Value of new private sector investments in select value chains


13. Value of new private sector investments in select value chains

USAIDGhana Performance Indicator Reference Sheet CDCS Goal: Ghanas Transition Towards Established Middle Income Status Accelerated Development Objective: DO 2 – Sustainable and Broadly Shared Economic Growth Intermediate Result: IR 2.1: Increased competitiveness of major food chains Sub-Intermediate Result: IR 2.1.1: Increased agricultural productivity Name of Performance Indicator: Value of new private sector investments in select value chains Performance Plan and Report Indicator: Foreign Assistance Framework: Ghana CDCS IR 2.2; and USAID FTF 4.5.2-38Indicator Type: Output PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DESCRIPTION Precise Definitions: Investment is defined as any use of private sector resources intended to increase future production output or income, to improve the sustainable use of agriculture- related natural resources soil, water, etc., to improve water or land management, etc. The “food chain” includes both upstream and downstream investments. The indicator only includes capital investments. It does not include operating capital, for example, for inputs or inventory. Upstream investments include any type of agricultural capital used in the agricultural production process such as animals for traction, storage bins, and machinery. Downstream investments could include capital investments in equipment, etc. to do post-harvest transformationprocessing of agricultural products as well as the transport of agricultural products to markets. “Private sector” includes any privately-led agricultural activity managed by a for-profit formal company. A CBO or NGO resources may be included if they engage in for-profit agricultural activity. “Leveraged by Feed the Future implementation” indicates that the new investment was directly encouraged or facilitated by activities funded by the Feed the Future initiative. Investments reported should not include funds received by the investor from USG as part of any grant or other award. New investment means investment made during the reporting year. Unit of Measure: US Dollars Disaggregated by: none Rationale or Management Utility optional: Increased investment is the predominate source of economic growth in the agricultural and other economic sectors. Private sector investment is critical because it indicates that the investment is perceived by private agents to provide a positive financial return and therefore is likely to lead to sustainable increases in production. PLAN FOR DATA COLLECTION BY USAID Data Source: Private sector financial records, program data Method of Data Acquisition: Collect activity-level data on new investment within reporting year leveraged within scope of USG activity Frequency and Timing of Data Acquisition: Annually Individuals Responsible for Data at USAID: Individuals Responsible for Providing Data to USAID optional: Location of Data Storage optional: DATA QUALITY ISSUES Date of Most Recent Data Quality Assessment and Names of Reviewers: Date of Future Data Quality Assessments optional: 85

14. Number of food security private enterprises for profit, producers organizations, water