


A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


MASRIANI HUTASUHUT Registration Number: 8116111011










Hutasuhut, Masriani. Registration Number: 8116111011. The Classroom Teaching Process of Speaking English in the Senior High School Students. Sebuah Tesis: Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Kajian ini berkaitan dengan proses di dalam kelas selama pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris di kelas sebelas siswa SMAN 1 Sibolga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengajaran berbicara Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Sibolga dan mengapa pengajaran berbicara Bahasa Inggris ini dilakukan dengan cara demikian. Kajian ini menggunanakan desain penelitian kualitative. Data didapatkan dari hasil observasi dan interview. Data yang sudah dikumpulkan dianalisa dengan menggunakan model interaktif oleh Miles dan Hubarman. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 1 Sibolga. Subjek dari penelitian ini yaitu guru bahasa inggris yang mengajar di kelas sebelas unggulan, kelas sebelas IPA SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga. Hasil kajian ini adalah bahwa cara pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris yang dilakukan oleh guru tidak cocok diterapkan untuk siswa menengah atas karena tidak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Pengajaran berbicara akan lebih efektif ketika guru mampu mengelaborasi pengajaran berbicara tersebut. Dari data analisis menunjukkan bahwa guru belum mengajar berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan benar.Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan guru tentang hakikat dalam pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris itu sendiri baik secara teoritis ataupun dalam penerapannya dilapangan. Pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris membutuhkan kemampuan guru dan pengetahuan siswa untuk membuat proses pembelajaran tersebut berjalan degan baik. Sehingga sangat dianjurkan bagi guru untuk lebih memahami terlebih dahulu tentang landasan teori tentang pengajaran berbicara, mendorong siswa untuk lebih percaya diri dan membantu siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan mereka dalam memahami makna kata. Kemudian keragaman media, materi ajar, fasilitas dan strategi harus dikolaborasikan dalam pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris, sehingga bagi guru-guru sangat dianjurkan untuk selalu memutahirkan, merevisi, dan mencocokkan materi dengan perkembangan dunia untuk menemukan strategi dan media yang paling cocok dalam pengembangan pengajaran berbicara bahasa inggris bagi siswa SMA.



Hutasuhut, Masriani. Registration Number: 8116111011. The Classroom Teaching Process of Speaking English in the Senior High School Students. Thesis: English Applied Linguistic Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.

This research deals with the classroom teaching process during teaching speaking English to the second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga. The objectives of the research were to know how speaking English was taught in SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga and to know why it was done as the way it was. This research conducted qualitative method. The data were obtained from the observation and interview. The data collected were analyzed by applying interactive model of Miles and Hubarman. The location of this research was SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga. The subjects were English teacher who taught English especially speaking in second grade students of prominent class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Sibolga. The result, the teacher’s ways in teaching speaking were not suitable to apply in senior high school students because it cannot develop the students’ ability in speaking. Teaching speaking can be effective when the teacher’s competence matches to the teaching speaking. The data analysis showed that the teachers have not taught the speaking properly. This was caused by the teachers’ lack of knowledge of the nature of speaking and lack of knowledge of how people learn to speak or to express him-self in communicative events. The teaching of speaking needs both teacher’s competence and students’ knowledge to make the classroom teaching process of speaking English successful. So, it is suggested to the teachers to learn more about the nature of speaking, encouraging the students to have confidence in practicing their speaking, and to overcome the students’ lexical problem in teaching of speaking English. Finally the complexity of media materials of learning, facility and strategy of teaching must be integrated in teaching speaking; it is also suggested to the teachers always to update, revise and suit the teaching materials to movement of world and find out the best strategy and media to develop teaching speaking for the senior high school students.




Alhamdulillah, praise is to Allah SWT, who gives the writer blessing, health, knowledge, power and opportunity to finish this study. The writer’s deepest gratitude is only for Him, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. Moreover, she would like to express gratitude to her prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, and companions for being the role model in her life.

This research could not be completed without a great deal of help of many people. So in the process of writing this thesis, the writer would like to extend her sincere and special thanks. Her gratitude is intended for her beloved parents, Ayah (Ruslan Hutasuhut), (Chaidir Aritonang) and Ibu (Alm Rohani Siagian), (Masraini Daulay) for their endless love, prays, motivations, and financial support and her beloved husband (Aris Amanda Aritonang, S.T) who never gave up supporting her in accomplishing this thesis on time . She is nothing

without you. And her beloved daughter (Nadhira Haurah Alfikriyyah

Aritonang) as a source of spirit for her in finishing her thesis.

Her enormous gratitude and best appreciation are expressed to Prof. .Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd and Pro. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd her brilliant advisers, who has spent precious time in giving suggestions, encouragement, guidance, advices until this thesis comes to its due time.

She also would like to thanks to all lecturers who have given her the valuable knowledge and science during her study at the English Applied Linguistics Study Program of Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. In particular, she addresses her gratitude also to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Pd, the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, the secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program. The Administration staff (Farid Ma’aruf), for his assistance in the administrative procedures.


Then, she thanks to the headmaster of SMU NEGERI 1 SIBOLGA, (Drs.Gunung Lubis) and teachers (Namlis Lubis, S.Pd, and Lestari Marlina, S.Pd, M.M) who permit her to conduct the research in the school and also to all the students in class XI IPA for being cooperative during doing the research.

She is also deeply grateful to all her sisters and her brothers and family. Furthermore, she would like to express her gratitude to her best friends’ (Fahri Haswani, S.Pd, M.Hum), and LTBI intake XX (Ika Lestari, S.S, M.Hum, Khairun Niswa, S.Pd.I, M.Hum, Vidya Dwi Amalia Zati, S.S,M.Hum, Hikmah Sudanti, S.Pd , Patmawarni Panjaitan, S,Pd. M.Pd, Elvita Hidayat, S.Pd and friends that can not mention) for sharing ideas and developing friendship.

The writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer expects some suggestions and critics for this research. At last, the writer hopes that this research paper will be useful for all.

Medan, April 2016 The Writer,

Masriani Hutasuhut Reg. No. 8116111011







LIST OF TABLES ………...viii



Chapter: I INTRODUCTION………...1

1.1 Background of the Study………....1

1.2 Problems of the Study...4

1.3 The Objectives of the Study...4

1.4 The Scope of the Study...4

1.5 The Significance of the Study...5


2.1 The Nature of Speaking...6

2.2 Model of Teaching...14

2.3 The Classroom Teaching Process...18

2.3.1. The Teaching of Speaking English...19

2.3.2. The Classroom Speaking English Activities…..………...23 Discussions……..………...…...24

(10) Simulation……...………..………..26 Information GAP………..…………...………...26 Brainstorming...26 Story Telling...27 Interviewing...27 Story Completion...28 Reporting...28 Playing Cards...28 Picture Narrating...29 Picture Describing...29 Find the Differences………..……….29 Dyads...30

2.3 Teaching Speaking English in the Senior High School...31

2.4 The Conceptual Framework...33

2.5 Previous Relevant Studies...33


3.1 Research Design...35

3.2 Subject of the Study...35

3.3 Data and Data Source...36

3.4 Technique of Collecting the Data...36

3.5 Technique for Analyzing the Data…………...…...………..38


Chapter IV:DATA ANLYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...43 4.1 The Classroom Teaching Process in Teaching Speaking English...43 4.1.1 Helping the Students to Overcome their Initial Reluctance to Speak..44 Encouraging the Students to Speak...45 Propiding Opportunity for the Students to Speak...49 4.1.2 Providing Appropriate Feedback...59 4.2 The Underlying Reasons of the Teachers’ Ways in the Teaching of

Speaking English in the Classroom Teaching Process...64 4.2.1 Teachers Belief on the Importance of Relaxation in Learning

Speaking...64 4.2.2 Realizing that the Students are Lack of Vocabulary Mastery...66 4.2.3 Teachers’ Belief that the Students Utterances Allow the Evaluation of

the Students’ Achievement………...………..67 4.2.4 Teachers’ Belief on the Importance of Controlling the Students’

Achievement in Using Vocabulary………...………...68 4.2.5 Teacher’s Knowledge of the Objective of Teaching “asking and

givingan opinion”…...………69 4.2.6 Teachers’ Knowledge about the Importance of Self – Confidence in Learning Speaking...71 4.3 Research Findings...73 4.4 Discussion...74



5.1 Conclusion...76

5.2 Suggestions...77




Table 2.1 The Nature of Speaking English...13



Figure 2.1 Dunkin and Biddle’s Model of Classroom Teaching...18

Figure 3.5 Model of Data Analysis………...………..39

Figure 4.1The Data Displayed of Helping the Student to Overcome thei Initial Reluctance to Speak...57 Figure 4.2 The Data Displayed of Teachers’ways of Teaching Speaking in




A. The Transcripts of Observation...81

B. The Data Analysis of Observation Transcripts...111

C. The Teacher Behavior in Classroom Process of Teaching Speaking...157

D. The Transcripts of Teacher Interview...181



1.1 Background of the study

English as an international language is used by many people all over the world to communicate among nations either in spoken and written interactions. In Indonesia, it is taught as a foreign language. As a language of science in this globalized era, it is very important for information and communication. Based on the curriculum, the Indonesian Department of National Education (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional) has stated that English is as a compulsory subject at Indonesian school. This fact makes the government forces the learners to master English.

In learning and teaching English, there are four basic language skills should be mastered namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking is one of the crucial parts of second language learning and teaching. As one of the language skills, it enables people to communicate directly each other and also plays an important role for the success of language learning. According to Richards and Renandya in Widiati and Cahyono (2006:1), a large percentage of world’s language learners study English is in order to develop proficiency in speaking. Students of second/foreign language education programs are considered successful if they can communicate effectively in the language (Riggenback and lazaraton, 1991 in Widiati and Cahyono, 2006; 1).Someone


can be told that he or she is capable in communicate effectively if he or she is able to show his or her English by practicing it through speaking. Finochiaro (1974) claimed that speaking is a real language, which means that the capability to communicate in a language can be shown through the skill of speaking. The skill of speaking refers to the students’ ability to express mind or feeling orally or the capability to deliver messages directly.

Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been under valued and English language teachers always continue to teach speaking just teaching the grammar, repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. Rustam (1993:32) reports his investigation that most Indonesian English teachers do not develop their own syllabus and material systematically based on the teacher preferences and the learner’s need. The students taught to be achieved the target in institutional curriculum or their own syllabus. As the result, in learning English especially in speaking, most students are reluctant to speak. Mulyadi and Puspita (1991) stated that the most difficult part of the task of the teachers in the teaching English in senior high school especially in speaking class laid on how to encourage students to speak. The student seems often reluctant and afraid to speak when they involved in speaking class activities. The same problem also uttered by Chastain (1976) that many of the EFL students are self conscious and do not like to make mistake or appear stupid in front of their friends.

Actually there are several factors caused the students reluctant to speak English. Some of them are motivations, needs, attitudes, and students learning


style which are called internal factors. The other factor is external factor, such as environments, family, teacher and learning process in the class. Speaking activities which are given by a teacher in classroom are argued as external factor that crucial in determining speaking achievement of students.

Based on the researcher’s observation, the same case also occurred to the students in several senior high school of SIBOLGA in which most of the teachers always teach grammar and vocabulary to the students. The fact is, of course being the problem for the teachers especially in teaching speaking. Teaching speaking is a complex process which can be affected by many factors. These include teacher and student characteristics, institutional culture, syllabus, materials and approaches to the teaching and learning demonstrated by teachers and students (Dunkin & Biddle, 1974).

In this study, the researcher concern with the process variables namely the classroom process, these variables are the main focus in this study of teaching speaking English. Dunkin and Biddle (1974) defined these process variables as the activities taking place during the teaching process of speaking English in the classroom.


1.2 Problems of the Study

The purposes of this study are to provide answer to the following questions:

1. How does the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place in

senior high school students?

2. Why does the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place the

way it does in senior high school students?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on all these descriptions and the research problems formulated above, this study attempted:

1. To describe the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place

in senior high school students.

2. To elaborate the reasons of why does the classroom teaching process of

speaking English in senior high school students take place the way it does.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The present study will be limited to one of four teaching variables as proposed by Dunkin and Biddle (1974). The process variable refers what is the happening or what is being done by the teacher in the classroom teaching process of speaking English. So the focus is teacher behaviors during the real classroom activities. What is going on there in the classroom is the form of teachers’ behavior cannot be separated from other related aspect, such as


teaching materials which is derived from predetermined syllabus, lesson plan predetermined on which the teacher’s behavior are based on the position of these related aspects supporting aids in the attempt to understand the teachers’ and the students’ behavior during the teaching process as the process variable as mentioned by Dunkin and Biddle (1974). So based on the frame work, the process variables or teachers’ behavior during the classroom teaching process is considered as the focused. And this research will be limited to describe the classroom teaching process of speaking English in second grade Senior High School of SMAN 1 Sibolga.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The research findings are expected to give a valuable contribution both theoretically and practically for the readers, students, and English teachers. Theoretically, the research findings are expected to enrich the theories and references of the classroom teaching process of speaking English. And practically, it is to be useful and to be input for the students, teachers, and educational institution and the other researcher of the classroom teaching process of speaking English.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on research findings, it can be concluded that:

1. There were twodiffeent ways the teachers applied in the teaching of speaking English in the classroom teaching process,they are: (1) helping the students to overcome their initial reluctance to speak which consist of; a) encouraging the students to speak, b) providing opportunity for the students to speak, and (2) providing appropriate feedback. The two ways were lack to facilitate the students to be confident in speaking where the teacher cannot develop the students to be skillful and be able to speak confidently. Based on this finding, it is concluded that the teacher has not taught the speaking properly.

2. The underlying reason of the teachers’ ways in the teaching of speaking English was due to six reasons, they are; (1) Teachers belief on the importance of relaxation in learning speaking, (2) Realizing that the students are lack of vocabulary mastery,(3) Teachers’ belief that the students utterances allow the evaluation of the students achievement, (4) Teachers’ belief on the importance of controlling the students’ achievement in using vocabulary,(5) Teacher’s knowledge of the objectives of teaching “Asking and Giving Opinion” and (6) Teachers know about the importance of self –confidence. Based on this finding, it is


concluded that the application of the improper ways is caused by the teachers’ lack of knowledge of the nature of speaking and lack of knowledge of how people learn to speak or to express himself in communicative events.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are given as follows; 1. The teacher should learn more about the nature of speaking in order that the

teacher does not confine the teaching of speaking to the teaching of vocabulary and pronunciation.

2. Encouraging the students to have confidence in speaking English should not be limited to physical regulating, like pointing and nominating, but it should be organized in a more cognitive ways, like fitting the speaking activities to the students’ entry level, and charactheristics.

3. To overcome the students’ lexical problem in teaching speaking should not be conducted by translating the expression commonly used in speaking, the teacher should be better expose written text, encourage the students to study vocabularies found in the texts, and develop a speaking activities based on the texts.


can be told that he or she is capable in communicate effectively if he or she is able to show his or her English by practicing it through speaking. Finochiaro (1974) claimed that speaking is a real language, which means that the capability to communicate in a language can be shown through the skill of speaking. The skill of speaking refers to the students’ ability to express mind or feeling orally or the capability to deliver messages directly.

Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been under valued and English language teachers always continue to teach speaking just teaching the grammar, repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. Rustam (1993:32) reports his investigation that most Indonesian English teachers do not develop their own syllabus and material systematically based on the teacher preferences and the learner’s need. The students taught to be achieved the target in institutional curriculum or their own syllabus. As the result, in learning English especially in speaking, most students are reluctant to speak. Mulyadi and Puspita (1991) stated that the most difficult part of the task of the teachers in the teaching English in senior high school especially in speaking class laid on how to encourage students to speak. The student seems often reluctant and afraid to speak when they involved in speaking class activities. The same problem also uttered by Chastain (1976) that many of the EFL students are self conscious and do not like to make mistake or appear stupid in front of their friends.

Actually there are several factors caused the students reluctant to speak English. Some of them are motivations, needs, attitudes, and students learning


style which are called internal factors. The other factor is external factor, such as environments, family, teacher and learning process in the class. Speaking activities which are given by a teacher in classroom are argued as external factor that crucial in determining speaking achievement of students.

Based on the researcher’s observation, the same case also occurred to the students in several senior high school of SIBOLGA in which most of the teachers always teach grammar and vocabulary to the students. The fact is, of course being the problem for the teachers especially in teaching speaking. Teaching speaking is a complex process which can be affected by many factors. These include teacher and student characteristics, institutional culture, syllabus, materials and approaches to the teaching and learning demonstrated by teachers and students (Dunkin & Biddle, 1974).

In this study, the researcher concern with the process variables namely the classroom process, these variables are the main focus in this study of teaching speaking English. Dunkin and Biddle (1974) defined these process variables as the activities taking place during the teaching process of speaking English in the classroom.


1.2 Problems of the Study

The purposes of this study are to provide answer to the following questions:

1. How does the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place in senior high school students?

2. Why does the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place the way it does in senior high school students?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Based on all these descriptions and the research problems formulated above, this study attempted:

1. To describe the classroom teaching process of speaking English take place in senior high school students.

2. To elaborate the reasons of why does the classroom teaching process of speaking English in senior high school students take place the way it does.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

The present study will be limited to one of four teaching variables as proposed by Dunkin and Biddle (1974). The process variable refers what is the happening or what is being done by the teacher in the classroom teaching process of speaking English. So the focus is teacher behaviors during the real classroom activities. What is going on there in the classroom is the form of teachers’ behavior cannot be separated from other related aspect, such as


teaching materials which is derived from predetermined syllabus, lesson plan predetermined on which the teacher’s behavior are based on the position of these related aspects supporting aids in the attempt to understand the teachers’ and the students’ behavior during the teaching process as the process variable as mentioned by Dunkin and Biddle (1974). So based on the frame work, the process variables or teachers’ behavior during the classroom teaching process is considered as the focused. And this research will be limited to describe the classroom teaching process of speaking English in second grade Senior High School of SMAN 1 Sibolga.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The research findings are expected to give a valuable contribution both theoretically and practically for the readers, students, and English teachers. Theoretically, the research findings are expected to enrich the theories and references of the classroom teaching process of speaking English. And practically, it is to be useful and to be input for the students, teachers, and educational institution and the other researcher of the classroom teaching process of speaking English.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on research findings, it can be concluded that:

1. There were twodiffeent ways the teachers applied in the teaching of

speaking English in the classroom teaching process,they are: (1) helping the students to overcome their initial reluctance to speak which consist of; a) encouraging the students to speak, b) providing opportunity for the students to speak, and (2) providing appropriate feedback. The two ways were lack to facilitate the students to be confident in speaking where the teacher cannot develop the students to be skillful and be able to speak confidently. Based on this finding, it is concluded that the teacher has not taught the speaking properly.

2. The underlying reason of the teachers’ ways in the teaching of speaking

English was due to six reasons, they are; (1) Teachers belief on the importance of relaxation in learning speaking, (2) Realizing that the students are lack of vocabulary mastery,(3) Teachers’ belief that the students utterances allow the evaluation of the students achievement, (4) Teachers’ belief on the importance of controlling the students’ achievement in using vocabulary,(5) Teacher’s knowledge of the objectives of teaching “Asking and Giving Opinion” and (6) Teachers know about the importance of self –confidence. Based on this finding, it is


concluded that the application of the improper ways is caused by the teachers’ lack of knowledge of the nature of speaking and lack of knowledge of how people learn to speak or to express himself in communicative events.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, the following suggestions are given as follows;

1. The teacher should learn more about the nature of speaking in order that the

teacher does not confine the teaching of speaking to the teaching of vocabulary and pronunciation.

2. Encouraging the students to have confidence in speaking English should not

be limited to physical regulating, like pointing and nominating, but it should be organized in a more cognitive ways, like fitting the speaking activities to the students’ entry level, and charactheristics.

3. To overcome the students’ lexical problem in teaching speaking should not

be conducted by translating the expression commonly used in speaking, the teacher should be better expose written text, encourage the students to study vocabularies found in the texts, and develop a speaking activities based on the texts.