Take Home Exam Question I

Course: MPA 9
Lecture: HRM
Lecturer: Prof. dr. B.Steijn
Student no: FHRISS913
Word count:

Take Home Exam
Question I:
Article I: Perry, J et all ( 2006), Motivating employees in a new governance era
In this article four insight are mentioned:
1.Finacial incentives;
2. Job design;
3. Goal setting;
4. Participation.
The insight that I shall describe is financial incentives.
In this article different authors gave different proposition about financial incentives. Authors also
categorized financial incentives in individual incentives and group incentives. According to the
meta analyses of Stajkoviv and Luthans ( 2003) financial incentives improve task performance.
Furthermore there study have shown that feedback combined with money and some social
recognition produce the strongest effect on performance. Also in the review of individual
monetary incentives the conclusion can be drawn that in general monetary incentives improve

performance. In group incentives it can be stated that in the condition in which reward are
effective are unclear. In general, individual incentives is highly recommend because both
employees and employers have higher productivity and improves.
Suriname context
In my opinion financial incentives can be used in Suriname context. It is proven that Suriname
had a very low score on performance management because the fact that people are demotivated.
According to the Michigan model performance is the most important aspect of HRM.
With a performance appraisal the employee can get reward are a change to develop there self.
Looking at the working ambience in Suriname I think that individual financial incentives can
approve the performance of every employee no matter which class. Everyone wants to earn more
money.in my opinion money is the best motivating aspect for the employee.


Article II : Ngcobo, T & Tikly L (2010):Key dimension of effective Leadership for Change:
A focus on Township and Rural Schools in South Africa.
The dimension that are described in this article are:
1. The structural dimension;
2. The process dimension;
3. The personal dimension;

4. The practice dimension.;
5. Gender dimension.
The dimension that got my attention is the personal dimension because in this dimension the
qualities of effective leadership or given. According to the article the main quality for an
effective leadership is being ethical. If a leader is ethical that means that he has a personal
integrity. A leader with a personal integrity means that he is honest ( he comes forward with
appropriate information), trustworthy ( he has principles, follows through his commitments) he
is fair ( gives equally treatment)
Suriname context
In my opinion I do not think that this insight would work. Suriname has a political environment
where corruption, lack of accountability and no transparency has the higher mark. If a leader has
the quality of being ethical than in Suriname the political system will not allow him to role. It
can be easy stated that the Surinamese government isn’t ethical because of the fact that the
president is a suspect in a brutal murder case.
Article III: Bello- Pintado, A (2015): Bundles of HRM practices and performance:
empirical evidence from a Latin American context.
In this article the authors gives a theoretical and an empirical approach of bundles of HRM
practices and performance.

Question 2.

Statement 1: Suriname organizations need HRM, whether or not it is balanced is not
I agree that the organizations in Suriname needs HRM ( whether it is balanced or not), because
HRM is very important for the development of an organization. It is seen that HRM is taken a
very important position in the world especially if the organization want to develop better.
Human resource management (HRM), or human resource development, entails planning,
implementing, and managing recruitment, as well as selection, training, career, and
organizational development initiatives within an organization. The goal of HRM is to maximize
the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees while
simultaneously improving the work life of employees and treating employees as valuable


resources. Consequently, HRM encompasses efforts to promote personal development, employee
satisfaction, and compliance with employment-related laws.
To achieve equilibrium between employer and employee goals and needs, HRM departments
focus on these three general functions or activities: planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The planning function refers to the development of human resource policies and regulations.
Human resource managers attempt to determine future HRM activities and plan for the
implementation of HRM procedures to help companies realize their goals.

If the organizations in Suriname wants to develop their performance it is very important that all
the aspect of maybe 20 % of HRM is available in their organizations. Because of the fact that
the factor human is very important for development.
Statement II: To add value, leadership is more important than HRM
No I do not agree with this statement because HRM and leaderships are two components that
goes together. If the organization wants to be successful both aspects are needed. I will
collaborate my agreement by stating with the fact that managers appoint people who run HR
department. In fact managers needs to fill HRM with the information that HR needs to recruit
people. Leaders must also make sure that human resources fulfills this two roles. HR and
leadership should create effective mechanisms, such as money, recognition, and training, to
motivate and retain people. And it should force organizations to confront their most charged
relationships, such as those with unions, individuals who are no longer delivering results, or
people who are becoming problematic ( who is not performing). HR is the department that can
be stated as the “ the killer app “ of the organization. Competing is a game, and as with all
games, the team that puts the best people on the field and gets them playing together wins. It’s
that simple.
Looking at the argument above it can be concluded that both are equally important for an
Statement III: Improving operational HRM ( also called MHRM) is what counts for
developing countries (and not strategic HRM)

No I also do not agree with this statement because in my vision developing countries needs
Strategic HRM . I shall collaborate on both aspect to give you a better view of my statement.
Operational HRM
if we take a closer look at the operational HRM ( so called MHRM) talks more about dealing on
day to day basis. Performing operationally, human resources staff members are top-level
administrators. The tasks they accomplish are generally highly visible to your employees because
they are focused on the daily work issues attributed to the ongoing needs of your team. These
include vital tasks such as recruitment, interviewing and hiring, and risk management.
Operational HR management may use and maintain computerized HR information systems, and
may also oversee your payroll department.
Strategic HRM
Strategic HR management requires that HR professionals consider the overall picture of your
business’s growth, implementing ways to make a direct contribution to your long-term goals.
Strategic HR is integral to the future planning of your business as it relates to employees. In a

strategic capacity, HR staff members attempt to project future business needs and work to
develop current employees and programs to meet those needs. Looking into the future, HR teams
may consider many options to keep your business competitive and growing, including
outsourcing certain jobs.

If you take a closer look at both models strategic HRM is in my opinion the most closer to bring
development in a country. Because strategic HRM is all about the right person on the right job.
It’s about the internal fit. The needs pf the organization is the need of the society. And if both
have the same vision that a country can develop better.


Course: MPA 9
Lecture: HRM
Lecturer: Prof. dr. B.Steijn
Student no: FHRISS913
Word count:

Individual writing assignment

The HR challenge in the Police Force of Suriname
The Police Force of Suriname (KPS)
Originally, police in Suriname had the sense of caring for the "whole" State Board. In the middle
of the last century meant caring for domestic governance. Now it means to care for the
maintenance of order, peace and security of society; Detecting crimes and monitor the

compliance of the legal requirements.
Following the various tasks creates a distinction, n.l .:
1. Functional
The Repressive Police (detection of offenses, monitor compliance with legal requirements) also
referred to as Judicial and Criminal Police. The Preventive Police (maintenance of public order
and security, prevent violations and protect people and property) or also called Administrative
Security Police
2. Organizational
The General Police (General powers of investigation)
The Special Police (Limited investigative powers)
The Military Police (General investigative powers to military sites and objects and limited
investigative powers in public places.
Suriname is a constitutional state in which is states how the managing powers are divided in
three category:
• A government with the president in the lead, bound by law and justice.
• A constitution in which the fundamental rights of citizens and the ratios are guaranteed between
government and citizens.
• The Trias Politica, where there is an independent judiciary.
Share of the police can be found in general in the different tasks and responsibilities performed
in subordination to the competent authority. Namely the government provides the guarantee to

the citizens to ensure their rights (legal), as the police may be included in the executive (Trias
Politica). This shows that the police can never serve as the fourth power.


The vision of KPS
The KPS is a professional organization:
 With a working environment that is characterized by team spirit, collegiality and open
communication where employees are constantly given the opportunity to develop their
potential fully inspirational leadership;
 That provides continuous high-quality policing;
 With full advantage of modern technology;
 Which is regularly accountable to society;
 Who enter into effective partnerships.
To realize the vision of KPS, they had some starting points:
 Personal are central;
 the availability and accessibility of the police should be evenly spread over the territory;
 a shift out of an incident directed towards problem-oriented approach is that is
programmatic in nature and is attuned to the problems of the catchment.
Taking a good look at the mission an vision of KPS it can be concluded that the factor human is

very important. Therefore it is very important that KPS has a balanced HRM. But in the practice
it can be concluded that the organization has challenges in the HRM.
For identifying which challenges KPS is facing it is necessary to do a HR scan.
According to Boselie (p 40) the strategy scan has six component.
1 Strategic fit
2 Institutional fit
3 Organizational fit
4 Internal fit
Ad 1 Strategic fit