Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 209321053


Siregar, Nurul Hidayah. 209321053. The Analysis of the Reading Materials in

“English on Sky 2” Textbook Based on School-Based Curriculum for Grade
VIII Students of Junior High School. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and
Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.
This study attempts to describe the conformity between reading materials in
English on Sky 2 Textbook for grade VIII students’ of junior high school and the
requirements of School-Based Curriculum in the aspects of indicators, text types,
social function, rhetorical structure, and linguistic features. It was designed as
documentary analysis in the form of descriptive qualitative research. The data of
this study were reading materials collected from English on Sky 2 Textbook
published by Erlangga in 2007. Based on the analysis of those aspects, it was
found that the aspect of indicators gains 81.66% conformity, the aspect of Text
types gains 66.66% conformity as the six text types required by School-based
Curriculum are not all presented in the textbook, the aspect of social function
gains 37.5 % conformity, moreover, the aspect of rhetorical structure gains 100%
conformity, and the aspect of linguistic features gains 100% conformity. From
the data obtained, the total conformity between the textbook and the requirements
of School-based Curriculum attains 77.16% conformity. This number is
categorized as
good according to Nurgiyantoro’s Criterion Referenced
Evaluation. Therefore, this textbook is appropriate to be used by both teachers and

students in English language teaching, particularly in teaching reading as this
textbook has already followed the instructions and the requirements of Schoolbased Curriculum.
Key words: reading materials, textbook, School-based Curriculum


All praise and greatest gratitude are due to Allah SWT., whose compassion
and blessing have continuously enabled the writer to accomplish this thesis. This
thesis is aimed to fulfillone of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana
Pendidikan of English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
This thesis owes its existence to the help, inspiration, support, and
encouragement of many people. Therefore, the writer takes this opportunity to
express her thanks and appreciation to:

 Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of

 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty,

State University of Medan

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd.,the Head of English and Literature
Department and her Academic Advisor, for the advice and guidance
throughout her study, and also her Thesis Reviewer, for the suggestions
and comments upon this thesis.

 Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department

 Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S.,M.Hum., the Head of English Education
Study Program, and also her Thesis Reviewer, for the suggestions and
comments upon this thesis.

 Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., her Thesis Advisor, whose guidance,
suggestions, and intellectual support shave helped her to accomplish this

 Morada Tetty, S.S., M.Hum., her Thesis Reviewer, who has given her
suggestions and comments to review and revise this thesis.

 Johannes Jefria Gultom, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Thesis Reviewer, who has
contributed his critical comments and suggestions to revise this thesis


 All Lectures of English and Literature Department, who have guided
and educated her during her academic years.

 Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., the Administration Staff of English
Department, who has helped and assisted her to fulfill the administrative

 Paisal Lubis, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMP Swasta Bandung Deli
Serdang, who has granted the writer permission to collect data for this

 Fachruddin Siregar and Salmiah, her beloved parents, who have showed
unconditional love, support, and sacrifice in her lifetime particularly for
encouraging her to finish this thesis.

 Her beloved sisters: Ayu Mawarni Siregar, Fadillah Hanum Siregar,
and Indah Permata Sari Siregar, for their love, prayers and support.

 Her most loyal supporter: Sholahuddin Nasution, S.Kom.,whose faithful
love and support have motivated her throughout her life and study.

 Her best friends:Aini Melbahwati Saragih,S.Pd, Nina Tiya Hara,S.Pd,
Fransiska Insani Rahesty Sinaga, S.Pd who always be her companions
in her ups and downs and for always motivating her to finish her study.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore,
any suggestions, comments, and critics for the improvement of this thesis are
greatly appreciated. She hopes that this thesis would be beneficial for those who
read it particularly for readers who are interested in conducting similar research.


September 2016

Nurul Hidayah Siregar

Reg. No. 209321053


ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study .................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study .......................................................................... 4
C. The Scope of the Study .............................................................................. 4
D. The Objective of the Study ........................................................................ 4
E. The Significance of the Study.................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................ 6
A. Theoretical framework................................................................................ 6
1. Reading ................................................................................................ 6

2. Reading Material ................................................................................. 7
a. Authenticity .................................................................................... 8
b. Realism ........................................................................................... 8
c. Context ............................................................................................ 8
d. Focus on the Learner....................................................................... 9
3. The Criteria of Good Reading Materials ............................................. 9
4. The Purpose of Reading ..................................................................... 10
a. Reading to Search for Simple Information and Reading to Skim . 10
b. Reading to Learn from Texts ......................................................... 10
c. Reading to Integrate, Write, and Critiqie Texts ............................. 11
d. Reading for General Comprehension ............................................ 11
5. Instructional Objectives of Reading (Indicators)................................ 12
6. Materials of Teaching Reading Based on Curriculum ....................... 13
7. Genre of Reading ................................................................................ 15
a. Narrative Text ................................................................................ 15
b. Descriptive Text ............................................................................. 16
c. Recount Text .................................................................................. 17
8. Textbook ............................................................................................. 18
a. Definition of English Textbook ..................................................... 18
b. The Role of the Textbook .............................................................. 19

9. School-Based Curriculum (KTSP) .................................................... 20
a. Understanding of School-Based Curriculum ................................. 20
b. Syllabus .......................................................................................... 22
10. Relevant Studies ................................................................................. 24


11. Conceptual Framework....................................................................... 25
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 27
A. The Research Design ................................................................................. 27
B. Research Data and Source ......................................................................... 27
C. The Procedure of Data Analysis ................................................................ 28
D. Technique of Analyzing the Data .............................................................. 28
CHAPTER IV: DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ........................................... 30
A. Data ............................................................................................................ 30
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 31
1. The Distribution of Indicators in the Textbook .................................. 31
2. The Distribution of Text type in the Textbook ................................... 34
3. The Distribution of Social Function of the Reading Texts in the
Textbook ............................................................................................. 35

4. The Distribution of Rhetorical Structure of Reading Texts in the
Textbook ............................................................................................. 38
5. The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Reading Texts in the
Textbook ............................................................................................. 41
a. The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Descriptive Texts in
the Textbook................................................................................ 41
b. The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Recount Texts in the
Textbook ..................................................................................... 42
c. The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Narrative Texts in the
Textbook .................................................................................... 44
C. Interpretation.............................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 47
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 47
B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 47
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 49
APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 51



Table 2.1 The Distribution of English Instructional Reading Material
within the Latest Syllabus for Second Year .................................. 14
Table 3.1 Criterion Referenced Evaluation ................................................... 29
Table 4.2 The Distribution of Indicators in the Textbook First Semester ..... 31
Table 4.3 The Distribution of Indicators in the Textbook Second Semester..32
Table 4.4 The Distribution of Text Types in the Textbook ........................... 34
Table 4.5 The Distribution of Social Function of the Reading Texts in the
Textbook ........................................................................................ 35
Table 4.6 The Distribution of Rhetorical Structure of Reading Texts in the
Textbook ........................................................................................ 38
Table 4.7 The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Descriptive Texts in
the Textbook .................................................................................. 41
Table 4.8 The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Recount Texts in the
Textbook ........................................................................................ 42
Table 4.9 The Distribution of Linguistic Features of Narrative Texts in the
Textbook ........................................................................................ 44
Table 5.0 The Total Conformity between the Textbook and School-based
Curriculum ..................................................................................... 45


APPENDIX A. Text 1 .................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX B. Text 2 .................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX C. Text 3 .................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX D. Text 4 .................................................................................... 57
APPENDIX E. Text 5 .................................................................................... 58
APPENDIX F. Text 6 : Camping................................................................... 59
APPENDIX G. Text 7 .................................................................................... 60
APPENDIX H. Text 8 .................................................................................... 61
APPENDIX I. Text 9 ..................................................................................... 62
APPENDIX J. Text 10 ................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX K. Text 11 .................................................................................. 65
APPENDIX L. Text 12 : Louis Pasteur ......................................................... 66
APPENDIX M. Text 13 : Thomas Alva Edison ........................................... 68
APPENDIX N. Text 14 .................................................................................. 70
APPENDIX O. Text 15 : Jonas Edward ........................................................ 72
APPENDIX P. Text 16 : Cats! ....................................................................... 74
APPENDIX Q. Text 17 : None of Your Business ......................................... 75
APPENDIX R. Text 18 : Accidentally Guilty ............................................... 77
APPENDIX S. Text 19 : The Stingy and the Generous ................................. 78
APPENDIX T. Text 20 : Beauty and the Beast ............................................. 80
APPENDIX U. Text 21 : Takatuliang the Woodcarver ................................. 82
APPENDIX V. Text 22 : The Cowardly Lion ............................................... 84
APPENDIX W. Text 23 : The Deadly Poppy Field....................................... 86
APPENDIX X. Text 24 : Announcement ...................................................... 88



A. The Background of the Study
An analysis of the learning material is necessary to improve the teachinglearning process and to keep the teaching-learning process on the track of the
curriculum. This aims at ensuring that the learning materials the students learn suit
the demands of present curriculum and is compatible with their needs, interests, and
level. In line with this, Richards (2001:15) points out that educational program
should be based on an analysis of learners’ need as one of fundamental assumption
of curriculum development. It focuses on determining knowledge, skills, value,
students learn in school, the students have to be provided with learning experience,
and teaching-learning process in school or educational program that are required in
the curriculum.
Present curriculum, School-based Curriculum (KTSP) notes four language
skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing, that should be achieved by
the students in learning English. Those four skills have their own different
competence standards and School-based Curriculum requires the students
supposingly to understand and to deliver various meanings (interpersonal, ideational,
and textual) in the kinds of interactional verbal text for listening and speaking, or
non-verbal text for reading and writing, and also monolog texts especially
descriptive, narrative, spoof, procedure, report, forms (Balitbang Depdiknas,



Dealing with the four skills, Brown (2004:185) claims that reading is
arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational contexts. Yet, reading
is one of the most complex skills that many learners still find difficulties and
problems to acquire this skill. This is due to learning to read is a decontextualized
activity that clearly presents linguistic and cognitive challenges for children that
are somewhat separate from those presented during highly contextualized, spoken
communication (Hoskyn, 2004:109).
There are many reasons affecting students’ lack of reading skill; it may be
their lack of reading strategies, their lack of word recognition and phonemic
awareness, but major reason of this problem is that the reading material students
read does not suit to their knowledge level, needs, and interests. Therefore,
teachers who dominantly take responsibility in providing reading materials for
teaching reading, need to select appropriate textbook to help their students
succeed in acquiring reading skill. This is due to the fact that textbook is one of
the most important teaching instruments teachers may use to enable students
achieve the learning goals. In addition, it also functions as a daily guidance or
instruction for the teacher (Posner, 2004:6).
However, the process of selecting an appropriate textbook is not a frivolous
matter. Teachers should consider some aspects before determining a good
textbook for the students. They should be making an informed decision which is
based on detailed analysis of what it offers and what the students need. They also
have to consider that a good textbook not only covers knowledge which should fit
to the requirements and the demands of the curriculum, but also generates interests


and motivation for the students who read it as the students tend to read something
that is interesting for them. As the result, teaching and learning process can be
purposeful and meaningful.
Therefore, English teachers have to be selective to find the proper textbooks
in order to improve teaching and learning process, particularly in teaching reading.
Because by selecting good textbook which features good reading materials, teachers
can provide students knowledge to achieve learning goals and to increase their
students’ intellectuality which later has a big influence to their academic success.
To examine whether teachers have selected propers textbook, the reseacher
conducted an early observation in second grade of SMP Swasta Bandung Deli
Serdang. It was found out that the school only enables the teachers to select the
textbooks if it is marked with “based on content standard”. It was also found out that
this school uses “English on Sky 2” textbook published by Erlangga. During the
observation, the teacher argued that this textbook is relevant to School-based
Curriculum standard, beside it is published by prominent publisher that they have
been trusting for years, and most of all, it covers materials and knowledge students
need in learning English. But these statements can not be completely taken for
granted. Considering the condition above, the researcher was challenged to conduct a
study on analysis of “English on Sky 2” textbook which is used by the second grade
students of SMP Swasta Bandung Deli Serdang in aspect of reading materials which
being examined to see its conformity to School-based Curriculum criterias.


B. The Problem of the Study
The problems of this research were formulated as follow:
1. Are reading materials in ‘’English on Sky 2’’ textbook in conformity with
the requirements of School-based Curriculum?
2. How is the distribution of reading materials in “English on Sky 2” textbook
on School-based Curriculum?

C. The Scope of Study
This research focuses on examining learning materials which is textbook
entitled “English on Sky 2” used by the second grade students of SMP Swasta
Bandung Deli Serdang. It deals with analyzing reading materials which were
compared to the requirements of School-based Curriculum including the
indicators, the text types, social functions, rhetorical structures, and linguistics

D. The Objective of Study
Based on the formulation of the research problems above, the objectives
of this research are:
1. To find out whether or not reading materials in “English on Sky 2”
textbook are in conformity with the requirements of School-based
2. To describe clearly the distribution of reading materials in “English on Sky
2” textbook based on School-based Curriculum.


E. The Significance of Study
The result of this research is expected to give some significance not only
theoretically but also practically. The details are presented below:
1. Theoretically
The findings of the study later will add some new theories and information
in selecting the appropriate English textbook.
2. Practically
a. Students, to improve their motivation to read, because the teachers will
have already known about how to choose interesting textbook for
teaching and learning process.
b. Teachers, to improve their knowledge in selecting appropriate reading
materials for the students, so that the students can gain their motivation
to read.
c. Other Researchers, this study hopefully will be useful as a reference for
other researchers who are interested in developing similar study.


A. Conclusion
After analyzing the data and elaborating the findings, conclusion were drawn
as following
1. The percentage of reading materials in English on Sky 2 textbook
gains 77.16 % conformity with the requirements of School-based
Curriculum So, this textbook has good relevancy with School-based
2. The distribution of reading materials “English on Sky 2” textbook as
follows: The analysis of indicators gain 75.71 %, text types (66.66 %),
social function (37.5%), generic structure (100%) and linguistic
features (100%).

B. Suggestions
After having analyzed the textbook, some suggestions are pointed out to:
1. English Teachers
English teachers have responsibility in providing and facilitating
students with good textbook. Therefore, they have to select good textbook
which is suitable for their students. They have to considers many things
regarding to their students’ needs and the textbook’s contents.

2. Schools and Principals
Schools and principals should give contribution by helping and
leading teachers select appropriate learning materials such as textbook to
suitably maintain their school teaching and learning process.
3. Publishers and Authors
Publishers and authors should give more focus in designing and
composing a textbook. They have to produce a good textbook which is
based on the instructions and requirements of present curriculum.
4. Other researchers
As many publishers and authors have produced various textbooks.
The other researchers are encouraged to analyze those textbooks to give
valuable input for schools, principals and teacher in selecting a good
textbook. And for those who are interested in similar study, they are
encouraged to find another references.


Alyousef, Hesham Suleiman. 2005. Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/
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Anderson, Mark and Kathy, Anderson. 1998. Text Types in English. South Yarra:
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Ary, D., et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education Eighth Edition. United
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Brown, James Dean. 1995. The Elements of Language Curriculum. Boston:
Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Cambridge, Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Bungin, Burhan. 2011. Penelitian Kualitatif. Jakarta: Fajar Interpratama.
Clarke, David F. 1989. Language Teaching: Communicative Theory and Its
Influence on Materials Production, 22/02,p 73-86.
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Tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.
Jakarta: Depdiknas.
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Britain: Longman
Hutchinson, Tom and Alan, Waters. 2002. English for Spesific Purpose: A
Learning - Centered approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Richards, Jack. 2001. Curriculum Development Language Teaching. Cambridge:
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