Research Design Source of Data Unit of Analysis Technique of Data Collection Technique of Data Analysis

The writer wants to find out the general description of Magwitch, his conflicts, settings connected with his self esteem motive. Besides that, this study increases the writer’s ability in many discussions such as writing, reading, analyzing and resolving the problem related literary works. 2. For the reader To give more knowledge about the structural elements in literature like character, conflict, and setting, beside to improve the reader’s knowledge in motive as the psychological aspects. Besides that, this study leads the reader to understand and appreciate the literary works further. 3. For the university To give a contribution for the library of Dian Nuswantoro University as the additional references, dealing with literary studies development especially novel.

1.6. Method of the Study

1.6.1. Research Design

The method used in this study is qualitative research. In addition to this Azwar as quoted by Harsono 1999: 115 It is stated that qualitative research is: Qualitative research the descriptive analysis has an important role. The descriptive data analysis is aimed to give a description about the research subject base on data from variable obtained from the subject group that is examined and dose not have any attention for hypothesis testing. On the other hand, the literary research usually uses qualitative method because this research need a deeper understanding about meaning. Using this design, the writer uses literary work especially novel as the object of analysis so the writer gives a description about the research subject based on the data which generally used in literary research.

1.6.2. Source of Data

In this thesis, novel Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations is used as the primary source of data for object of the analysis. Besides the novel, the writer uses some kinds of theory obtained from some books as the secondary source data.

1.6.3. Unit of Analysis

The writer focuses on the intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. The intrinsic element includes characters, conflicts, and settings while the extrinsic element is psychological approach especially self esteem motive.

1.6.4. Technique of Data Collection

The writer uses the library research because the writer uses many references to gain the information. In collecting the data, the writer does several steps as follows: 1. Read the novel especially Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations. 2. Write important information such as words, sentences and paragraphs related to the character, conflicts, settings and self esteem motive from the novel.

1.6.5. Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer uses structural approach and psychological approach. Structural approach is applied to analyze the intrinsic elements such as character, conflict and setting of the novel. The writer decides to use this method because the writer wants to analyze the intrinsic element in Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations especially character, conflict, and setting. The writer also uses psychology approach in analyzing self esteem motive.

1.7. Thesis Organization