of language to be mastered by students because

there are some elements of vocabulary should be mastered by students that are

function word, content word and idioms. Therefore students find difficulty to

master each element of vocabulary in their language teaching program.

The objectives of this research were to find out whether there was significant

ht through

derivational approach especially content word in terms of verb relating to the

subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. Noun is a

word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Adjective

relating to modify a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying

words. Adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a


This research was conducted based on the experimental method. This study

applied the control group pre test- post test design modified from idea suggested


second year students of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung in the year 2011/2012. In

determining the experimental class and the control class, the researcher used

lottery. Since the data was


data was collected by using two vocabulary tests: pre-test and post-test.

The result of this research showed that learning English through derivational

approach can increase students ability in mastering vocabulary during teaching

learning process. It can be seen from

mean score. The

students mean score of the pretest was 59.11 while the mean score of the posttest

was 73.83. After comparing the result of the pretest and the posttest score, it was

found that there was significant difference; the mean score of the students who

were taught using derivational approach increased 14.72 after the treatments.

Based on the data analysis at the significant level of 0.05, it was noted that

p=0.000. It means that the increase was significant.


1. Examination Committee

Chairperson :

Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum.



Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd.



Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A.

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Bujang Rahman, M.Si.

NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



1.1 Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is one of factors that support students for mastering language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In listening, students may not understand the conversation well. In speaking they cannot communicate well without vocabulary, in reading students may not understand the text, and in writing students may not write our idea, that problems is caused students do not master the vocabulary. We can conclude that vocabulary is very important in a language because vocabulary is one of the language components in English. It is supported by Wallace (1988:9), “vocabulary is the vital aspect of the language”. Furthermore, Rivers (1970:462) says that “it would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary”.

Vocabulary, as one of the language components, it is an important component for students to be learned since it builds up communication. People cannot send their message or express ideas to others, nor can they grasp what other people say if they do not master vocabulary. Vocabulary is the basic element of language that will make language meaningful. It implies that more vocabulary people learn, the easier they express their ideas. Therefore, vocabulary is a must in learning a language.


Even though, we know the vocabulary is an important language component that should be mastered by students but there are still many students who still lack of vocabulary. There were still many students who could not answer the teacher question, they kept asking the teacher to translate the question into their mother tongue (Indonesian). And when reading some textbooks the students did not know the content of the text even could not answer the reading comprehension because they did not know the meaning of the text that written in English, the same as their writing ability, when the teacher asked them to make a paragraph. The student was really depended on the dictionary to make it in English words and the last, their listening and speaking ability. When the teacher asked them some questions in English, some of the students could understand the meaning of what the teacher said but they could not answer it by using English.

As Allan and Vallate (1997) state that teaching vocabulary can be meaningful if the teacher conducts the teaching process by combining the available techniques of teaching. Moreover effendi (cited in Restina, 1997: 1) says that one of students’ weaknesses in using English is they lack of vocabulary. It can be concluded that teacher should choose the appropriate technique to decrease the students’ lack of vocabulary because if the teacher did not use exact technique the students cannot follow the material from the teacher.

Recently, many researchers have found new technique to solve that problem, one of them is derivation. Derivation is used to form new lexemes, either by adding derivational prefixes or suffixes. Learning the derivation will serve as a useful tool in building students vocabulary achievement. It will help one to add clarity to his


understanding of English because almost 60 percent of all English words are formed from derivation that is the root and affixes (Simanjuntak, 1998: 64). Regarding to the backgrounds of the problem, the researcher used derivation approach especially in the process of teaching the vocabulary. Derivational approach gives emphasis the process of developing new words from the roots. In using derivation students can develop one word becomes more than one word by learning affixes. Affixes are one of morphemes that is joined before (prefix) or after (suffix) basic word (root). The aimed of this research is to show how the derivational approach can increase students’ vocabulary achievement.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Referring to the background above, the problem of the research as follows: Can Derivational Approach significantly increase students’ vocabulary achievement especially content words in terms of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb?

1.3Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out whether there is significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through derivational approach especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb.


1.4 Uses of the Research

The uses of the research are:

1. Theoretically, this result of this research is expected to support the previous theories that derivational approach can be used to increase students’ vocabulary achievement especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb.

2. Practically, the result of this research can give information to English teacher that derivational approach can be used to increase students’ vocabulary achievement especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb.

1.5Scope of the Research

This research was about teaching English vocabulary through Derivational approach. This research was conducted at the second year of SMAN 3 BANDAR LAMPUNG. The researcher focused on the implementation of Derivational approach in teaching vocabulary especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb, because derivational approach gives emphasis the process of developing new words from the basic word. So that, in using derivation students can develop one word become more than one words, for example from the noun it can be develop become adjective and verb. Students were given four time treatments in this research. One meeting was conducted 90 minutes. The test was given twice, they are pretest and posttest. Pretest was given to know the


students’ vocabulary background knowledge and Posttest was given to know the students’ vocabulary after they have been taught using derivational approach.

1.6Definition of Terms

There are some terms that will be used in this research and to make it clear, some definitions of term are presented as follow:

1. Vocabulary is one of the factors that support the master four language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is a language component to be learned by students because in vocabulary there are content words which consist of noun, verb, adjective and adverb, that can be used to build up new word so we can get communication well.

2. Derivational is change or develop a word after adding affix. Affixes are one morpheme that is joined before or after basic word. The kind of affix that goes before the basic word is called a prefix, and the kind that goes after the basic word is called a suffix.



2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important component of the language. We cannot develop four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing without having enough mastery of vocabulary. As Fries (1973:32) states that vocabulary is the essential of language learning. It meant without vocabulary we cannot understand what someone is said that we heard. We cannot speak well because the lack of vocabulary and because of the lack vocabulary we cannot understand the text and cannot develop the sentence that we will write.

A vocabulary is a set of words known to a person or other entity, or that are part of a specific language stated by Aitcheson (2001). And Harmer (1993:153) states that if language structures make up the skeleton of language, than it is the vocabulary that provides the vital organs. It suggest vocabulary is one of the important component in develop and construct the language. Without the vocabulary a sentence cannot arrange well.

Furthermore, Rivers (1970:462) says that “it would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary”. This suggests that without vocabulary the students cannot reach their purpose in learning language that is aimed to communicate. Vocabulary has the important role in communication because the more students


know and master vocabulary, automatically it will help them in communication. This statement is supported by Wilkins (1972:3) who says that “without grammar little things can be conveyed but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. From statement above, the researcher conclude that vocabulary is language component which plays important role in a language. It means that we cannot share our ideas to other if we do not know and mastery vocabulary for making the sentence.

2.2 Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

“The essential area of language is the lexicon or vocabulary of the language”( Finnochiaro, 1964:68). From the statement, the researcher concludes that vocabulary must be taught when one learns language, if it is not; he learns no language at all. The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to make the students understand the meaning of the words and able to analysis the text.

The process of teaching vocabulary needs some possible techniques. Kustarjo (1988:24) proposes five possible ways of teaching vocabulary as follows:

a. Teaching vocabulary through creativity

The teacher should allow many choices to the students as they want to learn. The teacher can make this technique which enables the students to be creative in producing vocabulary, such as: game, picture, drama, and so on. For example teacher gives a game by dividing the room into two teams. Each team sends one representative to the board. Choose a word and show it to the students at the board. Each one has to draw the word in


action so that his team can guess what it is. When a member of his team knows the answer, she can raise her hand to name the word and give its definition. If she cannot define the word, the other team has the

opportunity to steal the point, for example the word which will be given is run, run is a verb it can changes became runner. This game encourages students to learn the practical application of their vocabulary words, not just to memorize them. The aim of this game encourages creativity and teamwork from your students.

b. Teaching vocabulary through context clues

The teacher can use context clues in word recognize by figuring out the meaning of the word based on the clue of surrounding the context. For example teacher gives a word for students then students are asked to find synonym or antonym from example the word see the synonym are look, observe and discern, because from one word (see) we can also learn another word (look, observe, and discern) which has similar meaning.

c. Teaching vocabulary through guessing

The teacher can encourage the students to guess first and to consult the word learned. To guess correctly, a student should have a good rational. The teacher can give example by pronouncing a sentence, and then the students guess the words that the teacher meant e.g: teacher pronouns the word, the word is play, then the students are asked to spell the later of play.


d. Teaching vocabulary through definition

The teacher guides the students to define the meaning of the words and to arrange the words into correct sentence, for example teacher teaches a word. The word is a dancer, then teacher explain the meaning of a dancer. A dancer is a person who dances.

e. Teaching vocabulary through derivational

The teacher includes the four classes of words in the position of occurrence in English sentence patterns. Then the teacher asks the students to derive the words, for example: employ (verb), employer (noun), employable (adjective), etc.

This research was focused on teaching vocabulary through derivational. Derivation in vocabulary can increase the students’ vocabularies because student can develop one word become more than one.

2.3 Concept of Derivation

According to Boey (1975:39) “derivational affixes are bound morphemes which generally combine with the base to change its part of speech”. A morpheme is defined as the minimal meaningful unit of a language. In a word like independently, we say that the morphemes are in-, depend, -ent, and ly; depend is the root and the other morphemes are derivational affixes. The researcher assumes that derivation is a word which gets addition of an affix. So that changes after getting the affix. The derived word is often of a different word class from the original. It may thus take the inflection affixes of the new word class.


Lamb (1963:20) says that “most words in English are derivate, that is, they are derived from other words”. A derivative always consists of a steam, or main syllable, and one or more prefixes and/or suffixes. Sometimes a word will have more than one prefix and/or than one suffix.


1. Communicate is verb which is given suffix “ive” then it become adjective that is communicative.

The example in natural communication:

The language course is based on a highly communicative method in small groups.

2. Attain is verb which is given suffix “able” then it become adjective, that is attainable.

The example in natural communication:

The dolls are not very different to Barbie who, while not presenting children with a normal attainable body image and lifestyle.

3. Bestow is verb which is given suffix “al” then it become noun, that is bestowal.

The example in natural communication:

There was something about the interaction that suggested bestowal.

4. Rage is noun which is given prefix “en” then it becomes verb that is enraged. The example in natural communication:


5. Rich is noun which is given prefix “en” then it became verb that is enriched. The example in natural communication:

Enriched soil will give you the best chances of growing the biggest fruit possible.

6. Slave is noun which is given prefix “en” then it becomes verb that is enslaved.

The example in natural communication:

The people who are so enslaved do not know what they are doing for they have never tasted another life.

From the example above the particle –ive, -able, -al are called suffix because they are added after the base. In contrast from example number 4 until 6 there is particle –en before the base. And it is called prefix. Suffix and Prefix is kind of Affix in English.

So we can conclude Affixes is one morpheme that is joined before after or within a root or base.


A prefix is a word-part that is added at the beginning of a word-part, called the base, to make a new word. Unlike suffixes, which often change the base from one word class to another, prefixes usually change the meaning of the base but not its word class.(Brockman,1971:78).

The kinds of Negative Prefixes

One of the most frequent meanings of prefixes is “negative”. We shall see that there is a rather long list of negative prefixes that are used with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.


A. un- This is an extremely common negative prefix for adjectives in English. It is often used on new words as the need arises. For example:

a. Attractive is adjective which is given prefixing “un”, then it become negative adjective that is unattractive.

The example in natural communication:

 The girl was unattractive in the catwalk.

b. Lucky is adjective which is given prefix “un”, then it become negative adjective that is unlucky.

The example in natural communication:

Unlucky not to earn All-Australian honors this year. B. dis- The prefix dis- is used most often with nouns and verbs.

1. Example of prefix dis in term noun that have meaning “converse” a. Advantage which is given prefix “dis” then it become


The example in natural communication:

 Schools in areas of socio-economic disadvantage were also given priority.

b. Like which is given prefix “dis” then it become dislike. The example in natural communication:

 John Ellis had a very strong dislike of hanging women.

2. Example of prefix dis in term verb that have meaning “reverses the meaning of the verb”.


The example in natural communication:

 Spend time at the park's museum, depicting the story of these people who mysteriously disappeared almost 700 years ago.

b. Embark which is given prefix “dis” then it become disembark. The example in natural communication:

 The sea was heavy but we arrived at little tobago and we all disembarked one by one.

C. in- (im-, ir-, il-) This negative prefix of Latin origin is used in a great many English words that are themselves from Latin or French. It has the form im- before m, b, or p: ir- before r: and il- before l. It is used most frequently in adjectives.

1. In-, The example of prefix in:

Active is adjective which is given prefix “in”, then it became negative adjective that is inactive.

The example in natural communication:

 All of the successful candidates have confirmed that they are politically inactive.

2. Im-, the example of prefix im :

Mature is adjective which is given prefix “im”, then it become negative adjective that is immature.

The example in natural communication:

 I am a young student, so please forgive me if my questions sound immature.


3. Ir-, the example of prefix ir :

Rational is adjective which is given prefix “ir”, then it become negative adjective that is irrational.

The example in natural communication:

 Rational debate seems to be your reason, but on some topics you start from fundamentally irrational positions.

4. Il-, the example of prefix il :

Legal is adjective which is given prefix “il”, then it become negative adjective that is illegal.

The example in natural communication:

 It remains illegal for the product to be sold, supplied or advertised.

D. non- This prefix is used on relatively few words, though it is readily used on new formations. Example of prefix non:

a. Alcoholic is adjective which is given prefix “non”, then it become negative adjective that is nonalcoholic.

The example in natural communication:

 When my friends offered me some alcohol at a party, I declined it and told them that I was a nonalcoholic.

b. Political is adjective which is given prefix “non”, then it become negative adjective that is nonpolitical.

The example in natural communication:

 According to the Economist, this clampdown has been extended to non-political activity.


E. mis- This prefix, of rather restricted occurrence despite its use in some very common words, usually expresses the idea of “wrongly” or “incorrectly”. Here are some examples:

1. Example of prefix mis in term verb:

a. judge which is given prefix “mis” then it became misjudge The example in natural communication:

Misjudged by the examiner, explain your reasons while you drive.

b. direct which is given prefix “mis” then it become misdirect The example in natural communication:

 The legacy of his work across the world proves that his faith and his efforts were not misdirected.

2. Example of prefix mis in term noun :

a. fit which is given prefix “mis” then it became misfit. The example in natural communication:

 Paul calls out to the other misfits that it's time to go foraging. b. fortune which is given prefix “mis” then it become misfortune. The example in natural communication:

 Unfortunately, the football, badminton and netball teams had similar misfortunes.

Other Prefixes, With Various Meanings

Most of the other prefixes commonly used in English are derived from Latin or Greek, and they have rather definite meanings.


A. prefix anti, for example:

Government is noun which is given prefix “anti”, and then it becomes antigovernment which has meaning “against”.

The example in natural communication:

 A young Iranian woman killed during protest in 2009 became a symbol of antigovernment movement.

B.Prefix contra, for example:

Indicate verb which is given prefix “contra” then it become contraindicating which has meaning “against”.

The example in natural communication:

Contraindicated for patients who are just initiating therapy with nevirapine.

C. Prefix co, for example:

Education is noun which is given prefix “co” then it becomes coeducation which has meaning “together or joint”.

The example in natural communication:

 We had always been about coeducation at the ranch. D. Prefix inter, for example:

National is noun which is given prefix “inter” then it become adjective that is international which has meaning “between”. The example in natural communication:

International students prefer to use their own mobile phone.


E. Prefix intra, for example:

State is noun which is given prefix “intra” then it become “intrastate” which has meaning” within”.

The example in natural communication:

The Commonwealth may not be able to pass laws for intrastate trade.

F.Prefix mal, for example:

Function is noun which is given prefix “mal” then it become “malfunction” which has meaning” bad or wrong”.

The example in natural communication:

The worst cases are errors caused by hardware malfunction.

G. Prefix multi, for example:

Form is noun which is given prefix “multi” then it become “multiform” which has meaning” many”.

The example in natural communication:

His variety and multiform genius cannot otherwise be accounted for.

H. Prefix post, for example:

Graduate is noun which is given prefix “post” then it become “postgraduate” which has meaning” after or later”.

The example in natural communication:

Postgraduate research students together with support staff present in the school.


I. Prefix pre, for example:

History is noun which is given prefix “pre” then it become “prehistory” which has meaning” before or earlier”.

The example in natural communication:

He suggests that people may not have been aware of the bigger changes that we identify when studying prehistory. J. Prefix sub, for example:

Normal is adjective which is given prefix “sub” then it become “subnormal” which has meaning” under or below”.

The example in natural communication:

Subnormal body temperature found in hypothermia is the deterioration in the ability to think clearly.

K. Prefix super, for example:

Natural is noun which is given prefix “super” then it become “supernatural” which has meaning” above or even”.

The example in natural communication:

I can fully believe there is something strange, even supernatural out there.

L. Prefix Trans, for example:

Atlantic is noun which is given prefix “trans” then it become adjective that is transatlantic which has meaning” through or across”.


The example in natural communication:

 Lawrence Hill knows a lot about slavery and the transatlantic slave trade.

M. Prefix re, for example:

Write is verb which is given prefix “re” then it become noun that is rewrite which has meaning” again”.

The example in natural communication:

Rewrite of design codes to better predict the performance of reinforced concrete.

N. Prefix over, for example:

 Load is noun which is given prefix “over” then it becomes overload which has meaning “too much”.

The example in natural communication:

 To avoid information overload we have included a getting started sheet.


Suffix is a letter or a group of letters attached to the end of a word to form a new word or to alter the grammatical function of the original word. For example, the verb read can be made into the noun reader by adding the suffix -er; read can be made into the adjective readable by adding the suffix -able.

Understanding the meanings of the common suffixes can help us deduce the meanings of new words that we encounter.


 The kinds of suffix noun:

1. Suffix tion, for example:

Translate is verb which is given suffix “tion” then it became a noun that is translation which has meaning “action”.

The example in natural communication:

Projects include annotated translation, text preparation and summary writing.

2. Suffix er, for example:

Write is verb which is given suffix “er” then it becomes noun that is writer which has meaning “one who”.

The example in natural communication:

He was the most prolific writer of mathematics of all time. 3. Suffix ment, for example:

Argue is verb which is given suffix “ment” then it became a noun that is argument which has meaning “condition of”.

The example in natural communication:

It also requires them to construct arguments in writing. 4. Suffix ant, for example:

Consult is verb which is given suffix “ant” then it becomes a noun that is consultant which has meaning “one who”.

The example in natural communication:

Some others employed consultants or consulted their ' head office ' in order to make the decision easy.


5. Suffix age, for example:

Pack is verb which is given suffix “age” then it became noun that is package which has meaning “action”.

The example in natural communication:

Students will become familiar with the database software package Microsoft access.

6. Suffix ence, for example:

Resident is noun which is given suffix “ence” then it becomes residence which has meaning “action/ result of verb”.

The example in natural communication:

 We consult residents for their views before the introduction of any new traffic measures.

7. Suffix ance, for example:

Endure is verb which is given suffix “ance” then it became noun that is endurance which has meaning “action/ result of verb”. The example in natural communication:

 However, aerobic endurance is not just acquired by steady running.

8. Suffix ry, for example:

Refine is verb which is given suffix “ry” then it becomes noun that is refinery which has meaning “action/ place of”.

The example in natural communication:

Refinery industry has to respond to five sets of new environmental regulations.


9. Suffix ship, for example:

Citizen is noun which is given suffix “ship” then it become citizenship which has meaning “state of being noun”.

The example in natural communication:

Composition citizenship status encouraged many states consumers who face.

10. Suffix ity, for example:

Curious is noun which is given suffix “ity” then it become curiosity which has meaning “state of being noun”.

The example in natural communication:

 I wanted a name that would pique the curiosity of my perspective audience.

The kinds of suffix verb:

1. Suffix ize, for example:

Visual is adjective which is given suffix “ize” then it become verb that is visualize which has meaning “cause to be”

The example in natural communication:

The software would then visualize these clusters in some fashion creating a map.

2. Suffix ate, for example:

Different is adjective which is given suffix “ate” then it become verb that is differentiate which has meaning “become”.


However, none of these patients had a poorly differentiated tumor.

3. Suffix ify, for example:

Simple is adjective which is given suffix “ify” then it become verb that is simplify which has meaning “make or become”. The example in natural communication:

To grossly simplify matters, one could even define online theater as hypertext plus live interaction.

4. Suffix en, for example:

Moist is adjective which is given suffix “en” then it became verb that is moistened which has meaning “become”.

The example in natural communication:

Lightly moisten the interior of your oven with water.  The kinds of Adjective suffix:

1. Suffix able, for example:

Present is noun which is given suffix “able” then it became adjective that is presentable which has meaning “capable of being”.

The example in natural communication:

In this competitive age it is very important for a person to appear presentable.

2. Suffix al, for example:

Region is noun which is given suffix “al” then it become adjective that is regional which has meaning “pertaining to”.


The example in natural communication:

He was previously regional managing partner of the Leeds and Manchester offices.

3. Suffix less, for example:

End is noun which is given suffixes “less” then it became adjective that is endless which has meaning “without”.

The example in natural communication:

The freedoms of our present society allow an almost endless variety of lifestyles.

4. Suffix ful, for example:

Fancy is noun which is given suffix “ful” then it became adjective that is fanciful which has meaning “notable for”

The example in natural communication:

These responses are not merely fanciful; music here is a useful metaphor.

5. Suffix ous, for example:

Portent noun which is given suffix “ous” then it become adjective that is portentous which has meaning “notable for” The example in natural communication:

 Looking back, the designation appears and sounds absurdly portentous.


6. Suffix ive, for example:

Create is verb which is given suffix “ive” then it became adjective that is creative which has meaning “having the nature of”

The example in natural communication:

You are extremely creative in more than one area and enjoy speculating.

7. Suffix ical, for example:

Music is noun which is given suffix “ical” then it become an adjective that is musical which has meaning “having the nature of”

The example in natural communication:

Find tickets blood brothers wily Russell’s classic, award-winning musical telling the story of twin brothers separated at birth.

8. Suffix ish, for example:

Fiend is noun which is given suffix “ish” then it become adjective that is fiendish which has meaning “having the quality of”

The example in natural communication:

The little boy was fiendish when he put a tack in his teacher's chair.


Picture is noun which is given suffix “esque” then it become adjective that is picturesque which has meaning “reminiscent of” The example in natural communication:

Built in local materials in earthy colors, the development will look picturesque.

The kinds of adverb suffix. 1. Suffix ly, for example:

Quick is verb which given suffix “ly” then it become adverb that is quickly is which has meaning “ Manner”

The example in natural communication:

He answered the question quickly and accurately. 2. Suffix wise, for example:

Length is noun which is given suffix “wise” then it became adverb that is lengthwise which has meaning “ place”

The example in natural communication:

The man missed a stroke in his astonishment, and the boat swung lengthwise in the swift current.

The researcher focused in increasing students’ vocabulary achievement through derivational approach. The researcher focused on derivational approach used kinds of prefixes and kinds of suffixes.


2.4 The Procedures of Teaching Vocabulary through Derivation Approach Here are the steps of teaching vocabulary through derivational approach:

a. Pre activities

1. The teacher greets the students. e.g. T: Good morning students! S: Good morning Miss!

2. The teacher checks the attendance list. e.g. T: I will check your attendance.

3. The teacher gives brainstorming.

e.g. T: Have you ever heard about derivation? S: No miss…

T: Right, today we will learn about derivation.

b. While Activities

1. The teacher explains the material about derivation.

a. Lesson plan one, the teacher give one treatment. In this treatment teacher explain about the kinds verbs suffix and prefix.

b. Lesson plan two, the teacher give two treatments. First treatment teacher explain the kind of noun prefix. Second treatment teacher explain about the kind of noun suffix.

c. Lesson plan three, the teacher give one treatment. In this treatment teacher explain about the kind of adjective prefix and suffix and the last about adverb suffix.

2. The teacher divides students into some groups, each group consist four students.


e.g.: T: Please, make a group. Each of groups consists of four students. S: Yes, Miss.

3. The teacher gives the word for the students and asks the students to make derivation from the list of word.

4. The teacher asks a student as representation from each group to write the derivation that they have been discuss in group in white board.

e.g.: T: Have you finished your task? If you have finished it, for representation of each group please come in front of class to write your task.

5. The teacher and the other student check the derivation.

c. Post Activities

1. The teacher reflects the subject or topics that have been discussed. e.g.: T: Well students, enough for today, and so from the activities

today, what do you have learned today?

S: We have learned about derivational analysis and learned about verbs used suffix prefix.

2. The teacher delivers the summary of the lesson.

e.g.: T: Well, that’s all about derivational analysis Today we have discussed about how to develop the word by added prefix suffix in the word especially about verb used prefix and suffix


2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages

Derivational Approach can give any advantages and disadvantages in teaching vocabulary.

1. The Strengths of Derivational Approach

- By using derivation approach students able to know the differences between verb, noun, adjective and adverb.

- By using derivation approach students able to know the kind of Affixes (Prefix and Suffix).

- By using derivation approach students able to know the kind of prefixes and suffixes in using content word in term of verb, noun, adjective and adverb. - By using derivation approach students can develop one word become more

than words.

- By using derivation approach students can use the word in the sentence. 2. The Weaknesses of Derivational Approach

- There are so many kinds of prefix and suffix which is needed to be learned, so it makes students difficult to remember it.

- There are different prefix and suffix for each word, so it makes students become confuse to identify word which included in verb and adverb.

2.6 The theoretical Assumption

Vocabulary is important element of language skill, there are many ways to develop vocabulary achievement, and one of them is derivational approach. Derivation is changed in meaning or in function by the addition of suffixes and prefixes especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective and adverb. For


example: they turn nouns into adjectives, adjectives into verbs, nouns into adjectives, adjectives into verb, nouns of one type into nouns of another type and so on. That is way it will make students easier to develop new words. Whereas most of students at senior high school level still lack of vocabulary that’s why they difficult to build new word and of course it will influence them to mastery English word. Here the researcher comes to the assumption that derivation approach can be used to overcome the difficulty that why come across by the students to build new word. Derivational approach give emphasis the process of developing new words from the root, so the students can develop one word become more than words. Moreover, by using derivation the vocabulary will be repeated frequently in many contexts, so that the students will remember those vocabularies. If we difficult to get the new word we cannot get communication well. Based on the term above the researcher assumes that the derivation approach can be used to help the students get more new word and increase their vocabulary achievement.

2.7 The Hypothesis

Based on the frame of theory and theoretical assumption mention above, the researcher formulates the hypothesis as follow:

There is significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through derivational approach especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective, and adverb.


III. RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Research Design

This research was a quantitative study which has one group as the experimental group and one group as the control group. This research design was commonly called as a true experimental design. The researcher selected one class as the experimental group using lottery technique and one class as to control group. The class aim of this research was to find out whether there was a significant increase of the student’s vocabulary achievement at the second year of SMA Negeri 3 BANDAR LAMPUNG after being taught through Derivational Approach. The researcher determined class G1 as the experimental class and class G2 as the control class. The experimental class was a class which was given teaching vocabulary by using derivational approach. The control class was a class which was given teaching vocabulary in commonly technique. The design was:

G1 T1 X T2 G2 T1 T2

G1 = Experiment class (taught by derivational approach)

G2 = Control class (taught by commonly technique)

T1 = Pretest


T2 = Posttest-test after treatment (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:22)

In the end of research the researcher find the differences of two classes by seeing the quality of the students’ vocabulary achievement. She used Independent Group T-Test to compare the average scores from two classes.

3.2 Subject of the Research

The subjects of this research were the students at the second year of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. There were seven classes of the second year of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. They are: XI.IPA 1, XI.IPA 2, XI.IPA 3, XI.IPA 4, XI.IPS 1, XI.IPS 2, and XI.IPS 3. Each class consists of 36. In relation to the design, the researcher took two classes as the research XI.IPA 2as the experimental class of the research and XI.IPA 4as control class. The researcher used lottery technique to choose the treatment class. So that those all second year class got the same chance to be the sample.

3.3 Variables

The research consists of the following variables:

1. Derivational analysis as independent variable (X). It means that derivational approach doesn’t depend on anything.

2. Vocabulary as dependent variable (Y). It means that the student’s vocabulary achievement depends on their ability in memorizing and using a number of English words in language.


3.4 Data Collecting Technique

The data of the research were the student` vocabulary achievement before and after the treatments. The instrument of the research was multiple choice tests, where the researcher gave pretest and posttest to experiment class and control class in order to evaluate, to measure the vocabulary achievement.

In collecting Data, this research used the following procedures:

1. Pretest

The pretest was conducted before treatments. It was used to know how far the students had mastered the vocabulary before the treatments was given. The pretest used by researcher is multiple choices. The number of item in the test is 30 items and each item has four options of answers. One is the correct answer and the rests is the distracter.

2. Posttest

The posttest was conducted after the researcher conducts the treatments. It was used to know how far the students had mastered the English vocabulary after being taught through Derivational approach. Similar to the pretest, in the posttest the researcher used of multiple choices. The questions are the same as thepretest. But, the researcher changed the order of the questions and the distracters from those in the pretest in order that the students not only memorize or remember the order of the answer for each question but they can really understand the questions. The posttests consist of 30 items with four options. One is the correct answer and the rest are the distracter.


3.5 Steps in Collecting Data

1. Determining the subjects of the research

The subject of the research was the second grade of SMAN 3 Bandar

Lampung. The researcher took two classes, one class as experimental class

and the other class as control class. 2. Selecting instrument materials.

In this research, there was one pretest that was proper to the second grade of SMA. The materials took from students’ handbook that was based on the educational unit level curriculum.

3. Conducting try out.

The try out was conducted in the different class of the experiment class in second class of SMA N 3 Bandar Lampung. Try out was conducted to measure the reliability of pretest and posttest. It was administered for 40 items in 90 minutes. The aim of try out was to know the quality of the test which was used as the instrument of the research, and determine which item should be revised for the pretest and posttest. This research usedthe result of the try out test to measure the level of difficulty and discrimination power, so validity and reliability can be found.

4. Conducting the pre test.

Pretest was conducted for 30 items in 45 minutes to measure student’s basic ability. Pretest was given for experiment class and control class. The pre test was about vocabulary in content word (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) by using suffix and prefix.


5. Conducting the treatment.

After giving pre test, the students were given four treatments by using

Derivational Approach based on the lesson plan which was prepared. First

treatment explained about kinds suffix and prefix in verb word, second treatment there were two activities: first activity explain about kinds of prefix in noun word. Second activity explained about kinds of suffix in noun word. And the last treatment explained about kinds suffix, prefix in adjective word and suffix in adverb word. Each treatment was held for 90 minutes. There is schedule table of the researcher:

Date Activity

3. Thursday, August

11th 2011 First Treatment:

 The researcher gives explanation about derivation

 The researcher gives explanation about affixes

 The researcher gives kinds of affixes (prefix and suffix)

 The researcher gives the explanation of verb prefixes

 The researcher gives the explanation of verb suffixes

 The researcher gives the example of verb prefixes

 The researcher gives the example of verb suffixes 2. Monday, August

15th 2011  The researcher gives explanation about derivation

 The researcher give explanation about affixes

 The researcher gives kinds of affixes (prefix and suffix)

 The researcher gives the explanation of noun


 The researcher gives the example of noun prefixes 3. Thursday, August

18th 2011  The researcher gives explanation about derivation


 The researcher gives kinds of affixes (prefix and suffix)

 The researcher gives the explanation of noun


 The researcher gives the example of noun suffixes 4. Monday, August

22th 2011  The researcher gives explanation about derivation The researcher gives explanation about affixes

 The researcher gives kinds of affixes (prefix and suffix)

 The researcher gives the explanation of adjective prefixes

 The researcher gives the explanation of adjective suffixes

 The researcher gives explanation of adverb suffixes

 The researcher gives the example of adjective


 The researcher gives the example of adjective


 The researcher gives the example of adverb suffixes

6. Administering post test.

The post test was administered after the application of Derivational approach. It was conducted for 30 items in 45 minutes and the aim was to find out the students` vocabulary achievement after the implementation of derivational approach. The post test was about vocabulary in content word (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) by using suffix and prefix.


After doing all procedures, the researcher was calculated the percentage between the pretest and posttest, In order to know whether Derivational approach can be used to increase the students` vocabulary achievement.

3.6 Instrument of the Research

The instrument was used pretest and posttest. Pretest was given before the treatment in order to know how far the students` competence in vocabulary and posttest was given after presenting the treatment in order to know the increasing of students` vocabulary. The form of the test was multiple choices test. The total number of item of pretest was 30 items and then the total number of posttest was 30 items.

1. Validity

The test can be said valid if the test measures the object to be measured and it is suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). To measure whether the test has a good validity or not, this research used content, construct, face validity. a.Content validity,

It can be determined from table of specification. The table represented the material that the tester wanted to test. Then it is a valid test from point of view (Sohamy, 1985:74).content validity is concerned with the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for test. In the content validity, the materials given are stable with the curriculum. In this case, the researcher used the vocabulary of job description to be comprehended by grade XI students. The researcher used the table of specification to check content validity of the test items. Table validity can help us to determine which test was the most relevant


to our particular situation and it was also necessary to check whether test items have a good content validity.

Table 1. Table of Specification of Try Out Test

No Aspect Items Total Percent

1 Noun 2., 2., 14., 16., 18., 19., 20., 22., 23.,

24., 25., 26., 27., 29., 30., 35. 16 40 %

2 Verb 3., 5., 9., 11., 34., 38., 40., 37. 8 20%

3 Adjective 1., 7., 13., 15., 17., 28., 31., 32. 8 20 %

4 Adverb 4., 6., 8., 10., 33., 36., 39., 21. 8 20 %

Total 40 100 %

b.Construct Validity

Construct validity was concerned to know the certain language knowledge skill. To know the test was true reflection of language which was being measured, the researcher examined whether the questions of the test actually reflect what was meant to know a language.

To get the construct validity, the test was adopted from student’s hand book. Then, the test was determined according to the material that was taught to the students. In other words, the researcher wrote and made the test based on the material in the Curriculum Based School for SMA.

c. Face Validity

According to Heaton (1991:159), face validity concerns with what teachers and students thinks of the test. If a test looks right to other testers, teachers, and students, it can be describe as having at least face validity. In this research, the face validity of the vocabulary test has been previously examining by both


advisors and colleagues, until the test which will in form of instruction look right and understandable to other.

2. Reliability

Hatch and Farhady (1982: 243) state that reliability of a test can be defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when administered under similar conditions. In order to estimate the reliability of the test, this research used split-half technique and to measure the coefficient of the reliability between odd and even group, this research used “The Pearson Product Moment Formula” as follows:

rl = Where:

rl : coefficient of reliability between odd and even numbers items

x : odd number

y : even number

∑X2 : total score of odd number items ∑y2 : total score of even number items ∑XY : total number of odd and even number (Lado : 1961 in Hughes, 1991: 32)

Then this research used “Spearmen Brown Formula” to know the coefficient correlation of the whole items.


rk = Where:

rk : reliability of a full test rl : reliability of half test The criteria of the reliability are: 0.90 – 1.00 = high

0.50 – 0.89 = moderate 0.00 – 0.49 = low

(Hatch & Farhady, 1985: 247) 3. Level of Difficulty

A good test is the one which is not too easy or too difficult. In order to find out the level difficulty, this research used the following formula:

LD =


LD : level of difficulty

R : number of students who answer correctly

N : the total number of the students following the test

The criteria are:

< 0.30 : difficult 0.30 – 0.70 : average

> 0.70 : easy


Discrimination power was used to indicate the discrimination of the fail and the success of the students. To find out the discrimination power, this research used the following formula:



DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students

L : the proportion of lower group students

N : total number of students

The criteria are: 0.00 – 0.19 = poor 0.20 – 0.39 = satisfactory 0.40 – 0.69 = good 0.70 – 1.00 = excellent

Negative (-) = bad item, should be omitted (Shohamy, 1985: 81)

5. Scoring System

In scoring the students result of the test, this research used Arikunto’s formula. The ideal higher score is 100. The score of pretest and posttest were calculated by using formula as follows:



S : the score of the test

R : the total of the right answers

N : the total items

(Arikunto, 1997: 212)

3.7 Data Analysis

After conducting pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzedthe data. It was used to know whether there was significant increase of the student’s mastery. The researcher examined the students score using the following steps;

1. Scoring the pretest and posttest

2. Tabulating the score of student’s vocabulary test results by using Repeated

measures T-test

3. Drawing conclusion from the tabulated result of the pretest administering,

that is statistically analyzed using SPSS (statistical Program for Social Sciences) in order to test whether increase of the students score gain is significant or not after being taught derivational approach.

3.8 Hypothesis Testing

Ho = There is no significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught derivational approach.

Hi = There is significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught derivational approach.


The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposes in this research was accepted or not. The hypothesis analyzed by using Repeated measure T – Test through computing with statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0 for window at the significance level of 0.05 (P<0.05).



In reference to the result and discussion, the researcher draws some conclusions as follow:

1. The implementation of derivational analysis technique can be used to increase

the students’ vocabulary achievement in the second year of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. It can be proved from the increase of students’ average score in experimental class of the pre test and post test. That is from 63.21 up to 73.83. And the range score in experimental class is 26.60 (86.60 – 60.00). And for the control class, the range score is 23.30 (73.30 – 50.00). It can be conclude from the range score that there is a significant different of the students achievement’ both classes. The range score of the experimental class is higher than the range score of the control class. Students got highest score because students only need to identify whether the basic word which has meaning can be included in place, thing, person, quality or action. So they can develop one word become more than words.

2. The implementation of this technique can increase students’ vocabulary

achievement more significantly. Therefore we can conclude that teaching vocabulary through derivational approach is more effective than teaching

vocabulary through common technique. Derivational approach can be used to


derivational approach were more creative in building new vocabulary, because they use Affixes which is divided into prefixes and suffixes so they can develop one word become more than words especially content word in term of verb, noun, adjective and adverb. Derivational Approach can be used to increased students vocabulary, especially in vocabulary content word, such as noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the result of the research which is done at the second year students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung, the researcher would suggest that:

 For the teacher

a. In this research, the researcher found out that Derivational Analysis

Technique can be applied to increase students’ vocabulary achievement. Therefore, the English teachers are recommended to apply derivational analysis as one of the way in teaching because it can help the students who still have problem in vocabulary mastery in content word that are noun, verb, adjective and adverb by giving explanation of derivational which is can be developed to affixes. Affixes consist of prefix and suffix. Derivational approach can encourage the students to be more active and creative in teaching learning process, and it is also applicable for beginner students.

b. The teacher would create various materials, besides the teacher is also

suggested to use interesting media for example by using LCD with interesting picture. It can be used as a tool to encourage the students’


attention. Once they have good attention, it easy for them to learn English and to participate in learning, and it’s better for the teacher to give many examples of basic word which can be developed to adverb so students easier to developed into more than words, for example: slow become slowly.




A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for S-I Degree


The Language and Arts Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty




(A Script)






The name of writer is Nopita Hayani. She was born in Metro, on November 18


She has

two brothers and two sisters named Sobran Hasani, Soni Limarza, Nirmala Juwita

and Yenny Anggraini.

She graduated from MIN 1 Watas Liwa in 1999. In 2002 she graduated from

SMPN 1 Liwa Lampung Barat. Then, she continued her study to SMAN 1

Lampung Barat and graduated in 2005. After that, she joined the Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education of Lampung University at English Education

Study Program.

From July until September 2011, she conducted her teaching practice program

(Program Pengalaman Lapangan) at SMA Arjuna Bandar Lampung.


Bismillahirrahmannirrahiim, with love and appreciation,

This piece of work is sincerely dedicated to:

My beloved parents who always love and pray for me in every my life s journey,

always give what I want although I still often hurt them, they have sacrificed

so many things for me.

My beloved brothers, sisters: Sobran Hasani, Soni Limarza, Soim, Nirmala

Juwita and Yenny Anggraini: Thank you for your love and let s make our

parents proud of us

My little nephews: Sholahudin Yusuf Alkahfi and Fariz Alfaridzi whom I

always miss when I am far from you all

My beloved comrades Eng 06 of Lampung University

My Almamater


Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people do not

recognize them .


Praise is merely to ALLAH SWT for letting the writer finish her script, and then

sholawat is for our Prophet Muhammad SAW, with his family, followers, and all

Moslems. This script,

ry through

Derivational Approach

This script is written as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for S-1 degree of

English Program of Language and Arts Department, The Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education of Lampung University.

Among many individuals who gave generous suggestion for improving this script,

first of all the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude and respect to her

first advisor, Dra. Hartati Hasan, M.Hum. And also to her second advisor; Budi

Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. who had contributed and given their invaluable

evaluations, comments, suggestions during the completion of this script. The

writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude and respect to Drs.

Sudirman, M.Pd. for his enthuastic encouragement and contribution during the

examination until this script is finished. Thanks also addressed to Dra. Edhita

expertise that are very beneficial for the writer to finish her study, and all the

lectures of English Department study program (from you all, I get invaluable


Sutarsyah, M.A. and the staffs (Pak Paliman, Bu Surez, Bu Ratna thanks for being

helpful during finishing this script). Many thanks are also due to Dra. Hj.

Rospardewi, MM.Pd. as the Headmaster of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung, and Drs.

Edward, M.Pd. as the English teacher of the school in which the writer did her

research, and all beloved students of class XI IPA 2 and XI IPA 4 for their

participation in this research.

My grateful love for my parents, thanks for your pray, support, patience, motivate

dedicated to her brothers and sisters; Soim, Sobran Hasani, Soni Limarza, Nirmala

Juwita and Yenny Anggrain

, and all my family without any exception.

best friends; Sulastry, Naya, Cory, Rika, Mutia,

Putri, Kiky, Selvia, Annisa, Riska, Eka Hartati, Lia, Iis, Diah, Naylur, Tari, Nisa,

Dian, Imah, Esti, Eka Eprianti, Linda, Iyut, Desna,

who always

motivate and give me suggestion. Thanks for your patience and guide me to

finishing this script. Many thanks for are also addressed

fraternity in English Department; Friska, Nadia, Asna, Agung, Septia, Any, Mela,

Emi, Ketut, Harits, Julpri, Adi, Jaka, Siti, Cinthia, Emil, Elin, Fara, thank you so

much for everything. It will be never forgotten.

The writer would appreciate any critics and suggestions for the improvement

because this script is not perfect yet. Moreover the writer hopes that this script

will be useful for teaching English especially in teaching vocabulary.



Abstract ...






Curriculum Vitae...


Dedication ...


Motto ...




Table of Contents ...


List of Tables...


List of Appendices ...



1.1 Background of the Problem ...


1.2 Formulation of the Problems...


1.3 Objectives of the Research...


1.4 Uses of the Research ...


1.5 Scope of the Research ...


1.6 Definition of Terms...




2.1 Concept of Vocabulary ...


2.2 Concept of Teaching Vocabulary...


2.3 Concept of Derivation ...


2.4 The Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary through

Derivational Analysis ...


2.5 Advantages and Disadvantages...


2.6 Theoretical Assumption ...


2.7 Hypothesis ...




3.1 Research Design...


3.2 Subject of The Research ...


3.3 Variables ...


3.4 Data Collecting Technique...


1. Pretest...


2. Posttest ...


3.5 Steps in Collecting Data ...


3.6 Instruments of the Research ...


1. Validity...



3.7 Data Analysis ...


3.8 Hypothesis Testing...




4.1 Result of the Research...



Results of Try Out Test ...



Results of Pretest...



Results of Posttest ...



The Increase of Stude



4.2 Result of Data Treatment ...


4.3 Discussions...




5.1 Conclusions ...


5.2 Suggestions ...






1. Table of Specification of Try Out Test ...


2. Distribution Frequency of Pretest Score in Experimental Class...


3. Distribution Frequency of Pretest Score in Control Class ...


4. Distribution Frequency of Posttest Score in Experimental Class ...


5. Distribution Frequency of Posttest Score in Control Class...


6. The Mean Score of Pretest and Posttest in S

Achievement in Experimental Class ...



Experimental Class...


8. The Mean Score of Pretest and P

Achievement in Control Class ...



vement in control class...


10. Homogeneity of Pretest in Experimental and Control Class ...








1. Research Schedule ...


2. Try Out Test ...


3. Pretest / Posttest



4. Lesson Plan I ...


5. Lesson Plan II...


6. Lesson Plan III ...


7. Table of Difficulty Level of Try Out Test... 107

8. Discrimination Power of Try Out Test ...


9. Reliability Analysis of Upper Group Tryout Test ...


10. Reliability Analysis of Lower Group Tryout Test ...


11. Reliability Analysis of Try Out Test ...


12. The Coefficient of the Reliability ...


13. The Result of Pretest and Posttest in Experimental Class



14. The Result of Pretest and Posttest in Control Class...


15. Distribution Frequency of Pretest Score in Experimental Class



16. Distribution Frequency of Posttest Score in Experimental Class



17. Distribution Frequency of Pretest Score in Control Class



18. Distribution Frequency of Posttest Score in Control Class...


19. Normality of Pretest and Posttest in Experimental Class



20. Normality of Pretest and Posttest in Control Class





22. Control Class...


23. Homogeneity of Pretest in Experimental and Control Class. ...


24. The Analysis of the Hypothesis ...


25. The Increase Students Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb in

26. Pretest Experimental Class...


27. The Increase Students Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb in

Posttest Experimental Class. ...



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Appendix 1

Research schedule

No Date Activity Class

1 Friday, August 5th2011 Observation

2 Sunday, August 6th2011 Try out test XI IPA 1

3 Monday, August 8th2011 Pretest XI IPA 2

4 Tuesday, August 9th2011 Pretest XI IPA 4

5 Thursday, August 11th2011 Treatment 1 XI IPA 2

6 Friday, August 12th2011 Observation XI IPA 4

7 Monday, August 15th2011 Treatment 2 XI IPA 2

8 Tuesday, August 16th2011 Observation XI IPA 4

9 Thursday, August 18th2011 Treatment 3 XI IPA 2

10 Friday, August 19th2011 Observation XI IPA 4

11 Monday, August 22th2011 Treatment 4 XI IPA 2

12 Tuesday, August 23th2011 Observation XI IPA 4

13 Thursday, September 8th2011 Posttest XI IPA 2

14 Friday, September 9th2011 Posttest XI IPA 4

Bandar Lampung. September 2011

The researcher


Appendix 13

The Coefficient of the reliability

The coefficient of the reliability the first and second half group:

1 =

1 =


5571 × 3998

1 =



1 =



1 = 0,98

The coefficient correlation of the whole items:


2 1

1 + 1


2 × 0.98

1 + 0.98




= 0.98




















