The Earth, The Moon and The Sun

2. The Earth, The Moon and The Sun

rotate – berputar movements of the

2.1 Understanding the

Pupils view video, computer


The Earth rotates on its

sundial – jam matahari Earth, the Moon and the movement of the Earth,

simulation or model about

axis from west to east

axis - paksi the Sun

• state that the Earth

and completes one

the Moon and the Sun.

rotates on its axis.

rotation every 24 hours.

west – barat east – timur

Pupils discuss and explain

• state that the Earth

movement – pergerakan

the rotation of the Earth and

rotates and at the

position – kedudukan

the Moon and their

same time moves

throughout – sepanjang

movements around the Sun.

round the Sun.

shadow – bayang-bayang

• state that the Moon rotates on its axis.

• state that the Moon rotates and at the same time moves round the Earth.

• state that the Moon and the Earth move round the Sun at the same time.

• describe the changes

Pupils observe and record

in length and position

the length and position of the

of the shadow

shadow of a pole at different

throughout the day.

time of the day (pole as the

object and the Sun as the

source of light).

Learning Objectives

Suggested Learning

Learning Outcomes

Pupils fix a toothpick vertically on the surface of a globe. Pupils observe the length and position of the shadow formed when the globe is rotated at its axis over a fixed light source.

Pupils build a sundial.

Pupils discuss and conclude

• conclude that the

that the Earth rotates on its

Earth rotates on its

axis from west to east.

axis from west to east.

2.2 Understanding the Pupils



or Pupils

illuminating – menyuluh occurrence of day computer simulation on how facing – menghadap

and night.

days and nights are formed

• state that it is day

rotating globe – glob yang

or carry out a simulation by

time for the part of the


illuminating a rotating globe

Earth facing the Sun.

day – siang

to observe the occurrence of

night– malam

day and night.

• state it is night time


for the part of the


Based on the above activity,

Earth facing away

pupils discuss how day and

from the Sun.

night occur.

Pupils draw diagrams to

• explain that day and

show the occurrence of day

night occur due to the

and night.

rotation of the earth on its axis.

Learning Objectives

Suggested Learning

Learning Outcomes

new moon – anak bulan phases of the Moon

2.3 Understanding the

Pupils view video or


computer simulation and

crescent - bulan sabit

discuss that the Moon does

• state that the Moon

half moon -bulan separa

not emit light but reflects the

does not emit light.

full moon – bulan purnama


• explain that the Moon

reflect - memantulkan

appears bright when

phase - fasa

it reflects sunlight.

lunar calendar – Takwim

Pupils view video on the

• describe the phases


phases of the Moon.

of the Moon.

emit - memancarkan

Pupils use a ping-pong ball and light source to simulate the following phases of the moon:

a) new moon,

b) crescent,

c) half moon,

d) full moon.

Pupils carry out a project to observe and record the phases of the Moon for a month and relate them to the dates of the lunar calendar.

Learning Objectives

Suggested Learning

Learning Outcomes