


A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education

On a Partial Fulfillment of the Requireent to Obtain the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Emi Setyarini (20110540065)



Statement of Authenticity

I am a student of English Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammdiyah Yogyakarta with the following identity:

Name : Emi Setyarini

NIM : 20110540065

Program Study : English Education Department Faculty : Language Education

University: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi with the tittle “ The Correlation between Students’

Reading Habits in English and Students’ Learning Achievement at English Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta” is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this paper. Others’ opinion or findings included in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with the ethical standards.

Yogyakarta, March 2016

Emi Setyarini NIM. 20110540065



In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Alhamdulillah, Praise and Great gratitude submitted to Almighty God Allah SWT for grace and guidance so that the author can finish this Skripsi. In this occasion, the author would like to thank you to all of those who have given the advice and

guidance during the preparation of this Skripsi. Therefore, the researcher would like thanks to:

1. Thanks to my beloved parents and brother, Sutarjo (father), Warti (mother) and Agus Setyobudhi, S.T. who always give support, guidance and pray for the author.

2. Sri Rejecki Murtiningsih, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. as supervisor in completing this Skripsi through the guidance and suggestion as well as that are very useful and helpful during the preparation of this Skripsi.

3. Maryam Sorohity, S.S., M.H.Sc. and Evi Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the first and second examiner who had given the valuable input and advice for the improvement of this Skripsi.

4. All staff office of FPB UMY, for the guidance. 5. Students batch 2012 as the respondent of this Skripsi.

6. Thanks to all of my beloved friends for support, attention and togetherness to me.


The author realize that this Skripsi is far from being perfect, but hopefully this Skripsi can be useful for the readers an become the input for the parties in need.

Yogyakarta, May 26th 2016












ABSTRACT ...xiii

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Research ...1

Identification of the Problem ...4

Limitation of the Problem ...4

Formulation of the Study ...5

Purpose of the Study ...5

Significances of the Study ...5

Outlines of the Research ...6



Definition of Reading...8

Definition of Reading Habit ...9

The Effect of Reading Habits ...9

Influencing factors of Reading Habits ...11

Learning Achievement ...14

Definition of Learning Achievement ...14

Assessing Learning Achievement ...14

The correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement ...15

Related Research ...16

Conceptual Framework ...17

Hypothesis of the Study ...18

CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Design of the Research ...19

Setting of the Research ...20

Participants of the Research ...20

Instruments of the Research ...23

Variable of the study ...29

Techniques of Data Collection ...29

Prerequisites analysis test ...30

Hypothesis Testing ...32


Analysis of the Data ...35


Description of Research Data ...41

Prerequisites analysis test ...44

Hypothesis Testing ...46

Discussion ...48





Table 2.1 Classification of GPA

Table 3.1 Classification of Randomized Original Questions Number Table 3.2 Indicator Score of Reading Habits

Table 3.3 Criteria of Reliability Table 3.4 Category of Reading Habits

Table 3.5 Category of Learning Achievement

Table 3.6 Coefficient of Relationship and Interpretation

Table 4.1 Validity Test Results of Students English Reading Habits Table 4.2 Reliability Test Result

Table 4.3 Variable Distribution Categorization of Students’ English Reading Habits Table 4.4 Categorization of Students’ Learning Achievement

Table 4.5 Normality Test Results Table 4.6 Linearity Test Results

Table 4.7 The Summary of Product Moment Correlation Results Table 4.8. Dominant factor testing of reading habits



Figure 2.1 The Correlation between Students’ Reading Habits and Students’ Learning Achievement

Figure 4.1 Pie Chart of Students’ Reading Habits Figure 4.2 Pie Chart of Students’ Learning Achievement



GPA : Grade Point Average

SPSS : Statistical Package for Social Science EED : English Education Department



Appendix 1: Questionnaire Appendix 2: Descriptive

Appendix 3: Data Categorization

Appendix 4: Validity and Reliability Test

Appendix 5: Calculation Formula of Categorization Appendix 6: Frequencies of Data

Appendix 7: Descriptive Test Appendix 8: Normality Test Appendix 9: Linearity Test Appendix 10: Normality Test

Appendix 11: Pearson Product Moment Correlation Appendix 12: Determination Coefficient Test Result (R2)




This research aims (1) to find out the reading habits at English Education

Department in UMY, (2) to reveal the achievement of English Education Department in UMY students, and (3) to Investigate the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement at English Education Department students. The reason for the researcher conduct this research because reading habit is the routine activity for the students. Reading is something that will provide many benefits for students include of reading to provide information, develop ideas, increase vocabulary, etc.

This study was a quantitative research. The population in this research was students at English Education Department in University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta totaling 53 people. Data collection technique in this research was used a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques used to answer the hypothesis of this study were the product moment correlation analysis.

The results of the research at a significance level of 5% showed that: (1) The reading habits at English Education Department in UMY that are in the category of average (58.5%), (2) The learning achievement of English Education Department UMY students are in good category ( 58.5%), and (3) There is a significant

relationship between students’ English reading habits and students’ learning

achievement, this is evidenced from the value of r count is 0.694; the value of r table 0.279; with significance of 0.000 less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). The value of R count from the product moment correlation is 0.694. It shows that the relationship between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement in the interval between


0.60 to 0.799 is in good level. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.


Chapter One Introduction

This chapter presents several points which include background of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study and variable of the study.

Background of the Study

Reading is one part of the students’ routine activities. Reading activities cannot be separated from the learning process in the classroom for students. As learners, students will be faced various activities that are related to the learning process such as discussion, doing a task, examination period, etc. Information is needed for students in those activities. The information will help students to solve problem in those learning activities. With those activities, students are expected to add their information or knowledge. One way to obtain information or increase knowledge is by reading.

Student activities (discussion, doing a task, examination period, etc.) in the learning process will help students build reading habits. According to Grellet (1987) as cited in Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe and Adedeji (2012), “the term “habit” is something that you do often or regularly” p.472. Reading habit is the reading activities that students do more often without thinking and not to be burdened for them. Reading habit is also activity often done in spare time. It is done

intensively for pleasure.

“Through reading, students acquire new ideas and knowledge, obtain


vocabulary” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). It means that reading is something that will provide many benefits for students include of reading to provide information, develop ideas, increase vocabulary, etc. The important reason of reading habits in English text is about the impact that may arise as the result of students’ reading habits. Students can get information in reading habits. In English text, reading habits will help students increase their vocabulary. The mastery of vocabulary also can facilitate students to understand English.

Moreover, the students’ reading habits could be influenced by some factors. Yoke, Anuar and Vasuthavan (2008) found that “internal and external factors do play a role in nurturing the habit of reading” (p. 5). The influencing factors of reading habits comes from students’ environment included home environment (parents) and school environment (facilities, teacher, etc). However, the process to obtain the expected results depends on each individual student that is based on the internal factors of reading habits. Internal factor included students’ motivation and students’ interest or something that comes from students’ own. It means that students have an important role to achieve their own success.

One way to know students’ success at university is by looking at the students’ learning achievement. Achievement is a tool to know the understanding of students during learning process at University. As college students, learning achievement is reflected by Grade Points Average (GPA). Robert (2013) stated that GPA as the average grade obtained by dividing the total quality points earned by the total quality hours for courses.


Education Department (EED) in University Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta (UMY) have undeveloped reading habits. It could be seen when learning process happened. In the learning process, the lecturer will give opportunity for students to ask question that related with the material during learning process. The problem is some students at EED UMY participate less in the learning process. For example, students at EED UMY rarely ask questions. The researcher suggest that the possibility of less students who participate to ask question or give

suggestion causes by reading habits. This condition suggests that students are not mastering learning material, so that it gives a problem to students in asking the learning materials. The mastery of material cannot be separated from the role of students’ reading habits. According to Fosudo (2010) as cited in Aina, Ogungbeni, Adigun and Ogundipe (2011), poor reading skill will give students have poor attitude toward school. The example of poor attitude in the school is students’ participation to ask in the learning process. It means that reading helps students to give information that will cause students’ success in the school or in the future. The information derived from students’ reading habits will help students master the material, so it can give students the opportunity to participate in the learning process.

The other problem about reading habits in English for students at EED UMY can be seen from the numbers of a library visit. The library is one of the reading facilities place in UMY. The researcher feels that students at EED UMY are a rare visitor in library books. However, frequency of students visiting the library is one way to identify students’ interest in reading. Based on the


explanation above, the researcher is interested to find out the correlation between students’ reading habits in English text and student learning achievement at EED UMY.

Identification of the Problem

This research focuses on the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement. There are some problems are usually found in reading habits of the students. There are many factors can affect the problems. The problem that is usually found is that most of the students are lazy to read English texts in their daily life, so they have difficulty in learning process. Students will find difficulties to follow learning process because they do not master the material. It can also affect to the students’ participation during learning process. The other problem related to students’ reading habits was that the students were less motivated to read English texts, so they do not have interest to search English texts. The less motivation of students will affect the students’ facilities such as students’ visit in the libraries. The rare of students’ visit in the library will influence the students to build reading habits.

Limitation of the Problem

This research focuses on the correlation between Students’ Reading Habits in English and Students’ Learning Achievement at English Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The reading habits in this research was limited on the contributing factors toward reading habits in terms of the effect of reading habits and influencing factors of reading habits. In this research, the influencing factors of reading habits include internal and external factor of


reading habits.

Formulation of the study

1. How is reading habit at English Education Department UMY?

2. How is the learning achievement of English Education Department UMY students?

3. What is the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement of English Education Department students?

Purpose of the Study

Based on formulation of the study above the purpose of the study as follows:

1. To find out reading habits at English Education Department UMY 2. To reveal achievement of English Education Department UMY students

3. To investigate the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement at English Education Department students.

Significance of the Study

The advantages of this study will help some parties know the relation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement at EED UMY.

The researcher. The researcher can comprehend the understanding about reading. It is the main point to improve students’ reading habit, and it can be applied for the researcher in the future. Moreover, this research will enrich the researcher’s knowledge about the correlation between reading habit and learning achievement.


Students. The advantage for the students is to know the relation between reading habits and learning achievement. This research can help the students encourage them in reading habits. Moreover, it can help students identify the student’s problem in reading habit, so students can analyze their problem in reading habits and students can overcome their own problem.

Teachers. The advantage for the teacher is to know that reading habits influence the students’ learning achievement. The teacher know that reading habits have implication toward students’ learning achievement. So, the teacher will more pay attention the solution in learning reading skill to increase students’ learning achievement.

The institution. The Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta will get the information on how the relation between readings habit for students and students learning achievement. Institutions can provide better facilities for learning process for students.

The other researchers. The researcher expects this study can be referenced by other researchers who want to conduct related research.

Research Outline

This research consists of five chapters that give explanation based on each category which appropriate with the research. Chapter one give explanation about introduction, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, variable of the study and research outlines.


Chapter Two will explain about reading habit, learning achievement and the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement. Reading habit in chapter two explain about definition of reading, definition of reading habits, the effect of reading habits and influencing factors of reading habits. Furthermore, learning achievement in this chapter discuss about definition of learning

achievement and assessing of learning achievement. Besides that, this chapter will explain about theory of the correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement.

Chapter Three will discuss methodology. The topic discussion in

methodology include of research design, research setting, population and sample, instrument which consist of questionnaire and document, validity and reliability, data collection method and data analysis which consist of descriptive statistic and inferential statistic.

Chapter Four shows the findings and discussion of the research. This chapter included the analytical of reading habits, students’ learning achievement and correlation between students’ reading habits and learning achievement. Discuss the result of findings to answer three research question of the research. Chapter Five gives the conclusion and recommendation from the research.


Chapter Two Literature Review

This chapter discusses the experts’ opinion that are related to research topic. Theories are used in literature review to support this research. Chapter two presents the theories which include reading habits, learning achievement and correlation between reading habits and learning achievement. Contributing

factors toward reading habits discusses definition of reading, definition of reading habits, the effect of reading habits and influencing factors of reading habits. Learning achievement discusses definition of learning achievement and assessing of learning achievement. Besides that, chapter two will present about conceptual framework, hypothesis and review of related research.

Reading Habits

Definition of reading. Reading is one part in language learning to achieve students’ success as language learners. Reading is the identification of the symbols and the association of appropriate meaning with them” (Acheaw & Larson, 2014, p.5). Reading is a sequence of words that form a meaning. Reading English text is needed to consider about the identification of sentence. Language learner who lives in a country that implements English as a foreign language is very important to identify the sentence. The reason is the differences of pattern in a sentence, for example between Bahasa and English. Students are needed to translate the sentence from English to Bahasa in reading. The identification of the sentence will help students in comprehension for understanding the meaning in reading.


Definition of reading habits. According to Grellet (1987) as cited in Issa, Aliyu, et al. (2012), “the term “habit” is something that you do often or regularly” p.472. According to Ismail and Elias (2009), the habit of reading is an activity repeatedly carried out. Habit is an activity that is done intensively. The meaning of intensively here is an activity that which should be done with the regular time. For example, at least in one week someone will do these activities, although they do not spend a lot of time to doing these activities. Besides that, habit is the activity which is done most often without thinking and not to be burdened for them.

Shabi and Udofia (2009) as cited in Oji and Habibu (2011) stated that “having the habit of reading in everyday lifeand not just for school purpose” p.34. Reading habit is reading activity undertaken to the purpose for pleasure. Besides that, reading habit is a reading activity performed continuously without coercion from others, or it is something that built from them.

The effect of reading habits. Reading is something that gives the benefit of the readers. The information and knowledge will be obtained for students after reading. Through reading, student acquire knowledge, information, and improve vocabulary” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). Reading habits for EFL (English Foreign Language) students can help them to increase their vocabulary. By reading students will find new vocabulary in their reading text. Self-confidence of students also can build by reading habits. By reading, students will gain a lot of knowledge and information. The increasing of knowledge can build the


Additionally, problem solving can be obtained by students from their reading habits. The information that students have got from their reading habits, can help them solve the problem. The problem solving can help students in life. “Reading is a cornerstone for success not just in schools but throughout life” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). Reading can provide an important role for the success of students’ life in the future. “Reading contributes significantly to job success, career development, and ability to respond to change” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). One role to achieve students’ success is based on the willingness of students. The improving of students’ skill in reading is important to be applied by students. After the students graduated from university, then the next students’ goal is to get a job. According to Strauss’ (2008), students learn a language because it will be useful for certain goals such as getting a job. It cannot be denied that one of the goals of students learn in university is to get a job.

Moreover, reading habit can also help students to learn a language. “In learning English as a second or foreign language, asserts that reading is the most important skill to master. Reading in English would undoubtedly help learner to be proficient in the language as language can be learned through reading” (Inderjit, 2014, p.72). In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language. It is important for the students to master an English language which can give a lot of benefits for students. Language is taught for students as a tool to communicate with another person. English is lingua franca, it means that English is used to communicate with the other people who uses different language. English language can help students to understand about English speaking people. By


reading, students can improve students’ skill in learning language.

Influencing factors of reading habits. It cannot be denied that the formation of students' reading habits has been influenced by several factors. These factors can help students in their reading habit formation. Yoke, Anuar and Vasuthavan (2008) found “internal and external factors do play a role in nurturing the habit of reading” (p. 5). It is important for the students to know internal and external factor of reading habits. The meaning of internal factors from students include motivation and reading interest. External factors come from student’s environment such as home environment and school environment.

Internal factor. The first internal factor of reading habit that comes from students is motivation. According to Widiastuti (2012), motivation is a conscious effort to move, steer and maintain a person's behavior that he was compelled to act to do something so as to achieve a certain result or goal. According to Amri (2011), “motivation to learn is the spirit that arises when studying” (p.3). Motivation can encourage students to have a passion in learning achievement. Motivation will help students in achieving their goals in studying. Sani, Chik, Nik, and Raslee (2011) mentioned that “it is important for educators to motivate their students to read because many students are at risk of reading failure due to their lack of motivation” (p.32). Amri (2011) stated that “those who lack motivation are usually lazy and lacking passion for college or learn” (p.3). It is different with students who have the motivation it will cause the enterprising spirit of learning. Reading habits is important to build motivation first. The reason is that


Widiastuti’s research (2012), learning motivation has an influence on students’ English learning achievement.

Second, the internal factor of students is reading interest. Acheaw & Larson (2014) found the result of reading perception from Koforidua Polytechnic students in Ghana with the total of respondents is 1000 students, and the result showed that 56% students mention that reading is boring. The perception of students about reading is boring because students lack of interest in reading. Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe and Adedeci (2012) found “one of the many problems students face nowadays is not their inability to read but their lack of interest” (p.473). Students have the ability to read, but students do not have interest in reading. Interest in reading can be affected by several factors such as the type of reading and contents of reading. Moreover, the influence of the times can affect students in developing reading habits. It is undeniable that technology is growing in this era such as the internet. It can affect students' interest in reading. However, reading is important for students as language learners. By having an interest in reading, students will be helped to change their perception about reading. Indeed, reading interest is needed for students in their process of reading habits.

External factor. The external factor of reading habit are derived from student’s environment include of home and school environment. The external factor of students’ environment is students’ home environment. According to Iftanti (2015), the success of students in reading habits are encouraged by some factors such as students’ home environment including parental influence, parental involvement and environmental influence. It means that students environment


have influence in establishing good reading habits for students. Additionally, Parents have contribution to build students reading habits. The way of parents to educate their son has the important roles in student’s success. Besides that, the facility that is provided by parents such as book can help students to develop their reading habits.

According to Iftanti (2015), “a habit of reading is not only constructed in an individual but also is influenced by some external factors such as environment, education, social background, and facilities” (p.366). The environmental factor of students can give student impact in reading habits. The external factors of

students school environment are include of teaching methods, teachers and school facilities (Iftanti, 2015). Teaching methods is the part of factor in reading habits. Well-prepared in teaching methods build the spirit of students in reading English. The use of good teaching methods that related to improve English reading skill is important for students to motivate them in reading English. The role of teachers is the part of students’ success in English reading habits. How the way for teachers to teach students can motivate students in English reading habits. Moreover, school environment of school facilities also have roles to build students’ reading habits. Facilities can encourage students to build motivation in English reading habits. Library is school facilities that important for students to increase their English reading habits. Various book makes students become curious about that, so it can motivate students in English reading habits.


Learning Achievement

Definition of learning achievement. Learning achievement is one of the ways to measure the level of the students. Achievement can also measure about how much students can mastery about English. According to Winkel (2007), achievement is a maximum result that is achieved by someone in their learning process. Bashir and Mattoo (2012) as cited on Acheaw and Larson (2014, p.2) said, “Academic achievement means how much knowledge the individual has acquired from the school”. Learning achievements can also be regarded as the evaluation results to students as long as they follow the learning process in the university.

Students can measure their reading skill by using learning achievement. Learning achievement can also to see the level of students in reading skill. By students know their learning achievement, it can help students increase their reading skill.

Assessing learning achievement. To know learning achievement of students is needed to measure their academic performance. To measure the students’ success can be seen in the learning process. Learning achievement cannot be separated from the learning process because learning achievement of GPA measured from student’s activity during learning process. Robert (2013) stated that GPA as the average grade obtained by dividing the total quality points earned by the total quality hours for courses.

The learning achievement of students in university is indicated by GPA (Grade-point average). GPA can be seen in the end of semester and the end of


education program. The categories to achieve performance based on the academic guidelines book of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta about Education and Teaching consists of three levels. The classifications are

Table 2.1 Classification of GPA

1. Excellent/ Cumlaude 3.51 - above

2. Good 2.76 - 3.50

3. Satisfying 2.00 - 2.75

Correlation between Students’ Reading Habit and Students’ Learning


“Reading habits have effect on academic performance and there is a direct relationship between reading habits and academic performance” (Acheaw & Larson, 2014, p.19). Reading habits give effect on the learning achievement of students, it cannot be separated from the benefit of reading for students. The information and knowledge that students have got from reading habits can help students in their learning process.

Based on the related research, Issa, Aliyu, et al., (2012) found the

perception of reading influence on academic performance in Federal Polytechnic Nigeria. The total of respondents is 246. The result shows that 105 students strongly agree about reading influence on academic performance. Students have known the important of reading habits for their learning achievement.


The other related research which supported the correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement are the research from Aheaw & Larson (2014). A study of students of Koforidua Polytecnic in Ghana with the total of respondents is 1000. The study found 56.7% students strongly agree that reading have influence on academic performance.

Review of Related Research

The researcher has found two studies that reviewed the relationship between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement. In this research, the researcher will summarize both of those related research to get the main point of the study. First is related research by Acheaw and Larson (2014) with the title “Reading Habits among Students and its Effect on Academic Performance: A Study of Students of Koforidua Polytechnic “. The total population of this research is 5261 and total of sample of this research is 1000 respondents. Respondent of this research is students of Koforidua Polytechnic of 2013/2014 academic year. Out of the total respondents of 1000, 56.7% indicated they strongly agreed that reading had an influence on academic performance, 29.3% agreed, 7.1% disagree while 6.9% strongly disagree. Moreover, the inference was that most 86.0% of the respondent at least agreed that reading had influence on academic performance of students. It can conclude that the study revealed that majority of the respondents had the view that reading habits have effect on academic performance and that there is a direct relationship between reading habits and academic performance.


Second is related research by Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe and Adedeji (2012) with the title “Reading Interests and Habits of the Federal Polytechnic, OFFA, and Students”. This study investigated the reading interests and habits at the Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State. The total population of this research is 610 respondents and the sample size is 250 respondents. This research indicated that 42.7% strongly agreed that reading habits had an influence on academic performance, 28.0% agreed, 16.3% disagreed and 13.0% strongly disagreed. Based on this research, it can conclude that reading habits have an influence on students’ academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

Reading habits

Influencing factors of reading habits: - Internal factor - External factor

Effect of reading habits

Learning achievement


Figure 2.1. The correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement

Based on the diagram above, reading habits have the relation to students’ learning achievement. Students’ reading habits include factors and effect. First, factors of reading habits are internal and external factors. Internal factors are derived from student’s own such as motivation and reading interest. External factors are derived from around of student’s environment such as home

environment and school environment. Both of internal and external have different role in factor of reading habits. Second, the effect of reading habits can give benefits for students. From this concept it can be concluded that factor and effect of reading habits can influence students’ learning achievement. Reading habit can give the correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement.

Hypothesis of the Study

In this study, the hypothesis consists of alternative hypothesis (Ha) and null hypotheses (Ho).

Ha: There is significant relationship between students English reading habits and students learning achievement.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between students English reading habits and students learning achievement.


Chapter Three Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology used in this research. It included the research design, research setting, population and sample, data collection method, normality and linearity test, hypothesis testing, validity and reliability and data analysis. The researcher gives the explanation in each part of this chapter of research methodology in order to make clearer understanding.

Research Design

The researcher used quantitative design to do research about the

correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement at EED UMY. The reason of the researcher used quantitative was because the quantitative design could help the researcher to get information from respondents based on research question. Also, it was purposed to know the correlation

between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement. Besides, that this study was a research about the relationship, quantitative approach was the appropriate research design to be used in this research. According to Cohen, Manion and Morrison (2011), “quantitative is a powerful research form, it is often associated with large-scale research, but can also serve smaller-scale research, with case studies, action research, correlational research and


Research Setting

This research was conducted at University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, specifically at English Education Department. The researcher have some reason to conduct this research in this place. The first reason was because the researcher studying English at English Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Second, the EED UMY have four skills in learning English i.e. Reading, writing, listening and speaking especially reading skill. Based on the researcher experience, the students at EED UMY more emphasis on reading. For example, students are asked to read the journal and assignment given more emphasis on students to read. So, reading is the important thing at EED UMY. This is why the EED UMY is appropriate setting in this research.

Population and Sample

Population. The population used in this research was students at English Education Department in University Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta. “Population is the total subject of research” (Aritkunto, 2010, p.173). The population was focused on the students at batch 2012 at the EED UMY. The total number of the students at batch 2012 was 97 students. Students at batch 2012 were divided into three classes. Class A consisted of 32 students, class B consisted of 31 students and class C consisted of 34 students. The total of students at batch 2012 was obtained by the researcher using permission letter to administration office. These data were used for current research purposes.

The researcher thought that students at batch 2012 were appropriate with the research. The reason of the researcher chose students at batch 2012 as the


respondents was because these students is going to have skripsi project, so the students at batch 2012 were assumed to need more resources by reading. The other reason, the research focused on the students’ reading habits during students learn at EED UMY. So, the researcher assumed that the students at batch 2012 had a lot of reading material throughout the learning period at EED UMY.

Sample. Sample was part of the population that had been presented from the overall of population. Sample was the smaller group or subset of the whole population (Cohen et al, 2011). According to Arikunto (2010), “Samples are partially or representative of the population studied”. To determine the sample of the population, the researcher used a technique of convenience sampling. Cohen et al (2011) found that “convenience sampling involve choosing the nearest individuals to serve as respondents and continuing that process until the required sample size has been obtained or those who happen to be available and accessible at the time” (p.155). Convenience sampling was used in the study to obtain convenient accessibility by the researcher.

To determine sample size, the researcher used formula from Notoadmodjo (2010). Notoadmodjo’s formula as follows:

n= N (1 + N.d2)



n= Large sample N= Large population

d= Level of confidence / accuracy desired (0.1)

n= N (1 + N.d2)

n= 97

(1 + 97.(0.1)2) n= 97

(1 + 97.0.01) n= 97 (1 + 0.97)

n= 97 (1.97)

n= 49

Based on Notoadmodjo’s formula above, it was determined that the sample used in this research were 49 students. This number is the minimum number of sample that is used in this research, but the researcher got 53 students as the sample in this research.



Instrument is a tool used by researcher to obtain information needed in research. “The instrument is a tool or facility used by researcher to collect data in order to make job easier and the results better, in the sense that a more thorough, complete and systematic so more easily processed” (Arikunto, 2010, p.203). In this instrument, the researcher used two instruments to gather data. The

instruments were questionnaire and documentation.

Questionnaire. Instrument of questionnaire was used to obtain information. According to Aritkunto (2010), “questionnaires are a number of written questions that are used to obtain information from respondents in terms of their personal report, or things they knew”. It was concluded that questionnaire as a tool to collecting the information from the respondent. Moreover, the

questionnaire was used by the researcher as method to collect data. In this

research, the questionnaire was a tool to measure the reading habits of students at batch 2012. The instrument used by researcher in this study was adapted from Strauss’ (2008). The instrument was adapted from Strauss’ (2008) who

investigated the reading habits that were in accordance with the title in this study. The total of instrument questions from Strauss’ were 82 items. In this research, the researcher only used twenty questionnaire items from Strauss by randomly choosing the items. Twenty questionnaires include question number 6, 10, 12, 18, 24, 29, 34, 40, 41, 44, 47, 50, 51, 59, 61, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 81. The researcher chose those twenty questionnaires from Strauss because the researcher only took the questions which were appropriate with the topic discussion of this


research. Moreover, the researcher also suggested that too many questions could influence respondents’ answer. Arikunto (2010) stated that respondents were often less careful in answering questions and it caused a lot of answers were not filled. The researcher felt that the respondents would be bored to answer a lot of questions and it might cause invalid data from respondents’ answer.

In this study, the researcher had changed the questions by translating from English into Bahasa. The reason of the researcher changing the question into Bahasa was to make easy for the respondents in answering these questions. On the other hand, the researcher also changed the question to suit with the

respondent. In this research, the researcher used 20 questions that were

appropriate with the current research topic. With the details, a question number 6, 10, 29, 34, 40, 41, 44 and 47 were question related to the effect of reading habits in learning achievement. Question number 12, 18, 24, 50 and 51 were questions related with internal factors of reading habits. Then, questionnaire number 59, 61, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 81 were questioning that relating with external factors of reading habits.

The researcher had consulted with two expert judgments to validate the questions that were distributed to the respondents in this research. The questions distributed to the respondents were the final outcome of expert judgment which consisted of 20 questions. The final outcome of the process in expert judgment was used by the researcher to obtain information about reading habits.

In this research, the researcher also had randomized the original question number with categorize the question based on topic discussion. The researcher


randomized the original question from Strauss’ by categorizing the effect of reading habits and the influencing factor of reading habits which consisted of internal and external factors of reading habits. Classification of the randomized original questions number from Strauss’ with the number of questions that were distributed by the researcher can be seen as follows:

Table 3.1

The original question Numbers in the researcher’s question Effect of reading habits

Q6: Reading books helps a person learn a language.

Q10: I read only when I need to find some information.

Q29: Reading teaches me a lot about life.

Q34: If you want to be well-educated, you must read books.

Q40: Reading English books will help me in my job.

Q41: I think reading English books will be helpful for me in my life.

Q44: Reading English books will help me understand English-speaking people.

1. Membaca buku membantu seseorang belajar bahasa.

2. Saya hanya membaca ketika saya harus menemukan beberapa informasi. 3. Membaca banyak mengajarkan saya tentang kehidupan.

4. Jika anda ingin menjadi terdidik, anda harus membaca buku.

5. Membaca buku bahasa Inggris akan membantu saya dalam pekerjaan. 6. Menurut saya membaca buku bahasa Inggris akan membantu saya dalam kehidupan saya.

7. Membaca buku bahasa Inggris akan membantu saya dalam memahami


Q47: I want to improve my own

knowledge through reading English books.

penutur bahasa Inggris.

8. Saya ingin meningkatkan pengetahuan saya dengan membaca buku bahasa Inggris.

Internal factors of reading habits

Q12: Reading books is OK if there are lots of pictures.

Q18: Surfing the net is more interesting than reading a book.

Q24: I like reading Bahasa, but not English.

Q50: I have set myself a goal to improve my English.

Q51: I do not want to improve my English language skills.

9. Membaca buku lebih mudah jika ada banyak gambar.

10. Berselancar di internet lebih menarik daripada membaca buku.

11. Saya suka membaca buku berbahasa Indonesia, tapi tidak untuk bahasa Inggris.

12. Saya telah tetapkan sebuah tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya.

13. Saya tidak ingin meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris saya. External factors of reading habits

Q59: My parents encourage / have always encouraged me to read.

Q61: My English classes at school were not interesting.

Q76: The library at my school (s) was a

14. Orang tua saya mendorong / selalu menyemangati saya untuk membaca. 15. Kelas bahasa Inggris di sekolah saya tidak menarik.


quiet, comfortable, welcoming place.

Q77: The library at my school (s) had many interesting books.

Q78: Teachers at school allowed us to choose the books we wanted to read.

Q79: At my language school, teachers often encourage us to read.

Q81: At my language school, I have access to lots of interesting reading.

mempunyai tempat yang nyaman dan tenang.

17. Perpustakaan di sekolah saya memiliki banyak buku yang menarik. 18. Guru disekolah memungkinkan kita untuk memilih buku-buku yang ingin kita baca.

19. Di sekolah bahasa saya, guru sering mendorong kita untuk membaca. 20. Di sekolah bahasa saya, saya dapat mengakses banyak bacaan menarik.

Questionnaire used in this study was an enclosed and direct questionnaire. According to Arikunto (2010), closed questionnaire is “a questionnaire that has provided the answer, so that the the respondent only choose the answer” (p.195). “Direct questionnaire is respondent answer about themselves” (Aritkunto, 2010, p.195). It means that respondents only chose an answer that had been available based on them. The questionnaire in this research was designed based on likert scale model. Arikunto (2010) stated that “likert scale as a statement which followed by table which show the scale, for example begins from strongly agrees to strongly disagree” (p.195). Scoring on a Likert scale questionnaire models was as follows,


Table 3.2

Indicator score of reading habits

No. Alternative answer Score

1. Strongly Agree 5

2. Agree 4

3. Neutral 3

4. Disagree 2

5. Strongly Disagree 1

Documentation. In this research, documentation was also used to collect data or information needed by researcher. The data document was obtained from the administrative office in faculty of language education. “Documentation is seeking data on things or variables such as notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, minutes of meetings, agenda, and so on” (Aritkunto, 2010, p.274). Document was used by researcher in this research as a tool to measure the learning achievement of student. Document used by the researcher was document of college score. The document consisted of a list of students’ names majoring in English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta batch 2012 academic year 2015/2015 and their grades of GPA. The researcher got the GPA of students at batch 2012 from administration staff at English Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.


Variables of the Study

“A variable is a condition, factor or quality that, as its name suggest, can vary from one case to another, it is the opposite of a constant, which does not vary between cases” (Cohen et al, p.606).There is two variable of this research which include of independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y).

Independent of variable (X). The independent variable of this research is reading habit of students. “An independent is that which causes, a stimulus that influence response, an antecedent or a factor which may be modified to affect an outcome” (Cohen et al, p.606).Reading habits of this research causes learning achievement of this research. The students which have reading habits can increase students’ learning achievement.

Dependent of variable (Y). The dependent variable of this research is learning achievement. “Dependent variable is the affect, consequence of, or response to, an independent variable” (Cohen et al, p.606). Dependent variable of students’ learning achievement can be influenced by students’ reading habits.

Data Collection Method

Data collection method was the important part of methodology before the researcher analyzed the data. In this research which aimed to find out students’ reading habit at EED UMY, the researcher used survey by distributing

questionnaire to collect the data. The questionnaires were distributed to obtain information from the respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to 53 students at batch 2012. The researcher were distributed questionnaire into three classes consisting of class A, B and C.


There were some steps that the researcher did to collect the data before the researcher distributing the questionnaire. First, the researcher asked permission to distribute the questionnaire in the class. Second, the researcher explained to the respondent about the researcher’s purpose for asking the respondents to fill out researcher’s questionnaire. Moreover, information from the respondents was aimed to solve the problems faced by the researcher. Third, the researcher

distributed questionnaires to respondents. Fourth, the researcher explained how to answers the table of questionnaires. The researcher explained the respondents that there were five alternative answers consisted of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. In this opportunity, the respondents needed 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaires. After that, the researcher collected the data from the respondents and started to analyze the data. The researcher

analyzed the data using SPSS 22.0 windows to help the researcher know how the correlation between reading habit and student’s learning achievement at the EED of UMY.

The researcher used GPA (Grade-Point Average) to measure students’ learning achievement from their reading habits. To obtain the data of learning achievement the researcher used the procedure through administration office from Faculty of Language Education.

Prerequisites Analysis Test

Normality test. Normality test was intended to determine whether the data of each variable were normal or not. Normality test in this study using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula, namely:


D = maks [Sn1(X) – Sn2 (X)]

Explanation :

D = The highest absolute deviation Sn1(X) = Frequency of Hope

Sn2(X) = Observation frequency

To determine whether the frequency distribution of each variable was normal or not was done by looking at the price indicated by the value p Asymp. Sig., if the price of p greater than 0.05 means the data were normally distributed, whereas if the price of p less than or equal to 0.05, the data distribution was not normal.

Linearity test. Linearity test was used to determine the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable is linear or not. The relationship between the variables to be tested linearity was the relationship between Students’ Reading Habits in English and Students’ Learning

Achievement at English Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Linearity test was conducted to measure the level of linearity

between the independent variables with the dependent variable that is by looking for . The formula:

res reg reg




= The price for the regression line = The mean squares regression = The mean quadratic residues

Linearity testing was done by F test, which is by comparing F count to F table, if F count same as or smaller than F table at significance level of 5%, the relationship between the variables X and Y is linear. If the price F countwas greater than the price F table, the relationship between the variables X and Y are not linear.

Hypothesis Testing

In this study, the hypothesis test used product moment correlation analysis. This analysis also aims to determine whether the research hypothesis that has been prepared can be accepted or not. Hypothesis testing was done by Product Moment correlation test. Correlation test was done by using product moment correlation formula with the following formula:

rxy =

   

 

2 2


 


Yi Yi n Xi Xi n Yi Xi XiYi n           Where:

rxy = Correlation between variable x and y n = Total of sample


 = Total grain score XY = Total score



 = Total multiplication score of grains with a total score



 = Total squared score grain



 = Number squared of total score

The correlation coefficient was used to find the relationship between the variables X and Y. If the correlation coefficient was positive then there is a positive relationship. Furthermore, a conclusion was to compare r countwith r table, if r count is greater or equal to the r table with a significance level of 5%; then these variables had a significant relationship. In contrast, if r count was smaller than r table, then the variable is not had a significant relationship.

Validity, Expert judgment and Reliability

Validity. “Validity is an important key to effective research” (Cohen et al,

2011, p.179). Validity was important to be used in the research to know that the instrument was valid or invalid. A test or measuring instrument could be said that it had high validity if the tool performed the function of measuring. The values of validity were checked with r table. Sugiono (2012) stated that the value of r table is 0,3, these value of r table was obtained regardless the number of cases. If the values of r count were greater than or equal to the values of r table, the items were declared valid. If the correlation coefficient is low or less than r table, the items in question was said to be void or invalid. Items that fall or invalid items were eliminated and it cannot be used for further research. The calculation of validity test was using SPSS 13.0.


Expert judgment. The researcher used two experts judgment to analyze the instruments of questionnaire. The process of expert judgment was analyzing the instruments whether they were valid or not. Then, the valid instruments were used for research. The process during expert judgment to analyze the instrument was as follow:

The first expert judgment discussed an incomplete questionnaire in accordance to the contents of the discussion. In this condition, the expert judgment suggested that the researcher should add the questionnaire relating to all contents in the study. The expert judgment explained that this research discussed about the effect of reading habits and influencing factor of reading habits which consisted of internal (motivating and interest) and external factor (home and school environment). The problem was that this research only had the instrument that related to the effect of reading habit, internal factors of interest and external factors of home environment. The expert judgment added that the questionnaire should have the items to measure internal factors of motivation and external factors of school environment such as facilities. In addition, the expert judgment had amended the translation of the instrument from English to Bahasa.

The second expert judgment argued that there were two questionnaires which were not in accordance to the contents of the study. Besides, the expert judgment also corrected the translation of the questionnaire.

Reliability. Cohen et al (2011) found “reliability is essentially a synonym for dependability, consistency and replicability over time, over instruments and over groups of respondents” (p.199). Reliability was used for the researcher to


indicate the extent to which the instrument reliable. Reliability did show the consistency of instrument to measure the same situation in the research.

Reliability was a tool to measure the extent of instruments were reliable or credible to be used in research. An instrument was said to have a high reliability if the tests had consistent results. To find out the reliability, the data were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha statistical techniques. According to Sekaran (2006), the three levels of reliability indicators were as follow:

Table 3.3

The criteria of Reliability

Category Score

0,8 - 1,0 Good

0,6 - 0,799 Reliability is received

<0,6 Not Good

Data Analysis

In the data analysis, the researcher described about how to analyze the data after the process of collecting the data. Software SPSS (Statistic Packet for Social Studies) for windows version 22 was used by the researcher in the data analysis technique. There were two kinds of analysis technique used to analyze in this research. They were descriptive analysis and inferential analysis.

Descriptive analysis was used to describe reading habits and learning achievement of students at EED UMY. The data analysis answered the research question from the researcher about “how is reading habits at EED UMY?” and


“how is the learning achievement of English Education Department UMY students?”. Additionally, descriptive statistical analysis was used in this study. Creswell (2012) argued that “descriptive statistic indicate general tendencies in the data (mean, minimum, maximum), the spread of scores (variance, and range)” (p.182).

The indicators of reading habits consisted of the categories. The classifications are:

Table 3.4

Categories of reading habits

Good : X ≥ M + SD

Average : M –SD ≤ X < M + SD

Poor : X ≤ M – SD

Moreover, the categories of achieved performance based on the academic guideline book of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta about Education and Teaching consisted of three levels. The classifications are

Table 3.5

Categories of learning achievement

Category Score

Excellent/ Cumlaude 3.51 – above

Good 2.76 - 3.50


Inferential analysis was used by the researcher to find out that there was significant correlation between two variables in this research. Variables that were seen from inferential data analysis were the correlation between students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement at EED UMY. To find out the

correlation between two variables from this research, the researcher used

correlation product moment. An SSPS 22.0 window was used by the researcher to analyze the data about this research; to know the influence of students’ reading habits and students’ learning achievement.

Table 3.6 Interval coefficient and level of relationship

Interval coefficient Level of relationship

0,00 – 0,199 Very Low

0,20 – 0,399 Low

0,40 – 0,599 Average

0,60 – 0,799 Strong


Chapter Four Findings and Discussion

In this chapter, the researcher presents findings and discussion of the research. The findings answered the research questions related to this research. Then, in the discussion the researcher presents information related to the findings and theory in chapter two.


This research purposed to find out reading habits at English Education Department UMY, reveal achievement of English Education Department UMY students, and investigate the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement at English Education Department students. Subjects in this study were students at batch 2012 amounted to 53 people.

Validity and reliability test results. The validity and reliability of the instrument obtained is presented as follows.

Validity test. Validity test was used to determine the validity level of the research instruments. A valid instrument should have high validity. In contrast, instruments which are less valid means having a low validity. Validity test was conducted using Pearson correlation formula known as Product Moment Correlation.

Furthermore, the values of validity were checked with r table. Sugiono (2012) stated that the value of r table is 0,3, these value of r table was obtained regardless the number of cases. If the values of r count were greater than or equal to the values of r table, the items were declared valid. If the correlation


coefficient is low or less than r table, the items in question was said to be void or invalid. Items that fall or invalid items were eliminated and it cannot be used for further research. The calculation of validity test was using SPSS 13.0 and the test results were obtained as follows:

Table 4.1. Validity Test Results of Students English Reading Habits Items r count r table Statement

Item 1 0.511 0.3 Valid

Item 2 0.528 0.3 Valid

Item 3 0.453 0.3 Valid

Item 4 0.489 0.3 Valid

Item 5 0.453 0.3 Valid

Item 6 0.482 0.3 Valid

Item 7 0.495 0.3 Valid

Item 8 0.444 0.3 Valid

Item 9 0.402 0.3 Valid

Item 10 0.449 0.3 Valid

Item 11 0.574 0.3 Valid

Item 12 0.542 0.3 Valid

Item 13 0.500 0.3 Valid

Item 14 0.467 0.3 Valid


Item 16 0.435 0.3 Valid

Item 17 0.446 0.3 Valid

Item 18 0.466 0.3 Valid

Item 19 0.474 0.3 Valid

Item 20 0.478 0.3 Valid

Thetable above shows that all the questions were declared valid, because the value of r count is greater than r table.

Reliability test. Reliability is an index indicates the extent to which the instrument can be trusted and relied upon. In this study, reliability test was also using SPSS version 13.0 by calculating Cronbach's Alpha values of the variables tested. If the value of Cronbach Alpha is greater than 0,600, the answer of respondents is stated reliable. The result of reliability test can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.2. Reliability Test Result

Variable Alpha Cronbach Statement

Students English Reading Habits

0,872 Reliable

Based on the table above, it can be obtained that the value of Cronbach Alpha 0, 872 is greater than the value of 0,600. Thus, the questionnaire in this study can be reliable.


Description of research data. Research data consisted of one

independent variable that was the students’ English reading habits (X) and the dependent variable that was the students’ learning achievement (Y). In this section, the data of each variable that had been processed will be described. It is seen from the value of the maximum, minimum, average (mean) and standard deviation. Here are the details of the data processing that has been done with SPSS version 13.0.

Students’ reading habits. Variable data of students English reading habits were obtained through a questionnaire consisting of 20 items with 53 students as the respondents. There were four alternative answers with the highest score of 5 and the lowest score of 1. Based on data from the variable of students English reading habits, it was obtained that the highest score was 97 and the lowest score was 46. The result from the analysis of value resulted the Mean (M) 72.7736, Median (Me) 72, Mode (Mo) 69, and Standard Deviation (SD) 10.25941.

Determination from the tendency of variables students’ English reading habits, after the minimum value (xmin) and maximum value (Xmak) was revealed, then the next step was looking for the average value of the ideal (Mi) with the formula Mi = ½ (Xmak + xmin). The next determination was to find for the standard deviation of the ideal (SDI ) with the formula SDI = 1/6

(Xmak-xmin). Based on the reference above, the ideal mean variable of students’ reading habits was 60 and the ideal standard deviation was 13,3. Based on the calculation above, it can be categorized in three categories as follows:


Good : X ≥ M + SD

Average : M –SD ≤ X < M + SD

Poor : X ≤ M – SD

Based on these calculations, it can be made tendency distribution table as follows:

Table 4.3. Variable distribution Categorization of Students English Reading Habits

No Score Frequency Category

F %

1. X ≥ 73,33 21 39,6 Good

2. 46,67 ≤ X < 73,33 31 58,5 Average

3. X < 46,67 1 1,9 Poor

Total 53 100,0

Based on the table above, pie chart can be described as follows:

Figure 4.1. Pie Chart of Students’ English Reading Habits


Based on the table and pie chart above, the frequency of students’ English reading habits in good category were 21 students (39.6%), frequency of students’ English reading habits in average category were 31 students (58.5%), and

frequency of students’ English reading habits in the poor category was 1 student (1.9%). It can be concluded that the tendency of students’ English reading habits was in the category of average (58.5%).

Students’ learning achievement. The data of students’ learning

achievement were obtained through students’ Grade Point Average’ (GPA). Based on the data of students’ learning achievement, it was obtained that the highest score was 3,90 and the lowest score was 1,55. The result of analysis was resulting the Mean (M) of 3,3017, median of 3,36, modus (Mo) of 3,34, and standard deviation of 0,45744.

Determination of the tendency from students’ learning achievement variable was based on the categories to achieve performance in the academic guidelines of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta book about Education and Teaching consists of three levels. The classifications are:

Excellent/ Cumlaude 3,51-above

Good 2,76-3,50


Based on these calculations, it can be made tendency distribution table as follows:

Table 4.4 Categorization of students’ learning achievement variable


Score Frequency Category

F %

1. 3,51-above 17 32,1 Excellent/Cumlaude

2. 2,76-3,50 31 58,5 Good

3. 2,00 -2,75 5 9,4 Satisfying

Total 53 100,0

Based on the table above, it can be described by pie chart as follows:

Figure 4.1. Pie Chart of Students’ Learning Achievement

Based on the table and pie chart above, the frequency of students’ learning achievement on the excellent category / cumlaude was 17 students (32.1%), the frequency of students’ learning achievement on the category of good was 31 students (58.5%), and students’ learning achievement on the category of satisfying


was 5 students (9.4%). It can be concluded that students’ learning achievement are in good level (58.5%).

Prerequisites test results analysis. Data analysis was conducted using the Pearson product moment correlation. Before analyzing the data to find correlations between variables, the assumption test namely normality test and linearity test were conducted. The implementation of normality test and linearity test were performed with SPSS 13.00 for Windows.

Normality test. Normality test was done to determine whether the data variable of research was normal or not. Normality test was using techniques of Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis using SPSS 13 for windows. Normality test results for each variable of this research are presented below.

Table 4.5 Normality Test Results

Variable Sig. Statement

Students English reading habits (X) 0,183 Normal Students learning achievement (Y) 0,063 Normal

Normality test results of the research showed that all research variables had a significance value greater than 0.05 in (sig> 0.05), so it can be concluded that all of the research variables were normally distributed.

Linearity test. The purpose of linearity test was to determine the linear relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable. The criteria of linearity testing was if the significance value was greater than 0.05, the


relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable is linear. Linearity test summary results are presented below:

Table 4.6 Linearity Test Results

Variable Sig. Statement

X Y 0,551 Linier

Linearity test results based on the table above shows that the significance was greater than 0.05 (sig> 0.05). This indicates that all of the variables were linear.

Hypothesis testing. In this research, the hypothesis testing was conducted using product moment correlation analysis. Product moment correlation analysis was conducted using SPSS 13.00 for windows. The summary results of product moment correlation analysis was presented below.

Table 4.7. The summary of product moment correlation results

Correlation r count r table R2 Significance Summary X1 Y 0,694 0,202 0,482 0,000 significant

Product moment correlation test result showed that value of r count was 0.694, the value of r table was 0.279 with significance 0.000 less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). Hence, that the value of r count was greater than r table and the

significance value was less than 0.05, hypothesis which stated "there is a significant relationship between students English reading habits and students


learning achievement" (Ha) was accepted. The value of r count from product moment correlation was 0.694, it shows that there was a relationship in the strong category because it was in between 0.60-0.799.

Based on the calculation in SPSS, it also showed the coefficient of

determination (R2). The coefficient of determination indicated the accuracy level of the regression line. The result of data analysis showed that R2 was 0.482. This value means that 48,2% change in the students learning achievement can be explained by students English reading habits, while the remaining 51,8% was influenced by other factors that were not examined.

Dominant factor testing. The value of each independent and dependent variable in this research can be seen in the following table.

Table 4.8. Dominant factor testing of reading habits

Indicator Contribution

Effect of reading habits 54.4 % Internal factor of reading habits 0.4 %

External factor of reading habits 7.1 %

Total 61.9 %

Based on the table above, it shows that all of the indicator of contributing factors toward reading habits in terms of the effect of reading habits and influencing factors of reading habits (internal and external factors) was 61.9%.


The category of effect on reading habit was 54.4%, category of internal factor was 0.4%, and the category of external factor was 7.1%. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the contributing factors toward reading habits in terms of the effect of reading habits were the dominant factor that affecting students’ learning achievement.


This study was purposed to find out the reading habits at English Education Department UMY, to reveal the achievement of English Education Department UMY students, and to investigate the correlation between reading habits and learning achievement at English Education Department students. Based on the research data analysis, a discussion about the results was conducted.

Reading habits at English education department UMY. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it was known that the frequency of students’ English reading habits were at the category of good that consisted of 21 students (39.6%), frequency of students’ English reading habits at the category of average was 31 students (58.5%), and frequency of students English reading habits in the poor category was 1 students (1.9%). It could be concluded that the tendency of students’ English reading habits was in average category (58.5%).

Reading is one part in language learning to achieve students’ success as language learners. Reading is the identification of the symbols and the

association of appropriate meaning with them” (Acheaw & Larson, 2014, p.5). Reading is a sequence of words that form a meaning. Reading English text is


needed to consider about the identification of sentence. Language learner who lives in a country that implements English as a foreign language is very important to identify the sentence. The reason is the differences of pattern in a sentence, for example between Bahasa and English. Students are needed to translate the sentence from English to Bahasa in reading. The identification of the sentence will help students in comprehension for understanding the meaning in reading.

Yoke, Anuar and Vasuthavan (2008) found “internal and external factors do play a role in nurturing the habit of reading” (p. 5). It is important for the students to know internal and external factor of reading habits. According to Widiastuti (2012), motivation is a conscious effort to move, steer and maintain a person's behavior that he was compelled to act to do something so as to achieve a certain result or goal. According to Amri (2011), “motivation to learn is the spirit that arises when studying” (p.3). Motivation can encourage students to have a passion in learning achievement. Motivation will help students in achieving their goals in studying.

Sani, Chik, Nik, and Raslee (2011) mentioned that “it is important for educators to motivate their students to read because many students are at risk of reading failure due to their lack of motivation” (p.32). Amri (2011) stated that “those who lack motivation are usually lazy and lacking passion for college or learn” (p.3). Based on Widiastuti’s research (2012), learning motivation has an influence on students’ English learning achievement. Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe and Adedeci (2012) found “one of the many problems students face nowadays is not their inability to read but their lack of interest” (p.473). Students have the ability


to read, but students do not have interest in reading.

The external factor of reading habit are derived from student’s environment include of home and school environment. According to Iftanti (2015), the success of students in reading habits encouraged by some factors such as students’ home environment including parental influence, parental involvement and environmental influence. It means that students environment have influence in establishing good reading habits for students. According to Iftanti (2015), “a habit of reading is not only constructed in an individual but also is influenced by some external factors such as environment, education, social background, and facilities” (p.366). The environmental factor of students can give student impact in reading habits. The external factors of students school environment are include of teaching methods, teachers and school facilities (Iftanti, 2015).

Reading is something that gives benefit of the readers. The information and knowledge will be obtained by the students after reading.“Through reading, students acquire knowledge, information, and improve vocabulary” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). Reading habits for EFL (English Foreign Language) students can help them to increase their vocabulary. By reading students will find new vocabulary in their reading text. Self-confidence of students also can build by reading habits. By reading, students will gain a lot of knowledge and information. The increasing of knowledge can build the self-confidence of students.

Additionally, problem solving can be obtained by students from their reading habits. The information that students have gotten from their reading habits can help them solve the problem. The problem solving can help students in


life. “Reading is a cornerstone for success not just in schools but throughout life” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). Reading can provide an important role for the success of students’ life in the future. “Reading contributes significantly to job success, career development, and ability to respond to change” (Inderjit, 2014, p.71). One role to achieve students’ success is based on the willingness of students. The improving students’ skill in reading is important to be applied by students. After the students graduated from university, the next students’ goal is to get a job. According to Strauss’ (2008), students learn a language because it will be useful for certain goals such as getting a job. It cannot be denied that one of the goals of students learn in university is to get a job.

Moreover, reading habit can also help students to learn a language. “In learning English as a second or foreign language, asserted that reading is the most important skill to master. Reading in English would undoubtedly help learner to be proficient in the language as language can be learned through reading” (Inderjit, 2014, p.72). In Indonesia, English is taught as a foreign language. It is important for the students to master an English language which can give a lot of benefits for students. Language is taught for students as a tool to communicate with another person. English is lingua franca, it means that English is used to communicate with the other people who uses different language. English language can help students to understand about English speaking people. By reading, students can improve students’ skill in learning language.


Learning achievement of English education department at UMY students. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it was known that the frequency of students’ learning achievement in the excellent category / cumlaude were 17 students (32.1%), frequency of students’ learning achievement in the category of good were 31 students (58.5%), and students’ learning achievement in the category of satisfying were 5 students (9.4%). It could be concluded that the tendency of students’ learning achievement are in good level (58.5%).

Learning achievement was one of the ways to measure the level of the students. Achievement can measure about how much students can master about English. Bashir and Mattoo (2012) cited on Acheaw and Larson (2014) stated that academic achievement means how much knowledge the individual has acquired from the school. Learning achievements can also be regarded as the evaluation results to students as long as they follow the learning process in the university. Students can measure their reading skill by using learning achievement. Learning achievement can also see the level of students in reading skill. By students know their learning achievement, it can help students increase their reading skill.

To know the learning achievement of students is needed to measure their academic performance. To measure the students’ success can be seen in the learning process. Learning achievement cannot be separated from the learning process because learning achievement of GPA measured from student’s activity during learning process. Robert (2013) stated that GPA as the average grade obtained by dividing the total quality points earned by the total quality hours for courses.


Item-Total Statistics

68,2264 97,448 ,511 ,866

69,2830 93,668 ,528 ,864

68,6981 96,061 ,453 ,867

68,6415 96,311 ,489 ,866

68,9623 96,229 ,453 ,867

69,0377 96,883 ,482 ,866

68,7358 97,006 ,495 ,866

68,8302 95,490 ,444 ,868

68,9057 96,356 ,402 ,869

69,0566 95,401 ,449 ,867

69,7358 93,660 ,574 ,863

68,9623 95,729 ,542 ,865

70,3774 90,586 ,500 ,867

69,1698 94,298 ,467 ,867

69,8679 94,578 ,463 ,867

69,1321 95,732 ,435 ,868

69,5472 95,022 ,446 ,868

69,3962 97,359 ,466 ,867

68,7736 98,409 ,474 ,867

69,3585 96,388 ,478 ,866

Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5 Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 Item11 Item12 Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18 Item19 Item20

Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item



4 : validity dan reliability test


Case Processing Summary

53 100,0 0 ,0 53 100,0 Valid Excludeda Total Cases N %

Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. a.

Reliability Statistics

,872 20


Alpha N of Items



5: Calculation Formula of Categorization

Students English Reading Habits


























: X ≥ M + SD


: M

SD ≤ X < M + SD


: X ≤ M –




















6 : Frequencies of Data


21 39,6 39,6 39,6

31 58,5 58,5 98,1

1 1,9 1,9 100,0

53 100,0 100,0

Good Poorly Not good Total Valid

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


17 32,1 32,1 32,1

31 58,5 58,5 90,6

5 9,4 9,4 100,0

53 100,0 100,0

Excellent/Cumlaude Good

Satisfying Total Valid

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent




7 : Descriptive Test



53 53

0 0

72,7736 3,3017

72,0000 3,3600

69,00 3,34a

10,25941 ,45744

46,00 1,55

97,00 3,90

Valid Missing N

Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

Students_ English_ Reading_ Habits

Students_ Learning_ Achievement

Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown a.



8 : Normality Test

NPar Tests

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

53 53

72,7736 3,3017

10,25941 ,45744

,150 ,181

,150 ,105

-,122 -,181

1,093 1,315

,183 ,063


Mean Std. Deviation Normal Parameters a,b

Absolute Positive Negative Most Extreme


Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Students_ English_ Reading_ Habits

Students_ Learning_ Achievement

Test distribution is Normal. a.

Calculated from data. b.


9: Linearity Test



8,160 28 ,291 2,571 ,011 5,243 1 5,243 46,254 ,000 2,917 27 ,108 ,953 ,551 2,720 24 ,113

10,881 52 (Combined)


Deviation from Linearity Between


Within Groups Total Students_Learning_

Achievement * Students_ English_Reading_Habits

Sum of



10 : Pearson Product Moment Correlation



1 ,694**


53 53

,694** 1


53 53

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N

Students_English_ Reading_Habits

Students_Learning_ Achievement

Students_ English_ Reading_ Habits

Students_ Learning_ Achievement

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). **.


11: Determination Coefficient Test Result (R



Model Summary

,694a ,482 ,472 ,33249

Model 1

R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

Predictors: (Constant), Students_English_Reading_ Habits

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