Introduction nations of certain crops result in increased compe- Materials and methods

European Journal of Agronomy 12 2000 103–115 www.elsevier.comlocateeja Intercropping corn with soybean, lupin and forages: yield component responses K. Carruthers, B. Prithiviraj, Q. Fe, D. Cloutier, R.C. Martin, D.L. Smith Department of Plant Science, Macdonald Campus, McGill University, 21, 111 Lakeshore, Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue, Que., Canada Accepted 20 September 1999 Abstract Intercropping systems influence yield variables of the component crops, such as harvest index, hundred seed weight, number of reproductive organs and number of seeds, within each reproductive unit. Two experiments were carried out at each of two sites during 1993 and 1994. The first experiment investigated the effects of seeding soybean or lupin alone or in combination with one of three forages annual ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam.; perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L.; red clover, Trifolium pratense L. with corn on the yield components of corn, soybean and lupin. The second experiment examined the effects of seeding date simultaneous with corn or 3 weeks later and number of rows of large seeded legumes one or two seeded between the corn rows. Corn grain yield was generally not affected by any intercrop treatment, although in 1993 some simultaneously seeded treatments resulted in decreased yields. Soybean grain yield was decreased by most treatments, although some simultaneous seedings produced yields similar to soybean monocrops. Lupin grew poorly as an intercrop component, producing little or no grain. Corn harvest index was not affected by any intercrop treatments. Seeding corn and large-seeded legumes simultaneously resulted in decreases in corn hundred seed weights by as much as 6.6 g compared with the monocropped corn. In 1993 a year with normal precipitation levels, the hundred seed weight and number of seeds per soybean pod were decreased by intercropping, although the harvest index was not affected. In a high precipitation year 1994, the soybean harvest index was decreased by intercropping, but not the seed components. The underseeded forages, annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and red clover, had no effect on yields or yield components of the other intercropped species. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Corn; Forages; Intercropping; Silage; Soybean; Yield components

1. Introduction nations of certain crops result in increased compe-

tition among the components. This results in Intercropping is used in many parts of the world reduced yields, which may make some crop species for the production of food and feed crops. In unsuitable for intercropping. Increased competi- general, intercropping has been shown to be more tion may be for water, nutrients, light or any productive than monocropping. However, combi- combination of the three, ultimately leading to changes in crop productivity levels. Changes in crop development can be examined by investigat- Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-514-398-7851; ing the manner in which yield components are fax: +1-514-398-7897. E-mail address: D.L. Smith affected by alterations in cropping pattern. For 1161-030100 - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 1 6 1 -0 3 0 1 9 9 0 0 05 1 - 9 104 K. Carruthers et al. European Journal of Agronomy 12 2000 103–115 example, the harvest index HI indicates the

2. Materials and methods

amount of plant biomass allocated to grain, thus 2.1. Experiment 1 providing an indication of the ability with which the plant partitions resources between vegetative This experiment investigated the effects of inter- and reproductive structures Fukai and Trenbath, cropping silage corn with large-seeded legumes 1993. The hundred seed weight HSW gives an and forage crops on silage yield and quality. This indication of the ability of the plant to meet sink field study was carried out in 1993 and 1994 at the demands during grain filling and can be increased E. Lods Agronomy Research Centre, on the by the removal of various stresses, e.g. irrigation Macdonald Campus of McGill University where water is limiting Claassen and Shaw, 1970; Macdonald , and the L’Assomption field station Putnam et al. 1992. of Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada Intercrop systems may improve yield stability, L’Assomption. The two sites are 80 km apart. allowing more consistent yields Willey, 1979; The Macdonald experiment was performed on Horwith, 1985; Fukai and Trenbath, 1993, and soils consisting of a mixture of Chateauguay clay efficient use of the resources, allowing reductions fine loamy, mixed, nonacid, frigid, Gapludalf in costly inputs Keatings and Carberry, 1993; 1993 and St. Bernard clay fine loamy, mixed, Morris and Garrity, 1993ab. nonacid, frigid, Eutrochrept 1994, whereas the Cereal–legume intercrops are among the most L’Assomption study was performed on a Soulange frequently used and most productive Ofori and loam fine silty, mixed, nonacid, frigid, Stern, 1987a. Corn–soybean intercrops have been Humaquept. Prior to experimentation, soil tests shown to be more productive than corn monocrops showed a pH of 6.6 for the L’Assomption site and Ahmed and Rao, 1982; Putnam et al., 1985; 5.1 for the Macdonald site. Agricultural limestone Marchiol et al., 1992. The soybean component at 6 t ha−1 was applied to raise the pH at the adds valuable nitrogen to the soil Singh et al., Macdonald site. The soil was harrowed 7 days 1986, and improves overall protein content of the before planting, after which lime and resulting silage Herbert et al., 1984; Martin et al., 90 kg ha−1, 100 kg ha−1, and 140 kg ha−1 of N, P 1990. Further, this intercrop system reduces weed and K respectively were broadcast and disked in growth Tripathi and Singh, 1983; Weil and to produce a smooth seed bed. Corn monocrop McFadden, 1991; Carruthers et al., 1998, allowing plots received an extra 90 kg ha−1 of nitrogen, reductions in herbicide use. Several reports on hand broadcast 2 weeks after corn seeding, to give corn–soybean intercrops exist in the literature. a total of 180 kg ha−1 in each of these plots However, other potential cereal–legume intercrop- Martin et al., 1990. In 1992 the Macdonald site ping systems, such as corn–lupin, have not been was fallow and the L’Assomption site was pasture. studied in detail. Further, there are very few The experiment was established in a randomized reports on corn intercropping along with complete block design with four blocks. Individual underseeded forages. treatment plots measured 3×7 m 2 Table 1. Corn, Two experiments were carried out to investigate large-seeded legumes, and forage monocrops were how intercropping corn with soybean or lupin simultaneously seeded in mid May Table 2. The affected their yield components. The first experi- corn hybrid was changed in 1994 to one that was ment examined the effect of interseeding one of slightly shorter in stature to allow better growth the large-seeded legumes alone or in combination of the other intercrop components. The annual with each of three forages annual ryegrass, Lolium ryegrass was replaced by a mixture of perennial multiflorum Lam.; perennial ryegrass, Lolium per- ryegrass and red clover in 1994. Corn was planted enne L.; red clover, Trifolium pratense L.. The in four rows, 75 cm apart, in each plot with a John second experiment explored the effect of seeding Deere seeder model Max Emerge2 2700 at the large-seeded legumes simultaneously with corn, L’Assomption and a Gaspardo seeder SP 510, or 3 weeks after the corn and in one or two rows Pordenone, Italy at Macdonald. The large-seeded legumes were seeded in eight rows spaced 37.5 cm between each pair of corn rows. 105 K. Carruthers et al. European Journal of Agronomy 12 2000 103–115 Table 1 Treatments applied in experiment number 1 both 1993 and 1994 Treatment Cropping system Description Corn Monocrop Corn — herbicide control Soybean Monocrop Soybean-monocrop Lupin Monocrop Lupin-monocrop CS Intercrop Corn+soybean CL Intercrop Corn+lupin CAnn mix Intercrop Corn+annual ryegrass 1993 or mixture 1994 CPer Intercrop Corn+perennial ryegrass CRed Intercrop Corn+red clover CSAnn Intercrop Corn+soybean+annual ryegrass 1993 or mixture 1994 CSPer Intercrop Corn+soybean+perennial ryegrass CSRed Intercrop Corn+soybean+red clover CLAnn mix Intercrop Corn+lupin+annual ryegrass 1993 or mixture 1994 CLPer Intercrop Corn+lupin+perennial ryegrass CLRed Intercrop Corn+lupin+red clover CWeed Monocrop Corn — unweeded control CHand Monocrop Corn — hand-weeded control Table 2 Crop varieties and seeding densities for both experiments in 1993 and 1994 Crop Cultivar Population Monocrop Intercrop Corn Zea mays L. Pioneer 3921 1993 80 000 plants ha−1 80 000 plants ha−1 Pioneer 3917 1994 80 000 plants ha−1 80 000 plants ha−1 Soybean Glycine max L. Maple Glen 250 000 plants ha−1 Lupin Lupinus albus L. Amiga 250 000 plants ha−1 Annual ryegrass Lolium multiflorum Lam. Marshall 1993 10 kg ha−1 Perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. Linn 13 kg ha−1 Red clover Trifolium pratense L. Khunn 25 kg ha−1 Mixture of perennial ryegrass and red clover Linn and Khunn 6 kg ha−1+15 kg ha−1 apart in monoculture plots. In intercrop plots one Prior to seeding the large-seeded legume monocrops in 1994 each plot received Dual row of large-seeded legumes was seeded between each corn row, using a Planet Jr hand seeder Metolachlor and Lorox Linuron [3-3, 4-dichlorophenyl -1-methoxy,1-methylurea] at model 300A, Allen and Company, Philadelphia, USA. All legumes soybean, lupin and red clover 2 l ha−1 and 2.1 l ha−1 respectively applied with a bicycle-wheel plot sprayer. After two cultiva- were inoculated with their appropriate Brady Rhizobium strains using commercial inoculants tions using a Rabewerk cultivator Rabewerk Machinerie Agricole, St.-Cesaire, Canada 1993 or Lipha Tech, Wisconsin, USA prior to seeding. Prior to seeding in 1993 and 1994, the corn mono- a rotary hoe cultivator Colpron, Montreal, Canada 1994 and 3 weeks after corn seeding, intercropped crop received a combination of Dual Metolachlor [2-chloro-N-2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl -N-2-methoxy- forages were hand broadcast throughout the plots. Forages were included to provide improved weed 1-methylethyl acetamide] and atrazine [6-chloro- N-ethyl-N∞-1-methylethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-dia- control and contribute organic matter to the soil. Average monthly rainfalls and temperatures for each mine] at a rate of 1.9 l ha−1 and 1.0 l ha−1 respec- tively applied with a bicycle and wheel plot sprayer. site-year are given in Table 3. 106 K. Carruthers et al. European Journal of Agronomy 12 2000 103–115 Table 3 Monthly precipitation and average temperatures recorded at the Macdonald and L’Assomption sites during the 1993 and 1994 growing seasons Year Precipitation mm Temperature °C May June July August September Total May June July August September Macdonald 1993 79.1 74.8 94.6 57.2 119.2 424.9 13.3 17.6 21.4 20.5 13.9 1994 148 194 61.3 99.9 105.5 607.8 12.1 18.9 21.3 18 14.3 Average a 70.6 88.3 89.7 92.6 97.9 439.1 13.1 18.1 21.1 19.8 14.7 L’Assomption 1993 95.6 74.2 75.4 95.6 89.1 429.9 12.7 17.4 20.7 20.3 13.6 1994 93.8 285.9 b 122.8 67.8 121.6 691.9 11.8 19.3 21 19.2 14.7 Average a 72.5 87 84.5 94.4 84.6 423 12.3 17.5 20.2 18.8 13.8 a 30 year averages. b Flooding occurred. During the season, plant heights were measured determine pod number per plant and seed number per pod. These values were averaged to provide at approximately 2 week intervals for the corn and legume species. In October, hand harvesting of yield values on a per plot basis. All grain was weighed in 100 seed groups to determine the HSW. corn and legumes was done in the middle rows of the plots in order to avoid border effects. Corn The number of kernels per cob was determined by dividing grain yield by the average weight per seed was harvested from the middle 2 m 1993 or 3.5 m 1994 of the two centre rows, the legumes from and then dividing by the number of cobs harvested. Land equivalence ratio LER was calculated the middle 3 m 1993 or 3.5 m 1994 of the centre two rows in intercrops or centre four rows according to method described by Mead 1986. in monocrop. Grain was separated using a combine Wintersteiger America Inc., Lincoln, NE USA. 2.2. Experiment 2 Subsamples of the grain component were dried at 80°C for 24 h to determine yield. A total of 15 This experiment investigated the effects of the number of rows and seeding date of the inter- large-seeded legume plants per plot were used to Table 4 Treatments applied in experiment number 2 for 1993 and 1994 Treatment Cropping system Description Corn Monocrop Corn-herbicide control Soybean Monocrop Soybean-monocrop Lupin Monocrop Lupin-monocrop CS1S Intercrop Corn+1 row of soybean simultaneously seeded CS2S Intercrop Corn+2 rows of soybean simultaneously seeded CS1D Intercrop Corn+1 row of soybean delay seeded by 3 weeks CS2D Intercrop Corn+2 rows of soybean delay seeded by 3 weeks CL1S Intercrop Corn+1 row of lupin simultaneously seeded CL2S Intercrop Corn+2 rows of lupin simultaneously seeded CL1D Intercrop Corn+1 row of lupin delay seeded by 3 weeks CL2D Intercrop Corn+2 rows of lupin delay seeded by 3 weeks Cweed Monocrop Corn — unweeded control Chand Monocrop Corn — hand weeded control 107 K. Carruthers et al. European Journal of Agronomy 12 2000 103–115 cropped large-seeded legumes on silage yield com- using the logx+1 transformation prior to analy- sis. LER was calculated according to method ponents. Seedbed preparation and seeding were the same as for the previous experiment. The described by Mead 1986. treatments applied in the experiment are detailed in Table 4. When legumes were seeded in two rows in intercrop plots an intercrop density of 250 000

3. Results and discussion