The Correlation between Reading Habit on Reading English Book and Students’ Grammatical Mastery of English Education Department Batch 2015 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

The Correlation between Reading Habit on Reading English Book and Students’
Grammatical Mastery of English Education Department Batch 2015 at Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Lalu Radi Myarta

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The Correlation between Reading Habit on Reading English Book and Students’
Grammatical Mastery of English Education Department batch 2015 at Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the degree
Sarjana Pendidikan

Lalu Radi Myarta

English Education Department
Faculty of Language Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
December 2016


All praise to Allah who gives the writer strength and patience to finish this
research. All praise to Allah is the manifestation of the weakness of His creation.
Along I have gone through many obstacles to complete the research, Allah gives His
mercy to ease me during conducting the research. Therefore, I am very thankful to

Allah swt.
By this, I would like to express his gratitude to the most people who
summoned up the writers’ courage in this research. This appreciation is addressed to
1. My beloved parents Lalu Safe’i and Nila Sari and also my youngest the only
brother I love Lalu Rapi Muhammad Akbar who have countless time to
support, motivate and courage the me in every helpless circumstances.
2. My great and magnificent supervisor, Dr. Suryanto, who had lead, taught and
motivated me to go through the research accomplishment.
3. All of my EED of UMY lecturers who have participated in my education.
Thank you for devote your knowledge, patience, tolerance, and skill in my
meaningful learning process.
4. My respondents who contribute the huge role in his research, thank you very
much for being my respondent voluntarily.
5. All of my beloved and kindly friends Panca Riko, Rio Fernando, Mardiana
Harahap who helped me in editing my skripsi and all my friends and juniors at
Belitung’s dormitory, the crew of Dapur Kamila Restaurant and AMCORs’
crew thank you for giving me beneficial experience. Last but not the least,

who always in my memory, alm. Dwi Eko Sampurno, thank you for being my

best friend forever.
I do appreciate the support. Without those supports, this research would not be
accomplished even though this is far away from perfect. I hope that this research
will bring beneficial to other readers.

Lalu Radi Myarta


Table of Content
Cover ............................................................................................................................. i
Approval Sheet ............................................................................................................ ii
Authenticity Statement .............................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................... iv
Table of Content ......................................................................................................... vi
List of Table ................................................................................................................. x
Abstract ..................................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter One ................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
Background of the Research .................................................................................. 1

Statement of the Problem....................................................................................... 6
Limitation of the Problem...................................................................................... 7
Question of the Research ....................................................................................... 8
Objective of the Research ...................................................................................... 8
Significance of the Research ................................................................................. 8
Outline of the Research ......................................................................................... 9
Chapter Two .............................................................................................................. 11
Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 11


Reading ................................................................................................................ 11
Definition of Reading ..................................................................................... 11
Reading Habit ................................................................................................. 13
Types of Reading ............................................................................................ 14
The Purpose of Reading .................................................................................. 15
The Problems of Reading................................................................................ 16
Grammar .............................................................................................................. 18
Grammar Mastery ........................................................................................... 18
The Importance of the Grammar Mastery....................................................... 19

Improving Grammar Mastery ......................................................................... 22
Measuring Grammar Mastery ......................................................................... 23
Review of Related Study ..................................................................................... 27
Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................ 28
Hypothesis ........................................................................................................... 30
Chapter Three ........................................................................................................... 31
Methodology .............................................................................................................. 31
Design of the Research ........................................................................................ 31
Setting of the Research ....................................................................................... 32
Population and Sample of the Research .............................................................. 32


Population ....................................................................................................... 32
Sample............................................................................................................. 33
Data Collection Method ....................................................................................... 33
Questionnaire .................................................................................................. 33
Grammar Test ................................................................................................. 36
Validity of Instrument.......................................................................................... 37
The Validity of the Questionnaire................................................................... 37

The Validity of Grammar................................................................................ 40
Reliability of Instrument ...................................................................................... 41
Reliability of Questionnaire ............................................................................ 41
Reliability of Grammar Test ........................................................................... 42
Analysis of the Research ..................................................................................... 43
Chapter Four ............................................................................................................. 46
Finding and Discussion ............................................................................................. 46
Finding ................................................................................................................. 46
Entire questionnaire items of the research ..................................................... 46
EED of UMY students’ reading habit on reading English book .................... 60
The entire of grammar test analysis ............................................................... 61
The level of EED of UMY students’ grammar mastery ................................. 77


The correlation between reading habit on reading English books and students’
grammatical mastery at EED of UMY. .......................................................... 78
Discussion ........................................................................................................... 79
Students’ reading habit on reading English book .......................................... 79
Students’ grammatical mastery of EED of UMY batch 2015 ........................ 81

The correlation between reading habit on reading English book and students’
grammatical mastery ....................................................................................... 82
Chapter Five .............................................................................................................. 83
Conclusion and Recommendation ........................................................................... 83
Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 83
Recommendation ................................................................................................. 84
Reference.................................................................................................................... 86
Appendices ................................................................................................................. 92


List of Table

Table 1. The subclass of grammar ................................................................................................24
Table 2. The research correlational table ......................................................................................30
Table 3. Table of score criteria .....................................................................................................34
Table 4. The list items of questionnaire ........................................................................................35
Table 5. Grammar test ..................................................................................................................37
Table 6. The validity of questionnaire ..........................................................................................38
Table 7. The reliability of the instrument .....................................................................................42

Table 8. The criteria of reliability .................................................................................................42
Table 9. Reliability Statistics ........................................................................................................43
Table 10. The categories of reading habit .....................................................................................44
Table 11. The categories of grammar mastery ..............................................................................44
Table 12. The criteria of correlation .............................................................................................45
Table 13. Questionnaire of the research. ......................................................................................46
Table 14. Descriptive statistics of questionnaire items .................................................................48
Table 15. A1 ‘I read about three hours every day’ ......................................................................49
Table 16. A7 ‘I read about one hour every day’ ..........................................................................50
Table 17. B6 ‘I have read English book since I was in elementary school’ .................................51
Table 18. B14 ‘I have read English book since I was in university’ ............................................51

Table 19. C3 ‘I read various kind of reading text’. ......................................................................52
Table 20. C9 ‘I only read nonfiction texts such as newspaper, magazine, textbooks on various
books’ ............................................................................................................................................53
Table 21. E4 ‘I have a good reading habit’. .................................................................................54
Table 22. E16 ‘I have poor reading habit’ ...................................................................................55
Table 23. F20 ‘I read English for doing assignments’ .................................................................55
Table 24. G18 ‘I read English because my parents provide me with a lot of English books’ ......56

Table 25. G19 ‘I read English although my parents do not provide me with English books’ ......57
Table 26. G22 ‘I have no motivation to read English book because English is difficult’ ............58
Table 27. G24 ‘I read English book although it is difficult’ .........................................................59
Table 28. H21 ‘I believe that reading can improve my grammar’ ...............................................60
Table 29. Frequency table of total score .......................................................................................61
Table 30. The component of grammar test ...................................................................................62
Table 31. The code of test items ....................................................................................................62
Table 32. Descriptive statistic of grammar item ...........................................................................65
Table 33. A9, Question number 9 .................................................................................................66
Table 34. A14. Question number 14 .............................................................................................67
Table 35. A24. Questionnaire number 24 .....................................................................................68
Table 36. B2. Questionnaire number 4 .........................................................................................68
Table 37. B5. Questionnaire number 5 .........................................................................................69


Table 38. B12. Questionnaire number 12 .....................................................................................69
Table 39. B17. Questionnaire number 17 .....................................................................................70
Table 40. B21. Questionnaire number 21 .....................................................................................70
Table 41. C3. Questionnaire number 3 .........................................................................................71

Table 42. C6. Questionnaire number 6 .........................................................................................71
Table 43. C7. Questionnaire number 7 .........................................................................................72
Table 44. C10. Questionnaire number 10 .....................................................................................73
Table 45. C13. Questionnaire number 13 .....................................................................................73
Table 46. C16. Questionnaire number 16 .....................................................................................74
Table 47. C19. Questionnaire number 19 .....................................................................................74
Table 48. C20. Questionnaire number 20 .....................................................................................75
Table 49. C22. Questionnaire number 22 .....................................................................................75
Table 50. C23. Questionnaire number 23 .....................................................................................76
Table 51. C25. Questionnaire number 25 .....................................................................................77
Table 52. Frequency table of total score .......................................................................................77
Table 53. The correlation between reading habit on reading English book and students’
grammatical mastery at EED of UMY. .........................................................................................79


This research is aimed (1) to investigate reading habits of the students of English
Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED UMY)
batch 2015, (2) to reveal the grammatical mastery of EED UMY students, and (3) to

find the correlation between students’ reading habit and their grammatical mastery at
EED UMY batch 2015. This study is correlational design. The data were collected
from 102 students of EED of UMY batch 2015 using a questionnaire and test. The
test consists of 25 grammar items while the questionnaire consists of 25 items.The
data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics computed in
SPSS 22. The findings show that students’ reading habit of EED of UMY is 36.38,
which indicate a moderate category (28.4 – 36.6). Whereas, the finding of
grammatical mastery indicates 38.08 (≤ 27 – 38.3). It means that students’
grammatical mastery is in low level. The correlation between reading habit and
grammatical mastery is value 0.077 and significance level 0.441. It indicates that, the
correlation between both variable is low or almost have no correlation and it is
followed by low significance level. From the result, the researcher concludes that the
increasing reading habit is not followed by students’ grammatical mastery.
Keyword: Reading, reading habit, grammatical mastery, correlational design



Chapter One
The first part of this thesis discusses an introduction that is about the
background of the study, statement of the problem, limitation of the study, questions
of the research, the objective of the research and significance of the research,
statement of the study, and the last is outline of the study.
Background of the Research
In the recent day, most people do the communication to express themselves
through a language by several means and one of them is reading. Reading is a bridge
to connect people to learn from others. The need of increasing reader's
comprehension through reading, it opens the chance for the scholars, scientists,
politicians and academicians to share their useful knowledge to public. People now
can easily access a variety of books in the school and university provided the library
which consisted of maybe thousand of free books to read. Most of the people share
their knowledge by using international language due to many languages used by other
people from other countries. English is international language that is often used by
people to communicate, share and help people for teaching among a different
background of language, culture, and education. Therefore, most of the people abroad
produce science book, history, business, match, and other books, which are written in
English, so other people from the different countries are able to read it as well. To


read such kind of any other English book, the second language learners such as
Indonesian student required them at least to have a basic understanding of English.
Moreover, Indonesian students who have learnt English in university must have
read a lot of English sources and at least have an easiness to understand what is
written in the book. On that way, they could have attained deep understanding such as
about vocabulary and grammar of the language. It means that most of the students
should have no difficulties to read English text. However, in fact, students still have
common difficulties such as understanding some part of grammar and vocabulary
used to gain the meaning. The common difficulties include the understanding of the
passive or active sentences, adjective, adverb and tenses and many other factors that
second language learners can encounter in reading. Therefore, if students learn it
intensively, they must be able to overcome the difficulties and be able to analyze and
describe the time use and meaning of the statement that explains the context in the
Meanwhile, readers cannot deny that English is still a challenge to everyone
who is not a native speaker. Especially, Indonesia is not an English spoken country.
In formal education level, English has been taught. Most of the teachers emphasize
their students to read a particular book to be able to develop their nature of reading,
which most people called as reading habit. Reading is generally known as a process
between reader and text to get a meaning. According to Toit (2001), reading is a
process of contemplating, thinking, recollecting, and connecting the concepts under
of every written word. From that statement, it can be affirmed that reading has many


processes to be through to gain the final inference. Therefore, analyzing elements of
the text can lead the readers to the precise meaning. To execute that away, readers
need an effort and knowledge about grammar to parse entire texts that he or she
intended to grasp. Sometimes, readers are struggling hard to get the gist from
delivered message of the text to find particular information such as an important fact,
data or just news, which are solely for entertainment. Moreover, reading habit is
always consistent to reading the schedule and repetitive action. It means that when
people or students have a short duration of reading time, less than one hours per day
and not do it continuously, it can be said that students have a low reading habit. In
contrary, if students read more than two hours per day repetitively, it shows that
students have a good reading habit.
Moreover, there are several factors may influence the reading habit. First of all,
most of the Indonesian students do not realize that reading needs a repeated action.
Reading habit comes over the frequent of reading exercise in the amount of time so
that it could be EFL student' activities. The second, other factors which are
considered to contribute to the development of student reading habit including "age
distribution, social class, and parent occupation" (Adetunji, 2007). Internet facility
allows them access to the online reading material (Akyay and Ogeyik, 2009) and
other is the facility use and environment toward reading activity. That factors are the
issues of reading. If a reading habit is not cultivated from the early age, students will
be constrained to start read a book later on when they are sitting in higher education
level. Moreover, the technology now becomes more sophisticated. In a positive side,


it should support the student to find the easy way to access the material of reading
and learning, but now the protection is less decisive from the parents in the use of
technology itself. The last is role from parents to control their children to use the
technology. The control means that when a parent does not concern to introduce how
to use proper technology for learning, they may use the technology such as phone or
computer to access another think beyond their priority. Otherwise, students use the
devices unproductively for their education
There are several factors that could develop a reading habit, first of all,
"environmental influence, parental influence, and peer pressure and school
curriculum" (Adetunji and Oladeji, 2007). Sometimes, the environment consisted of
students who have a good reading habit like classmates in the school or university;
other students could probably be influenced by their classmates who have good
reading habit. When students at home, they also supported by the family, where
parents provide many books to pursue them to read. The second is about the
grammar, According to Weisi (2012) "The grammar of the language explains the
description in which words can change their forms and can be combined into
sentences in that language" (p 147). By understanding grammar, it helps the student
to parse every related word in the sentence, the form, and the meaning. In particular
situation, students have less interest to read English book as they have lack
understanding of grammar. Grammar can be taught, this supported by Cook (2008)
says that "grammatical explanation in the classroom has thus relied on the assumption
that rules are learned consciously can be converted into the unconscious process of


comprehension and production." (p. 41). It means that students can learn grammar
unconsciously. Therefore, people or students cannot deny that the prior knowledge of
the grammar of L2 has a high influence to help students to interpret the sentences.
There will be a barrier between students and English book as the students have less
knowledge of grammar and make them lazy to read. Moreover, grammatical
competence is considered to have the crucial role to identify each syntactic structure
of the sentence and show how grammar knowledge assists to L2 reading
comprehension (Shiotsi and Weir, 2007, p. 99). The last is about the time, Nunan
(2006) said that "reading is not something that every individual learns to do. An
enormous amount of time, money, and effort spent on teaching reading than any other
skill" (p. 249). In other words, students should have an eagerness to spend and
manage their time to read the English book.
Some phenomena also exist in the university where the researcher observes
students in English Education Department at University of Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta batch 2015. Students have some phenomena that indicate to their reading
habit and grammar. This can be seen by the facilities provided by the university. Two
of them are a library and reading corner. Based on researchers’ observation, many
students with different backgrounds of study visit the library to read certain books
which are written in English or Indonesia, but the amount of visitor from EED batch
2015 is not too much. Another observation in reading center such as AMCOR
(American Corner) which is used to be reading center especially for students of EED
of UMY. This center has almost all books that are written in English with variety


discipline. AMCOR may be visited by students from different majors, but based on
the researcher observations, students of EED batch 2015 who come to AMCOR is
very small.
Based on the phenomena above, the students’ frequency to visit the reading
corner is very low and. It signifies that students have low reading habit. The low
frequency to visit the library might be caused by the lack of interest and motivation to
read English book in reading corner. If students have high interest and motivation in
reading, they might come continually as they realize that reading corner or library
promote their reading habit. Reading corner or library could actually assist to develop
students’ reading skill and mastery of the language, enhance students’ knowledge and
help them in their academic work. This indicates that students may have low reading
habit as they rarely come to visit the reading corner or library.
The phenomena above are the issues to their reading habit. While students'
grammatical mastery batch 2015 is still unknown due to students have not yet
followed grammar test. Therefore, the researcher needs to measure students'
grammatical mastery. By that phenomenon, the researcher is interested to conduct the
research about the correlation between reading habit and student grammar mastery in
Statement of the Problem
Based on the general problems mentioned in the background that discuss so
much about the reading habit and grammatical mastery. The variables of this research


are the reading habit on reading English book and students’ grammar mastery. For
many years, especially in educational context, scholars have debated about the
reading habit that has been dominated the discussion of its problems. Based on
researcher’s observation in two reading centers, the problem of reading indicates the
factor of lack willingness or motivation, less interesting and less free time in reading
of EED may exist, but there might still another undiscovered problem. The
consequences if scholars have less concern about these problems, it will be affecting
the facility use and lack of language acquisition. The library and another reading
center provided by the university will have less visitors to come. It will have bad
effects on students and their future. Besides that, the researcher does not have
students' grammatical record due to they have not followed any official test such as
Limitation of the Problem
As the researcher mentioned previously, the researcher focuses on including a
particular problem in this research about reading, grammar mastery, and its
correlation. To clarify the discussion of reading English books, the researcher defines
that reading English book means reading all kinds of books written in English like a
magazine, newspaper, periodical and comic, history book and science book and
another similar book. To provide specific focus on grammar mastery, the researcher
does not do research on all of the grammatical components, but the researcher limits
them into the topics of the verb that included a modal verb, auxiliary verb, verb
tenses and part of speech that included a verb, adverb, and adjective. The researcher


only focus to that aspects of grammar as there is limitation of time to conduct the
research. By that limitations, the researcher focuses on the correlation between
English reading book and grammatical mastery of EED student batch 2015.
Question of the Research
In finding the correlation on this research, the researcher constructs the
question as follow: ‘What is student's reading habit on reading English book at EED
of UMY?', ‘how is students' grammatical mastery in EED of UMY?', ‘what is the
correlation between reading habit on reading English book and student grammatical
mastery in EED of UMY?'.
Objective of the Research
Based on the problems depicted above, the researcher conducts this research
in order to find out student's reading habit on English book in EED of UMY, to know
student's grammatical mastery in EED of UMY, to find out the significant correlation
of reading habit on reading English book and grammatical mastery in EED of UMY.
Significance of the Research
The students. This research will be a reflection for the student about their
reading interest. After this research conducted, it hopes that it can encourage them to
manage their time and encourage their motivation to keep reading English book. The
researcher hopes that this research will motivate them to cultivate a good reading
habit to enhance others skill of such as speaking and writing and others.


The lecturers. The result of this research will be a temporary data about
student reading habit and grammar mastery in batch 2015. The next batch may
represent difference perception about reading habit and different grammar
comprehension level. The current research may help lectures to have a record about
students’ reading habit and their grammar knowledge.
The next researcher. The researcher hopes that this research will help the next
researcher to find the further issue about reading habit and its correlation toward
students ‘grammar achievement. Therefore, this research gives a sight of how to
conduct the research with similar variables.
Outline of the Research
The researcher explicates the study which contains five chapters. The first
chapter discusses the background of the research which defines the context and
problem, statement and limitation of the problem, question of the research, objective
of the research, significance of study and outline of the study.
Then, the second chapter of this study discusses the literature review which
focuses on the definition of reading, reading habit, types of reading, purpose of
reading and problem of reading, grammar mastery, the importance of grammar
mastery, improving grammar mastery, measuring grammar mastery, the framework
of the study and hypothesis.
The third chapter focuses on the discussion about the research methodology of
this study used by the researcher, population, sample, data collection instrument, the


validity of instrument and reliability of the instrument, data collection method, and
data analysis.
The four chapter discusses finding and research discussion. In this discussion,
the researcher showed the result of data analysis to answer the question. Then, the
final chapter discusses the conclusion and recommendation of this study.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
In this chapter, the literature discusses reading habit and grammatical mastery.
The points of reading focus on the definition of reading, reading habit, types of
reading and purpose of reading, problems of reading, grammatical mastery, the
importance of grammar, how to enhance and measure grammar knowledge,
conceptual framework and hypothesis afterward.
Definition of reading. In this part, the researcher believes that there are so
many thoughts of everyone who have dealt with the world of reading. Those thoughts
are to be the main sources for today’s scholar to continue further observation over
today’s human reading habit which defines reading, the proficiency of EFL (English
foreign language learner) and reading component skills.
Most of EFL or second language learners and experts have many definitions
about what it calls as reading. Reading is carried out to gain the gist from a sentence
or text, where the part of the vocabulary and grammar structures are used at the same
time (Chang, 2010). Another definition of reading revealed by Cline, Johnstone and
King (2006), they define that reading is a process of receiving a meaning from the
written text. For most of the readers, a process of reading relates to decoding the text.
The understanding of a text is influenced by the purpose of reading, the context, the
characteristics of the text, and the strategies and knowledge of the readers' strategies.


Irvin (1998) described the reading process as a collaboration between what is
in the head with what is written on the page and the interaction of what is in the head
of what is on the page within a particular circumstance that causes students to
understand what they read. So, reading shows the ability for recognizing, examining
and understanding the Information in the printed word. According to Toit (2001),
reading is a process of contemplating, thinking, recollecting, and connecting the
concepts under every written word. That definition refers to reading fluency, learning
to recognize the most high-frequency word in text automatically, decoding words and
using multiple strategies for inferring the variants of the familiar word including
employing skill to parse the syntax of the sentence.
Reading can be an "interactive" process between a reader and a text. This
process can build automaticity or reading fluency. In this process, the reader interacts
dynamically with the text as he or she tries to understand the meaning and various
kinds of knowledge used including systemic knowledge (through bottom-up
processing) as well as schematic knowledge (through top-down processing) (Heskam,
According to Sabatini (2013), reading has important components that can be
considered as a reader proficiency in reading; these consist of six components: word
recognition and decoding, vocabulary, morphological awareness, sentence
processing, the efficiency of basic reading comprehension. In another hand, those
components are very needed for measure learner expertise toward reading. Even


though mastering all of the components might be time-consuming, but it obviously
distributes depth knowledge to learners' comprehension about reading.
Reading habit. Reading habit is considered as the intensity of time
consumed, how many books and what books they read (Shen, 2006). The timeconsuming which base on the overview above is also supported by Iftanti (2012) who
describes reading habit as a repetitive action which is often done by people
continually and unconsciously doing it. In additional, Reading consistently has been
as a result of the repetitive action itself. Another author Akarsu (2014) says that those
reading habits element could be changed and even form new reading habit due to the
development of technology and reading facility. It means that reading habit is also
influenced by today's technology. Students can easily sustain their reading habit
through it. According to several authors Morris and Bloodgood (2003) say that good
reading habit can be indicated by fluency, automaticity, accuracy and high interest of
reading exercise, amount of reading, good ability in English. From the reported study,
it has implied that reading habit increased by some indicators that represent the
aspects of the reading habit. So, if students do not perform good at some indicators,
they may have a low reading habit.
As it is cited in Gaona (2010), the existence of reading habit is related to the
amount of time, the numbers of the book that have read in particular time or place.
These statements indicate that time is the most important thing to contribute
opportunity to students to read one or even more in a comfortable place. This
indicates that the three essential aspects are thoroughly connected to each other.


Moreover, the amount of time is also deemed as reading habit due to the time
consuming on reading activity. Taken from relevant research, this is explained by
Akande (2007) says that students at university spend between 1-2 hours per day on
reading. Another researcher, Karim (2007) classifies that students who spend around
7 to 9 hours per week on reading is at a good level.
Types of reading. Most of the readers, especially, students are required to
recognize which types of reading are they. Recognizing self – reading types is an
effective way to understand the reading passage. For instance, the assignment is given
for analyzing the whole text meaning and attention to grammar form or grasp general
understanding of the text, which types of reading will they use. Therefore, reading
has its own particular types than other, namely intensive reading and extensive
According to Brown (2000), intensive reading "calls attention to grammar
form, discourse makers, and other surface structure details for the purpose of
understanding literal meaning, implication, rhetorical, relationship and the like"
(p.312). In these types, readers thoroughly use their linguistic knowledge such as
vocabulary, syntax, and their skill to use that knowledge to interact with text. The
characters of these types usually emphasize the reader deeply involved in the text and
focus on linguistic details. In the practice of intensive reading gives short texts, which
has a level of difficulty in the same material. In other circumstance, if in the class
consisted of students with variety reading abilities, they might find hard to read on


their own. Intensive reading is good as it provides a base to learn structure,
vocabulary, idiom to grasp the particular reading material.
The distinction of extensive from intensive reading is that L2 learner read a
large number of books based on their linguistic competence (Richard and Bamford,
1998). That perception of extensive reading referred to the linguistic competence of
how readers used to get a universal understanding of a text. The statement of
universal understanding of a text is also supported by Long, and Richard (1971)
reveal more specific that extensive reading "occurring when students read large
amounts of high-interest material, usually out of class, concentrating on meaning,
"reading for gist" and skipping unknown words" (p. 216). This implies that how does
the reading course in the class run. In this course, the students are set to read a book
that they are highly interested and choose by their own self. The purpose of it is to get
pleasure, some information and a general understanding that is how the extensive
generally works out within English text.
The purpose of reading. The various of reading elements such as strategy of
reading, types, and text material have been the main object to be observed by several
researchers. Moreover, they are increasingly interested to determine the exact
circumstances which lead readers to generate the inference within a text and conclude
the purpose afterward. Reading generally is an interaction between book and reader,
which based one purpose only.
Come further to look at the purposes of reading which are increasingly
interesting. The purposes of reading are another mean to form the reading habit. It is


generally known as a reading for pleasure, accomplishing the specific task or exactly
for both of them. According to Grabe and Stoller (2002) state that the objectives of
reading consist of finding the information, learning a specific subject, to chain the
information, or submit the needed information.
According to Narvaez and Ruiz (1999) in their research, they test the
participant in two separate sessions. The first test, they asked the participant to read
the expository text and narrative text. The second session, the participants were asked
to read two books, viruses and all about suicide. Based on the result of this test, they
revealed that "reading purpose (studying or entertainment) significantly affected three
types of on-line responses: repetitions, knowledge break and evaluation" (p. 6). This
research reveals that reading for studying or entertainment generally influence reader
to act repetition more often to gain meaning and attain more information, then
evaluate it.
The problems of the reading. For a decade, the problem of reading has been
a focus for some researchers to be explored. Some readers generally have its own
problem on reading which can be assumed as the consistent factors that often related
to reading. As the authors (Clark and Foster, 2005) say that many kinds of studies
carried out to determine reading habit about the number of young people do not read,
male enjoys reading less than female. Concisely, gender is also contributed as the
factor of reading interest. Sometimes, a male students might have read the book as the
requirement to fulfill the task given with no pleasure. In other hands, they might not
read a bok if there is no such assignment that requires them to read.


According to Akyway and Ogeyik (2009) revealed that foreign language
learner dislikes reading in the foreign language for having joy because of the
language problem in short of lack fluency and vocabulary. The lack knowledge of
English grammar and unfamiliar word is assumed to be a deficiency of students to
grasp overall message conveyed in the sentence (Weisi, 2012). Considering to the
essential of grammar and vocabulary surpass the important of reading strategy and
metacognitive knowledge.
According to Fayaz (2012), he reveals that students from rural area spend 1-2
hours on reading per day and students from urban spend 2-3 hours per day on
reading. It can be inferred that time consuming on reading can be influenced
geographically. Students in the rural area may have less facility accommodation of
book from their school and teacher with lack experience of how to lead students read
in intensive time. Despite that, parents role indicate low concern about reading itself.
Parents should be able to pursue them managing timetable to spend their time in
many activities like playing a game, sport and technology. Otherwise, they will lose
control over the time that they intensively focus on one activity, and others are not
efficiently use. Whereas, in an urban area, they are managing the time intensively on
the variety of activities, precisely on reading improve their knowledge and skill.
Therefore, parents perform moral responsibility for their children.
Overall, the main problem of reading that most often encounters by reader is
lack of motivation. Readers find it difficult to start reading without any purpose.
Meanwhile, motivation is one important aspect that reader should have the most. This


supported by Department of Education and Skills (1999) stated that positive attitude
and motivation are crucial for development in literacy ad numeracy. The motivation
is not always arise from internal, but teacher who involves in teaching on reading
should encourage reader motivation by all means, and how teacher handled
unmotivated reader.
All of the issues above are considered to be the primary factor to rising the
problem of reading. Regarding the problem of reading which touch many areas and
one of it, according to Iftanti (2012) students may have assumed as the poor reading
habit by identified them as passive reading, purposeless reading, and regression.
There are many problems toward reading material have been found.
Grammar mastery. Grammar is an explanation about the structure of the
language, include of how to combine the phrases or a word formed in accordance
with the rule of a language. In this research, the field of grammar is too wide to be
described thoroughly. So, syntactic functions are involved as a part of grammar
which used to measure respondent comprehension through visual activity that the
researcher calls as reading.
After all, Grammar as a means to describe how a language have been used
perfectly over the years amid its development. Contain various rule of language;
grammar is considered as the study of syntactic rule or function and principles of


arrangement and blend of words to form a correct and meaningful sentence
Learners could not deny that grammar is necessary and playing the important
part of the target language they have learned. Learners are required to master at least
the basic system of that language to avoid misinterpretation of the information. Lock
(1997) defined that grammar is a bunch of rule which determines the grammar of the
language involving two aspects. The aspects constitute an arrangement of word and
the internal structure of the word. The same ideas to what it had proposed after that
by Brown (2001) states that grammar is a group of the rule governing the
conventional arrangement and relationship of words in words or sentence.
All of the thought above is referring to the combination between word and
how to change the word into a sentence. To do that, students should master syntactic
function regarding word, noun, verb, modifier, phrases, clauses are needed to be
understood in the very earlier inception. According to Kuhn and Stahl (2003) to drill
the L2 reader by dissect the sentences into a good phrase and giving them a text were
aimed to promote their comprehension to a significant level of comprehension.
The importance of the grammar mastery. Grammar truly plays a
significant role in the use of language, which is generally in advance level it should
be useful in communication. The advance level of grammar can be found in various
field of communication topics such as education, economic, human right, scientific
advance, and even all instrument which support students to learn through technology
that using English as lingua franca.


Meanwhile, there are so many books, magazines and newspapers are printed
in English. This is a wide door open up for L2 (second language learner) to grasp the
gist of message or information of that materials by their grammar knowledge. It
means that a grammar dominantly takes apart in analyzing a structure of language
from someone’s thought. In order, they can write a group of words which contain
academic information or something else more educative and informative. Follow up
the response of the scholar about grammar competence is argued to be indispensable
for classifying syntactic relation of a part sentence (Jung, 2009).
In other description, a syntactic relation is a mechanism for combining the
word together and produce acceptable sense to provide an easy way to understand
each word. Moreover, knowledge of grammar has a chance to dissect sentence in
order to be able to analyze, pars and ultimately elicit the unfamiliar tenses structure to
develop an understanding of grammar itself. The significant rule of grammar in
identifying entire related word component may need grammar competence with ways
break the sentence apart at the beginning especially in reading. Besides that, grammar
can help L2 to construct a group of the word to what it comes to be meaningful
language. Also, the grammar function firstly determines a rule in the use of time,
present continuous tense, for example, its orie

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