Geographic Population NGAWI DALAM ANGKA 2010 : Pemerintah Kabupaten Ngawi

Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxix

I. Geographic

Ngawi regency is located in the west of Jawa Timur province which borders on Jawa Tengah province. The width of ngawi regency is 1.298,58 km 2 , which 39 or about 504,8 km 2 are rice field area. In accordance with regional regulation of Ngawi regency 2004, administratively this area is divided into 19 districts and 217 villages, Which 4 of 217 villages are kelurahan. Ngawi regency is geographically located in the 7 o 21` - 7 o 31` south line of latitude and 110 o 10`-111 o 40` east line of longitude. Topographic of this area is upland and smooth land. Noted 4 district are on the upland those are Sine, Ngrambe, Jogorogo and Kendal on the foot of Lawu Mountain. Border of Ngawi Regency as bellow : - In the north, Grobogan Regency, Blora Regency Jawa Tengah Province and Bojonegoro Regency - In the east, Madiun regency - In the south, Madiun regency and Magetan regency - In the west, Karanganyar regency and Sragen Regency Jawa Tengah Province

II. Population

Number of Ngawi Regency population are 892.051 people in the end of 2009, consist of 438.223 men and 453.828 women with sex ratio in the amount of 96, means there are 96 men in every 100 women. If it is compared in 2008 numbers of populations in Ngawi Regency increases 2.827 people or 0.32 in one year. The most population district is Paron which has 89.366 people, and the least population district is Kasreman district with 24.019 people. Population density shows ratio between numbers of population with the width of area, Population density in 2009 is 688 peoplekm 2 . Increase about 2 people every kilometer square than the year before table 4.1.2 The Ngawi distric is the highest level density 1.196 peoplekm 2 and Karanganyar district is the General Figures Ngawi Regency In figures 2010 _____________________________ xxx lowest level of density 228 peoplekm 2 . The number of birth in 2009 are 4.959 people consist of 3.251 male birth and 2.992 famale birth table 4.1.5. If it is compared in 2008, it in creses untill 25.89. The number of death in 2009 are 3.755 people table 4.1.5, consist of 1993 men and 1.762 women. If it’s compared in 2008, it decreases about 21,72.

III. Social