Materials and methods Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:E:European Journal of Agronomy:Vol14.Issue1.Jan2001:

Table 1 Percentage Italian ryegrass plant cover relative to total plant cover for each plot type, measured 141 days after wheat sowing a Pure I. Ryegrass Barnyardgrass Mixed wheat-I. Ryegrass Hedges Low density High density High density Low density Total Relative Total Relative Relative Total Relative Total Yes 100.0 11.8 100.0 0.8 15.7 44.0 4.2 37.9 No 100.0 31.2 100.0 3.5 46.3 39.6 33.8 33.0 a Within each column of values, denotes a significant PB0.05 difference between barnyardgrass and non-barnyardgrass plot means. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that manipulating some agronomic variables, aiming to produce changes especially in the light environ- ment during early stages of the crop, can improve wheat ability to compete with ryegrass. Live and dead hedges grown with summer annuals barn- yardgrass and maize, separated by various dis- tances, were used to reduce the ground-level light intensity and alter the R:FR ratio during winter wheat seedling establishment in Italian ryegrass infested plots.

2. Materials and methods

2 . 1 . Experiment 1 A factorial experiment was established to deter- mine the effect of short-term shading, using barn- yardgrass Echinochloa cruss-galli hedges, on wheat Triticum aesti6um and Italian ryegrass biomass production. A split-split plot experimen- tal design with three replications was used. High or low-density Italian ryegrass seed banks were Table 2 Vegetative and reproductive biomass of wheat and Italian ryegrass grown in pure stands and mixed plots, at high or low Italian ryegrass seed bank density and harvested from 0.04 m 2 sampling plots at the end of the growing cycle a Species Wheat Italian ryegrass seed bank density Barnyard grass Low High Low Hedges High Reproductive biomass g Vegetative biomass g 65 72 Yes 60 61 No 36 43 45 42 Ryegrass Pure stand Pure stand Mixed stand Mixed stand Pure stand Mixed stand Pure stand Mixed stand Reproductive biomass g Vegetative biomass g 6 6 Yes 9 16 3 5 5 8 No 10 19 17 10 3 4 8 15 a Within each column of values, denotes a significant PB0.05 difference between barnyardgrass and non-barnyardgrass plot means. Table 3 The effect of live green and dead brown hedges on the light microenvironment at ground level on the South side of hedges oriented E–W. Values represent mean quantum flux mmol m − 2 s − 1 Distance from hedge Facing the sky Facing the hedge Hedge type m 660 nm 730 nm R:RL 660 nm 730 nm R:RL 179.8 4.34 a 169.4 6.2 1.04 0.01 3.3 1.9 Green 16.7 2.6 0.0 0.20 0.08 175.4 4.37 161 1.66 1.06 0.02 0.6 5.9 1.4 21.9 6.2 0.26 0.03 1.2 176.5 6.53 158.7 7.99 1.10 0.01 8.4 0.79 23.5 1.8 0.36 0.05 0.0 Brown 180.1 3.2 a 173.2 4.0 1.01 0.01 6.2 1.3 27.7 0.8 1.03 0.02 176.3 4.6 167.9 2.3 0.95 0.03 0.6 19.8 2.2 28.2 2.1 1.01 0.01 1.2 172.4 2.6 158.2 5.4 1.07 0.02 20.1 1.4 27.3 3.0 1.11 0.04 a S.D. n = 3 main plots while presence or absence of barnyard- grass hedges were the sub-plots and the presence or absence of winter wheat were the sub-subplots. The experiment was conducted at the Oregon State University Vegetable Research Farm, De- partment of Horticulture, in Corvallis, Oregon during the 1989 – 1990 growing season. The exper- imental site contained soil from the Chehalis se- ries, a silty clay loam with 7 organic matter and a pH of 6. In late September, 1 year before the experiment began, high- and low-density Italian ryegrass seed banks were established in the fol- lowing manner: three 4 m 2 plots were planted with Italian ryegrass seed only pure stand, and three other plots were planted with a mixture of Italian ryegrass and winter wheat. Since wheat competition reduced Italian ryegrass seed produc- tion in the mixed plots, the resulting Italian rye- grass seed banks were different in the mixed and pure plots. Measurements taken during the fol- lowing summer revealed that the seed bank in pure stands averaged 170 000 Italian ryegrass seeds m − 2 while in the mixed plots, weed density averaged 39 000 ryegrass seeds m − 2 . On 22 August, soil in all the experimental plots was rototilled and half of each plot was trans- planted with barnyardgrass in rows 0.5 m apart and oriented in an East – West E – W direction Fig. 1. Within each row, plants were spaced at 0.1 m apart, and generated a hedge approximately 0.5 m high at the time of transplanting. Soil in the other half of each plot was also disturbed with a transplant shovel but did not receive barnyard- grass transplants. On 7 October, the bare soil between the barnyardgrass hedges, and all the soil in the unplanted half of each plot, was again disturbed with a shovel and fertilized with 15 – 15 – 15 NPK 10 3 kg ha − 1 and irrigated. The next day, the plots were subdivided in North – South N – S direction and wheat was sown in one half of each plot in rows 0.125 m apart. Thus, each main plot contained two sub-plots barn- yardgrass hedges or bare soil and two sub-sub- plots with and without wheat Fig. 1. Sowing was accomplished by opening small furrows with a rake, distributing the seed 350 seeds m − 2 , and raking the furrows closed. By the first week of November, all the barn- yardgrass plants had died and these plants and any Italian ryegrass plants that had been growing within hedgerows were removed. In the last week of February, specific cover in 0.5 m by 0.2 m sampling areas was determined in all treatments sub-sub plots. For this purpose we used a cross- wire sighting device similar to that described by Beaumer and de Wit 1968 to register presence or absence of a species’ leaves at each of 50 sample points per plot. On 9 July aboveground biomass in 0.1 m by 0.4 m sampling areas was harvested from all the treatments and separated into vegeta- tive and reproductive matter. 2 . 2 . Experiment 2 A split – split plot experimental design with three replicates was used to study the effects of orientation and spacing of live green and dead brown maize hedges on interference between wheat and Italian ryegrass. In this case, the main plots were hedgerow orientation N – S or E – W, while subplots were live or dead hedges, which created different light environments Ballare´ et al., 1987. Sub-subplots were hedge spacing 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8, and 6.0 m Fig. 2. The experiments were conducted at the Oregon State University Hyslop Field Laboratory near Corvallis, Oregon, during two growing seasons: 19891990 and 19901991. Soil was an Amity silt loam with a pH of 5.2 and containing 2.6 organic matter. A 2-ha site heavily infested with Italian ryegrass was plowed at the end of March both years and again on 25 June. It was then Fig. 3. Red:Far red 650 nm:730 nm quantum flux ratio of the light reaching the soil at increasing distances from the unsprayed maize hedge oriented N – S and E – W when hedges were separated 1.2 m a, 2.4 m b, 3.6 m c, 4.8 m d or 6.0 m e. Measurements were taken at midday on a sunny day. Global fluence rate was 1200 mmol m − 2 s − 1 . Table 4 Correlations of environmental and yield variables with the first three axis from principal component analysis a Variable Axis 3 Axis 2 Axis 1 eig = 0.09 eig = 0.23 eig = 0.64 − 0.312 WTVEG 0.413 − 0.855 − 0.136 WTREP − 0.341 − 0.926 − 0.304 − 0.839 − 0.166 WTSPK RYEVEG 0.568 − 0.815 − 0.085 − 0.644 0.482 0.064 RYEREP − 0.683 RYESPK − 0.143 0.657 − 0.490 0.084 − 0.354 ORIENT 0.110 COLOR − 0.070 − 0.119 − 0.289 − 0.169 0.078 DISTAN a Eigenvalues eig given for each axis represent the variance in the matrix attributed to that axis. WTVEG: wheat vegeta- tive weight; WTREP: wheat reproductive weight; WTSPK: number of wheat spikes; RYEVEG: ryegrass vegetative weight; RYEREP: ryegrass reproductive weight; RYESPK: number of ryegrass spikes; ORIENT: orientation of hedges N–S or E–W; COLOR: color of hedges after spraying green or brown; DISTAN: distance between two hedges. sprayed with 0.5 kg a.i. paraquat 1-1-dimethyl- 4, 4-bipyridinium ion Fig. 2, to kill the treated maize plants and create different light environments sub-plots. The spacing sub-subplots of 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8 or 6.0 m between the maize hedges were created with a 1.2-m wide rototiller. Four tilling opera- tions carried the first week of September were necessary to destroy the maize plants between the hedges and prepare the soil for later wheat planting. On 28 September and 1 October, re- spectively, wheat was sown with an eight-row planter at a rate of 350 seeds m − 2 . To characterize differences in light quality at ground level in the different hedge spacing and orientations existing before sowing wheat, R:FR determinations were taken at increasing dis- tances from sprayed and unsprayed maize hedges every 0.6 m. Measurements were done at midday on a sunny day, with a Skye Radiome- ter model SKR 100, and a sensor model SKR 110. Reductions in light intensity caused by live and dead fences were quantified by comparing quantum flux at 660 and 730 nm when the sen- sor was facing the sky and when it faced the hedge. For this purpose, we measured light in- tensity on the South side of the fences oriented E – W at 0, 0.6 and 1.2 m from the fence. Maize plants were around 1.50 m high and were start- ing to tassel. Between 22 June and 10 July, aerial biomass was sampled in all sub-subplots. To do the sam- plings, 1.0 m by 1.0 m quadrats were located along a line transect in both the sprayed and unsprayed halves of each main plot. Transects ran perpendicular to the maize hedges and had their origins positioned randomly within each plot half Fig. 2B. Within each spacing between the maize hedges, the first quadrat was located 0.1 m from the preceding maize hedge, the next quadrat, if row spacing allowed more than one was located 0.2 m from the preceding quadrat. In this way, samples from one, two, three, four, or five quadrats, depending on whether the quadrats were from the 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8 or 6.0 hedge spacing, were obtained for each treat- ment. Vegetative and reproductive dry biomass was recorded by species ryegrass and wheat. tilled with a disc harrow and fertilized with 16 – 20 – 0 NPK 2.5 × 10 3 kg ha − 1 . On 19 and 21 July, respectively each year, the site was tilled again and planted with maize 70 kg seed ha − 1 , in rows 0.6 m apart. The rows were oriented N – S in half of each block and E – W in the other half Fig. 2A to create the two main plots. To create a homogeneous Italian ryegrass stand in the plots, 17 kg Italian ryegrass seed ha − 1 was broadcast in the established maize during the last week of August. The experiment was irrigated as needed. On 26 September, half of the maize hedges in each main plot were Table 5 Climatic conditions during wheat and ryegrass seedling growth Mean daily Month Monthly precipation temperature °C mm 1990 1989 1990 1989 18.1 43.7 20.0 August 22.1 17.9 18.4 September 15.2 21.1 11.4 115.8 October 67.6 10.7 123.7 99.1 7.8 November 7.9 4.2 December 1.0 78.0 89.9 Fig. 4. Effect of maize hedge spacing on vegetative and reproductive wheat biomass for maize hedges oriented E – W and N – S A and live and dead maize hedges B. Fig. 5. Effect of maize hedge spacing on vegetative and reproductive Italian ryegrass biomass for maize hedges oriented E – W and N – S A and live and dead hedges B. Fig. 6. Ryegrass biomass as a function of wheat biomass in 1 m 2 plots with green alive or brown dead maize hedges oriented E – W or N – S. Regression models are: green hedges, E – W: y = − 0.0027x + 6.379 R 2 = 0.26; N – S: y = − 0.0001x + 3.9895 R 2 = 0.00; brown hedges, E – W: y = − 0.003x + 6.157 R 2 = 0.30; N – S y = − 0.0018x + 5.0874 R 2 = 0.09. 5 level of significance. Linear regressions were calculated for the logarithm of the biomass of each species against the biomass of the other one, and number of spikes or reproductive biomass versus vegetative biomass for each species. In order to account for the competitive effect of the maize row, we compared regression curves obtained with the whole data set versus those obtained only with subsamples taken at least 1.2 away from the maize row, in the hedge spacings of 3.6, 4.8 and 6.0 m. Fig. 7. Wheat biomass as a function of ryegrass biomass in 1 m 2 plots with green alive or brown dead maize hedges oriented E – W or N – S. Regression models are: green hedges, E – W: y = − 0.0014x + 6.7421 R 2 = 0.21; N – S: y = − 0.0002x + 6.4663 R 2 = 0.00; brown hedges, E – W: y = − 0.0013x + 6.6566 R 2 = 0.23; N – S y = − 0.001x + 6.7586 R 2 = 0.11. 2 . 3 . Data analysis Differences in cover and biomass among treat- ments of the first experiment were analyzed using analysis of variance P B 0.05. We used Principal Components Analysis PCA and Pearson and Kendall correlations on variable means to identify the most important factors determining the crop and weed responses in the second experiment Digby and Kempton, 1991. We used a two-way analysis of variance ANOVA, and tested for the effects of hedge spraying and orientation, and the interactions with spacings. Treatment means were separated by Fisher’s Protected LSD test at the Fig. 8. The relationship between reproductive and vegetative biomass in wheat plants growing in 1 m 2 plots with green alive or brown dead maize hedges oriented E – W or N – S. Regression models are: green hedges, E – W: y = 0.5918 + 65.705 R 2 = 0.82; N – S: y = 0.6723x + 91.858 R 2 = 0.67; brown hedges, E – W: y = 0.5398x + 146.88 R 2 = 0.42; N – S y = 0.5996x + 67.746 R 2 = 0.69. tively, in high and low-density plots Table 1 by the presence of barnyardgrass hedges. Response to the barnyardgrass hedges was also evident in aboveground biomass production at the end of the crop cycle. Overall the hedge signifi- cantly improved wheat vegetative and reproduc- tive biomass, in both the high and low Italian ryegrass seed bank density treatments Table 2. In all the treatments high and low Italian rye- grass seed bank density, pure and mixed stands barnyardgrass hedges reduced Italian ryegrass vegetative yield compared to the non-hedge areas, but the hedges did not significantly affect repro- ductive yield of Italian ryegrass Table 2. Fig. 9. The relationship between reproductive and vegetative biomass in ryegrass plants growing in 1 m 2 plots with green alive or brown dead maize hedges oriented E – W or N – S. Regression models are: green hedges, E – W: y = 0.3433x + 1.962 R 2 = 0.58; N – S: y = 0.1008x + 1.1774 R 2 = 0.76; brown hedges, E – W: y = 0.2618x + 6.8231 R 2 = 0.59; N – S y = 0.1351x + 1.6479 R 2 = 0.87.

3. Results and discussion