The Definition of School-Based Curriculum The Goal of School-Based Curriculum The Characteristics of School-Based Curriculum

27 the tapes of model speakers. They follow the teacher’s directions and respond as accurately as possible.

1.12 School-Based Curriculum KTSP

School-based curriculum may become a new change of the previous curriculum competence-based curriculum. The importance of students involvement in teaching learning activities might also become the main concern that this curriculum was made. It is different from the previous curriculum that the center of learning is a teacher. Yet, the school based-curriculum requires students to be active in the classroom.

2.6.1 The Definition of School-Based Curriculum

There are many definitions relating to school-based curriculum. It may define as the operational curriculum which is designed and applied by each educational institution or educational groups National Education Department, 2002. School-based curriculum KTSP based on Education National Standard SNP is an operational curriculum which is formed and practiced by each school in Indonesia. www.puskur.netincsmaBahasa Inggris.pdf as quated in Amin 2010: 11. Curriculum itself is the key to implement the concept of teaching learning activities. It has to be relevent to the national standard because school- based curriculum is developed by each school. Each region must have their own different competence. It is integrated in each content of mutual standard. 28 The School Based Curriculum KTSP based on Standar Nasional Pendidikan SNP is effective to be done in the formal and non-formal education, whether it is in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school level. It is also designed based on Content Standard Standar Isi and Standar Kompetensi Lulusan SKL by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan BNSP as the guideline in eduaction development.

2.6.2 The Goal of School-Based Curriculum

Substantially, the goal of school-based curriculum is how to make students and teacher more active in teaching learning activities. Besides, the students have to be active in teaching learning activities, the teacher also has to be creative to trigger their creativity to get involved in classroom activities. Meanwhile, the general goal of School Based Curriculum is to give autonomy to the educational institutions and support the school to make decision in curriculum development.

2.6.3 The Characteristics of School-Based Curriculum

Alwasilah 2006 states some important characteristics of School Based Curriculum as follows: 1 School Based Curriculum has flexibility principle; school is given a freedom to give extra four hours in a week that can be used as a local content or compulsory lesson. 29 2 School Based Curriculum needs schools‘ understanding and motivation to change old behavior that is dependent on the bureaucrat. 3 Creative teacher and active students 4 School Based Curriculum is developed with diversification principle; school takes a role as broker local wisdom. 5 School committee together with the teachers developed the curriculum. 6 School Based Curriculum is various and integrated; even though school is given autonomy in the development, school has to join the National Examination. The school-based curriculum KTSP has the component which is called a syllabus. It is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in a course. The syllabus usually contains specific information about the course, such as an information on how, where and when to conduct the course, and specific classroom rules. Basically, the focus of syllabus is on what is taught and in what order it is taught. School-based curriculum is made up up by Standard Competence and Basic Competence developed by the school itself. The focus of this study is the implementation of audio-lingual method to improve students’ oral past tense in SMA Ksatrian 1 Semarang which is still relevant and applicable in this current curriculum, school-based curriculum KTSP. Based on the standard competence in the year 1 semester 1, it coveres understanding meaning in the transactional and interpersonal conversation in the daily context and responding the meaning. Meanwhile, the basic competence is 30 responding the meaning in the transactional conversation to get things done which contains some expressions can be used in a dialog the students practice in this study by using Audio-lingual Method. Thus, the use of audio-lingual method is still relevant and applicable in this current curriculum, school-based curriculum KTSP based on the contents and implementation in teaching learning activities.

1.13 Action Research

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