Gender Discrimination in Feminist Film Criticism

interventions, I imagine the psychological flagellation and socio-sensory deprivation to be nearly intolerable for most human beings. 25

C. Gender Discrimination in Feminist Film Criticism

Actually, gender issues are not new issues in the world, there are so many discussion criticized about it. Gender itself, is breakthrough that feminism approaches not only center on women’s problems but also attempts to build equality of role between men and women. Although, they concern both men and women, at present gender studies are still mainly focused on women have been voiceless for so long. For centuries, women are treated rudely; experienced intimidations and they had been considered as useless and inferior being by their family and society. Therefore, the issues of gender have gotten big influence from feminists struggles that want to reach equality with men like in the discourses of feminists’ thoughts. The feminist wants to prove that women are not passive, weak, and just accept all the bad treatments by men. Then, they want to prove their existence in every aspect of life to get their equal right. It is a central aim of feminists thought to uncover concealed asymmetries of power in differences of gender, and to work for a society in which the polarization of gender is abolished. 25 http:drjoanne.blogspot.com200910psychological-solitary-confinement.html, accessed on September 28, 2009 Because of those treatments, women will not just silence, and then they established a feminism movement. In the next development of civilization, women realize their rights as a human being. They oppose the relations between men – as a group – and women – as another group – and fight all hegemony, law, and rules that form women as inferior, subordinate, and second sex. 26 To analyze gender issues in this film, the writer use the feminist film criticism. Feminist film theory is theoretical film criticism derived from feminist politics and feminist theory 27 . Feminists have many approaches to cinema analysis, regarding the film elements analyzed and their theoretical underpinnings. The development of feminist film theory was influenced by second wave feminism and the development of womens studies within the academy. Feminist scholars began taking cues from the new theories arising from these movements to analyzing film. Initial attempts in the United States in the early 1970’s were generally based on sociological theory and focused on the function of women characters in particular film narratives or genres and of stereotypes as a reflection of a societys view of women. Films seem to represent the wider notion of culture that women only really have an existence in relation to men – at worst they are the property of their 26 Marissa Rueda, et all, Feminisme Untuk Pemula Yogyakarta: Resist Book, 2007, p.3 27 http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiFeminist_film_theory fathers until they marry, when they become property of their husbands 28 . Women’s interests are often deemed too peripheral, too provincial or too domestic to be of interest in a film. Most feminist approaches to film to share a common assumption; the ways women are represented in mainstream commercial films reflect, justify, reinforce, and naturalize what Molly Haskell in her pioneering book From Reverence to Rape calls “The Big Lie” of patriarchy, that women are inferior to men and rightly occupy a subordinate place in culture. Feminist film critics work to raise our consciousness about the negative images of women in film in order to denaturalize these images, to expose them as cultural constructs, not mirror reflections of the way women really are 29 . The feminist movement has committed to fight against patriarchy that considers women as subordinate in cultural or social life. The main of feminism is to change women’s image to be more respected and to refuse the opinion that women are weak and depend on their physical condition. The feminist wants to prove that women are not passive, weak, and just accept all the bad treatments by men. Then, they want to prove their existence in every aspect of life to get their equal right. Like we can see from one of the feminist’s book in United States Betty Friedan. “The feminist we’re pioneering on the front rage or women’s evolution. They had a prove that women was not a passive, empty mirror, useless decoration, not a mind less animal, not a thing to be disposed by others, incapable of voice in her own existence, before they could even begin with to fight for the rights. Women needed to become the human equal of men.” 28 Andrew M. Butler, Film Studies. pocket essentials 2005, p.86 29 Marilyn Fabe, Closely Watched Films; An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique. University of California press 2004, p.207 Feminist movement is a reform with the purpose of changing women’s image to be more respected. This movements is aimed at refusing an opinion that says women are weak and depend on their physical condition. The feminist wants to get equal rights between men and women in every aspect of life. Related to the film Changeling, this paper tries to analyze the gender issues reflected on the gender discrimination in the film by applying the feminist film criticism. By using this theory, the researcher also tries to find out the conclusion of these two research questions.


A. Analysis of The Gender Issues