by :



First of all, all praises dedicated to ALLAH SWT the almighty for the
blessing that bestowed to the writer during compiling until completing her
research under the title “Strategies Used By High-Achievers In Reading of 3rd

Semester of English Language Education Department at University of
Muhammadiyah Malang”.
The main objective of this research is to fulfill a part of requirements to
achieve Sarjana Degree (S1) of English Language Education Department. Then,
the writer would like to express great gratitude for all participants who support
this thesis,
1. My incredible advisors, Mr. Dr. Masduki, M.Pd as my first advisor and
Mrs. Rina Wahyu Setyaningrum, M.Ed as my second advisor for the
guidance, precious advise and the time to lead the writer until the writer
could fix this thesis. The important thing is without their big contribution,
the writer could not be able to finish the thesis.
2. My Beloved Parents, Mr. Suharno, S.Ag and Mrs. Murtini for every single
prayer, encouragement, motivation, advise and spirit that never die also for
hug and arms when the writer needs a support.
3. My Awesome Brother and his wife, Brigadir Hanif Nur Rozaq S.Psi &
Briptu Fitriyani Masithoh for the motivation and support as always.
4. My Best Friends Selvia Asintia Lufitasari, Wilda Nurhayatun, Dwicky
Fandi Setya Budi S.Pd, Heni Siti Tasimah, Pramitha Sukma Wardani S.E

Asri Nur Shofiyah, for every asisstance, support, critics and advise all the

time, also be ready in accompanying the writer in up and down time.
5. All of English Language Education Department Lecturers, staff and Parttimers mate for the given knowledge, suggestion and motivation in order
to complete this thesis.
6. All of my charming friends at English Language Education Department C
class for the support.
At the last, the writer realizes that this thesis is less perfect either in content or
language itself. Hence,the writer hopes that the reader or other participants would
like to give the critics or suggestion in order to make this thesis better then before.
Then, the writer also hopes that this research would be useful for the readers.

Malang, August 9th 2016

Anik Hidayati


COVER ............................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL 1 .................................................................................................... ii
APROVAL 2 ........................................................................................................ iii
LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY ........................................................................ iv

MOTTO AND DEDICATION .......................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background.. ........................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Problems .................................................................................. 4
1.3 Problem Limitation ................................................................................. 4
1.4 Research Objectives ................................................................................ 5
1.5 Research Benefits.................................................................................... 6
1.6 Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................ 6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................ 7
2.1 Reading .................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Models of reading .................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Bottom-Up Model ......................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Top-Down Model ......................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Interactive Model .......................................................................... 9
2.3 Learning Strategy .................................................................................... 10

2.4 Reading Strategies .................................................................................. 10
2.4.1 Predicting ....................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Skimming ...................................................................................... 11

2.4.3 Scanning ........................................................................................ 12
2.4.4 Inferring ......................................................................................... 12
2.4.5 Self-Monitoring ............................................................................. 12
2.4.6 Summarizing.................................................................................. 13
2.5 The Implementation of Reading Strategies............................................. 13
2.5.1 Predicting ....................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Skimming ...................................................................................... 14
2.5.3 Scanning ........................................................................................ 15
2.5.4 Inferring ......................................................................................... 15
2.5.5 Self-Monitoring ............................................................................. 17
2.5.6 Summarizing.................................................................................. 18
2.6 High-Achievers ....................................................................................... 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 21
3.1 Research Design ................................................................................... 21
3.2 Research Subject .................................................................................... 22

3.3 Research Instruments ............................................................................ 23
3.3.1 In-Depth Interview ......................................................................... 23
3.4 Data Gathering Technique .................................................................... 24
3.5 Data Analysis Technique ...................................................................... 24
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 27
4.1 Research Findings ................................................................................. 27
4.1.1 Strategies Used by High-Achievers in Reading of 3rd
Semester of English Department ................................................. 28 Skimming ............................................................................. 28 Scanning .............................................................................. 31 Other Strategies ................................................................... 34 Guessing The Meaning From The Context ................... 34 Summarizing.................................................................. 34 Predicting ....................................................................... 35

4.1.2 The Implementation of Strategies in Reading Used By
High-Achievers of 3rd Semester of English Department ............ 37 Skimming ............................................................................. 37 Scanning .............................................................................. 39 Other Strategies ................................................................... 42 Guessing The Meaning From The Context ................... 42 Summarizing.................................................................. 42 Predicting ....................................................................... 43
4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 48
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ................................... 51
5.2 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 51
5.2 Sugesstion ............................................................................................. 52
a. For English Departent Students ........................................................ 52
b. For English Department Lecturers .................................................. 52
c. For Further Researcher ..................................................................... 52


COMPANION LETTER ...................................................................................... 1
INTERVIEW GUIDANCE................................................................................... 2
Appendix 1 (Subject 1) ......................................................................................... 3
Appendix 2 (Subject 2) ......................................................................................... 7
Appendix 3 (Subject 3) ......................................................................................... 12

Appendix 4 (Subject 4) ......................................................................................... 16
Appendix 5 (Subject 5) ......................................................................................... 22
Appendix 6 (Subject 6) ......................................................................................... 26
Appendix 7 (Subject 7) ........................................................................................ 31
Appendix 8 (Subject 8) ........................................................................................ 36
Appendix 9 (Subject 9) ........................................................................................ 42
Appendix 10 (Subject 10) .................................................................................... 45
Documentation ..................................................................................................... 46


Table 2.1 Characteristics of High Achieving Students, High Ability
Students and Creative Thinkers...............................................19
Table 3.1 Data Coding.............................................................................26
Table 4.1 The Result of Interview Transcript.........................................43


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In this chapter, the researcher displays some the essential sub-topics which are
research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives,
research benefits, definition of terms.

1.1 Research Background
Language Learning is one of pivotal knowledge that must be mastered by
learners, especially English Language. The current phenomenon mentions that
English learning either in school and university level has significant role in Indonesia.
It emerges an estimation that every learner must comprehend all of skill in English
language well. These skills are reading, listening, writing and speaking. Because,
teacher has an obligatory to provide the learners to be able compete globally nor
internationally. According to Lauder in Afdaleni (2013), delivering English Language
to the learners has some beneficial which are to help the development of the state and
nation, to build relations with other nations, and to run foreign policy. In other words,
language learning particularly English Language is important subject that must be
mastered by learners.
Due to the fact the importance of English language, learners are demanded to
be able to apply every skill in English Language in daily activity nor in academic
performances, particularly in reading skill. Reading is one of basic skills in English
language learning. Because, before the learners are able to produce English language


in written and spoken form, they must comprehend reading skill well. According to
M.Sanclon, L.Anderson & M.Sweeny (2010), reading is a complex process that
requires to learner in analyzing and interpreting the text based on variety of sources
information. In other words, reading is an activity in which is not only involves the
interaction between the reader and language but also how the way the reader analyze
and interpret the information.
Being able to read in university level especially at 3rd semester is different
from other levels. Normally, the category of being able to read is linked to what the
learners are able to read the text fluency. However, in university level, reading ability
is more complex which is addressed on how the way the learners make sense about
what they read and how the way they comprehend the text. Reading ability in
university level needs a complex process such as; analysis and interpretation process.
On other hand, the learners knowledge will be sharper and worldwide through
reading in order to comprehend English language. Hence, researcher realizes that
learning of reading in university level is crucial thing to be discussed.
In fact, learners discover some problems during reading process. Obviously,
that problems will hamper learner in understanding the text. According to Westwood
(2008), the beginning reader has a little bit ability to recognize words, therefore
he/she just dependent on guessing words and using clue from the picture. Then,
McNamara (2009) states that the learner may not be able to read the words clearly
and the learners may understand each word and even each sentence, but they could
not understand the content of text because learners failed to merge the sentence and


the meaning. In addition, based on the researcher experience in following reading
class at 3rd semester, reading activity is seemed passive and boring activity. Because,
learners only took action if the teacher asked to the learner and also most of learner
did not try to be active in class participation. Therefore, the use of strategy in reading
activity is essential thing in order to overcome the problems also to make reading
activity is easier.
Learning strategy particularly reading strategy is necessary to be implemented
by learners in order to assist them when they face some problems. And also the use of
reading strategy also can make learner improve their reading ability. For instance,
based on Ismail’s research (2013) it is clear that cognitive and compensatory strategy
can be highly effective for reading comprehension. Then, Afdaleni’s research (2013)
states that the use of metacognitive strategy of both successful and unsuccessful
learners was the highest level but of the different average score, whereas the use of
memory strategy was of the lowest level and different average score. Due to both of
previous studies, the researcher indicates that all of reading strategies are good. In
other words, there is no best reading strategy. As master of a fact, every reading
strategy must have advantages and disadvantages. Hence, the learners are allowed to
employ any kinds of reading strategies as long as that strategy is fit to the learner’s
In using of reading strategy, learners sometimes are confuse to use appropriate
the strategy. And High achievers in reading class are considered as the learners who
have high capability in comprehend reading skill. Therefore, it turns up an overview
that high achiever must employ a certain reading strategy in order to solve the reading


problems. Burrow. J & Dooley (2012) state that high achiever is addressed for
those who got strong GPA or good mark. That statement means that learners who is
considered as high achievers in class can be seen from GPA result. Then, researcher
will examine what reading strategy that is used by high achiever at 3rd Semester.
Therefore, researcher expects that the result of this research can be reference for other
common learners to employ reading strategies as same as high achiever. Thereby, for
further condition other common learners are able to settle the reading problems by
using reading strategy which is employed by high achievers.
1.2 Research Problems
1. What are strategies used by high-achievers in reading class of 3rd semester of
English language Education Department at University of Muhammadiyah
2. How is the implementation of strategies used by high-achievers in reading
class of 3rd semester of English Language Education Department at University
of Muhammadiyah Malang?
1.3 Problem Limitation
In this research, researcher makes the scope and limitation obviously. The scope of
this research will be explained as follows :
1. Strategies that is used by high-achievers in reading of 3rdsemester of English
Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
2. The implementation of strategies used by high-achievers in readingof 3rd
semester of English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang.


In other words, in the scope of research, researcher just focuses on research problem.
Then, due to the limitation of this research, researcher will bound in some limitation
which are limitation of research participants or subjects, research venue, research
time consuming, and limitation of theory. Firstly, in limitation of research
participants, researcher uses 10 participants from 10 reading classes which are A, B,
C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J class in this research. The chosen of participants in this research
are based on the reason that the result of this research does not to be generalized for
all high achievers in 3rd semester. It means that, researcher uses high achievers of 3rd
semester in different classes. According to Yin (2011), “participants are the people
who are subjects of qualitative study (alternatively referred to in the literature as
“members”). Hence, the use of participants in this research are also same with the
subject of the study. Then, to obtain the data of this research, researcher finds the data
based on data in English department office. Second, in limitation of researcher venue,
researcher chooses University of Muhammadiyah Malang particularly in reading
class at 3rd semester. Third, in limitation of research time consuming, researcher
makes a standard that maximal time in executing research is 1 month. Lastly, in
limitation of theory, researcher uses theory of reading strategy belongs to McKown,
B.S & Barnett, B.S (2007), Nguyen (2013), Duke & Pearson (2002).
1.4 Research Objectives
1. To describe strategies used by high-achievers in reading of 3rd semester of
English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
2. To find out the implementation of high-achievers in reading of 3rd semester of
English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Malang.


1.5 Research Benefits
Due to this research, researcher has a lot of expectation for anybody who use this
1. Firstly, the researcher expects this research could give a profit for the learners
in getting knowledge about what appropriate reading strategies in English
Language learning and also they can apply the research finding to improve
their achievements in reading comprehension especially.
2. Second, the researcher hopes that this researchcould give a solution for the
teachers or lecturer in order to settle the learner’s problem in reading activity.
Therefore, the teachers or lecturers could share this research finding for their
3. Third, this research could be as new references for the next researchers.
Moreover after this research have done, the next researcher could put the
research finding in the experimental research.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1. Reading is a complex process that requires the analysis, coordination, and
interpretation of a variety of sources of information (M.Sanclon, L.Anderson
& M.Sweeny (2010)).
2. Strategies are specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of
operation for achieving particular end, planned designs for controlling and
manipulating certain information (Brown (2000)).
3. High-Achievers are succinct way to identify a high-achieving student is by his
or her strong GPA (Burrow, J., Dooley, M., Wright, T., DeClou, L. (2012)).

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