53 with “C” as the lowest grade and do not exceed study period and have met all administrative requirements. Honor predicate for graduates are determined by the student’s inal GPA as follow: Cum Laude 3.71 – 4.00, Very Satisfactory 3.41 – 3.70, and Satisfactory 3.00 – 3.40. For a Mas- ter program student to earn the Cum Laude degree, his length of study must not exceed 4 four semesters time without retaking any courses. Students are considered to have passed the Doctoral program and earned a Doctor Degree if they have passed all the required 48 – 50 credits, a minimum GPA of 3.00 with a minimum “C” for in- class courses and a minimum “B” for research courses, do not exceed study period and have met all administrative requirements. Honor predicate for graduates are determined by the student’s inal GPA as follow: Cum Laude 3.71 – 4.00, Very Satisfactory 3.41 – 3.70, and Satisfactory 3.00 – 3.40. For a Doctoral program student to earn the Cum Laude degree, his length of study must not exceed 6 six semesters time without retaking any courses. The mark “BS” is not counted as course repetition. If a student’s inal GPA is within the 3.71 – 4.00 range but he fail to meet the other requirements, he will be awarded the “Very Satisfactory” predicate.


Undergraduate Program The university also requires that students maintain satisfactory academic performance during their study at FTUI and meet the following evaluation criteria to be able to continue their studies: • Attain at least 24 credits with a minimum of C at the end of their second semester; • Attain at least 48 credits with a minimum of C at the end of their fourth semester; • Attain at least 72 credits with a minimum of C at the end of their sixth semester; • Attain at least 96 credits with a minimum of C at the end of their eight semester; • Attain all required credit with a minimum of C at the end of their twelfth semester; Or: • Have the following problem: have an inactive status empty for two semesters in a row thus being declared as “resign” automatically from the status of Universitas Indonesia’s student by the Rector’s decree on Status Determination. • Proven to be in violation of rules or regulations that caused the student to lose his right as FTUI students. • Deemed unit to continue their study based on consideration from a team of Doctors appointed by the Head of the University. Student who still maintain satisfactory academic performance and meet the evaluation criteria to continue his study but would like to resign on his own free will may submit a written application to the Dean with a copy to the Head of the Department. Master Program The Maximum length of study to earn a Master Degree in FTUI is at the latest 6 six semesters, starting from registration time to graduation. This provision also applies to students who enroll in the FTUI Master program with a “probation” status. Students will lose their right to continue the study dropping out if: • Students fail to achieve a 3.00 GPA of at least 14-18 passed credits for regular Master Program student or 12-14 passed credits for non-regular Master Program student at the end of the second semesters; • In the end of the study period evaluation, students fail to achieve the following graduation requirements: registered as an active student in Universitas Indonesia during said semester both administratively and academically; not exceeding the maximum length of study; com- pleted all administrative obligation including the return of all borrowed library and laboratory 54 collection; and complete all obligation of their study period andor all assignments given in accordance to the curriculum of the Study Program including revised Final Project with a GPA ≥ 3,00 three point zero • Students who do not register academically and administratively for two consecutive semesters. • Proven to be in violation of rules or regulations that caused the student to lose his right as FTUI students. • Deemed unit to continue their study based on consideration from a team of Doctors appointed by the Head of the University. Student who still maintain satisfactory academic performance and meet the evaluation criteria to continue his study but would like to resign on his own free will may submit a written application to the Dean with a copy to the Head of the Department. Doctoral Program The Maximum length of study earn a Doctoral degree in FTUI is 10 ten semesters, starting from registration time to graduation. Students of the Doctoral Program Class and Research will lose their right to continue to study dropping out if: • Students who do not register academically and administratively for two consecutive semesters will be automatically considered to have resigned from UI. • Failed to obtain a minimum of B for their Research Proposal Examination or similar exam at the end of their fourth semester; • Failed to obtain a minimum of 50 ifty percent for their Research based on the judgment of the promoter team at the end of their sixth semester; • Failed to obtain a minimum of 75 seventy ive percent for their Research based on the judg- ment of the promoter team at the end of their eight semester; • Failed to obtain the following by the end of their study period of ten semesters: produce 1 one scientiic paper based on research for their dissertation as main writer that can be ac- companied by the promoter team and has been accepted to be published in an indexed inter- national journal 8 credits; submit proof of compliance of requirements as stated before as part of the requirements for promotion exam; submit 1 one Dissertation and participate in a Promotion Exam as the inal step of the Doctoral Program 6-8 credits. • Exceeded the maximum length of study 10 semesters. • Proven to be in violation of rules or regulations that caused the student to lose his right as FTUI students. Student who still maintain satisfactory academic performance and meet the evaluation criteria to continue his study but would like to resign on his own may submit a written application to the Dean with a copy to the Head of the Department. Students of the Doctoral Program Research will lose their right to continue to study dropping out if: • Students who do not register academically and administratively for two consecutive semesters will be automatically considered to have resigned from UI; • Failed to obtain a minimum of B for their Research Proposal Examination or similar exam at the end of their fourth semester; • Failed to obtain a minimum of 50 ifty percent for their Research based on the judgment of the promoter team at the end of their sixth semester; • Failed to obtain a minimum of 75 seventy ive percent for their Research based on the judg- ment of the promoter team at the end of their eight semester; • Failed to obtain the following by the end of their study period of ten semesters: produce 1 one