Living and childcare arrangements

Truth Fairness Mercy Restoration Private Suite 10, Private Bag X2, Muldersdrif, 1747 Child Protection Organisation Family Preservation Facility C 082 770 4569 | C 078 573 5046 | F 086 617 5068 | Registered with the DSD as a NPO 141-440 | Member of South African Association of Mediators 44. How are we going to behave towards each other in front of the children to show we want them to know that we are getting along and have them in mind? 45. How are we going to share important information with each other e.g. school reports, health issues, future events? 46. Do we need regular meetings to discuss parenting issues? 47. At what times is it OK to call the other parent and when isn’t it OK? 48. How will we settle disputes? 49. Should we discuss how we talk to the children about the other parent? 50. How will we talk to the children about the arrangements we have made? 51. How will we talk to our family and friends about the arrangements we have made? 52. What do we do about emergencies, for example, medical, dental, or accidents? 53. How will we make sure our children stay in contact with supportive friends or relatives from the other side of the family? 54. How will we introduce new partners to our children’s lives? 55. Are there any important rules that we consider essential for the children, for example, bedtimes, when homework is done, staying out late? Do we agree that these rules are followed? 56. How do we handle the breaking of rules? 57. How do we work together to make the big decisions, for example, school, course selection and careers advice? 58. How do we help each other choose new partners and the children to adjust to them? 59. How do we decide what makes a “bad” new partner and protect each other from them? 60. How do we give our children good role models so they can become good husbandswivesparents? 61. How do we ensure that we are heard and feel safe to speak? 62. How will we record our decisions about this? 63. Who will keep us accountable to our decisions?

D. Living and childcare arrangements

64. Are there reports, court orders, tools or tools or advisers that can help us with this? 65. Will there be a main place where the children will live and if so, where will it be? 66. If we are both a main place, how will we share the children? 67. When will we have the children together and when do we have them separately? 68. If neither of us can look after the children, who will be the alternative carers? 69. What about school holidays? 70. Are there times when it is not convenient to ring our children? 71. What sort of communication will we have with the children—phone, text, email—and about how often and when can they expect it? 72. How much time can each child spend with each parent? 73. What days can they be with each of us? 74. How do we make sure that the children can share special days—birthdays and religious festivals—with both of us? 75. What different ideas are there for maintaining close and meaningful contact, even when children and parents are separated for long periods of time? 76. How will we manage the arrangement when one parent works long hours? 77. What clothes and other belongings will be taken and returned at changeover? 78. How will we arrange pick-up and drop-offs? 79. Who will take them to regular sporting engagements on weekends? After school? 80. When and how are we making sure the children are seeing their grandparents? 81. Will anyone else look after the children for example, childminders, babysitters, relatives, new partners, friends and neighbours? If so, when? 82. What are the arrangements for the children during the school holidays? Consider holidays and teacher training days as well as school holidays. Chair Errol Goetsch | Secretary Lorraine Goetsch | Public Affairs Thabo Seroto | Accounting Officer Mark Willis He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 Truth Fairness Mercy Restoration Private Suite 10, Private Bag X2, Muldersdrif, 1747 Child Protection Organisation Family Preservation Facility C 082 770 4569 | C 078 573 5046 | F 086 617 5068 | Registered with the DSD as a NPO 141-440 | Member of South African Association of Mediators 83. How do we make sure that we both have holidays with the children, and plan for taking the children abroad if we agree? 84. How do we make sure that the children see their parents positively and do not play each other off against other? 85. How do we prevent the children lying to us and others to get some benefit or punish us for a reason? 86. How do we ensure that the children are honest and feel safe to tell us and others the truth? 87. How do we remove obstacles to contact? 88. How do we prevent future obstacles to contact e.g. changing areas? 89. How do we ensure proper discipline of the children and prevent them playing us off against each other? 90. How do we ensure that we are emotionally ready and skilled parents after the divorce? 91. How do we prevent being tempted to “bribe” or “groom” our children to take a side? 92. How do we prevent our children from taking sides? 93. How will we record our decisions about this? 94. Who will keep us accountable to our decisions?

E. Money and the children