Hygiene and eating habits of the families with typhoid patients




Hygiene and eating habits
of the families with typhoid patients

Dittgnosis and Surveillance




Nyi Nyi Naing, ZulkifliAhmad, Abdul Rahman Isa

pencegahan dan pengenelalian infeksi. Stucli kasus kontrol yang terdiri clari 216 pasien tlennnt tifoitl yang lel.ah dikor{trtnasi clengrut

kttltttr tlarcth alart tes imunol.ogik tlibctnclingkan tingkat keselntannya berdasarkan untur dan jenis kelomin. Kuesioner yang telah tlisttstut
tinggcilnya. pctsien dengart riwaT'at nnkrut makanan yang dibeli dari luar mentpunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi luthtk terinfeksi. Penyiapan
Kebiasaan ntengkols1tnsi mttkanan clrtri ltasctr nnlcutt rliten'rukan patlu 68Vo kastrs. Faktor kebksaan ntakan dan. mencuci tatxgan ber-

ntakantm harus clilaksarnkan pacla seluruh populasi'

of typhoid.fet,er occurs throughfecal-oral cycle, lrygienic procedrtres are taking nnjor role in prevention
and control. of tlrc infectiort. A c($e-control. stucly which cortsists of 216 patients diagnosed as typl'toitl fect,er conrtrnrcd by blootl culture
Since the transmissiott

tervietvittg tlrc pcttients at rhe hospitals cutd then obsen,atiott. of donteslic lrygiene antl scnilatiort was done ctt tlrir resklences. Putients
with tlrc recent ltistory of eating food bouglt from outside werc at higher risk of gettittg infection. Prepared not wann foocl ancl food


of the cases. Belrwioral factors relatecl to eating antl hand washing practices predisposed a patient to |pltoid fever Wtshing
before taking nrcals an4 after tlefaecalion were fotntl in tilntost al.l., but low percentage of cases kept soap for washing hands' A



role of foocl lngiene shoukl be ocklressetl to higltlight the route of irfection.

{}ttive rsiti Sair,s Makrysia, Kellutttut, Malaysia