




Submitted in Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. Number: 2122121032












Rahayu. Registration Number: 2122121032. Designing English Listening Materials for The Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2016

This research is aimed to design English listening materials based on the students’ needs and Curriculum 2013 for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar. This research conducted Research and Development (R & D). There were five steps applied in this research. The steps were: 1) Analysis of students’ need, syllabus and book. This aims to obtain the students’ needs, interests and collect information from the syllabus and book. 2) Designing listening materials. This step includes designing materials based on the competencies and the result of students’ needs. 3) Validating listening materials to the experts. The materials designed were validated by distributing the questionnaire to the English teacher of MAN Pematangsiantar and English Language Education lecturer of State University of Medan. 4) Revising listening materials. The designed materials were revised based on the experts’ suggestion. 5) Writing final draft. The writer presented the suitable materials of listening narrative texts on printed and audio version. It consisted of three topic titles of narrative texts about legends. Each title had three until four tasks which cover about vocabulary enforcement, topic comprehension, evaluation, and reflection.

The final version of designed materials was categorized as good with a mean of 4.16 and applicable to use. Therefore, it can be applied in the school to facilitate the students to motivate and improve their listening ability and the other skill as well.

Keywords: Research and Development (R&D), Listening Materials, Senior High School




First of all, the writer would like to express deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, uncountable blessing, loves, opportunity and strength given to the researcher during her study and in completing this thesis which entitled: “Designing English Listening Materials for The Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School”. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this Thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, the Reviewer and Examiner who has given her precious time, guidance, suggestions, and comments.

Dra. Meisuri, MA the Secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Indra Hartoyo, S.Pd., M.Hum., and Neni Afrida Sari Hrp. S.Pd., M.Hum., writer’s Thesis Advisors, who have given their advices, and spent their valuable time in the process of completing this thesis.

Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., Reviewer and Examiner, who has given his precious time, guidance, suggestions, and comments.

Dra. Sri Juriaty Ownie, M.A., Academic Advisor, who has supported her throughout academic years, who has given her precious time, guidance and suggestions.

All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd and Pak Pantes, the Administration Staff of English Department, for their assistance, patience, and valuable information.

Drs. Rizal Pulungan, the Headmaster of MAN Pematangsiantar, for his permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do the research.



Dra. Sumiati, the English Teacher of MAN Pematangsiantar, for the guidance and suggestions in the process of completing this thesis.

 Her mother, a beautiful woman ever Asiah Tanjung who has become her unwinged-fairy in life, patiently given moral, uncountable pray, mental power, endless love, advices and her lovely sister and brother, Rafika Syahfitri, and Rocky Fahmi, S.E., for their endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation, and everything

 Her lovely sister’s family, Rini Oktorosa, S.Pd, and Indra Hermawan, S.T., M.T., who have given moral, prayers, advices and financial supports and her beloved nephew Hamizan for his cuteness to give her smiles in hard situation

Henny, Novi and Sinta, her boarding house mates for their love, supports, and motivation in completing this research.

 Her beloved bestfriends Nurol and Icak, for always there in the ups and down and for the togetherness

 Her thesis-fighters, Sifar, Kak Ploh, Manda, Rini, Plinda, and Rika for always care, motivate, pray and also for the togetherness during completing this thesis and amazing Regular B 2012 Family, her awesome class for the love and togetherness throughout four years.

 Her PPLT’s friends in SMANSA Kisaran year of 2015 who always

supports and advices.

The writer realizes that this thesis still is imperfect, she conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, August 2016 The writer,






Abstract ... i

Acknowledgment ... ii

Table of Contents ... iv

List of Table ... vi

List of Figures ... vii

List of Appendices ... viii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Scope of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5

F. The Assumption of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Definition of Listening ... 6

2. Listening Comprehension ... 7

3. Process of Listening ... 8

4. The Importance of Listening ... 12

5. Types of Listening ... 14

6. Genre Based Listening ... 16

7. Teaching Materials ... 17

a) Listening Materials ... 18

b) Characteristic of Good Materials ... 20

c) Development of Instructional Material for listening ... 22

8. Authentic Materials ... 23

9. Material Design ... 25

a. Principles of Material Design ... 25



c. Steps of Material Design ... 27

10.Material Evaluation ... 28

11.Curriculum ... 29

B. Relevant Studies ... 32

C. Conceptual Framework ... 33


B. Research Setting ... 35

C. Instrument of Data Collection ... 35

D. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 36

E. The Phases of Designing Material ... 37


1. Need Analysis ... 39

2. Gathering Information ... 43

3. Designing Materials ... 43

4. Validating Materials ... 44

5. Revising Materials ... 46

6. The Final Draft of Materials ... 47

B. Discussion ... 49


B. Suggestions ... 52





Table 2.1 Competences of Learning Narrative Text ... 30

Table 3.1 The Assessment of the Mean ... 36

Table 4.1 Learning Narrative Text Competency ... 43

Table 4.2 The Result of Expert Judgment Questionnaire ... 45





Figure 2.1 Flowchart of Conceptual Framework ... 34 Figure 3.1 Flowchart of Designing Materials ... 38





Appendix A. Syllabus ... 56

Appendix B. Need Analysis Questionnaire Sheet ... 64

Appendix C. The Result of Students’ Needs Analysis Questionnaire ... 67

Appendix D. Expert Validation ... 70

Appendix E. First Draft of Materials Designed ... 76



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of The Study

English is widely used in Indonesia as a foreign language. Learning English nowadays is a must for students from junior high schools to senior high schools or vocational high schools. In learning English, there are four skills which students are expected to be mastered, they are writing, speaking, reading, and listening. The goal of learning English is that students master in spoken and written English. Spoken English refers to expressing feelings, thoughts, and ideas to other people communicatively. Before expressing the language, students need to get data input which can be obtained from listening.

Listening is the key to communication success. The students are expected to express what they have listened from the speaker without missing the message of the speaker appropriately. Thus, there is no miscommunication or misunderstanding between speaker and listener. The quality of relationship to others is an impact from how well someone listens.

Listening is not simply hearing or perceiving speech sounds (Thanajaro: 2000). For students of senior high school, this term is not suitable. For listening skill, senior high school students are expected to decode the meaning and reconstruct the meaning by their own words. The teaching materials of listening for senior high school are considered to fulfil this expectation.

Thus, teaching materials have an important role in successful teaching process in a classroom. Adnan (2014) states teaching material consists of attitude, knowledge and skills that should be learned by the students to reach the standard



competence decided.The goal of the teaching learning English is determined from how better students achieve the competences.

Sarihuddin (2013) states that the Indonesian government has decided to rethink, reformulate, and redesign the Curriculum into the 2013 Curriculum. To this date, the government has succeeded in producing curriculum documents that serve as frameworks and syllabuses in all subjects from primary level to senior high level. In Curriculum 2013, there are two kinds of competences; core competences and basic competences for each compulsory subject. The core competences consist of four categories such as spiritual, social, cognitive, and psychomotoric. Then, the basic competences are also divided into four categories which are derived by core competences. So, the basic competences contain of the elaboration of four core competences. Specifically, the basic competences of teaching learning narrative text are formulated as: (1) Be grateful to have a chance in learning English as international language, (2) showing responsibility, care, cooperation, and tranquility in communication. (3) analyzing the social function, text structure, and language features of simple narrative texts in form of legends story contextually, (4) getting the message of written and spoken narrative texts in form of legends story.

The central government through Ministry of Education and Culture also provides English textbooks for both teachers (teacher’s book) and students (student’s book) to use at schools. But, unfortunately the books provided cannot include any listening section materials. The books only put others skill such as reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar. It is opposite to the syllabus



that mentioned the competence is to understand and getting the message from the spoken text.

Furthermore, the publisher of English textbooks also does not provide CD or Audio to school or practitioner that makes teacher cannot teach listening in the classroom or laboratory facility. Consequently, students do not achieve those competences specifically in English listening skill due to some factors such as inappropriate materials, method, strategy, and low motivation of the students in teaching learning English particularly in listening. It is strengthened by Andrade (2006) that teaching English through listening is not an easy task, especially when there are many factors that influence the learning process such as: lack of adequate materials and conditions; lack of qualified teachers with good pronunciation, and lack of innovative approaches to teaching listening skills.

In relation to the problem stated above, it causes the competence of listening cannot be achieved. Because there is no listening materials which cause students do not have chance to listen the real English by native speaker that is very useful for their communication. Besides that, students of MAN will be difficult to improve their English skills due to lack of data input from English teacher. Considering this situation, English teachers are demanded to create listening materials to motivate the students to be more active during learning activities.

Therefore, the writer thought that it is a must for teacher to design listening materials. The design of material is based on the students’ need and syllabus implemented on the second semester in the tenth grade students of senior



high school that is expected to help the teaching learning process and improve students’ motivation and skills in learning English, particularly in listening skill.

B. The Problems of The Study

Based on the background above, the problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. What English listening materials of narrative text are suitable to the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar?

2. How are the English listening materials of narrative text for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar designed?

C. The Objectives of The Study

The objectives of the study are formulated as follows:

1. To provide the suitable English listening materials of narrative text for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar

2. To design English listening materials of narrative text for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar

D. The Scope of The Study

The designing materials are based on the syllabus of Curriculum 2013 implemented on the second semester in the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar, and the skill that will be concerned is listening comprehension. Because of the opportunity to teach English in the laboratory and also in the classroom are limited, the writer decided the English listening materials that was designed was narrative text of short legends story which were suitable with students’ real life situation.



E. The Significance of The Study

This research is expectantly hoped to give a valuable contribution to the following parties:

1. Researcher; by conducting this research, the researcher can develop and enrich the knowledge about how to design materials for senior high school students especially for listening comprehension and the writer can apply this product later on.

2. Teachers; the result of the research, teacher can use this research as an example on how to design English teaching and learning material, especially for listening comprehension and also can apply the final product to the students in teaching listening.

3. Students; through this research, students can improve their motivation and mastery of listening comprehension by learning authentic materials.

4. Other researchers; the result of the research can be add some data and a reference on how to design the English teaching and learning material, especially for listening materials.

F. The Assumption of The Study

The assumption of this study is listening materials of narrative text designed are suitable with the students’ need and syllabus. The materials can be used and applied for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar and other SeniorHigh Schools in North Sumatera.





After conducting this research, the writer found some conclusions follow:

1. This research presents the English listening materials of narrative text which are suitable to the basic competencies and learning indicators in syllabus,

students’ needs and supports by the result of experts’ judgement. The materials designed are about legends namely, Lake Toba, Simalungun, and The Hanging Stone which are shown in printed and audio version. The printed version involved the transcript of the text and the tasks of listening comprehension, while in the printed version involved the recording of the text. The tasks of each material were constructed by considering the learning

indicator and students’ needs. The result is considered as good materials which has the general mean 4.16 and can be used by the teachers in senior high school.

2. The materials were designed by applying some phases of R&D method. They are need analysis, gathering information, designing materials, validating materials, revising materials and final product. The first phase is need analysis which is aimed to find the students’ needs and interests towards the English listening materials. The second is gathering information from the syllabus and book used by the school. In this phase, researcher lists the competencies of learning narrative text then writes the indicators. The third phase is designing



the materials based on the result of need analysis and information gathered. The fourth phase is validating the materials to two experts in order to produce a better quality of materials designed. The fifth phase is revising the materials where the materials revision was conducted. The last phase is writing final draft or final version of materials designed which the revised materials would be the final version which presented and ready to apply in senior high school specifically for MAN Pematangsiantar.

B. Suggestions

1. Teachers

As the key of teaching-learning process, teachers are suggested to design their own materials which are suitable to the students’ needs and syllabus. It would be better not to always rely on the book provided. English teachers are suggested to apply listening materials to the students in order to motivate the students to be interested in learning English, specifically listening.

2. Institutions

The institutions have to consider the book chosen and recheck the book whether match or not to the syllabus. The institutions are also suggested to facilitate the school to have language laboratory and supervise the teachers in teaching by using their own materials.

3. Other Researchers

The researcher suggests the other researchers who are interested in this topic to conduct further studies on designing listening materials. They are also expected to find the other characteristics of appropriate learning materials based




Adnan, Aryuliva. 2014. Listening Material Development : Problems And

Challenges: A Case of ‘Ppg Sm-3t’ At Universitas Negeri Padang. The 3rd

Uad Tefl International Conference 2014

Andrade, Miguel. 2006. A Thesis: Improving How Listening Skills Are Taught In The EfL Classroom: Guidelines To Producing Better Speakers Of The English Language. Instituto Superior De Educação

Borg & Gall. 2003. Research and Developmental in Education. Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press

Brown, Steven. 2006. Teaching Listening. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gerot, Linda and Peter Wignell. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Australia: Gerd Stabler

Ghaderpanahi, Leila . 2012. Using Authentic Aural Materials to Develop Listening Comprehensionin the EFL Classroom. English Language Teaching Vol. 5, No. 6.

Hashim, Fatimah and Amir Rezaei. 2013. Impact of Awareness Raising about Listening Micro-skills on the Listening Comprehension Enhancement: An Exploration of the Listening Micro-skills in EFL Classes.Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 38, Issue 8.

Hutchinson, Tom & Waters, Alan.1986. English for Specific Purposes: ALearning-Centered Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ikhsanudin, Anggun Pratiwi, Eni Rosnija. (2016). Designing “Listen To Me

Game” As Listening Material To Support The Learning Of Describing

People Subject. English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Jurnal Pendidikandan Pembelajaran Vol. 5 No. 2.

Ketaren, Sawaluddin. 2015. Designing English Reading Materials for Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School Tebing Tinggi. A Thesis. State University of Medan

Kesuma, Budi Parwaka. 2014. Developing An English Speaking Material For The Grade Eleven Students Of Automotive Engineering At SMK Sanjaya



Ngawen In The Academic Year 2013 – 2014.A Thesis. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University

Kuswardani, Tri Cahya Lestari, Ikhsanuddin, Wardah. 2015. Designing Listening Materials Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach. English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty,Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran vol. 4 No. 11.

Mamo, Kochito. 2013. The Use Of Authentic Materials In Teaching Listening Skills To College Students: The Case Of Bonga College Of Teacher Education. A Thesis. Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University

Malkawi, Abeer H. 2010. Listening Comprehension for Tenth Grade Students in Tabaria High School for Girls. Journal of Language Teaching and Research ISSN 1798-4769, Volume 1, Number 6

Mohammadi, Elham, Mehdi Latifi, Manizhe Youhanaee. 2013. Simplifying the Text or Simplifying the Task: How to Improve Listening Comprehension. University of Isfahan. ISSN: 1697-7467.Porta Linguarum 19, Enero 2013 Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology A Textbook For Teachers.

Sidney: Prentice Hall

Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi

Polio, Charlene. 2014. Using Authentic Materials in The Beginning Language Classroom. Center for Language Education and Research, Volume 18, Issue 1.

Rashdi, Majid Hilal Al and Azri, Rashid Hamed Al. 2014. The Effect of Using Authentic Materials in Teaching. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 3, Issue 10

Richard, Jack C. 2008. Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice. A Booklet. New York: Cambridge University Press

Richard, Jack C. 1994. The Language Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge University Press

Ross, Justine. 2007. Designing Lessons for EFL Listening Comprehension Classes. Japan: English Teaching Forum. No. 3

Rost, Michael. 2002. Teaching and Researching Listening. Great Britain: Pearson Education, Inc



Sahiruddin. 2013. The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and the Issues of English Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia. The Asian Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan

Sudaryono, Gaguk Margono, Wardani Rahayu. 2013. Pengembangan Instrumen Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu

Thanajaro, Metinee. 2000. Using Authentic Materials to Develop Listening Comprehension in The English As A Second Language Classroom. A Dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Tomlinson, Brian. 2011. Materials Developmentin Language Teaching: Second Edition. A Catalogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Townsend, Leon and Cartwright. 2014. Adapting Teaching to Improve Listening Instruction for aBusiness English Class in Japan.Module 1: Language Teaching Methodology & Classroom Research

Udam, Pauline Feona Dunstan .2005. A Survey on Designing Supplementary Materials for The ESL Listening Classroom. A Thesis. University Malaysia Sarawak

Wei, Laura. Teaching Listening in EFL Classrooms in Senior High Schools in Taiwan. National Wen-Hwa Senior High School. Available on

Accessed on 28th March 2016. Accessed on 02nd July 2016 Accessed on 31st August 2016



E. The Significance of The Study

This research is expectantly hoped to give a valuable contribution to the following parties:

1. Researcher; by conducting this research, the researcher can develop and enrich the knowledge about how to design materials for senior high school students especially for listening comprehension and the writer can apply this product later on.

2. Teachers; the result of the research, teacher can use this research as an example on how to design English teaching and learning material, especially for listening comprehension and also can apply the final product to the students in teaching listening.

3. Students; through this research, students can improve their motivation and mastery of listening comprehension by learning authentic materials.

4. Other researchers; the result of the research can be add some data and a reference on how to design the English teaching and learning material, especially for listening materials.

F. The Assumption of The Study

The assumption of this study is listening materials of narrative text designed are suitable with the students’ need and syllabus. The materials can be used and applied for the tenth grade students of MAN Pematangsiantar and other SeniorHigh Schools in North Sumatera.




A. Conclusions

After conducting this research, the writer found some conclusions follow:

1. This research presents the English listening materials of narrative text which are suitable to the basic competencies and learning indicators in syllabus, students’ needs and supports by the result of experts’ judgement. The materials designed are about legends namely, Lake Toba, Simalungun, and The Hanging Stone which are shown in printed and audio version. The printed version involved the transcript of the text and the tasks of listening comprehension, while in the printed version involved the recording of the text. The tasks of each material were constructed by considering the learning indicator and students’ needs. The result is considered as good materials which has the general mean 4.16 and can be used by the teachers in senior high school.

2. The materials were designed by applying some phases of R&D method. They are need analysis, gathering information, designing materials, validating materials, revising materials and final product. The first phase is need analysis which is aimed to find the students’ needs and interests towards the English listening materials. The second is gathering information from the syllabus and book used by the school. In this phase, researcher lists the competencies of learning narrative text then writes the indicators. The third phase is designing



the materials based on the result of need analysis and information gathered. The fourth phase is validating the materials to two experts in order to produce a better quality of materials designed. The fifth phase is revising the materials where the materials revision was conducted. The last phase is writing final draft or final version of materials designed which the revised materials would be the final version which presented and ready to apply in senior high school specifically for MAN Pematangsiantar.

B. Suggestions 1. Teachers

As the key of teaching-learning process, teachers are suggested to design their own materials which are suitable to the students’ needs and syllabus. It would be better not to always rely on the book provided. English teachers are suggested to apply listening materials to the students in order to motivate the students to be interested in learning English, specifically listening.

2. Institutions

The institutions have to consider the book chosen and recheck the book whether match or not to the syllabus. The institutions are also suggested to facilitate the school to have language laboratory and supervise the teachers in teaching by using their own materials.

3. Other Researchers

The researcher suggests the other researchers who are interested in this topic to conduct further studies on designing listening materials. They are also expected to find the other characteristics of appropriate learning materials based on the students’ ne




Adnan, Aryuliva. 2014. Listening Material Development : Problems And

Challenges: A Case of ‘Ppg Sm-3t’ At Universitas Negeri Padang. The 3rd Uad Tefl International Conference 2014

Andrade, Miguel. 2006. A Thesis: Improving How Listening Skills Are Taught In The EfL Classroom: Guidelines To Producing Better Speakers Of The English Language. Instituto Superior De Educação

Borg & Gall. 2003. Research and Developmental in Education. Cambridge: Cambrigde University Press

Brown, Steven. 2006. Teaching Listening. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gerot, Linda and Peter Wignell. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar.

Australia: Gerd Stabler

Ghaderpanahi, Leila . 2012. Using Authentic Aural Materials to Develop

Listening Comprehensionin the EFL Classroom. English Language

Teaching Vol. 5, No. 6.

Hashim, Fatimah and Amir Rezaei. 2013. Impact of Awareness Raising about Listening Micro-skills on the Listening Comprehension Enhancement: An Exploration of the Listening Micro-skills in EFL Classes.Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Volume 38, Issue 8.

Hutchinson, Tom & Waters, Alan.1986. English for Specific Purposes:

ALearning-Centered Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ikhsanudin, Anggun Pratiwi, Eni Rosnija. (2016). Designing “Listen To Me Game” As Listening Material To Support The Learning Of Describing People Subject. English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Jurnal Pendidikandan Pembelajaran Vol. 5 No. 2.

Ketaren, Sawaluddin. 2015. Designing English Reading Materials for Alwashliyah Islamic Junior High School Tebing Tinggi. A Thesis. State University of Medan

Kesuma, Budi Parwaka. 2014. Developing An English Speaking Material For The Grade Eleven Students Of Automotive Engineering At SMK Sanjaya


Ngawen In The Academic Year 2013 – 2014.A Thesis. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta State University

Kuswardani, Tri Cahya Lestari, Ikhsanuddin, Wardah. 2015. Designing Listening Materials Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach.

English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty,Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran vol. 4 No. 11.

Mamo, Kochito. 2013. The Use Of Authentic Materials In Teaching Listening Skills To College Students: The Case Of Bonga College Of Teacher Education. A Thesis. Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University

Malkawi, Abeer H. 2010. Listening Comprehension for Tenth Grade Students in Tabaria High School for Girls. Journal of Language Teaching and Research ISSN 1798-4769, Volume 1, Number 6

Mohammadi, Elham, Mehdi Latifi, Manizhe Youhanaee. 2013. Simplifying the Text or Simplifying the Task: How to Improve Listening Comprehension. University of Isfahan. ISSN: 1697-7467. Porta Linguarum 19, Enero 2013 Nunan, David. 1991. Language Teaching Methodology A Textbook For Teachers.

Sidney: Prentice Hall

Pardiyono. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi

Polio, Charlene. 2014. Using Authentic Materials in The Beginning Language Classroom. Center for Language Education and Research, Volume 18, Issue 1.

Rashdi, Majid Hilal Al and Azri, Rashid Hamed Al. 2014. The Effect of Using Authentic Materials in Teaching. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 3, Issue 10

Richard, Jack C. 2008. Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice. A Booklet. New York: Cambridge University Press

Richard, Jack C. 1994. The Language Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge University Press

Ross, Justine. 2007. Designing Lessons for EFL Listening Comprehension Classes. Japan: English Teaching Forum. No. 3



Sahiruddin. 2013. The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and the Issues of

English Language Teaching and Learning in Indonesia. The Asian

Conference on Language Learning, Osaka, Japan

Sudaryono, Gaguk Margono, Wardani Rahayu. 2013. Pengembangan Instrumen Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu

Thanajaro, Metinee. 2000. Using Authentic Materials to Develop Listening Comprehension in The English As A Second Language Classroom. A Dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Tomlinson, Brian. 2011. Materials Developmentin Language Teaching: Second Edition. A Catalogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Townsend, Leon and Cartwright. 2014. Adapting Teaching to Improve Listening Instruction for aBusiness English Class in Japan.Module 1: Language Teaching Methodology & Classroom Research

Udam, Pauline Feona Dunstan .2005. A Survey on Designing Supplementary Materials for The ESL Listening Classroom. A Thesis. University Malaysia Sarawak

Wei, Laura. Teaching Listening in EFL Classrooms in Senior High Schools in

Taiwan. National Wen-Hwa Senior High School. Available on

Accessed on 28th March 2016. Accessed on 02nd July 2016 Accessed on 31st August 2016