Accessing Store Administration Help Dumping the Contents of a JDBC Store Using WLST

6-22 Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server addition, a new, uniquely-named directory will be created under tmp containing the original uncompacted store files.

6.9.2 Store Administration Using WLST

The WLST interface has a couple of additional methods compared to the Java command line such as getopenstores and getstoreconns, that return relevant Java objects and can be used for scripting in WLST. Accessing Store Administration Help

To access the persistent store administration utility from WLST, type the following command: java weblogic.WLST Type helpstore for detailed descriptions on available store administration commands, as well as examples of typical command usage. For example, the following help is provided for the list command, which lists store names, open stores, or connections in a store. wls:offline helpstoreliststore lists storenames, opened stores, or connections for interactive access Parameters store and dir cannot both be specified concurrently. Usage: liststorestore=null,dir=null param store [optional] a previously opened JDBC or File stores name. If store is specified, all connections in the store are listed. param dir [optional] directory for which to list available store names If dir is specified, all store names in the directory are listed. If neither store nor dir are specified, all open store names are listed. return 1 on success, 0 on failure Note that the parameters with an equal sign = are optional. For example, the compactstore method can be invoked as either compactstoredir=storename, tempdir=tmp or compactstorestore=storename, where tempdir takes the default value. Default values for optional parameters are listed in the command-specific help. Dumping the Contents of a JDBC Store Using WLST

Here is an example of using the dumpstore method store, outfile, conn=null, deep=false to export the contents of a JDBC store named myJDBCStore in a human-readable XML file format out to a file named mystoredump-out.xml. This does not include store connection names or the actual record contents, which require the optional conn and deep parameters. wls:offline openjdbcstoremyJDBCStore, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver, jdbc:oracle:thin:test2k31:1521:test120a, .wlstoreadmin-dump.props, jmstest, jmstest, , jdbcstoreprefix dumpstoremyJDBCStore, mystoredump-out closestoremyJDBCStore The openjdbcstore and openfilestore methods must be used to open andor create a store first before calling certain administration functions, like dumpstore and liststore only when listing open stores. After administering an open store, you must close it using the closestore method. Using the WebLogic Persistent Store 6-23 Compacting a File Store Using WLST