Harga SUK Pasal 17 Denda SUK Pasal 23 Penyelesaian Perselisihan SUK Pasal 28 Pemberitahuan SUK Pasal 31


11. Pembayaran SUK Pasal 16

SUK 16.1-Tatacara dan persyaratan pembayaran kepada Pemasok Barang sesuai Kontrak adalah sebagai berikut: Pembayaran untuk barang-barang dan jasa yang dipasok: Pembayaran untuk Barang dan Jasa yang berasal dari dalam negeri harus dilakukan dalam mata uang Rupiah sebagai berikut: i Pembayaran uang muka: 10 sepuluh persen dari Harga Kontrak harus dibayarkan dalam waktu 30 tiga puluh hari sejak penandatanganan Kontrak, setelah penyerahan Jaminan Bank sebesar jumlah yang sama, yang berlaku sampai Barang diserahkan dan dalam bentukformat seperti yang disebutkan dalam dokumen lelang atau dalam bentukformat lain yang disetujui oleh Pemberi Kerja. ii Pada saat penyerahan: 100 seratus persen dari Harga Kontrak Barang yang diterima dikurangi pembayaran uang muka secara proporsional harus dibayarkan dalam waktu 30 tiga puluh hari setelah diterbitkannya surat berita acara penerimaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemberi Kerja.

12. Harga SUK Pasal 17

SUK 17.1 Harga tetap dan tidak ada penyesuaian harga yang diakibatkan oleh faktor ekonomi, perubahan kurs, pemogokan atau insiden lainnya.

13. Denda SUK Pasal 23

SUK 23.1 - Angka yang digunakan adalah 0.5 setiap minggu dan maximum 10 dari harga Kontrak.

14. Penyelesaian Perselisihan SUK Pasal 28

SUK 28.2.2 - Penyelesaian perselisihan sesuai SUK 28.2 yang akan digunakan adalah sebagai berikut: Dalam hal terjadi perselisihan antara Pemberi Kerja dengan Pemasok Barang, maka penyelesaian perselisihan akan dilakukan dengan cara musyawarah- mufakat. Jika cara musyawarah-mufakat ini tidak mencapai kesepakatan, maka penyelesaian harus dilakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Pontianak Jl. Sultan Abdurrahman No. 89 Pontianak, Telp. 0561 734100, fax 0561 763214 seperti yang disepakati dalam Kontrak ini.

15. Pemberitahuan SUK Pasal 31

Alamat untuk kepentingan pemberitahuan: Alamat Pemberi Kerja: HPEQ-PSPD Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura, Jl. A. Yani Pontianak 78124, Telp 0561 732500, Fax 0561 765342, alamat email : hpequntangmail.com 48

Bagian VI. Daftar dan Jadwal Permintaan Barang

Nama Paket : Pengadaan Peralatan Skill Lab Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura Lokasi Proyek : HPEQ-PSPDFakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tanjungpura Jl. Ahmad Yani Pontianak 78124 No Nama Peralatan Merk No. Spesifikasi Jumlah Harga Satuan Rp Jumlah Rp Waktu Pengiriman 1 minggu Lokasi 1. Maternity Model Noelle Maternal Neonatal Birthing Torso PSL - 1 4 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 2. Gynecology Diagnostic Training GynAid Gynecologic Simulator PSL – 2 3 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 3. Breast Massage Breast Examination Simulator PSL - 3 3 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 4. Newborn Baby Model - Boy Sakamoto Baby, Boy PSL – 4 2 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 5. Newborn Baby Model – Girl Sakamoto Baby, Girl PSL – 5 2 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 6. Gluteal IM Injection Model Intramuscular Injection Model of Buttock PSL – 6 3 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 7. Patient Care Manikin I PSL – 7 2 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 8. Lifeform® Male Catheterization Simulator PSL – 8 4 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 9. Lifeform® Female Catheterization Simulator PSL – 9 4 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 10. Advanced Venipuncture Arm - Light Advanced Venipuncture and Injection Arm, white PSL – 10 3 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 11. Lifeform® Prostate Examination Simulator PSL – 11 3 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 12. Lifeform® Suture Practice Arm PSL – 12 4 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 13. Neonatal Resuscitation PEDI Blue Neonatal Simulator with Smartskin Technology PSL – 13 2 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 14. Adult CPR with skill guide and skill reporter, full body Neonatal Resuscitation Deluxe Plus Crisis Manikin PSL – 14 2 Unit HPEQ UNTAN 1 Jadwal pengiriman yang ditentukan disini adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan dari tanggal penandatanganan kontrak sampai dengan akhir tujuan lokasi proyek Jadwal pengiriman barang harus diisi oleh penawar dan menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dari surat penawaran maksimal 60 hari kalender sejak tanggal penandatanganan kontrak. 49

Bagian VII. Spesifikasi Teknis

No Nama Peralatan Spesifikasi Spesifikasi Teknis Bidder Penawar Merk No. Katalog Brosur 1. Maternity Model Noelle Maternal Neonatal Birthing Torso Full size upper and lower female torso Removable stomach cover One articulating birthing baby with umbilical cord and placenta Automatic birthing system that rotates baby as it moves through the birth canal Measure head descent and cervical dilation Multiple placenta positions Replaceable dilating cervices Practice postpartum suturing on vulval inserts Practice Leopold Maneuvers Supplied with: Two umbilical cords Two dilating cervices Two umbilical clamps Two vulval inserts Three vulva for postpartum suturing Talcum powder and silicone lubricant NOELLE training guide NOELLE teaching guide with scenarios Carrying bag 2. Gynecology Diagnostic Training GynAid Gynecologic Simulator One of our most popular products The full size female adult lower body gives students and educators a graphic experience in vaginal speculum examination, bi- manual pelvic examination, IUD insertion techniques, diaphragm sizing and fitting, uterine sounding, and viewing of normal and abnormal cervices Full size female adult lower body with removable soft outer skin One normal anteverted uterus with transparent top and round ligaments Seven uteri with one normal “control” uterus and six with external uterine abnormalities 50 No Nama Peralatan Spesifikasi Spesifikasi Teknis Bidder Penawar Merk No. Katalog Brosur Two normal cervices with patent os for IUD insertionremoval Uterus and cervix feature patented “screw” design for fast and easy change-out Contraceptive sponge insertion and removal Female condom insertion and removal Diaphragm and cervical cap insertion and removal Six cervices with cervical abnormalities Anatomically accurate fimbriae and ovaries Talcum powder Instruction manual Soft carrying bag 3. Breast Massage Breast Examination Simulator The most lifelike model available for teaching and practicing breast palpation techniques. Useful for both health care students and patients, this is an excellent model for hospitals and medical clinics to use in teaching women the proper techniques of breast examination. Special vinyl formulations have been used to create the most lifelike look and feel possible. A unique feature of this simulator is the realistic fluid breast mass. This mass allows displacement of breast tissue under palpation almost exactly as it occurs in a live patient. Each breast contains abnormalities. The left has a small nodule in the upper outer quadrant and a fibroadenoma in the lower inside quadrant. The right breast has a fixed lump in the upper outer quadrant, a fluid filled cyst in the lower inside quadrant, and a round lump movable discrete mass directly under the nipple. The simulator allows women to practice all phases of breast examination in both a sitting and supine position. This lightweight simulator is designed with a concave back to allow placement against the patient for ease in demonstrating or practicing palpation techniques. The Lifeform® Breast Examination Simulator is complete with teaching guide, American Cancer Society Guide to Breast Examination, and storage box. Now also includes a neck strap 3 ft. long and a waist strap 4 ft. long that are adjustable and can be strapped on. Three-year warranty. 4. Newborn Baby Model - Boy Sakamoto Baby, Boy Accessories Umbilical cord, Baby powder, Babay clothes he limbs have seamless structures. The neck turns sagittally and horizontally. Please hold the model by supporting the head as you would do in holding a neonate. The weight of the head has the same proportion as that of a neonate. The anterior fontanelle and ribs can be palpated. 51 No Nama Peralatan Spesifikasi Spesifikasi Teknis Bidder Penawar Merk No. Katalog Brosur Water infused into the mouth flows out from the urethra so that changing diapers can be practiced. Umbilical cord fit-on off available 1. Bathing Bathing is an important item of practice of maternal nursing and is an infant-care skill that must be taught at maternal classes. The Baby is nearly a life-size model of an infant with a soft skin and gives a very real feeling in washing it. 2. Simple baby exercise and feeding The baby can be fed by having it hold a feeding bottle in its mouth. Water infused into the mouth flow out from the urethral orifice, so that changing of diapers can be practiced realistically. 3. Dressing undressing and changing diapers The baby has wider ranges of joint motions than earlier models, and it can simulate cooperative limb movements in changing clothes. In changing diapers, it gives a feeling very close to lifting the buttocks of a real neonate. 4. Anal thermometry and various measurements Since there is the anal orifice, anal thermometry and anal stimulation can be practiced. The baby is recommended also for the practice of various body measurements such as the height, body weight, head girth, and chest girth. Others Usable also for the practice of umbilical treatment, cleaning of the acoustic meatuses and nostrils, and guidance at infant screenings. 5. Newborn Baby Model – Girl Sakamoto Baby, Girl Accessories Umbilical cord, Baby powder, Babay clothes he limbs have seamless structures. The neck turns sagittally and horizontally. Please hold the model by supporting the head as you would do in holding a neonate. The weight of the head has the same proportion as that of a neonate. The anterior fontanelle and ribs can be palpated. Water infused into the mouth flows out from the urethra so that changing diapers can be practiced. Umbilical cord fit-on off available 52 No Nama Peralatan Spesifikasi Spesifikasi Teknis Bidder Penawar Merk No. Katalog Brosur

1. Bathing Bathing is an important item of practice of maternal nursing and is an infant-care