Inter-village variation in perceptions of the environment and management. Conclusions Introduction Conclusions Introduction

Table of Contents Executive Summary vii

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Project

Background. 1

1.2 Purpose of the baseline and methods used.

1 2. Tsunami Impacts on Residents. 2 2.1 Introduction 2

2.2 Injury and Death

2 2.3 Locations and Experiences of Residents During the Tsunami 4

3. Impacts of the Tsunami on Possessions and Productive Materials

5 3.1 Introduction 5 3.2 Impacts on Possessions and Productive Materials 5 3.3 Conclusions 7 4. Current Occupations 8 4.1 Introduction 8 4.2 Current occupations 8 4.3 Conclusions 10 5. Distribution of Labor by Age and Gender 10 5.1 Introduction 10

5.2 Family

participation in occupations 11

5.3 Conclusions

13 6. The Capture Fishery 14

6.1 Introduction

14 6.2 Descriptions of fishing gear 14 6.3 Distribution of gear types 19 6.4 Conclusions 24

7. Current

Socioeconomic Conditions 25 7.1 Village infrastructure and population 25 7.2 Other socioeconomic indicators 26

7.3 Material style of life

27 7.4 Conclusions 28

8. Perceptions

of Changes in Well-being 29 8.1 Introduction 29

8.2 Inter-village variation in perceptions of changes in well-being

29 8.3 Predictors of variation in perceptions of changes in well-being 30

8.4 Conclusions

31 9. Attitudes Towards the Occupation of Fishing 33

9.1 Introduction

33 9.2 Attitudes toward fishing 33

9.3 Alternatives to fishing

34 9.4 Predictors of variability in attitudes toward fishing 35 9.5 Conclusions 36

10. Perceptions of Coastal Resources and Factors Related to Their Management

39 10.1 Introduction 39

10.2 Inter-village variation in perceptions of the environment and management.

39 10.3 Predictors of variability in perceptions of the environment and management 41

10.4 Conclusions

43 11. Investment Orientations 45

11.1 Introduction

45 11.2 Inter-village variation in investment orientations 45 11.3 Predictors of variability in investment orientations 47

11.4 Conclusions

48 12. Perceptions of and Participation in Tsunami Recovery Activities 50

12.1 Introduction

50 12.2 Current activities 50

12.3 Proposed