Submitted as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2113321026


Nasution, Khalida Gustani. 2113321026. The Effect of Team Assisted

Individualization (TAI) Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension. A
thesis: English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University
of Medan. 2016.
This study deals with the effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) strategy
on students’ reading comprehension. It was conducted by using experimental
research design. The population of this study was Grade Eight (VIII) students of
MTSs Ali Imron Medan with three parallel classes. The samples of this study
were two classes divided into two groups, experimental and control group. The
experimental group was taught by using Team Assisted Individualization
Strategy, while the control group was taught by using Conventional Strategy. The
instrument for collecting the data was a multiple choice test of descriptive text.
The data of this study were taken from the students’ score of reading test. Kuder
Richardson (KR20) formula was applied to obtain the reliability of the test. Based
on the calculation, it showed that the reliability of the test was 0.82 categorized as
very high reliability. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test
and post-test. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value of tobserved
was 4.28 with the degree of freedom (df) =58 at the level of significance p (0.05)
= 2.00. It means that tobserved is greater than ttable (4.28 > 2.00). The result of this
study shows that Team Assisted Individualization Strategy has a significant effect
on the students’ reading comprehension. It means that the hypothesis is accepted.

Keywords: Team Assisted Individualization Strategy, Students’ Reading
Comprehension, Experimental Design, Descriptive Text, Reading Test.


The greatest gratitude is expressed to Allah SWT, the Almightily and Most
Beneficial for his Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honour and Mercy that has been given
to writer so that she finally accomplishes her thesis entitled “The Effect of Team
Assisted Individualization (TAI) Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension”.
This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for
taking the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan. During the completion of this thesis, the
writer realized that she had received a lot of help, and suggestion. Therefore, the
writer would like to express her sincerest gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts State University of Medan and all her staffs.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Education

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her first Thesis Consultant.

Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., her second Thesis Consultant.

Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., the Academic Advisor.

Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum. and Prof. Dr. Amrin Saragih, M.A.
Ph.D., her Thesis Examiner.

All the Lectures of English and Literature Department who has taught,
guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

Husnul Fitri Hasibuan, S.P, M.Pd., the Headmaster of MTSs Ali Imron
Medan for giving the permission and helping the writer to complete this

All Teachers and Students at MTSs Ali Imron Medan for helping the
writer to do this Thesis.


Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd. and Mr. Pantes, Administrative staffs of
English Department.

Her beloved parents H. Gustan Nasution and Hj. Masliana Lubis.
Thanks for their endless love and their patience, affection, prayer and
everything that have given not only in finishing her study but also in her
entire life. Her beloved sister Layla Syafrina Nst, S.E., and her beloved
brothers Syahreza Nasution, and Muhammad Yazid, S.H.

Her dearest man, Muhammad Halid, S.E., for the support and prayer.

Her beloved friends, the students of English Department, Ayu Purnama
Sari, S.Pd., Khairuni Syafitri, S.Pd., Fahrunnisa Mariyam, S.Pd.,
Karmila, S.Pd., and Rifa’atul Inayah, S.Pd also the other students in
Extension A, B, C 2011 for always be there when she needed their
support and motivation.
The Writer

April 2016

Khalida Gustani Nst
NIM. 2113321026



ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................viii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................1


The Backround of the Study ...................................................................1
The Problem of the Study .......................................................................4
The Objective of the Study .....................................................................4
The Scope of the Study ...........................................................................4
The Significances of the Study ...............................................................4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................6
A. Theorithical Framework ..........................................................................6
1. The Nature of TAI Strategy ..............................................................6
2. Steps of TAI Strategy ........................................................................7
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of TAI Staregy................................9
4. Descriptive Text ................................................................................10
5. Reading Comprehension ...................................................................11
6. Teaching Reading Comprehension ...................................................15
B. Conceptual Framework ...........................................................................18
C. Hypothesis ...............................................................................................19
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .........................................20

A. Research Design ......................................................................................20
B. Population and Sample............................................................................21
1. Population .........................................................................................21
2. Sample ...............................................................................................22
C. Instrument for Collecting Data ...............................................................22
D. The Prcedure of the Research .................................................................22
1. Pre Test..............................................................................................23
2. Treatment ..........................................................................................23


3. Post Test ............................................................................................25
E. Scoring of the Test ..................................................................................25
F. Validity and Reliability of the Test .........................................................25
1. The Validity of the Test ....................................................................26
2. The Reliability of the Test ................................................................26
G. The Normality of the Test .......................................................................27
H. Homogeneity ...........................................................................................28
I. Technique for Analyzing Data ................................................................28
J. Statistical Hypothesis ..............................................................................29

A. The Data ..................................................................................................30
B. Data Analysis ..........................................................................................31
1. Reliability of the Test ........................................................................33
2. Normality Test ..................................................................................34
3. Homogeneity of the Test ...................................................................35
4. Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula ..........................................36
C. Testing Hypothesis ..................................................................................37
D. Research Findings ...................................................................................38
E. Discussion ...............................................................................................38
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................41
A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................41
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................41
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................42
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................44



3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................20
3.2 Treatment for Experimental Group ...............................................................23
3.3 Teaching Procedure in Control Group ..........................................................24
4.1 Students Score in Pre-Test ............................................................................31
4.2 Students Score in Post-Test...........................................................................32
4.3 The Calculation of Testing Normality ..........................................................35
4.4 The Result of the T-Test Calculation ............................................................38


4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-Test ...........................................................................32
4.2 Students’ Score in Post-Test .........................................................................33



Appendix A. Lesson Plan of Experimental Group .........................................................44
Appendix B. Lesson Plan of Control Group ...................................................................64
Appendix C. Pre and Post Test for Experimental and Control Group ............................80
Appendix D. Answer Key ...............................................................................................88
Appendix E. The Scores of Pre Test and Post Test ........................................................89
Appendix F. The Score of Reliability .............................................................................91
Appendix G. The Calculation of Reliability ...................................................................92
Appendix H. The Calculation of the T-Test ...................................................................96
Appendix I. Testing Normality .......................................................................................100
Appendix J. Testing Homogeneity .................................................................................105
Appendix K. Percentage Points of the T Distribution ....................................................106
Appendix L. Table of Normality ....................................................................................108
Appendix M. List of Testing Liliefors ............................................................................109



A. The Background of Study
Reading is one of skills in language which is taught formally in Indonesia
from elementary school up to university level. Reading is the most important skill
in learning language besides speaking, writing, and listening. By reading, students
can take the information and increase their knowledge from the reading texts.
With a lot of information, students can learn to give response on what they read.
Response they give will be useful to them because it can increase the critical
nature. When the students lazy to read, they get nothing and they lack of
information. But when they often read, they will rich in information and
At the present time, the benefits of reading has been more and more often
discussed by various circle of society in a variety of opportunity. In developed
countries, reading is a primary requirement for every citizen to obtain information
required. Every aspect of life in the community approximately will involve
reading activity.
However, many researchers concluded that the Indonesian people’s ability in
reading comprehension is still low. Vincent Grenary study (2009) reported that
students’ reading ability (51.7 percent) in Indonesia, the final sequence after
Phillipines (52.6 percent), Thailand (65.1 percent), Singapore (74.0 percent), and
Hongkong (75.5 percent). It means the interest of Indonesian’s students worst
than students in other countries.



Lee, Grigg, and Donahue (2007) stated that only 29 percent of all eight
graders were able to comprehend at or above a proficient level, while 43 percent
read at a basic level, and 28 percent were only able to comprehend a text well is
over 70 percent.
Based on researcher’s experience in teaching practice in Junior High School
level at SMPN 1 KUALA, many students find some difficulties in learning
reading comprehension. They think that comprehending the text is a difficult task
to do because they have to open dictionary, look for the pronunciation of words,
choose the suitable meaning, and getting main idea of the text.
Beside all of problems, each students have to reach score 75 as the number of
minimum mastery learning (KKM). Students who have difficulties in reading
comprehension will not easy to get that score. In pre-eminent class (VIII A),
almost all of students or ninety seven percent (97%) can reach the KKM. While in
class VIII B fifty three percent (53%), VIII C seventy eight percent (78%), VIII D
forty five percent (45%), and VIII E sixty four percent (64%). Beside it, many
students find some difficulties in reading comprehension. They think that
comprehending the text is a difficult task to do because they have to open
dictionary, look for the pronunciation of words, choose the suitable meaning, and
getting main idea of the text.
All the facts presented above suggests that the teaching of reading
comprehension has not yet successful in teaching the students to be good readers
or to have better reading ability. Therefore, this teaching should be improved. One
of ways to improve that is by applying an effective strategy.


There are some strategies in teaching reading comprehension. The teacher
must be able to make variations and choose the suitable strategy in order to attract
students’ interest in reading. For this purpose, the researcher proposes a strategy
named TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) strategy to provide long term
support for students’ development in reading comprehension. The researcher uses
this strategy because the strategy can make students easier when learning reading
comprehension because they have friend who can help them to teach them when
they confused about the task. Sometimes students feel afraid to ask the teacher.
Therefore, in this strategy students are grouped in different academic ability, so
that if they find a problem, they can ask their teammates. In this strategy, students
are also taught to be responsible because every student has a problem that must be
done by them.
Slavin (1995:98) stated that TAI is a study strategy where students are placed
into heterogeneous groups. The heterogeneous groups are got from a test before
making groups or look for the score average of students in reading
comprehension. In the heterogeneous groups, students have different ability.
Students who have great ability in reading comprehension are expected to help
their teammates who have lower ability in reading comprehension.
There are some benefits of using TAI strategy. It helps students to improve
their comprehension skill because they have friends that can help them in solving
their problems when they doing their tasks and to describes about something that
they cannot understand. Other benefits of TAI are to understands the content of
the text, and improve their social sense. Due to the benefits, the researcher


conducts an experimental research with title “The Effect of Applying Team
Assisted Individualization (TAI) strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension.”

B. The Problem of the Study
In line with the background of the study, the problem of the study is
formulated as follows:
“Does Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) strategy significantly effect on
students’ reading comprehension?”

C. The Scope of the Study
There are many strategies that teachers can suggest to students for enhancing
the students’ ability in reading comprehension. In this study, the writer limits on
the effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) strategy on students reading
comprehension on eight grade students.

D. The Objective of the study
The objective of the study is aimed to find out which has more significant
effect on reading comprehension: teaching reading with Team Assisted
Individualization (TAI) strategy or teaching reading with Conventional strategy.
E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant theoretically
and practically. Theoretically for other researcher, who is interested in getting
prior information to do further related study to prove this strategy with different
participants. Practically, the findings are useful for:


1. English teachers, who want to get source and information to enlarge their
knowledge in teaching reading comprehension.
2. Students, who want to improve their skill and stimulate them to improve
their ability in reading comprehension.

A. Conclusion
Based on the research finding, the researcher concludes that:
1. The students’ that was taught by using Team Assisted Individualization
Strategy is higher than the students’ that was taught by Conventional
2. It is indicated from the data statistically that the result of calculation of ttest that t-observed is 4.28 is higher that t-table 2.00 (4.28 > 2.00) at the
significant effect of 0.05, which implies that the alternative Hypothesis
(Ha) is accepted.

3. Suggestions
Based on the conclusion above, suggestions are put forwarded as follows;
1. The English teachers are suggested to use team assisted individualization
in their teaching learning process in order to improve students’
achievement in reading comprehension.
2. Since this study is only focused on students’ achievement in reading
comprehension, it is suggested for other researcher to apply team assisted
individualization to other skill.



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