Stereotyping Selectivity Self-concept Situation Needs Informative Speech Persuasive Speech

14 learning in every student. Students can digest the material effectively. Fourth benefit is scaffolding provides a welcoming and caring learning environment. The atmosphere of the class becomes better to stay. Students are able to enjoy the learning, because of the conducive environment.

2. Perception

Forgus 1966 defines perceptions as the process by which an organism receives certain information about the environment. As he stated, perception means a step to understand the concept of information. From the environment, the received information is called as the process of perception. In other words, the process of receiving information is received by the perception of the surrounding information. According to Kreitner and Kinicki 1992, perception is mental and cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings. According to Gibson, Donelly, and Ivancevich 1985, there are six factors which influence the perception of people. These six factors play a role in manipulating the perception of people. They are stereotyping, selectivity, self- concept, situation, needs, and emotions. They are described as follows.

a. Stereotyping

A set of thinking in particular member of the community that is generalized into all community. In other words, the minority people’s thinking is represented as the majority people’s thinking. In doing the application of learning, people sometimes think about the subjective of the problems rather than the objective of problems, such as the decision of false and true concept in public speaking. It 15 becomes the belief in an individual and spread to others’ belief. From that situation, people stereotype the concept as the false or the true one.

b. Selectivity

This is kind of the way of thinking that leads people to determine the ideas of situation. To be exact, the thinking is digested by the mind to choose whether it is accepted or not.

c. Self-concept

The principle of people that is built in the basic concept of their thinking. It is how the people see the situation that is based on the experiences which shehe has done. From the experiences, the people has stimuli to agree or disagree with the situation what have done.

d. Situation

Situation can determine the moods, feelings, and habits in daily life situation. It also can affect the whole environment of the particular area of social activities. In brief, situation is characterized as a concept that influences each part of people’s mind.

e. Needs

People influence the perception toward the needs that they want. In this case, the perception is formed based on the needs of people.

f. Emotions

Emotion can change people in taking the decision. If the mind is positive, it will be positive delivering. In addition, the emotion can change the principle of people toward the ideas. It affects the idea that is right into wrong one. 16 Perception is very important and needed for students to develop their learning Kleinke, 1978. Students are able to learn effectively if they have a good guide in the classroom. In the classroom, teacher is the source of student’s perception. The perception that is given will be the source of information. Whatever the teacher does, students are able to imitate in the learning process. To be exact, whatever the teacher does, the good and the bad thing, it will be the source of students in learning. Perception of teacher in learning affects the perception of students in digesting information. Therefore, the result of the learning process is depended on the teacher’s implementation.

3. Public Speaking

Based on Zarefsky 1966, the definition of public speaking is a means of communication process. In communication process, public speaking plays a role as means of people’s speaking interaction. Public speaking occurs when one person speaks in a face to face situation with the audience Grice Skinner, 1995. It is the act or process of making speeches in public. The speaker of Public speaking is different with speaking generally. It can be seen from the place, audience, and motive. Public speaking is intended to speak in front of large audience. It usually has a large number of audience and implements in some formal occasion. In brief, it can be specified that public speaking is a speech performance in front of large number of people that is purposed to informpersuade people. Grice and Skinner 1995 specify speaking into three general purposes. They are as follows: 17

a. Informative Speech

The purpose of informative speech is to inform the audience. In an informative speech, the presenter will share information about a particular person, place, object, process, concept, or issue by defining, describing, or explaining.

b. Persuasive Speech

The purpose of persuasive speech is to persuade the audience. In a persuasive speech, the presenter will attempt to reinforce or change their audiences’ beliefs, attitudes, feelings, or values. The examples of persuasive speech can be seen in potential customers, a politician’s campaign speech, or a debate during a public forum. The purpose is to have the attention from the audience.

c. Entertaining Speech