An Error Analysis on Students' Recount Writing (A Case Study at Second Year Students of SMP Mutiara Harapan)


Pondok Aren)


Alifia Noviani 108014000096









Second Grade Students of SMP Mutiara Harapan Pondok Aren). Skripsi of English Education Department at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Advisors : 1. Drs.Syauki, M.Pd

2. Atik Yuliani, M.A. TESOL

Key Words : Error Analysis, Past Tense, Recount, Writing

The objective of this study is to know the most frequent type of error made by the second grade students of SMP Mutiara Harapan Pondok Aren in writing recount and also the source of those errors. The writer used type of error of Betty Azar’s and

source of error of Rod Ellis’ and Gary Barkhuizen’s.

The method used in this study was descriptive analysis method to describe students’ errors and analyze the data. The data was taken from the test; it was written test.

The research findings showed that the most common type of error that the students made is verb tense error. The students made 63 errors of verb tense error out of 197 errors or 31.98%. The second common error is word choice error with the total number of error is 24 or 12.18%. Then with 21 errors or 10.66% is adding a word error which is followed by capitalization error with 16 errors or 8.12%. Spelling type of error is found as many as 11 errors or 5.58%. Singular plural, punctuation and run on sentence error have 10 errors found or 5.08% each. 9 errors or 4.56% found in meaning not clear error and incomplete sentence, and both omitting a word and word order are found with 3 errors or 1.52%. The least type of error made in students’ recount writing is article error.

From the data, it was also found that those errors are caused mostly by intralingual transfer with the total of error is 153 out of 197 errors or 77.66%. The remaining errors were caused by interlingual transfer with the total of error is 44 or 22.34%. In summary, the most error made by the students of SMP Mutiara Harapan academic year 2014/2015 in using past tenses in writing recount text is verb tense error; and the errors the students committed are mostly caused by intralingual transfer.



Second Grade Students of SMP Mutiara Harapan Pondok Aren). ‘Skripsi’ Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd

2. Atik Yuliani, M.A. TESOL

Kata Kunci : Error Analysis, Past Tense, Recount, Writing

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tipe kesalahan yang paling sering dilakukan oleh siswa kelas 2 SMP Mutiara Harapan Pondok Aren dalam membuat teks recount dan juga untuk mengetahui sumber error dari kesalahan-keslahan tersebut.. Penulis menggunakan Tipe error menurut Betty Azar dan sumber error menurut Rod Ellis and Gary Barkhuizen.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif untuk menggambarkan kesalahan siswa serta untuk menganalisis data. Data tersebut diambil dari tes yang merupakan tes tertulis.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe kesalahan terbanyak yang dibuat oleh para siswa adalah verb tense. Para siswa membuat 63 verb tense error dari total seluruh kesalahan 197 atau 31.98%. Tipe kesalahan terbanyak kedua adalah word choice error dengan kesalahan sebanyak 24 atau 12.18%. Selanjutnya dengan 10.66% atau 21 kesalahan adalah adding a word error yang diikuti oleh capitalization error sebanyak 8.12% atau 16 kesalahan. Spelling error ditemukan sebanyak 11 atau 5.58%. Singular plural error, punctuation dan Run-on sentence ditemukan sebanyak masing-masing 5.08% atau 10 kesalahan. Word form error ditemukan sebanyak 9 kesalahan atau 4.56%. Meaning not clear dan incomplete sentence error ditemukan sebanyak 8 atau 4.08%. Omitting a word dan word order error ditemukan sebanyak 3 kesalahan atau 1.52%. Article error merupakan kesalahan yang paling sedikit dibuat siswa dengan 1 kesalahan atau 0.51%.

Dari data-data yang penulis dapatkan, penulis juga menemukan bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut paling banyak disebabkan oleh transfer intralingual dengan jumlah kesalahan sebanyak 153 atau 77.66%. Kesalahan-kesalahan yang lain





writer could finish this skripsi. Peace and blessing be upon to our prophet Muhammad Saw, his families, his companion, and all his followers.

This skripsi is presented to English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata (S-1) in English Education Department.

On this occasion, the writer would like to express her great honor and deepest gratitude to her beloved parents, the most special persons in her life, Yanih and Misan who have educated, inspired, taken care, motivated, loved, and also have given moral encouragement to the writer to finish her study.

The great gratitude is dedicated to these amazing people, particularly to Drs. Syauki, M.Pd and Atik Yuliani, MA. TESOL, the writer’s advisors, who have guided her in writing this skripsi. Besides, all lecturers in English Education Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of life and giving wonderful study experience.

The writer’s gratitude also goes to:

1. Nurlena, M.A., Ph.d., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University, Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department. 4. Dea Kania, S.Pd. and Muinah, S.Pd., teachers of SMP Mutiara Harapan; and



the making of this skripsi, Ummi Fadhilah, whose encouragement has become

writer’s great support and the writer’s friends of English Education

Department Class C for academic year 2008 and all the writer’s friends in her working place.

7. To any other persons whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for their contribution to the writer during finishing her skripsi.

The words are not enough to express and appreciate their dedication and contribution. The writer truly realizes that this skripsi cannot be considered perfect without critiques and suggestion from others. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any construction to make this skripsi better.

Jakarta, January 26th 2015 The Writer

Alifia Noviani NIM. 108014000096












CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of Problem ... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. Objectives of the Study ... 5

F. Significance of the Study ... 5


1. Error and Mistake ... 6

2. Types of Error ... 7

3. Causes of Error ... 10



C. Writing ... 16

1. The Purpose of Writing ... 17

2. Types of Writing ... 18

D. Types of Text ... 19

E. Recount ... 21

1. The Generic Structure of Recount ... 21

2. Linguistic Features of Recount ... 22

F. Past Tenses ... 23

1. Simple Past Tense ... 23

2. Past Progressive Tense ... 23

3. Past Perfect Tense ... 24

4. Past Perfect Progressive Tense ... 25

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Study ... 26

B. Method of the Study ... 26

C. Population and Sampling ... 26

D. Instrument of the Study ... 27

E. Technique of Data Collection ... 27

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 27


1. The Result of Test ... 28




A. Conclusion ... 66

B. Suggestion ... 67




Table 4.2 Percentage of Students’ Types of Error...63 Table 4.3 Percentage of Students’ Sourcesof Error...65



Appendix 2 Student’s Writing Result ... 70

Appendix 3 Students’ Writing Test Form ... 85

Appendix 4 Structured Interview for Students... 86




Background of the Study

Communication is important in order to make other parties to understand our purpose, intention and ideas. There are many ways of communicating. We can communicate through music, dance, gesture, etc. However, the most common way of communicating is through language.

Among many languages that are available in the world, English has been used as the language of the global communication. We can say that to be part of the global world, we need to master English.

In today’s world, many countries have chosen to put English as their second language. Countries like Singapore, India, Nigeria, etc., have applied English in their countries together with their native language. It shows how they put great concern toward English.

In Indonesia, the importance of English is shown through the education of English language. From the junior high level to the university level, English has been taught in either public or private institution. In many majors in the universities in Indonesia, English has been one of the subject offered. The subject of English language is even included in the national examination held by the ministry of education every year for the ninth and twelfth graders.

Moreover nowadays school in Indonesia, from public to private schools, have implemented international curriculum that uses English in delivery to catch up with international education. International curriculums like Cambridge and International Baccalaureate (IB) are popular among many schools in Indonesia.


The learning of English focuses into four main areas or skills that include speaking, writing, reading, and listening. In these four types of skills the writer finds that the writing skill is the hardest amongst the others. The idea is supported by Raymond that states the act of writing is difficult to do, that even an experienced writer will find it hard to just labour one paragraph, because it demands many ideas and research before the writing is begun.1 This fact is also supported by Gorrel and Laird that state:

”Writing requires thinking, and thinking is always complicated and hard. Writing is complicated also because the writer needs to do everything at once. A writer produces words, sentences, paragraphs, and extended compositions all at the same time; words must be spelled, sentence punctuated, and paragraph unified.”2

As Raymond stated above together with Gorrel and Laird, the writing process takes a lot to do, from the idea of the writing to the research that might have to be conducted before even the writing began; to support our writing. This statement by Raymond is still lingering in the scope of ideas of the writing, as in Indonesia, where English is a foreign language, there is other thing to be considered as an obstacle in writing that is the grammatical rules. English has many rules of grammar, and that rules are required in order to make a good English composition. English and Bahasa Indonesia have similarities and differences. One most distinctive thing between English grammar and Indonesian grammar is the use of verbs.

Langan, in his book describes that English verbs state the time of the action. This verbs in English shows the time that we called tense.3 This tenses’ form that we could find in English would not be found in Indonesian language. In Indonesia the time of the action will be visible only through the use of adverb of time. For example, in the English sentence, “I went to Bali”. We know the time of the occurrence of this sentence is in the past from the use of the verb2 “went”. In


James C Raymond, Writing is Unnatural Act, (New York: Harper and Row Publisher, 1980), p. 7


Robert M. Gorrel and Charlton Laird, Modern English Handbook, (New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs N.J, 1962), p.1



addition, in Indonesia, the exact same phrase will be, “Saya pergi ke Bali” that

shows no time of occurrence. The possibility of this Indonesian clause to be in present time is the same with the possibility of it to happen in the past. The right clause to describe the English “I went to Bali” will be “Saya dahulu pergi ke Bali

or with the addition of the exact time of occurrence like, “Saya pergi ke Bali

tahun lalu”. Then, when an Indonesian student wants to write, “Saya pergi ke Bali liburan tahun lalu”, in English, she/he might write it to be “I go to Bali last holiday” which is grammatically wrong. It is only an example but it has a high probability of occurrence considering the whole distinct of verbal usage between the verbs of both languages.

As Raymond stated in the previous page that writing is not an easy activity from the idea and data gathering to the structural form of the sentences, the errors that might occur from this hard writing process has important role of discovering many things. According to Al Badawi, “Learner’s errors reflect a gap in their competence, orders of acquisition and accuracy in order of learning.” So by identifying these errors, the difficulties that are faced by the learners can be revealed.4

Based on the writer experience in teaching writing, the writer found many students were making mistakes in the text structure and its language features. Most of them mention that they were confused because of many types of text available. In the grammatical area, occurences were when the text is using past tense. One of the text that uses past tense is recount writing.

Recount writing is a type of writing where one tells a story that has already happened in the past. In Indonesian curriculum, this type of writing is given in formal school starting from junior high level. Recount is pretty much useful because telling your past experience and feeling is something we often do during our everyday life. It is also useful if you want to write an English novel. This type


Al Badawi, An Analysis of Phonetic, morphological and syntactic errors in English: A Study Case of Saudi BA Students at King Khalid University, (International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2012), p. 536-538


of writing is quite easy to arrange because it is based on experience. The writer chooses recount is simply because the main concern of this research is the grammar, and recount does not requires complex ideas to be composed. So, based

on this thought this research of “An Error Analysis on Students’ Recount

Writing” is conducted.


Identification of the Problem

The identifications of problem in this study are: 1. For most students, writing is difficult.

2. Due to the number of text types and rules of the text, students is having difficulties in producing a good writing.

3. Students make some grammatical errors in writing.


Limitation of Problem

The research will be limited to singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, adding a word, omitting a word, word order, incomplete sentence, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning not clear, run-on sentence; using the error classification by Betty Azar5in analysing students’ recount writing academic year 2014/2015.


The Formulation of the Problem

Based on what has been discussed before in the background and the limitation of problem. The writer would formulate the problem as follow:

1. What types of errors are commonly made by the second grade students of SMP Mutiara Harapan, Pondok Aren in writing recount text?

2. What causes them to make those errors?


Betty SchramperAzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1989), p.A29-A30.



The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study conducted by the writer are:

1. To find the type of errors that shows the biggest interference in the recount writings of SMP Mutiara Harapan students.

2. To find out the cause of error appearance in the recount writing of SMP Mutiara Harapan students.


The Significance of the Study

The significance of this study has two different roles. The first one is for the students. For the students, this research is expected to encourage students to commit less error in writing recount text. On the teacher side, this research can hopefully help the teacher as future recommendation in delivering past tense and recount writing.

Hopefully this research will bring improvement to teaching and learning process based on the error analysis of the writing test.







1. Error and Mistake

Errors and mistakes during the learning process of a language are both representing an incorrect grammatical usage. Pit Corder distinguishes error and mistake as competence versus performance. He maintains that mistakes do not hold any significance to the process of language learning since their appearance ‘do not reflect a deflect in our knowledge’ but are performance failure, such as memory lapses, spelling pronunciations, tiredness, strong emotion, etc. The learner commonly are aware of them and can correct them with more or less complete assurance. On the contrary, errors are everything that mistakes are not: they are significant; they reflect knowledge; they are not self-correctable; and only learners of an L2 make them.1

In addition, Carl James states that an error arises only when there is no intention to commit one. He also draws a distinction between error and mistake, he says, error that is created by a student, if this error is then can be corrected by the student means it is a mistake, but if the students cannot in any way correct this then the error is not intended, and this is the real error.2

Moreover, Corder defines an error as some breach of language code that creates a result of wrong sentence whereas in the learner of the second language is shown to have not fully acquired the rules of the code. A mistake by Corder is defines as a more of performance failure whereas the occurrence is because the learner makes a slip such as false start and a confusion of a structure.3

From the variation of definition of error provided above, we can conclude that an error is an unintended incorrectness where the learner who did this incorrect form is creating it because he or she has not fully understood the correct


Carl James, Errors in Language Learning and Use, (New York: Longman, 1998), p. 78-79 2

James, loc. cit



usage of the language code. Mistake on the other hand is more of an incorrectness that happens not because the learner who did the mistake does not know the right form of the sentence(s), but because he or she is not in the perfect condition that then creates a failure in his or her performance.

2. Types of Error

According to Betty Azar, types of errors are divided into thirteen types; singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, adding a word/omitting a word, word order, incomplete sentence, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning not clear, and run-on sentence.4

a. Singular-plural Example of this error

*She have been here for three

b. Word form

Example of this error: *I saw a beauty picture.

c. Word choice

Example of this error: *She got on the taxi.

d. Verb tense

Example of this error: *She is here since August.

The correct form will be she has been here since August.


Betty SchramperAzar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc, 1989), p.A29-A30.


e. Adding a word

Example of this error: *I want go to the zoo.

It should be I want to go to the zoo.

Omitting a word Example of this error:

*He entered to the university.

The correct sentence is he entered the university.

f. Word order

Example of this error:

*I saw five times that movie.

The sentence should be I saw that movie five times.

g. Incomplete sentence Example of this error:

*I went to bed. Because I was tired.

The correct form should be I went to bed because I was tired.

h. Spelling

Example of this error: *The accident occured.

The correct form should be the accident occurred.

i. Punctuation

Example of this error: *What did he say.


j. Capitalization

Example of this error: *I am studying english.

The correct form is I am studying English.

k. Article

The example of this error: *I had a accident.

The correct form is I had an accident.

l. Meaning not clear Example of this error: *He borrowed some smoke.

In this sentence, the structure is correct, however the meaning is unclear.

m.Run-on sentence. Example of this error:

*My roommate was sleeping, we didn’t want to wake her up.

The correct form of this sentence is my roommate was sleeping. We didn‟t want

to wake her up.

The category proposed by Betty Azar is used by the writer in classfiying the errors for this research. The reason for this decision is because the writer wants to know the grammatical features that hamper the students’ progress in learning English, and the classification from Betty Azar is found suitable because it is separated to detail grammatical features.


3. The causes of Error

Errors can occur for many reasons. One of the strategies to prevent students from making the same error is by looking at the cause of the error itself.

Pit Corder claims that there are three major causes of error, which he labels ‟transfer error‟, „analogical error‟, and „teaching-induced errors‟. On the other hand, Hubbard proposes the same categories of error with a different names they are: mother-tongue interference, overgeneralization and errors encourage by teaching materials or method.5

a. Mother- tongue interference.

Although young children appear to be able to learn a foreign language quite easily, older learners experience considerable difficulty. The sound system (phonology) and the grammar of the first language lead to different pronunciation, faulty grammar pattern, and occasionally, the wrong diction.

b. Overgeneralization

The mentalist theory claims that errors are inevitable because they reflect various stages in the language development of the learner. It claims that the learner processes new language data in his mind and produces rules for its production. By which the data is inadequate, or the evidence only partial, such rules may produce incorrect pattern.

c. Errors encourage by teaching materials or method.

The teaching material or method can also contribute to the students errors. Behaviorism says error is evidence of failure, or ineffective teaching or lack of control. If material is well chosen, graded and presented with meticulous care, there should never be any error.


Petter Hubbard, Training Course for TEFL (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), p. 140-142.


Rod Ellis and Gary Barkhuizen classify the source of errors into two: interlingual and intralingual transfer.6 Here is the brief explanation:

a. Interlingual Transfer

Errors that are caused by interlingual transfer include the errors that are caused by the interference of the students’ native language or mother tongue. During the process of acquiring the language, the only ‘linguistic system‟ that can be used by the students’ is their own native language before they get familiar with the second language, and that is why native language can be a big interference for the process of acquiring the second language. For example an Indonesian learner say *I like colour blue where the arrangement is taken from Indonesian language structure. It is shown from how the learner put the adjective blue after the word

colour. It is exactly using the structure of the Indonesian version Saya suka warna biru.

b. Intralingual transfer

This source of errors is called by Brown in his book as generalization. The generalization is a matter of error where it is created because learners are doing generalization over the structure given to them. The example for this is *I swimmed with my family last week. In this case, the learner has known that in English, an action done in the past should be written in the past form which is usually characterized by the use of suffix –ed. However, He has not known that

swim is an irregular verb. Therefore, he simply put –ed after the verb swim.

In addition, intralingual error, which is caused by intralingual transfer, potrays the learning strategies used by L2 learner regardless of their native language. The main strategies are explained by James, as cited by Ellis and Barkhuizen.7

1) False analogy (a kind of ‘over-generalization’). Overgeneralization is the use

of previously acquired rule in a new situation. It is associated with

6 Rod Ellis and Gary Barkhuizen, Analysing Learner Language, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), p. 65.


redundancy reduction. 8For example, the learner has learned that the suffix –s is used as a marker for plural noun. Hence, he incorrectly adds suffix –s after the word sheep→ sheeps.

2) Misanalysis. For example, a learner wrongly assumes that children is singular because there is no suffix –s which is usually used as a marker for plural noun.

3) Incomplete rule application (a kind of under-generalization). For example, when a teacher asks,“How much does it cost?”, the student may answer “*It

cost five dollars”. From the example, it can be seen that the student does not

apply the rule of constructing a simple present tense sentence completely. He does not use the suffix –s after the verb cost. It may happen because the verb

cost does not use the suffix –s when it is used in the question by the teacher. 4) Exploiting redundancy. It means that learners omit certain grammatical

features which do not influence the meaning of an utterance. For example, when a learner says, “I have two *book”. The student omits the suffix –s after the noun book because he already mentions the number of books he has; therefore, the suffix –s does not influence the meaning of the sentence whether or not he puts it in the sentence.

5) Overlooking co-occurence restrictions. It means that learners apply certain rules to the context where they do not apply. For example when a learner wants to make a sentence containing an adjective clause from these two constructions (The man; I saw him yesterday), he may make “*The man

whom I saw him yesterday”.

6) System simplification. It means that learners simplifying the burden of learning by substituting a single form where the target language uses two or more. An example of system simplification is the use of that as a ubiquitous relative pronoun.

The writer uses Rod Ellis and Gary Barkhuizen’s classification in analyzing the sources of error. It is because, as mention at the front, the main



objective of this study is to provide data to the teacher whether the teaching method has been successful in providing knowledge to the students or it needs some modification in the future, and the classification can provide the data.


Error Analysis

Error is a common occurrence during learning process. Despite its negative image of being incorrect, producing errors can be perceived as an important part of learning, particularly, foreign language. It is not possible, as Dulay said, to learn something without making any error and mistake.9 These errors can help to understand how far the learners have mastered the language.

Learners’ errors give measurement do not only on the students’ part, but

on the teacher’s teaching method as well. Corder as mentioned in Brown states

that the production of errors by the students is important that it provided the researcher with a trace of how language is learned or acquired by the students, and also the type of strategies or procedures the learner is employing in the discovery of the language.10

The analysing process by the researcher mentioned by Corder is called the error analysis. Through error analysis, teacher or researcher is expected to find out more of the question why students make error and how to prevent it in the future.

1. Definition of Error Analysis

Douglas Brown mentions, “…an error is noticeable deviation from adult

grammar of a native speaker reflecting the inter-language competence of the


This statement tells that the proficiency level of a learner in learning the target language can be identified from the errors they make. If learners know the errors they made then they can identified their level of proficiency. Brown also states that the errors that appeared enable us to identify the system operating


Heidi Dulay, et. Al., Language Two, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), p. 138. 10

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994), Third Edition, p. 205.



inside the learners. To identify it, the process that is called error analysis is required. Error analysis consists of identifying, analyzing, and classifying the errors appeared.

Another definition comes from Pit Corder. He mentions, “Error analysis is the process of determining the incidence, nature, causes and consequences of

unsuccessful language.”12

Showing that the level of proficiency we want to know through the process of error analysis is going to go through finding the incidence, nature and consequences of unsuccessful language.

Based on these two experts it can be concluded that error analysis is the process of identifying, analyzing, and classifying errors that occurred because of unsuccessful language which is important in obtaining the knowledge of learners’ target language proficiency.

2. The Purpose of Error Analysis

During the process of learning second language, errors are unavoidable. These errors for a long time had been seen as a faulty in learning the language. However, this errors are actually has its own function. The errors appeared can be analyzed and classified into groups based on the similarity they have within them. This classification, later, will show the proficiency level of learners that create the errors.

Heidi Dulay, et al. serve two major purposes in studying learners’ errors; they are:

a. It provides data from which we can make inferences about the nature of language learning process.


Wenfen Yang, A Tentative Analysis of Errors in Language Learning and Use, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2010, pp. 266-268.


b. It indicates to language teachers and curriculum developers which part of the target language students have most difficulty producing correctly and which errors type detract most from a learner’s ability to communicate effectively.13

3. Procedure of Error Analysis

In conducting error analysis, several procedures are required to conduct the research correctly. Here, Carl James provides us with five steps in analyzing the

learners’ errors: error detection, error location, error description, error

classification, and error count. a. Error Detection

In detecting errors, James states that one thing required is the ability to spot the errors, and it is usually easier to spot the errors of other people than our own errors. In this first step, we use sentence as our unit of analysis, and use our knowledge to detect it.

b. Error Location

Errors can be located simply by pointing on it, like to the quantifier ‘some’,

preposition in, or verb2 went by simply saying here is the error, or by describing its place in the sentence. However, there are some errors that are

not so ‘straightforward’. There is this type of errors called global errors where

its occurrence is diffused into a larger text that contain them (Burt and Kiparsky, 1972). The sentence does not simply contain an error, but it is erroneous or flawed as a sentence.

c. Error Description

In describing learners’ errors, the system used must have two essential characteristics. First, the system must be well-developed and highly elaborated, since many complex errors made not only by advance learners but



also the beginner ones. The second characteristic is that the description must be as simple and comprehensive as possible.

There are three main purposes of describing learners’ errors. The first is to make learners’ errors explicit. The next is that error description is the prerequisite for counting errors. And the last purpose is to createcategories.

d. Error Classification.

Classifying errors means that we put the errors into categories.

e. Error Count.

Counting errors is the last step to do in error analysis procedure. The analyst count the errors made by the students. 14



Writing is one of the four skills of English that has to be mastered. The mastery of English would not complete without the mastery of writing. Students who learn writing during the learning process of English language will find many things that should be mastered in order to master the skill of writing. The two requirements of a good writing are the grammatical structure, and the structure of ideas.

Jack C Richard identifies writing as an act that does not only a way of communication but also a way to remember and a way of thinking. It is because writing is, in opposite with speaking, a freeze thought of ours that is visible, permanent that the quality can be examined and tested.15

Based on the experts mentioned above, we can find that writing is an

expression of the writer’s soul and knowledge that is arranged in good and correct

grammatical structure, in which the quality is able to be tested and examined as it can be seen and permanent.


James, op. cit., p. 91-114.



1. The Purpose of Writing

In the book Reasoning and Writing Well by Dietsch, Dietsch defines the purpose of writing in general are to inform, to persuade, to express, or to entertain.16 On the other hand, Penny Ur describes the purpose of writing as a way of conveying the feeling and ideas of the writer to the reader that she argues the ideas of the writing is the most important aspect of the writing.17

In the teaching learning activity, the main reason of teaching writing is to help students to learn in a way where writing is connected to another skill like grammar and to know the progress of the students. Raimes states that the main reason of teaching writing can be classified as below:

a. To reinforce the grammatical structure, idioms, and vocabulary that has been given to the students during our teaching.

b. To give the students a chance to be more creative with their language, to go beyond the given materials, and to take risk in expressing their ideas that they have not understand how to express.

c. To reinforce the learning in which the sense, knowledge, and feeling are connecting to each other is a unique way of developing one self.18

Based on the explanation, writer takes a conclusion that the purpose of writing is to express the ideas that the writer wanted to scream about in a way where the reader will feel something from it, like entertained, persuaded, or got informed. The learning of writing would also gives reinforcement to the learning process in which the materials given before like grammar, vocabulary, etc., could be applied during writing and could be explored even more in order to find a better way of expressing the writer’s ideas.


Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook, (Ohio: McGraw-Hill, 2003), p. 10.


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Melbourn: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 163.



2. The Types of Writing

There are a number of types of writing based on different kind of classification. Based on McDonough and Shaw there are three types of writing, they are free composition, controlled sentence construction and guided writing.19

a. Free Composition

Free composition is writing without stopping. It is done through the way in which the writer writes whatever in their mind without worrying about the grammatical rules or coherence of the writing, and other rules of writing. The aim is to free up the mind so that the ideas can be connected and associated.

Apparently at the other end of the spectrum, a ‘free writing’ task requires learners to create an essay on a given topic, often as part of a language examination. Sometimes students are simply invited to write on a personal topic-their hobbies, what they did on holiday, interesting experiences and the like. Other materials provide a reading passage as a stimulus for a piece of writing on a parallel topic, usually with comprehension questions interspersed between the two activities.

b. Controlled Sentence Construction

If the focus of a language program is on accuracy, then schemes for controlling learners’ writing output will obviously predominate. The learners will focus to practice on getting words down on their paper and they have to concentrate on one or two problems at the time.

Controlled writing focuses the learners’ attention on specific features of the written language. It is a good method of reinforcing grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.

The range of activity types is considerable, and the typical approaches include: 1. Providing a model sentence and asking to construct a parallel sentence with

different lexical items. 19

Jo. McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT: A Teacher‟s Guide. (Oxford: Blackwell Publisher, 1993), p. 178.


2. Inserting a missing grammatical form.

3. Composing sentence from tabular information, with a model provided.

4. Joining sentence to make a short paragraph, inserting supplied conjunctions (but, and, however, because, although, etc.).

c. Guided Writing

It is the extension of controlled writing; however, it is less controlled than the controlled writing. In using this kind of writing to teach writing skill, learners are given a first sentence, a last sentence, an outline to fill out, a series of question to respond to, or information to include in their piece of writing.

Students should be able to discuss, make notes, and share finding together before they start to write. In guided writing, the students will not make serious errors if they follow the instruction, which are given by their teacher.


Types of Text

There are eight types of writing text taught in school; they are: narrative, descriptive, recount, news item, procedure, report, spoof, and exposition.20 Here is the brief explanation:

1. Narrative

Narrative text always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. 21 2. Descriptive

Descriptive text is a text used to describe a particular person, place or thing. Its purpose is to tell about the subject by describing its features without including personal opinions. 22


Anonymous, Silabus Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006, (Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2006), p. 35


ArtonoWardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, and M. Sukirman Djusna, English Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School, (Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Nasional, 2008), p. 116.



3. Recount

A recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose of a recount is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.23

4. News Item

The function of news item is to inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

5. Procedure

Procedure text is a text having a function to help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.

6. Report

Report text is a text that describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

7. Spoof

Spoof text is a text containing a humorous twist in the end of the story to amuse the readers.

8. Exposition

a. Analytical Exposition

Analytical exposition has a function to persuade the readers or the listeners that something in the case, to analyze or to explain something.

b. Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a text to persuade the readers or the listeners that something should or should not be the case. Hortatory exposition is more forceful than analytical exposition.





Recount is the type of writing whereas its purpose is to retell the event(s) that has happened in the past. Furthermore, recount writing is also retelling author’s or other people’s experiences, feeling, and responses toward those experiences.

The purpose of recount writing is to entertain or to inform the reader(s). As what is stated by Wardiman, “A recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action, and activity. Its goal is to entertain or inform the


From the above explanation we can conclude that recount writing is a non-fictional text that has purpose of entertaining or informing some past experience of the author or other people, and it is arranged in a chronological order. The characteristic of this text are the factual event or experiences being told and the chronological description about the event and the time of occurrence.

1. Generic Structure of Recount

The basis recount consists of three parts: orientation, events and reorientation,25 as follows:

a. Orientation

It tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened. Example: Last night, I read an article about adolescence in a magazine.

b. Events

It tells what happened and in what sequence. Example: After I finished reading the article, I remembered my own adolescence; to divert my emotions, I took many extra-curricular activities.


Wardiman., op. cit. P.61.



c. Reorientation

It consists of optional-closure of events/ ending. Example: I was able to control my emotions to have a place where I could express my creativity in positive ways.

2. Linguistic Features of Recount

The language features usually found in a recount text are: a) Proper noun to identify those involved in the text.

b) Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where, and how.

c) The use of the past tenses to retell the events.

d) Words that show the order of events. For example: first, next, then)26 Example of Recount Text

Last summer holiday, my family and I spent one night at the countryside. We stayed in a small house. It had a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a swimming pool.

First, we made a fire in front the house. Then, we sat around the fire and sang lots of songs together. After that, we came into the house and had dinner. Next, we sat in the living room and watched a movie. Finally, everybody fell asleep there. We woke up very late in the morning and had breakfast. In the afternoon we went home. We were all very happy.




Past Tense

Betty Schrampfer Azar divides past tense into: Simple past, past progressive, past perfect, past perfect continuous.27

1. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense indicates an activity or a situation that eneded at a particular time in the past. The structure is:

The examples of simple present tense are:

I walked by Ria‟s house this morning.

Rina went to my house with her new bicycle yesterday.

I bought a new phone last week.

If a sentence contains when and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in the when clause happens first. For example:

Mitha stood under a tree when it began to rain.

When Mrs. Lachata heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate.

When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap.28

2. Past Progressive Tense

Past progressive tense tells about a specific moment in the past. The structure of past progressive tense (verbal) is:


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar: 3rd Ed, (New York: Pearson Education, 1999), p. 6-7.


Ibid., p. 27.

Subject + Verb 2 + Object


The past progressive shows the two actions, both occurred at the same time, but one action began earlier and was in progress when the other action occurred. For example:

I was riding my motorcycle around the neighbourhood, when it began to rain.

At eight o‟clock last night, I was working on an English exercise in my


Last year at this time, I was attending school.

Sometimes the past progressive is used in both parts of a sentence when two actions are in progress simultaneously. For example:

While I was studying in one room, of our apartment, my roommate was having a party in the other room.

I was sleeping so tight while my brother was working on his homework.

While she was running down the street to see him, Jun was watching TV at home.29

2. Past Perfect Tense

The structure of past perfect tense (verbal) is:

The past perfect tense expresses an activity that was completed before another activity or time in the past. For example:

Jun had already gone by the time Sakura arrived there.

After the guests had left, I went to bed.30 3. Past Perfect Progressive Tense

The structure of past perfect progressive tense (verbal):


Ibid., p. 28.


Ibid., p. 45.


The past perfect progressive emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before another activity or time in the past. For example:

The police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him.

Jun had finally arrived at six o‟clock. I had been waiting for him since four-thirty.

This tense also may express an activity in progress close in time to another activity or time in the past. For example:

When Jun got home, his clothes was still wet because he had been running in the rain.

I went to Jun‟s house after the funeral. My eyes were red because I

had been crying.31


Previous Studies

This study of error analysis had been done before and is still done until now to find information from students errors. Al Badawi from King Khalid University was once conducted an error analysis study in phonetics (Morphological and syntactical error. Using BA students of King Khalid University students as the sample of the research, this study confirms El Hibir and El Thaha finding in 1995 about the use of /b/ to replace /p/. In a thesis written by Saara Sirkka Mungungu in 2010 about error analysis in Namibian learners’ writing which is an ongoing research to find out the teaching and learning process.

In 2013 Rini Meliyanti from the State Islamic University conducted a reseach in students descriptive writing using Betty Azar classification and resulted with word choice errors domination over students writing.


Ibid., p. 47.






Place and Time of the Study

The writer conducted the research at SMP Mutiara Harapan which is located at Jl. Pondok Kacang Raya No. 2, Tangerang Selatan. The research started at 27th of March 2014 and ended at 25th of August 2014.


The Method of the Study

The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The writer conducted the research using some steps of procedure. It was started by giving a test paper to the students; the paper contained questions that guide students’ writing content. After the writing finished the data was collected. The writings were then checked, to find the faulty grammar. The papers were then given back to the students, and the writer asked them to find the mistakes they made and write their correction. This way the errors and mistakes were separated. The errors were then classified into several categories based on the similarities they had. The classification used was Betty Azar’s error classification that classified the errors into 14 types of errors in a detail grammar classification. The result of all those steps was stored and analyzed to find the source of the errors. Last, the writer interpreted the result and concluded the research.


Population and Sampling

The total population of the Second year students of academic year 2014/2015 at SMP Mutiara Harapan was 48 students, divided into three classes. The writer used purposive sampling technique and took 31 students of grade 8-1 and 8-2 as the sample of this research.



The Instrument of the Study

The instrument was in the form of writing test. The teacher gave the assignment about “My Best Ramadhan Moment” with the questions to guide the writing of the students.

The data to support the idea of the source of the study was taken through interview on the students.


The Technique of Data Collection

The data for the research was collected through three steps. a. Writing Test

During the process of learning English in the classroom, the writer gives assignment about recount writing, and explains the direction of the writing assignment.

b. Interview.

The writer also used an interview to analyze the source of error more accurately.


The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer used the descriptive analysis technique to analyze the data. The formula being used is as follow:


P = Percentage

F = Frequency of error’s occurrence N = Number of total errors1

1Anas Sudiyono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005), p. 43.






Data Description

The technique of data collecting has been clearly described in the design of the research on chapter III. Furthermore the result of the research is as the following:

1. The Result of the Test

The test included 31 students of grade VIII SMP Mutiara Harapan Islamic Bi-Lingual School on 19th of August 2014. In the test the students were required to write a recount test about their best Ramadhan memory.

Included in the test were some questions to lead their writing, and some instructions. One of the instructions is to write at least 50 words. For the text that are below 50 words than the text are not included as part of the sample.

After the writing test was conducted, the writings were being examined. The writer found that almost all the students’ writing met the requirement except one. Then, she gave the writing back to the students to separate errors and mistakes. The data that had been gathered then being described using the error classification from Betty Azar that includes: singular-plural, word form, word choice, verb tense, adding a word, omitting a word, word order, incomplete sentence, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, article, meaning not clear, and run-on sentence. After classifying the errors, she counted them to find the frequency of each type of error. Then, she analyzed the possible cause of each occurrence in the writing. After finding the most frequent error, she did an interview to determine the cause of errors.

2. The Result of Interview

Interview was conducted as supporting data. After analyzing the errors, the writer interviewed five students who made most errors in their writing; this


interview was aimed to know the fact about the causes of error or why the students made many errors. She conducted it on Wednesday, 3rd of September 2014 at 10.30 – 11.00 a.m in grade 8 classroom. The questions of the interviewed were divided into three categories. The first category of questions was asking about students’ interest in English writing. The next category was about their experience in learning recount writing, and the last category was about their difficulties in writing recount text.

From the interview, the writer found some causes influencing the students in making errors in their writing. First, in intralingual transfer, the students assumed that writing in English is very difficult because they did not understand the rule, and lack of vocabularies. Second, in interlingual, the students said that when they faced some difficulties in writing English, they would translate the words from Bahasa Indonesia into English directly, or looked up the dictionary, or asked their friends.


Error Identification

In this section of the chapter, the writer identified the errors found in the recount text written by the students into fourteen categories based on Betty Azar classification. The writer presented the identification of errors in the form of tables below:

Table 4.1

Recapitulation of the Students’ Recount Writing Error

No. Type of Errors Student’s error Source total

1 Singular-Plural

Student 8:

*there aremany delicious food

Student 9:

*we went to buy a clothes Student 16:

*I slept for about a hours.



Intralingual 10


Student 20:

*after 5 minute playing chess

Student 23:

*because my THRit’s so many

Student 28:

*the person who played more than 12

*after the groups

performance Student 29:

*On Ramadhan month,

moslem peoples fasting *I got many lesson

Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual

2 Word Form

Student 12:

*first bite of its deliciousness Student 14:

*we had to gathered on my

second grandma’s house

Student 15:

*I would rather took a nap

Student 19:

*I went to sport station to saw adidas body pack

Student 20:

*I so exciting

*after 5 minutes play chess

Student 22:

*I’m sure some people get that feeling oftenly

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual 10


Student 25:

*the activity we dolike play game

Student 27:

*total boring Ramadhan



3 Word Choice

Student 3:

*we performed the shout Student 4:

*me and my friends involved in class performance

Student 6:

*After that me, my mom and my aunt went home

Student 11:

*Me and my family went to

my grandma’s house

*However, me, my brothers, and male cousin watched the show from the 2nd floor

Student 12:

*I have this special memory in last Ramadhan,

*It happened in the third day

Student 13:

*Me and my parents want to go to the village

Student 14:

*I have been gathering in a whole month (Ramadhan) Student 16: Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual 24


*In that time

*I gathered with my cousin

Student 18:

*I went to Surabaya with a plane

Student 19:

*In the 23rd of Ramadhan

Student 20: *Me and my family

Student 21:

*Me and my familywanted to cancel our fasting

Student 23:

*in that time

Student 24:

*When the way to Solo *me and my father *in the way to Solo

*I was jealous to my mother and sister

Student 25:

*When Pesantren Ramadhan my favorite activity was play futsal

Student 26:

*On the evening

*Tomorrow, we had the usual activities

Student 27:

*all students going to stay on the school Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual


4 Verb Tense

Student 1:

*pesantren Ramadhan

happen on 17 July 2014 *we come to school *we pray dluha

*we are the second winner

Student 2:

*we do packing to prepare for went home

Student 4:

*we have problem at 17 July 2014

*the first winner is grade 5

Student 6:

*my aunt is pregnant

Student 8:

*I feel that Ramadhan is happiness

Student 9:

*I and my family want to go

*I help my mother to make food

Student 10:

*My best memory of Ramadhan is happened on Pesantren Ramadhan

*I’ve get back to my own house

*I’m happy because I’ve already leave my own house *I’ve stay in my grandpa’s

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual 63



*I’m not just directly stay in my own house

*I’m having a couple of

nights in my mother’s aunt


Student 13:

*Me and my parents want to go to the village

*the day is nearing from Eid Fitri

Student 16:

*Me and my cousin take selca *I’m sick

Student 20: *I always wait *when I wait

*Mario Goetze make a goal *I feeling so happy

*my family is shalat Ied

Student 21:

*Me and my family want to cancel our fasting

* we go to the mall

*we just walk around the mall

*I see the one that sell PS4

*we buy PS4

* I seethe one that sell PS4

Student 22:

*It wasn’t new, but it doesn’t

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual


happen often

*I’ve searched on the internet

*I wish it does

*it seems like the sign are happening

*I stuck with my feeling.

Student 23: *I get THR *I play game

*I visit my other cousins

Student 24:

*I was go to my granmother’s house in Solo

*I ride

*Me and my father is fasting *I wasn’teat

*they are eating Student 25:

*who was involved in pesantren Ramadhan are my friends

*we can take a rest

*we can sleep. Student 26:

*I’m also happy that my bestfriend could come to school

Student 27:

*I and my friends coming back to school

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual


*where people goes to their hometowns

*we have been studying for three days

Student 29:

*This event is not happened in the exact month

*I was just went to Pesantren Ramadhan

Student 30:

*I go to my uncle’s wedding *my uncle is getting married *he want his family to come to his wedding

*the bride’s family is not coming

*the bride apply to her family *marriage doesn’t come *the bride’s family come *the wedding running smoothly Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual

5 Adding a Word

Student 8:

*I sad when Ramadhan is gone

*I like my hometown because many delicious food there *If it mudik time, me and my family went to my hometown

*it’s so crowded because in Jakarta is for work




Interlingual 21


Student 9:

*I and my family want go to mall

Student 16:

*I waited my cousin *my mom took me the food *My auntie flies to America, all my family cry

*After I get up from my bed, my body feels well, we went to airport because my aunt flies to America

Student 17:

*I also sad because my sister was not home

*when we fasting, I join Sahur on the Road (SOT)

Student 20:

*the first half extra time still same

Student 21:

*my father said “We see later

Student 23: *I so happy

*I back to the home

Student 24:

*In the way to Solo, it was very traffic

Student 25:

*Who was involved in Pesantren Ramadhan are my

Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual Interlingual



Student 28:

*but because the big futsal field used by teachers to play

*my best Ramadhan memory when I played futsal

*when I pesantren


*the person who played more than 12 Intralingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual

6 Omitting a Word

Student 13:

*there was a traffic until entering Jakarta – Cikampek toll

Student 25:

*Ramadhan on this year we went to Pesantren Ramadhan

Student 28:

*We finished itat 10 o’clock



Intralingual 3

7 Word Order

Student 8:

*I like my hometown because many delicious food there Student 16:

*my mom took me the food Student 24:

*It was very traffic in the way to Solo



Intralingual 3

8 Incomplete Sentence

Student 9:

*But my grandma went to umrah


Student 10: *After I arrived.

Student 17:

*But this Ramadhan I more hang out with my friends than my family

Student 20:

*When I went for adzan Maghrib.

Student 21:

*Then I see this gameshop that sell PS4

Student 24:

*But me and my father

wasn’t eat

Student 26:

*And of course fun!

Student 29:

*Except the woman who gets period Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual

9 Spelling

Student 3:

*we played religeon quiz

Student 9: *at the beggining *whit my family

Student 10: *untill maghrib

Student 12: *accidently Student 20:

*after 5 minuteplaying chest

Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual 11


Student 21: *we arive Student 22: *altough *precisly *diffrent Student 23: *littel Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual

10 Punctuation

Student 11:

*Me, my brothers, and my cousin watched from the 2nd floor and my grandma, sister, and female cousin watched from the lower ground

*I feel happy, because I can spend more time with my cousin,

Student 12:

*I cried but my nanny said

it’s okay

Student 14:

*it was extremely boring, because I cannot meet my cousin

Student 18:

*my family at Surabaya went to Jakarta and we went to Bandung together

Student 19:

*It was 30% discount so the price was 559.000

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual 10


Student 21:

*I asked my dad if I can buy a PS4?

Student 22:

*I stuck with my feeling, Because,I’ve searched on the internet

Student 25:

*At noon we prayed Dzuhur and we can take a rest

Student 27:

*We finished it at 10 o’clock and we slept in the class





11 Capitalization

Student 8: *asia plaza

*mayasari plaza

Student 9:

*at my home I helped my mother make food.

Student 10:

*on the first sunday of Ramadhan I went to my

grampa’s house.

*i like staying at my aunt house

Student 19: *adidas body pack

Student 20:

*in PIM I went to sport station. Intralingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Interlingual Intralingual Intralingual 16


Student 22:

*something Different happened.

*I Felt something *I stuck with my feeling *that’s My story.

*special Feeling Student 23:

*My best Experience Student 27:

*after five weeks we would go back to school.

*My best memory was on Idul fitri

Student 28:

*my best ramadhan memory

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual

12 Article Student 16:

*I slept for about a hours. Intralingual 1

13 Meaning not Clear

Student 20:

*there sound like call me *I got out and saw adzan on TV

*my mom brother I want come to my house

*I hours later my whole family and give me money *buy bag for when to the mall

Student 22:

*I’ve searched on the internet

Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Interlingual Intralingual 8


about the sign of Lailatul Qadr and the sign were; tantrum atmosphere.

Student 30:

*if marriage doesn’t come it cannot be continued


14 Run-on Sentence

Student 10: *My best memory of Ramadhan is happened,

I’ve get back to my own


*I’ve stay in my grandpa’s

house, I’m not just directly stay in my own house

Student 11:

*Me and my family went to

our grandma’s house after we

cancel our fasting, we arrive there at 7 p.m., we met our grandma and uncle.

Student 14:

*So, my family planned that we had to gathered on my

second grandma’s house, I was on my period that time

Student 17:

*my sisters that’s really good and fun to sharing food to someone who live beside the street and I also joined bukber with my friends in house and the last day of

Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual Intralingual 10


fasting I went to cinema and watched movie with my friends

Student 20:

*the result was Germany 0-0 Argentina, the second half was still the same,

*me and my family was praying Idul Fitri together, I hours later my whole family and give me money

Student 23:

*And then I got THR, I was so happy because my THR was much

*then I ate food with my family, and I played with my cousins, and then I visited my other cousins.

Student 26:

*I was lazy at first, but it’s

my last time having Pesantren in this school so, why not?






Based on the table above, it can be seen that the total number of errors the students made is 197 errors.



Error Description and Explanation

After presenting the errors into the categories which are classifies by Betty Azar, the writer would like to elaborate more of the errors found and and the source of those errors.

Furthermore, in classifying the sources of the students’ errors, the writer used Rod Ellis’s and Gary Barkhuizen’s classification which divides the sources

of the students’ errors into two: interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer.

Lastly, regarding the writing format, the writer explained the table of each

student’s error constructions consisting types of error, and source of error in the

following paragraph. Here is the complete description of the students’ errors: 1) Student 1

There are three types of errors that are found in the students’ writing. The most frequent is in the use of verb tense. These errors are pesantren Ramadhan happen on 17 July 2014, we come to school, we pray dluha, and we are the second winner. All errors are in the use of past tense. Instead of using verb2, the student used verb1 for those sentences.

The second type that has three total errors are in the use of capitalization. Two of the three are using small letters at the beginning of new sentence, and the other one is the use of capital letter in the middle of a sentence that is not a proper noun.

We class performance is the last error classified in adding a word. The sentence missed a verb in its structure. The appropriate sentence will be we did class performance.

2) Student 2

In the students writing there are two types of errors that appeared. Student 2 made two errors, verb tense and word form, in the sentence we do packing to prepare for went home. The first error is in the part we do packing. In this part of


the sentence the student put do instead of the past form did. The second error is in

to prepare for went. Because the text is using past tense, the student that should have said for going wrote going using its past form went. This error is the case of generalization of the use of verb2. Thus, it is included in interlingual error.

Student 2 used verb2 for almost all of his sentence. However, in the sentences that are using do like in I just do what the schedule said, and all students do shalat dluha together, he did not change the verb do into did. This error seems to be coming from unfinished teaching material that is part of intralingual error. 3) Student 3

Two error categories were found in student 3 writing. In the word choice error included we performed the shout, whereas the word shout is better be replaced with yell. The other category is in spelling area where the student wrote

we played the religeon quiz instead of we played the religion quiz. 4) Student 4

In the student 4 writing, there were two error categories found. The errors in verb-tense are we have problem at 17 July 2014, the first winner is grade 5, and

the second winner is us (grade 8). These errors are categorized as intralingual transfer that the student did not seem understand about the use of past tense in the writing. The other sentences that were using verb2 are verbs that based on the interview were got from his friend because he did not know the English words.

The other category is in word-choice. In the sentence me and my friends involved in class performance. The use of me as a subject of a sentence is incorrect because me is supposed to be used as an object. Instead of me the form I

is more suitable to be put in the sentence. 5) Student 5

There were some mistakes made in the writing. However, student 5 were able to correct all of those.


6) Student 6

After that me, my mom and my aunt went home is the error found in the word choice category. Just like most of the students’ error, student 6 chose the word me

instead of I as the subject of the sentence. Another error is in the use of verb-tense. In the sentence my aunt is pregnant, the student did not change is into its second form was. This error is an intralingual error where the student did not know that is can replace a verb and be changed to verb2.

In the sentence My Ramadhan best memory is when Lebaran, the errors contained are word order and word choice. My Ramadhan best memory is wrong in its order. To correct it, we need to change the arrangement into My best Ramadhan memory. The word choice error is in the when Ramadhan part. The suitable word to be put is in or during. The use of when in the sentence makes it sounds like the sentence has not finished and is still continue.

7) Student 7

Students 7 made two mistakes and were able to correct both mistakes. 8) Student 8

Error constructions found in the writing are considered as singular plural, verb-tense, adding a word, omit a word, and capitalization. The student wrote

many delicious food without adding a plural sign –s behind the food. In verb-tense, all the verbs used in the sentence were in basic form and hence become errors in the use of past tense. Some sentences that used auxiliary were also on its basic form.

Other category is in adding a word. In the sentence I sad when Ramadhan is gone, there is no verb identified. To make it correct, we have to add a word; feel. I feel sad when Ramadhan is gone is the correct construction. In the sentence I like my hometown because many delicious food there, there are two errors found, consecutively adding a word and word order. The word there should be moved to



Instrument of the Research



Write down a writing (50 words minimum) based on your own experience about


Best Ramadhan Memory

Your writing should answer these questions:


What is your best memory in school?


When was it happening?


Where was it happening?


Who was involved in the event?


How was it happened? Tell it in sequence






































































The Result of the Students’ Interview


: Alifia Noviani


: Student 1-5

Date and Time : Wednesday, September 3


2014 / 10.30

11.00 WIB


: VIII-2 class

Student 1






Terlalu banyak penjelasan. Tidak terlalu mengerti.






Ya tenses-tensesnya itu.


Karena masih bingung dengan rumus-rumus dan aturan-aturannya.


Dikerjakan sebisanya.


Tidak terlalu.

Student 2




Lumayan susah.










Karena perubahan kata kerjanya membingungkan.





Student 3






Biasa aja.




Tidak tahu


Memilih kata


Karena kosakata bahasa Inggris saya tidak banyak


Buka kamus lalu diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris.



Student 4






Banyak penjelasan dan contoh








Karena tidak tahu perubahan kata kerja.


Tanya teman


Sepertinya iya.

Student 5






Lumayan bagus








Saya tidak telalu mengerti perubahan kata kerja.


Tanya teman atau guru.