English Proficiency Test

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Arsip Berita

English Proficiency Test
Tanggal: 2011-06-18

English Proficiency Test

English Proficiency Test

Language Center (LC) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) currently conducted English proficiency
test for freshmen on Thursday, June 16, 2011. Under the policy of the university, during their study at UMM, students
are required to take three English proficiency tests. The first test is administered right after students’ arrival at UMM; the
second one is administered a year after completing English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes, compulsory courses
offered at their first year of study; and the last test is on their bachelor graduation. In other words, this test was a starting
remark for the two following tests.

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Arsip Berita

Held in UMM Dome Basement, the English proficiency test, divided into 4 shifts within a day, was administered
to measure around 1250 freshmen competence levels, especially their English mastery. They were freshmen of the first
admission period. The next agenda, on August 18-19, 2011, LC will also conduct similar test for other freshmen from
second and third admission periods.

Before starting the test, the test takers were warmly welcomed by brief overview on the importance of attending
ESP classes delivered by Ms. Dwi Poedjiastutie, M.A., the Director of Language Center. As the proficiency test was
quite new for most of test takers, Ms. Poedjiastutie clearly explained the instructions of the test. It was expected that
students the test will be eagerly attracted to the English learning environment at the University after attending the test.

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