PolicyStoreList section SupportedConformanceClass section

OGC 13-099 PolicyStoreList section

The purpose of the paws:PolicyStoreList element is to contain a list of policy stores offered by a PAWS instance. The following XML Schema fragment defines the paws:PolicyStoreList element: xsd:element name=PolicyStoreList type=paws:PolicyStoreListType xsd:complexType name=PolicyStoreListType xsd:sequence minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded xsd:element name=PolicyStore type=paws:PolicyStoreType maxOccurs=unbounded xsd:sequence xsd:complexType xsd:complexType name=PolicyStoreType xsd:sequence xsd:element name=Name type=paws:urnType xsd:element name=Title type=xsd:string minOccurs=0 xsd:element name=Description type=xsd:string xsd:sequence xsd:complexType The paws:PolicyStoreList element shall contain a paws:PolicyStore element for each policy store that the service offers. The paws:PolicyStore element contains metadata about the policy store. Table 11 lists the elements that are used to describe each policy store listed within the paws:PolicyStoreList element. Table 4 — Elements to describe policy stores Element name Description Name The unique7 name of a policy store in URN format. This element is mandatory. Title A human-readable title that briefly identify this policy store in menus. Description A paws:Description elements is a descriptive narrative for more information about the policy store e.g. type of the underlying storage model for this policy store – e.g. file-system-folder, table-in-xml-db. SupportedConformanceClass section

In response to a GetCapabilities request, the corresponding PAWS instance shall list all the PAWS conformance classes it complies with. Allowed entries in this list are URN values as defined in table 1 in section 2 cp. column “Conformance Class URN”. Note that in cases where a conformance class implies conformance to another conformance class, the compliance to the inherited conformance class shall however be explicitly expressed and hence listed in the SupportedConformanceClass section.

9.3.2 Example