What is the text about? What is the main idea of the last paragraph? What is the purpose of the text? What is the message about?

9 | Bonus Soal Tryout UN SMPMTs 2014 After two hours shopping, we dropped by at Ciwalk for half an hour to relax and enjoy the beauty of Ciwalk. Our next destination is Ciwidey and CImanggu. It took about one and half an hour to go there. Unfortunately, we couldn‟t visit Ciwidey because of the bad weather, so we continued our journey to Cimanggu, around one kilometer from it. Cimanggu is a hot spring site where people had a warm water bathing. We enjoyed our time relaxing our body there. On Saturday, we had a great time by doing so many activities. First, we went to Ciwidey. We enjoyed the nature of Ciwidey. We stayed there for about two hours. At around 10 o‟clock, we went to strawberry park also located in Ciwidey. We learnt how to plant the strawberry and, of course, ate some products made of strawberry, such as fried rice, cake, and juice. On Sunday morning, we packed up and went back to Tangerang. Our trip in Bandung was really fun, and I can‟t wait to have another trip to Bandung for the next holiday. 29. What is the text about? A. Bandung. B. The writer‟s trip to Bandung. C. Famous tourist sites in Bandung. D. Some interesting places in Bandung. 30. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. The writer‟s activity on Saturday. B. The writer‟s thought about his trip to Bandung. C. Some product made of strawberry. D. Strawberry park in Ciwidey. 31. What is the purpose of the text? A. To amuse the readers. B. To tell about past events. C. To describe a thing. D. To give some instructions. 32. “We enjoyed the nature of Ciwidey.” Paragraph 3 What does the underlined word refer to? A. People in Ciwidey. B. The writer and his family. C. The writer and his friend. D. People in the strawberry park. The following text is for questions 33 and 34. Hi, Uncle Budi, Than ks for the new bicycle you gave me for my birthday present. I‟ve been longing to have a new bicycle since the one I have was broken. I really love this bicycle. I look forward to seeing you soon, uncle. Once again, thanks for the present. Love, Erwan 10 | Bonus Soal Tryout UN SMPMTs 2014 33. What is the message about? A. Farewell message. B. Erwan‟s gratitude to his uncle for the present. C. Uncle Budi‟s apology to Erwan. D. Erwand‟s feeling for his birthday party. 34. “I look forward to seeing you soon, uncle.” The underlined word refers to . . . . A. Uncle Budi B. Erwan‟s neighbot C. Erwan‟s mother D. Erwan‟s friend The following text is for questions 35 and 36. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 08:00 a.m.- 9:15 a.m. French Language Grammar Science Painting class Physical education 9:20 a.m.- 10:05 a.m. Computer skill Grammar History Science Physical education 10:00 a.m.- 10:45 a.m. Computer skill Math French language Math Music class 10:50 a.m.- 11:35 a.m. History Math English language Life skill Social science 11:35 a.m.- 13:00 p.m. Music class Painting class English language Life skill Social science 35. How many times in a week does this student have Math class?