Does Productivity Index of Boerawa Does and Etawa Grade Does Fed by Traditional and Rational Foodstuff

Animal Production

Does Productivity Index of Boerawa Does and Etawa Grade Does Fed
by Traditional and Rational Foodstuff
A. Dakhlan1, Sulastri2, I. Damayanti2, Budiyah2, and K. Kristianto2

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Lampung University
Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul-Kambing, Domba, dan Itik Pleihari Kalimantan Selatan


Boerawa goat is crossbreed between Boer buck and Ettawa Grade does. This research was conducted
to investigate: (a) interaction between goat breed and kind of foodstuff to does productivity index of
Boerawa does and Etawa Grade does, (b) the effect of goat breed on does productivity index of
Boerawa does and Etawa Grade does, (c) the effect of kind of foodstuff on does productivity index of
Boerawa does and Etawa Grade does based on their kid weaning weight. This research was conducted
with experimental method using 20 Boerawa does and 20 Etawa grade does having two-three times of
kidding period. Ten Boerawa does and 10 Etawa grade does got rational foodstuff (60% forage and

40% concentrate), and 10 Boerawa does and 10 Etawa grade does got traditional foodstuff (100%
forage). Factorial (2x2) of completely randomized design with ten replications was used in this study.
The result showed that there was no interaction between goat breed and kind of foodstuff to does
productivity index of Boerawa does and Etawa Grade does. The result indicated also that does
productivity index (40,900 kg) of Boerawa does higher (P