Model development Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment:Vol77.Issue3.Feb2000:

180 A. Armstrong Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 77 2000 179–192 the ditches, and the land owners have to meet these targets in order to qualify for the relevant payments. Within such schemes, the practical issue of deter- mining the correct management options as defined in the terms of the ESA agreements, particularly the ditch water levels that are appropriate, may be subject to debate. As a tool for understanding some of the possible outcomes of adopting specific ditch manage- ment regimes within wetlands ESAs, a model, called DITCH Drain Intraction with Channel Hydrology has been developed to examine the consequences of various ditch management regimes Armstrong, 1993; Armstrong et al., 1993. This paper describes the model, its development and its validation against data sets collected from two sites in the UK, in the Broads ESA and in the Somerset Levels and Moors ESA. The results have been used to indicate the effectiveness of the ESA prescriptions in meeting their ecological and landscape objectives.

2. Model development

To simulate the soil water regime within a field, a model is required to calculate the sequence of water levels in the field in response to the meteorological inputs and the imposed boundary ditch conditions. The theory of water movement to drains, derived from an understanding of the physics of soil water flow pro- cesses, is based on Darcy’s Law for saturated flow, leading to the development of a theory of drainage sys- tems that can be used for this study e.g., Van Schilf- gaarde, 1974; Smedema and Rycroft, 1983; Ritzema, 1994. The DITCH model is based on the calculation of the water balance in the field, using the fluxes of water moving through the soil to the peripheral ditches, to estimate the changing position of the water table in the field. The water elevation in the field on day t is M t is, thus, given by: M t = M t − 1 + R − ET − Q d f 1 where R is the rainfall, ET is evapotranspiration, Q d is the discharge through the drainage systems and f is the relevant porosity. For geometrically regular situa- tions such as a uniform soil drained by parallel ditches, the drainage can be calculated from one of the well- known drainage equations. For example, for soils of hydraulic conductivity, K, drained by parallel ditches penetrating to an impermeable layer at the base of the soil profile at spacing L, a simple equation such as the Donnan drainage equation Ritzema, 1994 can be used to calculate the drainage fluxes: Q d = 4KM 2 t − D 2 t L 2 2 where D t is the level in the ditches at time t. The Don- nan equation considers horizontal flow only, but can be used if the impermeable layer is a small distance between below the drains or the ditch bottom. Where the ditches do not penetrate to the base of the soil as is usually the case, then vertical flow components can no longer be ignored, and the Hooghoudt drainage equation described for example by Ritzema, 1994 should be used to replace the simple drainage Eq. 2. The flux between ditch and field,Q d can be in either direction, and therefore includes both drainage Q d is positive and recharge Q d is negative, so represent- ing both the winter and summer phases of operation. If the level in the ditches is input into the model as an externally constrained set of values, then the water balance can then be solved directly. Although drainage theory gives, strictly, only steady-state solutions to the fluxes, the fluxes calcu- lated by the drainage equations can be considered to be correct if considered over a succession of steady states during which the position of the boundaries can be considered to be fixed. This is achieved by use of a small model time step, which in DITCH is 1 hour. The DITCH model, thus, parallels the model de- scribed by Youngs et al. 1989, although differing in its choice of .drainage equations, and being simpler in that it considers only the mid-field water table. A first approximation to the two-dimensional form of the water table can be made by scaling the potential function E x, y for rectangular fields described by Youngs et al. 1989 equation 10, between the two fixed points of the ditch level and the field centre wa- ter table. Other models such as DRAINMOD Skaggs, 1982 or SWATRE Belmans et al., 1983 could poten- tially be adapted for the same function. However, the flexibility afforded by a purpose-built computer code is preferred, as it requires only data relevant to the is- sue in hand. In particular, the DITCH model does not consider the unsaturated zone above the water table, A. Armstrong Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 77 2000 179–192 181 which is acknowledged to be a simplification, justified by the difficulty of acquiring suitable data for the char- acterisation of the soil hydraulic functions required for a full consideration of the unsaturated phase. Initially, the DITCH model was described as a the- oretical model Armstrong, 1993 to demonstrate that the degree to which the ditch and field systems were interlinked depended both on the frequency of the ditches, and the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. In highly permeable soils, the soil water table in the centre of the field could be tied quite closely to the ditch level, but in low permeability clay soils the de- gree to which water could be moved from the ditch to the field centre was extremely limited, and the field could dry out in response to summer evapotranspira- tion despite there being high levels in the surrounding ditches. 2.1. Non uniform soil parameters: hydraulic conductivity decreasing with depth The assumption of a vertically homogenous soil in Eq. 2 is not always realistic, as it is frequently ob- served that the hydraulic conductivity of soil decreases with depth. Solutions for the flux through drains in soils in which the hydraulic conductivity varies con- tinuously as a function of depth or height above the drain are given by Youngs 1965. If the variation of hydraulic conductivity with height above the pro- file base, Kz shows an exponential increase from the base equivalent to an exponential decrease from the surface, written as: Kz = K e βz 3 where K is the hydraulic conductivity at the base of the saturated soil i.e., at z = 0, with z increasing up- wards, and β is a constant. For non-empty ditches the analysis of Youngs then gives the drainage equation: q = 2K [e βH m − e βH w − βH m + βH w ] β 2 D 2 4 where H w is the height of water in the ditches, and H m is the maximum water table height at mid-drain spacing, which gives estimates of the drainage flux which can then be easily included in Eq. 1. 2.2. Layered soils A second situation that requires to be modelled is the situation where a soil consists of two layers, for which the analysis of drainage fluxes is given by in Wesseling, 1973 p. 19–31, and Ritzema, 1994, p. 272–277. For a two-layered soil with the drain or ditch in the lower layer, the drainage flux is given by: H d q = D 1 K 1 + L 2 8K 1 D 1 + K 2 D 2 + L π K 1 ln aD u 5 in which the depth of the layers are D and have con- ductivity K, with subscripts 1 and 2 for the upper and lower layers, respectively, a is a shape factor, and H d is the head difference between the water table and the ditch, the force driving the water movement. Again, the direction of the overall flux, which is determined by the sign of the head difference driving the flow, H d , can be either positive or negative, depending on the circumstances, so predicting both drainage and recharge.

3. Field study sites