Introduction PROS Desi FW, Nuryani YR Implementation of ask fulltext

Proceedings of the IConSSE FSM SWCU 2015, pp. SC.141–148 ISBN: 978-602-1047-21-7 SWUP SC.141 Implementation of asking and group competition learning strategies to improve critical thinking skill Desi Fitria Wulandari a and Nuryani Y Rustaman b a Education Univercity of Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia b Education Univercity of Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia Abstract The aim of this research to examine physic learning strategies base of asking activities and group Competition PLSAC in order to improve Senior High School student’s critical thinking skills. This research was carried out by using quasi experimental method. Senior High School students at XII grade in Tasikmalaya West Java chosen as the subject of this research and two classes were taken sample at physics subject topic. This research revealed that the student which used physics learning strategy base of asking activities and group competitionPLSAC significantly had more critical thinking skills than those that used conventional method. The average of N-gain of critical thinking skills for experiment class was 0,38 while for control class was 0,27. Teachers and students gave good comments on the implemented learning strategies. We conclude that Physic Learning Strategy base of Asking activities and group Competition PLSAC is better than conventional learning strategies in improving the student’s critical thinking skill. Keywords learning strategies, asking and group competition, critical thinking skill

1. Introduction

Commitment to promote critical thinking skills has become one of the main agenda of education program in Indonesia. Secondary School Competency Standards mention that secondary school students are expected to: 1 establish and apply information or knowledge in a logical, critical, creative, and innovative, 2 demonstrate the ability to think logically, critical, creative, and innovative in decision-making; 3 demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve complex problems Permendiknas, 2006. Based on preliminary studies in the form of observational toward physic learning process, teachers tought in lecture method, which the teacher gave examples of physic questions, then students were asked to do it individually. In the end, students who had already completed answering the questions then asked to write it on the board in front of the class. It was observed that less than half of the students in the class were involved in learning process. Question and Answer as well as argumentation activities in physic learning process were difficult to find. On the other hand, physics is still the unpopular subject for most of then students. In accordance with a study done by Shook Mee, 2002; Orneck, Robinson Haugan, 2008 which found many students considers studying physic as a daunting task. Based on a literature review, in order to improve students critical thinking skills, Fitria 2014 proposed a physics learning strategy base of asking activities and group competition PLSAC. It is necessary to do a study on the use of a physics learning strategy base of asking activities and group competition to enhance high school students critical thinking skills on the topic of sound waves. Formulation of the research problem was How is the comparison Implementation of asking and group competition learning strategies to improve critical thinking skill SWUP SC.142 of students critical thinking skills improvement between the student who gain a physic learning strategy base of asking activities and group competition and student who received conventional learning strategy?

2. Materials and methods