Linguistic Similarity Dialect Intelligibility Bilingualism Language Use and Language Attitudes

6 2 Goals

2.1 Linguistic Similarity

One goal of this survey is to determine the lexical similarity between the spoken dialects of the “Dewali” Bhil, the “Mathwadi” Bhil, and the Pauras. Another goal is to determine the lexical similarity of the above dialects with Marathi and Hindi. Lexical similarity is determined by comparing a standard 210- item wordlist. The results are expressed as a percentage of similar words.

2.2 Dialect Intelligibility

A third goal of this survey is to investigate the levels of intelligibility among the dialects spoken by the Bhil groups of northern Dhule. It is readily apparent that in the areas investigated peoples of differing dialects living in adjacent areas have relatively high levels of intelligibility between them. Such intelligibility, however, is a “learned intelligibility” and comes as a result of frequent contact and interaction. This survey, though interested in such matters, is more interested in determining the levels of inherent intelligibility that exist between dialects. Furthermore, this survey seeks to determine which dialects are most widely understood as a result of inherent similarities. The levels of intelligibility are determined by using recorded text tests like those described in Casad, 1974. The results are expressed as a percentage of correct answers.

2.3 Bilingualism

A fourth goal is to investigate the levels of bilingualism among the Bhil communities of northern Dhule. Of special interest are the levels of bilingualism that significant cross-sections of the rural community attain to. The possible dichotomy in bilingual ability between the educated and uneducated segments of the population is regarded as a matter of importance and carefully investigated. Bilingual ability is tested in the same way as dialect intelligibility. No attempt is made to determine an individual’s level of competence in speaking a second language, only in understanding it.

2.4 Language Use and Language Attitudes

The final goal of this survey is to investigate the different languages used by the mother tongue Bhilli speaker in the situations encountered in daily living; and to investigate the attitudes and preferences that he exhibits toward different languages in these sets of situations. Language use and attitudes are investigated using a 25-item questionnaire issued to those tested in intelligibility studies. 7 3 Summary of Findings

3.1 Dialect Area Study