


By Emi Handayani

The objective of this research was to find out whether there was any significant improvementof the students’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung after they were taught by using

pictured stories and to investigate the process of teaching vocabulary by using pictured stories. This research used one group pre test post test design. The sample of this research was VIII A at Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, in academic year 2010/2011. Objective vocabulary test was used as the instrument of the research. The data was analyzed by using repeated measure t- test in which the significance was determined by p<0.05.

The result suggested that the difference of the mean score from pretest and posttest was 16.4. Under SPSS test, the difference was significant, in which the p value was 0.000, which was less than 0.05. This indicates the significant

improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement. In addition the teaching learning process using pictured storiesindicates that can improved the students’ involvement and students’ activeness in the process ofteaching learning


Praise to God the Almighty, ALLOH SWT the owner of my body and soul for always blessing me and granting me healthy to finish this script entitled“The Use of Pictured Stories in Improving Students Vocabulary Achievement”. Realizing that this script would not be able to be completed without any support,

encouragement and assistance from many helpful individuals, in this lovely chance, the researcher would like to sincerely acknowledge gratitude.

First of all, her deepest gratitude would be addressed to both of her advisor, Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A., Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka who were care to her, patient and gave invaluable assistances during the script writing process beginning from preparing proposal, seminar and comprehensive examination and writing up the script. The researcher’s deepest gratitudealso would be addressed to Drs.

Huzairin, M.Pd as her examiner, for the kindness giving chance and helping her to finish her script.

My appreciation goes also to Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A., as my academic advisor for his guidance and motivation to do what I should do in dealing with my study during in Lampung University.

My sincere gratitude is also extended to Sukadi, S.Ag as the Headmaster of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung and Eka Handayani, S.Pd the English teacher of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, for their help and assistance during the research. To the 2ndgrade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung thanks for their support and cooperation during the research. Unlimited thank is especially rendered to her lovely parents, Suaidi BA and Sri Sumarmi for giving her strength, prays, and all the best things that she will never get from any other people. The researcher also would like to give her special thankfulness to her beloved brother, sister and young brother. They have been and are always ready to assist her in her various endeavors which she is truly grateful. Special appreciation and thank to my beloved dr. Sulung Mulia Putra who always give me great support, attention, motivation, love and smile. It is wonderful when I realize that we belong together. No matter how far you are, I’m near.

The researcher’s appreciation is also addressed to Elvina, for never ending help and support. Thank you also for her partners in fun Ketut, Novi, Naya, Nadia, Betty, Eka, Jana thanks for our togetherness. To her dear-sometimes-annoying friends, Dwi Paramitha (Dwi), Desi, Yuyun, Mesi, Amah, Lisa, Nisa, Selvi, Seftia, thank you for our endless friendship.


Hopefully, this script would give a positive contribution to the educational development or those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, 2012 The Researcher

Emi Handayani s0543042088


1. Examination Committee

Chairperson :Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. ...

Examiner :Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. ...

Secretary :Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka ...

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M. Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



Student’s Name : EMI HANDAYANI Student’s Number : 0543042088

Department : Language and Arts Education Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

APPROVED BY Advisory Committee

Advisor 1 Advisor 2

Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka NIP 19810326 200501 1 002 NIP 19740607 200003 2 001

The Chairpersons of

The Department of language and arts Education

Drs. Imam Rejana, M. Si. NIP 19480421197803 1 004


(A Script)








A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-I Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty



The researcher was born in Belitang, Sumatera Selatan on May 24th, 1987. She is the sixth child in her family. Her beloved parents are Ayahanda Suaidi BA and IbundaSri Sumarmi. She has three brothers, two sisters and one younger brother. She graduated from SD Xaverius 15 Belitang in 1999, in the same year she continued to SLTP Xaverius I Belitang and graduated in 2002. After that, she was accepted to continue her study in SMA Xaverius I Belitang and graduated in 2005.

In 2005, she enrolled her study to Diploma 3 English Profession and graduated in 2008. Then in 2009, she directly transferred her study in the same university majoring English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.



With love and appreciation, this script is proudly dedicated to:

My beloved parents, Suaidi BA & Sri Sumarmi.

Everlasting love in my life, dr. Sulung Mulia Putra

My pals in English Department: Elvina, Ketut, Novi,

Naya, Nadia, Betty, and Jana.

My Beloved comrades Eng 07 and my beloved Green

Campus UNILA


Table Page

1. Table of Specification... 34

2. Distribution Frequency of the Students` Scores of the Pretest ... 44

3. Distribution Frequency of the Students` Scores of the Posttest ... 45

4. The mean Score of the Pretest and Posttest ... 46




1. Research Schedule... 64

2. Lesson Plan 1 ... 65

3. Lesson Plan 2... 77

4. Lesson Plan 3... 88

5. Tryout Test ... 101

6. Vocabulary Test (Pretest) ... 107

7. Vocabulary Test (Posttest)... 112

8. Distribution of Test Tabulation in Tryout Test Items of the Upper Students ... 117

9. Distribution of Test Tabulation in Tryout Test Items of the Lower Students ... 118

10. The reliability of Tryout Test ... 119

11. Coefficient of the Reliability ... 120

12. Difficulty Level and Discrimination of Tryout Test ... 121

13. Result of Pretest and Posttest... 122

14. Hypothesis Testing Repeated Measure T- test ... 123

15. Distribution Frequency of the Pretest and Posttest Score ... 124

16. Table of Frequencies in Pretest Score ... 125

17. Table of Frequencies in Posttest Score... 126

18. List of T- table ... 127

19. Table of Percentage of the Data for Classroom Observation in Teaching Vocabulary through Pictured Stories ... 128

20. The Increase Students Noun, Verb, and Adjective in Pretest………. 130


Learn from yesterday, do your best today, plan for a better tomorrow








MOTTO ... v



LIST OF TABLE ... viii



1.1 Background of the Problem ... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem ... 6

1.3 Objective of the Research ... 6

1.4 Uses of the Research ... 6

1.5 Scope of the Research ... 7

1.6 Definition of Terms... 7


2.1 Concept of Vocabulary ... 9

2.1.1 Concept Teaching Learning Vocabulary ... 12

2.2 Concept of Pictures ... 14

2.3 Concept of Stories ... 17

2.4 Pictured Stories ... 19

2.5 Teaching Vocabulary through Pictured Stories ... 20

2.6 Procedures of Teaching English Vocabulary through Pictured Stories... 21

2.7 The Theoretical Assumption ... 25

2.8 Hypothesis... 26


3.1 Research Design... 27

3.2 Population and Sample... 28


3.3.4 Posttest ... 30

3.4 Procedure of Collecting Data ... 30

3.5 Instrument Used for Collecting the Data ... 32

3.5.1 Vocabulary test ... 32

3.5.2 Observation ... 33

3.6 Criteria Try out... 33

3.6.1 Validity ... 33

3.6.2 Reliability... 35

3.6.3 Level of Difficulty ... 36

3.6.4 Discrimination Power ... 37

3.6.5 Scoring System ... 38

3.7 Data Analysis ... 39

3.7.1 Test... 39

3.7.2 Process ... 39

3.8 Hypothesis Testing... 41


4.1 Result of the Research... 42

4.1.1 Result of the Try Out Test ... 42

4.1.2 Result of the Pretest ... 44

4.1.3 Result of the Posttest... 45

4.1.4 The improvement of the students’ vocabulary Achievement ... 46

4.1.5 Teaching learning vocabulary through Pictured Stories.... 47 Observation by the English Teacher ... 48 Observation by the researcher... 50

4.2 Discussion and Findings ... 53


5.1 Conclusions ... 58

5.2 Suggestions ... 59




1.1 Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is one of the aspects of language that is presented in the classroom during the process of language teaching. According to school Based curriculum/ Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), the goal of teaching and learning at junior high school is that the students must be able to develop communicative competence in written as well as in spoken form. They were expected to be able communicate both in the spoken and written form to solve the problem in their daily lives.

Based on the Guidelines of SMP Curriculum of English (KTSP for English), graduates of Junior High School are supported to master vocabulary in order to be able to communicate whether in spoken or written form . The first year students of Junior High School are expected to master 1000 words after finishing their study. It is difficult to reach since the students are often discouraged and lose interest when they found that foreign language study is just like other subjects. Sometimes teachers taught vocabulary just like teaching reading, structure, writing, speaking or listening without using certain method. This made the students lack of


vocabulary. And as the result, they found a difficulty in comprehending the meaning of sentences and to express their idea whether in spoken or written form.

Harmer (1991; 154) says that for many years vocabulary was seen as incidental to the main purpose of language teaching namely the acquisition of the grammatical knowledge about the language. Vocabulary was necessary to give students something to hang on to when learning structures, but was frequently not a main focus for learning itself. Recently, however, methodologists and linguists have increasingly been turning their attention to vocabulary, stressing its importance in language teaching and reassessing some of the ways in which it is taught and learnt. It is now clear that the acquisition of vocabulary is just as important as the acquisition of grammar and teacher should have the same kind of expertise in the teaching of vocabulary as they do in the teaching of structure.

During her PPL at SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, the researcher found out that most students SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung of at the second years of 2010-2011 cannot achieve the curriculum target. Most of 65 % the students did not pass the standard score of the school (KKM-that was 60) as the consideration in deciding the design or method of the research. In their

examination stated that they were afraid of the English subject and they did not like the subject without being able to explain the reason why they were afraid and disliked the English subject. The simplest explanation that they could give was that English subject was very often too difficult for them and they never enjoyed it.



This description has led the researcher to an opinion that before they begin their English subject in junior high school, they already have to master 1000 words when they graduated from that level based on the Guidelines of SMP Curriculum of English (KTSP for English), in fact the students at SMP Tunas Harapan of 550 words only achieved. They should be conditioned to be interested in English by introducing English when they are still in elementary school with a teaching technique and material which are able to arouse their interest in learning English.

Learning a language is a hard work (Wright and Betteridge, 1983). One must make an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to manipulate newly understood language and to use the whole range of known language in

conversation or written composition. To be able to speak or communicate and to get information from the English written texts, the students should have the vocabulary mastery. Their vocabulary achievements will affect them in mastering and applying the language they learn. Furthermore, in learning language,

vocabulary is very important for the learners. Learning a language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary, because the language itself consists of many vocabularies which make up language. Knowing a language means knowing the words of that language. It must be impossible to learn a language without learning its vocabularies.

To make the students interested in learning English and to be able to communicate in English, the teacher must create the idea to attract for the students cause


to support activity in the classroom, select relevant materials and apply a suitable technique in order to make the teaching learning process run well. The students’ learning depends upon the effectiveness of the teacher’s technique (Wilkins, 1993). The material and the technique selected or used by teacher in teaching a language play an important role. According to O’Malley and Chamot (1990), learning strategies are procedures undertaken by the learners in order to make their own language learning as effective as possible. There are many kinds of techniques in teaching vocabulary. Teacher should know the techniques and how to implement them in the class. Teacher should vary the techniques of

presentation to make the students interested in learning English. Thus, the students will not feel bored.

As Wallace (1986) states “vocabulary is the vital element of the language”. The existence of vocabulary is considered important since it should be acquired, expressed and shared to other people effectively. A small number of words can be used effectively to express an enormous number of ideas as in the case with speaking, it is important to get learners to be able to make the best use of a small productive vocabulary. An adequate vocabulary is also needed if learners are going to generate, develop, and present ideas in their writing. The process of writing can be a contributor to vocabulary acquisition by making learners grapple with the meaning of words as they write. Another way to help students improve their vocabulary is by the use of pictures in a story.



Picturedstories can enhance students’ interest in learning English. The pictured stories can help students to understand the vocabulary and the story. To relate of this research only single aspect is vocabulary. The students can see and hear English, what they have learnt come alive through storybook characters (Scott and Ytreberg 1993). With this technique, students are supposed to be able to know the meaning of some vocabularies of the short story given. By using the technique and giving drills to the new vocabularies to help the students in remembering them, the researcher assumed that the teaching-learning process in the classroom can be interesting and enjoyable.

Based on the idea above, the researcher would conduct the research on the process of teaching English vocabulary through pictured stories at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. This school has five classrooms with two English teachers and the researcher want to know whether pictured stories can improve their vocabulary by using pictured stories. This school is chosen since the students there still have problems with their vocabulary and this is also based on the researcher’s experience when she did teaching practice in the school.In accordance with English teacher, the performance of the student grade of that school is far from expectation of the curriculum as it is seen in the students’ block result; it is found that the result is still far from the target competence as the KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal) of that school is 60 and the average score of the students’ final test result is below 60, is just about 49. Therefore, the problem of this research can be formulated in the following section.


1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Referring the background of the problem described above, the problem of the research is a formulated as follows:

1. Is there any significant improvement of student’s vocabulary achievement after taught through pictured stories at the second year at SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung?

2. How is the process of teaching vocabulary by using Pictured Stories at the second year at SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung?

1.3 Objective of the Research

Concerning to the problem above, the objectives of this research are:

1. To find out whether there is any significant improvement after the used to teach pictured stories the students at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

2. To investigate the process of teaching vocabulary by using Pictured Stories at the second year at SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

1.4 Uses of the Research

This research is expected to be useful both practically, as the information about the process of teaching through pictured stories to help students in learning



English vocabulary. And theoretically, this research can be used to support the idea that teaching vocabulary through pictured stories can help teachers arise student’s interest in learning English.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This quantitive research was conducted at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. This class was chosen on purpose since the objective of the research was to find out whether there was any significant improvement after the usage of pictured stories for teaching students at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The topics of pictured stories were about the Island Princess. The teaching materials provided the vocabulary of island, animals, kingdom, verbs and places for junior high school. The material was based on the 2006 curriculum of English for Junior High School. There were three time treatments in this research.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Some terms are defined in order to give basic understanding of the related variables and concepts. These are stated below:

1. Vocabulary is a set of words known to a person or entity, or that are part of a specific language which will make the language meaningful.


2. Pictured stories is a unified story accompanied by pictures that serves as an ornamental and supporter stories that can help the process of

understanding the contents of the book.

3. Vocabulary achievement is a number of words that have already been achieved by students as their basic knowledge, and those that will be achieved by the students.

4. Improvement is an effort in changing something low previously to be higher. In this case, students’ vocabulary achieve will be increase.




This chapter discusses about concept of the vocabulary, concept of pictures, concept of stories, pictured stories, teaching vocabulary through pictured stories, procedures of teaching English vocabulary through pictured stories, theoretical assumption and hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

A very important part of learning a new language is mastering the vocabulary of that language. So it is clear that teaching and learning vocabulary of language is important because when we teach certain language skill to the learners, we teach our students vocabulary at the same time. Vocabulary can help students in

speaking, writing, and reading. By having enough vocabularies, there will be less difficulties in comprehending the text and in expressing ideas in speaking and writing.

Harmer (1991: 153–160) says that if language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. An ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for


expressing meaning unless words are used. Moreover, he says that the first thing to realize about vocabulary item is that they frequently have more than one meaning. In addition, Rivers (1970: 462) says that it would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. It means that without vocabulary the learners cannot reach his purpose in learning language that is aimed for communication. Krietler (1975: 21) also says in modern method of language teaching, vocabulary learning no longer consist of memorizing of lists of words in isolation, but words are usually introduced in a meaningful context and practiced in appropriate sentence pattern. It is clear why we have to teach vocabulary in context, because one English word sometimes has more than one meaning. So by putting

vocabulary in context, students will know which meaning is expected.

In addition Nation (1994:02) stays that vocabulary is that both learners and

teachers see vocabulary as being a very important element in language learning. It means that vocabulary is the most important part in language, and the learners should master a large number of vocabularies in order to perform language well. It is relevant to the statement stated by Brumfit (1983:98) a large number of

vocabularies help the learners to express idea vividly, precisely, and without repetition of word ands and with larger vocabulary they can better perform in all aspect of language work.

According to Fries (1970: 38) vocabulary is the essential area of language



the language. By mastering a great number of vocabularies, the students can learn foreign language easier.

There are some types of vocabulary in English, Fries (1974: 32) classifies English words into four groups namely:

1. Content words represent the name of objectives or things, that is concrete verbs (eat, play, walk), nouns (ship, sea) action done by or with these things, that is adjectives (happy, beautiful).

2. Function words are used as means of expressing relation of grammatical structure such as, conjunction (and, but), articles (a, an, the) auxiliaries (do, does, did).

3. Substitute words are those that represent individual thing or specification as substitute (anyone, anybody).

4. Distributed words, those are distributed in use according to grammatical matter as the presence or absence of a negative, such any, either, too or yet.

According to Fries category the researcher was present content words in her research, which is about concrete nouns, adjectives and verbs. The material of the English text book is the book used by Tunas Harapan junior high school.

Moreover, it is the basic knowledge for the junior high school. The concept and target vocabulary identified for both pictured stories were the concrete nouns (island, ship, sea, animals, fruits, places, days of the week), adjectives (beautiful, thin, happy, heartbroken), verbs (eat, ate, play, played, walk, walked). From those types of English vocabulary, the content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) is take


as the material in teaching English vocabulary since it is appropriate with pictured stories. The researcher had been chosen them as the material because they are often using as a satisfactory means of communication.

2.1.1 Concept Teaching Learning Vocabulary

Considering the important of vocabulary in language teaching, teaching

vocabulary should be taken into account. Vocabulary is also an important factor in all languages. Shane and Hester (1976: 265-266) state that we can increase our vocabulary by learning new words as we read them spoken. Reading is one the best ways to increase our vocabulary. The more often we read or hear a word in different sentences, the more certain we will become of its meaning. That is why reading is one of the best vocabulary builders.

According to Harmer (1991: 145) a general principle of vocabulary selection has been that of frequency. Teacher can decide which word they should teach of how frequently the word that are used by speakers of the language. Teaching

vocabulary is clearly more than just presenting new words. This is certainly true of vocabulary learning where students will often be asked to “discover for themselves” what a word means and how and why it is being used. Even at the beginner levels, however, we may want to ask students to try to work out what words mean, rather than just handing them the meaning. Also Harmer (1991: 156-158) says that “Knowing a word” consists of four elements, which are:



1. Meaning: students need to understand the importance of meaning in context and also they need to know about sense relations.

2. Word use: students need to recognize metaphorical language use and they need to know how words collocate. They also need to understand what stylistic and topical context words and expressions occur in.

3. Word formation: means knowing how words are written and spoken and knowing how they can change their form.

4. Word grammar: this is related to how to make a distinction between countable and uncountable nouns? What are phrasal verbs? How are adjectives ordered?

In a book of Long and Richards (1987: 312), Kruse says that new vocabulary can be approached in a number of ways. The teacher can give the meaning for each new word, as is common in teaching reading to non-native students. Or, also common, the student may spend hours with a dictionary writing native-language glosses into his text. For the native speaker of English, the most common form of vocabulary building is guessing from context and/or word formation.

Concerning with the description above, the researcher assumed that teaching vocabulary would be effective if the English teacher uses an appropriate technique. The English teacher should teach them first about the form and the meaning of words before teaching them about the word use and the word

grammar. Therefore, in this research, the teacher would emphasize on teaching the students about the form and the meaning of the words. Most of techniques and


methods in teaching vocabulary have similar purpose that is to motivate and to improvestudents’ vocabulary achievement. By using appropriate technique and method, teaching vocabulary will help students to learn vocabulary well.

2.2 Concept of Pictures

In teaching learning process of English, the learner should be made interested in learning English. Therefore, the material has to be easy to understand. Applying the visual aid teaching learning process is intended to enable the students to achieve the language taught easily. Weaver (1950: 5) says a visual aid is everything that can be seen and used for aiding learning. He also says that learning through visual material will be better than learning explanation and description. From the statements above, it will be clear that visual aids are very useful to help the teacher in presenting the material during teaching learning process.

One of visual aids that can be used for teaching vocabulary is the picture. Silbert (1979:140) states that picture is a kind of interesting visual aid, which is able to give motivation and good impression for the students, so that the students can memorize the words related the picture. While, Murcia (1969: 117) states that picture does not only help the teachers to guide the learners in learning the target language, but it also improve the students’ motivation to learn the target language. It indicates that teaching through picture can attract the students’ attention to learn the target language.



Stevick (1987: 74) says a picture is one of the visual aids or anything visible that can help students to learn a language more quickly and accurately. Meanwhile, Nation (1994: 64) states that in teaching vocabulary using picture as teaching aid, the students may be able to remember vocabulary in their mind longer either in form or in meaning. Moreover, Webster (1986: 1711) states that picture is a representation (as a person, landscape, and a building) on canvas, paper, or surface produced by painting, drawing, or photograph. This kind of aid can be used in teaching to encourage the students’ motivation, because the students are able to see the object concretely. It is also supported by River (1951: 21) who says that the use of visual aid is useful to language learners.

Referring to the statements above, picture as visual aids can be used as a tool of communication between teacher and students in teaching and learning process. Picture can also enable students to memorize vocabulary in their mind longer, either in form or in meaning. Therefore, pictures give a good impression to students for learning new vocabulary. Hopefully, the use of picture would be very important to learn English vocabulary, because it can introduce the meaning of some unknown words. The picture that would be used for teaching vocabulary should fulfill the criteria of a good picture for media. Hamzah (1988: 13) explains some criteria of a good picture for teaching vocabulary.

The criteria are as follow:

1. The picture has to be big, so all students are able to see the pictures clearly. 2. The picture must be interesting.


4. The picture must be simple.

5. The picture should be familiar. It should have close relationship to the students’ daily life.

Based on explanations above, this research would be considered those criteria and considerations in selecting the picture for the media.

Hamzah (1988: 14) states that there are some advantages and disadvantages of using picture.

A. The advantages of using picture are:

1. Capture the students’ interest and stimulates students’ motivation. 2. The students are able to study the materials effectively.

3. Picture helps the students to understand and remember information well. 4. Pictures are relatively cheap. They can be obtained almost anywhere and


5. By using picture, the students can see the object which are being talked and discussed clearly.

6. Picture can present the world outside the class. B. The disadvantages are:

1. It is difficult to look for the specific picture which is suitable for the students’ level curriculum, needs, or socialization.

2. The students still find difficulty to express something happen in the picture in detail if they have never seen it.



4. The students still have difficulties in expressing what they have seen from the picture, because their vocabularies are still limited.

5. Not all vocabularies can be taught by using picture, especially those concerning abstract concepts.

6. Each person has different perception about the meaning of picture. The disadvantages should be considered in selecting the pictures which will be used.

This research would consider those advantages and disadvantages in selecting picture for the media. This research would the disadvantages of using picture by selecting the appropriate picture based on the material and needs.

2.3 Concept of Stories

When you read stories, you usually read purely for enjoyment. Writers used particular techniques to present their ideas in such a way that the ideas will make a lasting impression upon the reader. Vocabulary is central to communicating in a foreign language, without sufficient words to express a wide variety of meaning, communicating in a foreign language cannot happen in a meaningful way (McCarthy, 1951:8). Furthermore, they said that a good story does not just happen. It must be carefully planned and developed. Certain elements are combined to tell the stories in such a way that the reader’s interest is held throughout.


Harmon (2006: 4) mentions there are five most commonly used elements of stories that are exposition (the introduction of setting, situation and main characters), complication (the event of the story that introduces the conflict), climax (the point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point of the story with the most action), falling down (the decisive moment for the protagonist and their commitment to a course of action), resolution (the point of the story when the conflict is resolved).

(Shane and Hester, 1976: 383) also say that other sources of story ideas are things you see on television, hear on the radio, read in newspapers, magazine, or books, as you enjoy tales of adventure and travel, mysteries, legends, or historical accounts, you may think of good stories ideas. Most people enjoy hearing stories if the stories are told well. When you tell stories in conversation, give special attention to the beginning and the ending. Always begin any story with a sentence that will arouse the interest of your listeners (Shane and Hester, 1976: 383). The sentence should give an idea of what the story will be about, and it should make the listeners curious so that they will want to hear more. As you continue telling your stories, tell the necessary details in clear and meaningful sentences. Use the words of other people if possible. If your stories are a funny one, do not interrupt the stories by laughing before you finish. If the stories have an interesting

outcome, build up the curiosity of your listeners before telling the ending (Shane and Hester, 1976: 383). Your stories should end with a conclusion or climax that will satisfy the listener’s interest. State the ending of the stories clearly. Stop as soon as you have finished, do not spoil the stories by continuing to add



unnecessary details (Shane and Hester, 1976: 384). Brumfit (1983:120) states that learning stories are credible to be more effective than learning sentence-per-sentence. Therefore the writer thinks that stories are suitable to be a subject in order to motivate students to read more.

Based on the statement above, the researcher assumedthat students’ vocabulary achievement can be reached through stories. Because stories are an interesting material for the students, they will be eager to know the meaning of vocabulary of stories. The English teacher should select the appropriate stories consisting of words based on curriculum and textbook. Selecting the appropriate material is the important thing for the teacher.

2.4 Pictured Stories

Based on the discussion concept of pictures and concept of stories above, we can say that pictured stories is a unified story accompanied by pictures that serves as an ornamental and supporter stories that can help the process of understanding the contents of the book. However, the concept of pictured stories we word employ here is that it is a set of stories represented by pictured. The pictures that were used in teaching vocabulary were a set of picture story. The advantages and disadvantages by using pictured stories in teaching vocabulary using picture stories has advantages when compared to teaching by using the images or just stories. For lack of what we encounter when teaching with images can be covered with the stories as well as the shortcomings, if we teach only the story can be


equipped with the image. Beside the advantages that automatically gets when teaching with pictured or with stories, in general can be seen that teach using pictured stories has also another advantages are students can receive the materials more comprehensive, students are more focused in understanding the material presented because in addition there are drawings, there is also a story

accompanying the picture, facilitate teachers in achieving the learning objectives for a more complete teaching tool (images and text), very suitable to be applied to the elementary or junior high school students because the students at that age are generally very fond of reading storybooks to facilitate teachers in the teaching process.

Of the many advantages of teaching using pictured stories, there are also some shortcomings when we use the pictured as a teaching tool, among others student’s imagination of the pictured cannot be maximized because it is restricted by the text of the stories, hard to get the stories to suit the needs of teaching and student age appropriate because it is usually stories that are available for entertainment and not educational needs, required more expertise from the teacher to be able to combine the pictured stories so it can be used as an effective teaching tool.

2.5 Teaching Vocabulary through Pictured Stories

Choosing a piece of literature to be used in classroom is quite difficult for English teacher. It is alright to select the pictured stories which have certain number of difficult words, but simplified stories may be an alternative. The topic of the



pictured stories should be familiar to make students easier to understand the meaning of the difficult words in the story. To solve the problem above, here are some practical guidelines for selection the stories must have a good and

interesting plot to read. The development of the plot must be easy to follow. The characters may be imaginary or fantastical, but they must also be logical and relevant.Stories in which, the characters or themes relate to the students’ age and interest, stories in which the topics and themes are universal in nature, stories in an everyday setting rather than abstract or fantasy-type. Much vocabulary will therefore be familiar.

Inferring from the guidelines for selecting stories, the researcher would choose pictured stories, namelyThe Island Princess, by Daisy Alberto. The story contains a lot of repeated words, the days of the week, and numbers one through five. The story is about a Princess Rosella, a young girl ended up on an island. She loves life on the island with her animal friends. But the Prince’svisit just might change it all. The Prince invited them to his kingdom. He wanted to introduce about Ro to his parentsbut Prince Antonio’s parents had planned a wedding for thePrince Luciana. After Ro came to the kingdom there are many problems but after all is finally Ro married to the Prince.

2.6 Procedures of Teaching English Vocabulary through Pictured Stories

In this research, the researcher interpreted the concept of teaching English vocabulary through pictured stories. In applying this technique the researcher


provided pictured stories. First, the researcher askedstudents’ some question related to the pictured shown and let the students to mention the word based on noun, verb, and adjective with the pictured stories. After the students understand and know what they have to do, they develop the word.

Flyn and Lafoso (1974: 4) group work is a group of people who recognize

themselves one another and who meet in face to face situation to accomplish some purposes. The members of the group will help each other in order to accomplish their purposes. This statement supported by Jarolimek (1980: 215) states that group work is a case point, working together cooperatively involving students in a process through which they learn and apply many important human relation skills.

Based on the definition above the researcher concluded that group work is two or more individual who meets in a situation that will help each other for achieving the goals. In the process of teaching learning vocabulary through pictured stories the researcher focused on group activity. In the group activity the students divided into small group that consist of four until five students who worked cooperatively and discussed the answer of pictured stories game together that should be finished in 10 minutes. After the students finished the pictured stories game sheet in the group work activity the students changed their pictured stories game sheet with the others then discussed it in the class.

Teaching vocabulary through pictured stories is not different from teaching vocabulary in general. And since the researcher’s purposeis to make students


✄ ☎

interested in learning English vocabulary, in this research, the researcher would took some steps adapted from the idea by Harmer in his book of The Practice of English Language Teaching (1991: 50-66) and also adapted from Goshn when she would teach the stories in teaching English vocabulary through pictured stories would be done by having the following general procedures:

1. Pre - Activities

1.1 The teacher greets the students.

1.2 The teacher asks the students to pray before starting the activity. 1.3The teacher checks the student’s attendance list.

1.4 The teacher asks some question as a warming up to lead the students to the text of the story.

2. While - Activities

2.1 The teacher distributes a piece of pictured stories for each student.

2.2 The teacher reads the pictured stories loudly and in a fun way, writes, and explains the difficult words in the whiteboard.

2.3 The teacher also provides the meaning of vocabulary and how to pronounce (at glance)the words.

2.4 The teacher reads the pictured stories again loudly and asks the students to repeat after her.

2.5 The teacher gives the real picture to the students related to vocabulary. 2.6 The teacher asks the students if there are vocabularies they do not



2.8 The teacher shows pictures to the students in the whiteboard and then the teacher asks the students to make group consists of four or five students. Each group should choose a piece of paper contented a number. Each number is an explanation of the pictures. Each group should match the explanation with the pictures.

2.9 The student asks to fill in the pictured stories game in 10 minutes.

2.10In implementing pictured stories game, the students are not allows to say the word or show their pictured stories game sheet to the others. If the time is over the students and the teacher discusses the answer together. The group is that answer it correctly and get the highest score is the winner of game.

2.11After doing the game in the group work activity the students gives the task based on the material that they will be learn.

3. PostActivities

3.1 The teacher reviews the lesson.

3.2 The teacher asks the students to memorize the vocabulary learned. 3.3 The teacher asks the students whether there are any difficulties about the


3.4 The teacher closes the meeting.

2.7 The Theoretical Assumption

In teaching vocabulary, there were some techniques that can help the teacher to reach the aim of teaching learning process. Pictured stories were chosen as the


✞ ✟

technique in teaching vocabulary. Vocabulary is a component of language containing information about the meaning and the use of word in language. Teaching vocabulary is important. The objective of teaching vocabulary is more than memorizing the list of words. The students have to understand the meaning of words, how to pronounce them and how to use them in sentences or in daily life.

There are many kinds of techniques in teaching English vocabulary and teacher should have the ability to choose the appropriate technique and implement it in the teaching learning process to obtain the goal. The use of interesting aid is necessary for teaching English vocabulary especially content words at the second year’s students of junior high school by using pictured stories. Pictured stories can be used in teaching vocabulary because it may get the students involved and active in the teaching learning process since the students in this case have a unique, essential part to play in the activity. Therefore, pictured stories can be an effective and interesting technique in teaching vocabulary. Furthermore, the researcher believed that teaching English vocabulary through pictured stories creates a good atmosphere in the classroom, so that the students would not get bored and they would not realize when this condition can help them improve their vocabulary.


2.8 Hypothesis

The line with the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:

1. There was significant improvement of student’s vocabulary achievement after being taught by pictured stories at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

2. The teaching learning using pictured stories would also improve the process of teaching learning at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.




3.1 Research Design

This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative study to measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary after taught the pictured stories; this

research usedone group pretest-posttest design.In the mean time, to the observer teaching learning process using pictured stories, this research applied an

observatory study. This observes students activities during teaching learning process using pictured stories, and to see whether they studied vocabulary achievement had improve.

The research selected one class as the experimental group using random sampling. The aim of this research was to find out whether there was significant

improvement of students vocabulary achievement by the use of pictured stories at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The research was would be described as follows:

T1 X T2 Where:

T1 : Pretest X : Treatment T2 : Posttest


3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research was the second year at SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. There were two classes chosen where each class consisted of 26 students. One as the research as the experimental class and the other as try-out class of the research. The language proficiency of the two classes chosen in this research was regarded of in the same level of proficiency. Class VIII A was chosen as the experimental class because in this class scored more than 65% than the other classes.

3.3 Techniques of Collecting Data

The data of the research was the ability of the student` vocabulary achievement before and after the treatments. The instrument of the research was multiple choice tests, where the researcher was given pretest and posttest in order to evaluate and to measure the vocabulary achievement. In collecting Data, this research used the following procedures:

3.3.1 Try out

The try out test was in the form at multiple choices. The numbers of the tests items were 40 with four options of answer for each (A, B, C, D) and the time allocated was 60 minutes. The try out test was given in class VIII B. This test was given to the students in order to know the quality of the test used to get the data on



the research. The test said to have a good quality if it has good reliability and good validity, and the test was not too easy and too difficult.

3.3.2 Pretest

The pretest was conducted before the treatment. It was used to know how far the students had achievement the vocabulary before treatment was given. The pretest used by the researcher was an objective test in the form of multiple choices.

In this research, the researcher applied pictured stories, which focus on vocabulary that the student has already achieved. The researcher assumed that in measuring their ability in vocabulary, an objective test can be used. The numbers of the items in the test were 30 items and each item had four options of the answered. One was the correct answer and the tests were the distracters.

3.3.3 Treatment

In this case, the researcher would apply the media. The treatment was given to the experimental class through pictured stories. The experiment was conducted in three meetings.


3.3.4 Posttest

The posttest was conducted after the researcher would be conducted the treatments. It would beused to know how the students’ improvement of

vocabulary after they were given treatments. Similar to the pretest, in the posttest the researcher would use of multiple choices. The questions were the same as the pretest.

In this research, the researcher would change the order of the questions and the distracters from those in the pretest in order that the students not only memorize or remember the order of the answer for each question but they could really understand the questions. The posttests consist of 30 items with four options. One is the correct answer and the test would be the distracter.

3.4 Procedures of the Research

1. Determining the subjects of the research

The subject of the research was selected using the sample would be chosen purposively. The subjects of the research follow pretest, treatment, and posttest. There were 26 students that become the subject of this research. 2. Selecting instrument materials.

In this research, there was one pretest that was eight grade students of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung in the second semester of academic year of 2010/2011. The topic was “the thingsthat was lived”.



The materials took from students’ handbook that was based on the educational unit level curriculum.

3. Conducting try out.

The try out conducted in the different class at first class VIII B of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. Try out was conducted to measure the reliability of pretest and posttest. It was administered for 40 items in 90 minutes. The aim of try out was to know the quality of the test which used as the instrument of the research, and determine which item should be revised for the pretest and posttest. This research used the result of the try out test to measure the level of difficulty and discrimination power, to find out the validity and reliability.

4. Conducting the pre test.

Pretest was conducted for 30 items in 60 minutes to measure student’s basic ability.

5. Conducting the treatment.

After giving the pretest to the students, the researcher conducted the treatment for three meetings. Then, during the process of treatment, the researcherand also the English teacher observed the students’ activity. 6. Administering post test.

The post test was administered before the class was finished, it was conducted for 30 items in 60 minutes and the aim was to find out the students` vocabulary achievement after they are being taught pictured stories.


Both of the pretest and posttest results of the class treated by using

repeated measures T-Test (Repeated Measures T-Test of SPSS (statistical package for social science) version 15.0 for windows). It would test in order to find out whether there was any significant improvement of student’s vocabulary achievement after being taught by pictured stories. And for analyzing all available data would be selected into observation to investigate the process in teaching learning vocabulary by using pictured stories.

8. Concluding the results

After analyzing the results of both pretest and posttest, the conclusion explained based on the result.

9. Reporting the results

In reporting the result, the data would be arranged systematically based on the pretest and posttest to see whether there is improvement on the

students` vocabulary achievement.

3.5 Instrument Used for Collecting the Data

3.5.1 Vocabulary Test

The procedures of the research were as follows: type of instrument that would be used in this research is multiple choice tests. The numbers of the items were 40 and each item consists of four options (a, b, c, d). The pretest and posttest were 30 items would be taken from the items of tryout test. The pretest and posttest would



be given to the students in order to evaluate, to measure the vocabulary. All of the items were about vocabulary that refers to noun, verb and adjective.

3.5.2 Observation

To know the process of teaching learning of vocabulary using pictured stories the researcher used observation sheet that would be used during teaching learning process. In collecting the data the researcher would be helped by English teacher.

3.6 Criteria Try out

In this research, to prove whether the test has good quality, it must be tried out first. The test can be said have good quality if it is has a good validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power.

3.6.1 Validity

The test could be said valid if the test measures the object to be measured and it is suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). To measure whether the test has a good validity, this research used content and construct validity:

Content validity was concerned with whether the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test. In the content validity, the material given is suitable with the curriculum. The researcher used the vocabulary supposed to be comprehended by second year students; it will be based on KTSP of English for Junior High School. In this research, the researcher arranged the instrument based the material that already given, which is vocabulary and the instruments related to the content words (noun, verb and adjective). Content validity also can be


examined from the table of specification. The table presents the material that the researcher applied the test. The content validity was constructed by including vocabulary material in the training they were noun, verb and adjective of vocabulary. If the measuring instrument had represented all the ideas that connected with the material that would be measured, that measuring instrument has fulfilled the aspect of content validity. The content validity was constructed by including vocabulary material present in training they were noun, verb and


In this research, the researcher used vocabulary supposed to comprehended by the secondsyear students’ based on curriculum andto know the whether the test had good validity the term of the test.

Based on the curriculum KTSP 2006, the content of try out was presented in the table of specification bellow:

Table 1. Table of Specification of Try Out Test

No Word classes Item numbers Percent

1 Noun 1., 2., 3., 4., 7., 8., 12., 13., 15., 18., 20., 24., 25., 26., 33., 34., 35., 36., 40.


2 Verb 5., 6., 9., 10., 11., 17., 21., 22., 23., 27., 28., 29., 30., 31., 32., 37.,


3 Adjective 14., 16., 19., 38., 39., 12%


✔ ✕

Construct validity was concerned to know the certain language knowledge skill. To know the test was true reflection of language which was being measured, the researcher would examined whether the test question actually reflect what is meant to know a language. To get the construct validity, the test was adopted from student’s hand book. Then, the test determined according to the material that was taught to the students. In other words, the researcher wrote and made the test based on the material in the 2006 English curriculum for Junior High School.

3.6.2 Reliability

Reliability of test can be defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when administrated under similar conditions (Hatch and Farhady,

1982:243). To estimate the reliability of the test this research used split-half technique. To measure the coefficient of the reliability between odd and even group, this research used the person product moment formula as follows:





y x



rl : coefficient of reliability between odd and even numbers items x : odd number

y : even number

x2 : total score of odd number items y2 : total score of even number items xy : total number of odd and even number


The criteria of reliability are: 0.80- 1.00 : very high 0.60–0.79 : high 0.40–0.59 : average 0.20–0.39 : low 0.00–0.19 : very low

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:247) Then this research used“Spearmen Brown‘s prophecy formula” to know the coefficient correlation of whole items.

The formula is as follows:

rk= 1 1 1 2 r r  Where:

rk : the reliability of the test r1 : the reliability of half the test

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:246) 3.6.3 Level of Difficulty

Difficulty level related to how easy or difficult the item is from point of view of the students who take the test. This was important since test items, which are too easy, tell us nothing about differences is discarded. To see the level of difficulty, this research used the following formula:

LD = N L U




LD : level of difficulty

U : Number of the Upper group who answer correctly L : Number of the Lower group who answer correctly N : Total number of students following the test

The criteria are:

00.0 –0.30 : difficult 0.30–0.70 : average > 0.70–1.00 : easy

(Shohamy, 1985: 79) 3.6.4 Discrimination Power

The discrimination power (DP) refers to the extent to which the item differentiates between high and low level students on the test. A good item according to this criterion is one which good students do well on and bad students fail.

To know the discrimination power of the test, the researcher used the following formula:

DP = N


2 1


DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students L : the proportion of lower group students N : total number of students


The criteria are:

D: 0.00-0.20 : poor items

D: 0.21-0.40 : Satisfactory items D: 0.41-0.70 : Good items D: 0.71-1.00 : Excellent items

D: - (Negative) : bad items (should be omitted)

(Heaton, 1975:180) 1. If the value is positive discrimination a large number of more

knowledgeable students then poor students god the item in correct. If the value is zero, no discrimination.

2. If the value is negative, it means that more low-students than high level students got the item correct.

3. In general, the higher the discrimination index, the better. In classroom situation most items should be higher than 0.20 indexes.

(Shohamy, 1985:81) 3.6.5 Scoring System

In scoring the students result of the test, this research used Arikunto`s formula. The ideal higher score is 100. The score of pretest and post tests are calculated by using formula as follows:

S = 100



S : the score of the test



N : the total items

(Arikunto, 1997:212) 3.7 Data Analysis

3.7.1 Test

After conducted pretest and posttest, the researcher would be analyzed the data. It would used to know whether there was significant difference of the use of

pictured stories in student’s vocabulary achievement at the second year of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

The researcher examined the students’score using the following steps: 1. Scoring the pretest and posttest.

2.Tabulating the score of student’s vocabulary test results using Repeated measures T-test. In this research, the researcher used statistical


3. Drawing conclusion from the tabulated result of the pretest and posttest

administering, that is statistically analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences) in order to test whether improve of the students’ gain will be significant or not.

3.7.2 Process

The researcher provided an analysis by using the steps proposed by Meolong (1990), the data was analyzed by using following steps:


1. Interpreting all data available by selecting them into an observation. In this step, the researcher selected the data in order to keep them relevant with the research question about the process of teaching vocabulary by using

following steps: the teacher distributes a piece of pictured stories for each student. The teacher reads the pictured stories loudly and in a fun way, writes, and explains the difficult words in the whiteboard.

The teacher also provides the meaning of vocabulary and how to pronounce (at glance)the words. The teacher reads the pictured stories again loudly and asks the students to repeat after her. The teacher gives the real picture to the students related to vocabulary. The teacher asks the students if there are vocabularies they do not understand. The students divide into small groups consisting of four until five students. The teacher shows pictures to the students in the whiteboard and then the teacher asks the students to make group consists of four or five students. Each group should choose a piece of paper contented a number. Each number is an explanation of the pictures.

Each group should match the explanation with the pictures. The students were asked to fill in the pictured stories game in 10 minutes. In implementing pictured stories game, the students are not allows to say the word or show their pictured stories game sheet to the others. If the time is over the students and the teacher discusses the answer together. The group is that answer it correctly and get the highest score is the winner of game.



research question. They were process of teaching vocabulary by used pictured stories.

3. Interpreting all collected data and made conclusion.

3.8 Hypothesis Testing

Ho = There is no significant improvement of the students vocabulary achievement after being taught the use of pictured stories

Hi = There is significant improvement of the students vocabulary achievement after being taught the use of pictured stories

The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted or not. The hypothesis would be statistically analyzed using Repeated measures T-test that would be used to draw the conclusion with the significance level of 0.05 (P<0.05).


5.1 Conclusions

Finally, after conducting the research at the eighth grade SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, the researcher concluded as follow:

1. The pictured stories can significantly improvestudents’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. It can be seen by the improvementof students’ mean score in posttest that was higher that mean score in pretest. The mean score

improved from 63.80 to 80.20. The mean score difference between pretest and posttest was 16.4 and since the p value 1.50, which is lower or less than 0.05, and it means that this improvement is significant. Therefore, it can be concluded this pictured stories could improve students’vocabulary significantly.

2. In teaching learning process, it can be concluded that teaching learning through pictured stories creates more conducive condition and situation for the students’ at theeighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The students’ were more active and enthusiasm in learning vocabulary. There were variations of the process of teaching vocabulary through pictured stories from the first treatment to last the treatment. It was indicatedthe students’ motivation and interested in learning vocabulary. The process also influenced the students’ score.



5.2 Suggestions

Considering the result and the conclusion of the research, the researcher would like to propose some suggestion as follow:

1. It is suggested to English teacher to apply pictured stories in teaching learning vocabulary at the eighth grade in order to avoid students boredom and makes the different atmosphere meanwhile, the students are motivated and feel relax in the process of teaching learning vocabulary.

2. In applying the game, teachers are advised to monitor the students actively in order to avoid them communicate with other groups. They are not allowed to communicate with other group because they have to competence to be winner of the pictured game.

3. Further research is recommended to apply pictured stories in a more conducive classroom to minimize the constraints of teaching learning process uses pictured stories conducted in this research.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997.Dasar–dasar Evaluasi. Pendidikan.Jakarta: Bina Aksara.

Brumfit, C. J. and Robert, J. T. 1983.A Short Introduction to Language and Language Teaching.London: London University Press.

Depdiknas. 2006.Curriculum for Junior High School Students. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Flyn, Elizabeth and L. John, 1972.Group Discussion as Learning Process. New York: Paulust Press.

Fries, Charles. C. 1970.Teaching and Learning as foreign Language. Michigan: Ann Arbort The University of Michigan Press.

Fries, Charles C. 1974.Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Michigan: Michigan University press.

Ghosn, Irma K. July. 1997.ESL with Children’s Literature. New York: English Teaching Forum for All Teachers outside USA Volume XXXV No.3. Hamzah, Sulaimkan Amir. 1988.Media Audio Visual untuk Pengajaran,

Penerangan, dan Penyuluhan.Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Press.

Hatch, Evelyn and H. Farhady. 1982.Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistic.London: New Burry House, Inc. Rowley.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1991.The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman Handbook for Language Teachers. New Edition. New York: Longman Publishing.

Harmon, William Ed, and C. Hugh. 2006.Elements of Stories. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. March 28, 2007.

Jarolimek, John. 1980.Social Studies Compentities Skill. New Jersey: Michigan Press.



Krietler, S., Maguen, T. and Kreitler, H. 1975.The three faces of intolerance of ambiguity. New Jersey:Archiv fur Psychologie,127/3, 238-250.

Long, Michael H. and Richards, Jack C. 1987.Methodology in TESOL. Manoa: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

McCarthy, Joseph. 1951.Communicating in a Foreign Language. New York: Marquette University.

Murcia, Mariance Celce. 1969.Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.Massachusetts: Newburry House Publisher Inc Rowley. Nation, I . SP. 1994.Teaching and Learning Vocabulary.New York: Heinle and

Heinle Publisher.

O'Malley, J. M. and Chamot, A. U. 1990.Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rivers, Wilga M. 1951.Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rivers, Wilga M. 1970.Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Scott, Wendy A and Ytreberg, Lisbeth H. 1993.Teaching English to Children. Longman Keys to Language Teaching. New York: Longman Publishing Group.

Setiyadi, Ag. Bambang. 2006.Metode Penelitian Bahasa Asing Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shane, Harold G, and Hester, Kathleen B. 1976.Using Good English. Junior High School Book One. Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers.

Shohamy, Elana. 1985.A Practical handbook in language Testing for Second Language Teacher. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Silbert, E. D. 1979.Teaching Aids for The Language Teacher. New York: Henley and Heinle Publisher Inc.

Stevick, Earl. 1987.Helping People Learn English. Nashville: Tenn Abington Press.

University Lampung. 2010.Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University Press.


Weaver, G. G. 1950.Visual Aids. New York: Van Nostran Company.

Webster, 1986.The Next LexiconWebster’s Dictionary of English Language. Encyclopedia Edition. New York: Lexicon Publication Inc.

Wilkins, D. A. 1993.Second Language Learning and Teaching. London: Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd.

Wright, Andrew and Betteridge, David. 1983.Games for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



research question. They were process of teaching vocabulary by used pictured stories.

3. Interpreting all collected data and made conclusion.

3.8 Hypothesis Testing

Ho = There is no significant improvement of the students vocabulary achievement after being taught the use of pictured stories

Hi = There is significant improvement of the students vocabulary achievement after being taught the use of pictured stories

The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted or not. The hypothesis would be statistically analyzed using Repeated measures T-test that would be used to draw the conclusion with the significance level of 0.05 (P<0.05).


5.1 Conclusions

Finally, after conducting the research at the eighth grade SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung, the researcher concluded as follow:

1. The pictured stories can significantly improvestudents’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. It can be seen by the improvementof students’ mean score in posttest that was higher that mean score in pretest. The mean score

improved from 63.80 to 80.20. The mean score difference between pretest and posttest was 16.4 and since the p value 1.50, which is lower or less than 0.05, and it means that this improvement is significant. Therefore, it can be concluded this pictured stories could improve students’vocabulary significantly.

2. In teaching learning process, it can be concluded that teaching learning through pictured stories creates more conducive condition and situation for the students’ at theeighth grade of SMP Tunas Harapan Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. The students’ were more active and enthusiasm in learning vocabulary. There were variations of the process of teaching vocabulary through pictured stories from the first treatment to last the treatment. It was indicatedthe students’ motivation and interested in learning vocabulary. The process also influenced the students’ score.



5.2 Suggestions

Considering the result and the conclusion of the research, the researcher would like to propose some suggestion as follow:

1. It is suggested to English teacher to apply pictured stories in teaching learning vocabulary at the eighth grade in order to avoid students boredom and makes the different atmosphere meanwhile, the students are motivated and feel relax in the process of teaching learning vocabulary.

2. In applying the game, teachers are advised to monitor the students actively in order to avoid them communicate with other groups. They are not allowed to communicate with other group because they have to competence to be winner of the pictured game.

3. Further research is recommended to apply pictured stories in a more conducive classroom to minimize the constraints of teaching learning process uses pictured stories conducted in this research.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997.Dasar–dasar Evaluasi. Pendidikan.Jakarta: Bina Aksara.

Brumfit, C. J. and Robert, J. T. 1983.A Short Introduction to Language and Language Teaching.London: London University Press.

Depdiknas. 2006.Curriculum for Junior High School Students. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Flyn, Elizabeth and L. John, 1972.Group Discussion as Learning Process. New York: Paulust Press.

Fries, Charles. C. 1970.Teaching and Learning as foreign Language. Michigan: Ann Arbort The University of Michigan Press.

Fries, Charles C. 1974.Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Michigan: Michigan University press.

Ghosn, Irma K. July. 1997.ESL with Children’s Literature. New York: English Teaching Forum for All Teachers outside USA Volume XXXV No.3. Hamzah, Sulaimkan Amir. 1988.Media Audio Visual untuk Pengajaran,

Penerangan, dan Penyuluhan.Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Press.

Hatch, Evelyn and H. Farhady. 1982.Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistic.London: New Burry House, Inc. Rowley.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1991.The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman Handbook for Language Teachers. New Edition. New York: Longman Publishing.

Harmon, William Ed, and C. Hugh. 2006.Elements of Stories. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. March 28, 2007.

Jarolimek, John. 1980.Social Studies Compentities Skill. New Jersey: Michigan Press.



Krietler, S., Maguen, T. and Kreitler, H. 1975.The three faces of intolerance of ambiguity. New Jersey:Archiv fur Psychologie,127/3, 238-250.

Long, Michael H. and Richards, Jack C. 1987.Methodology in TESOL. Manoa: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.

McCarthy, Joseph. 1951.Communicating in a Foreign Language. New York: Marquette University.

Murcia, Mariance Celce. 1969.Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.Massachusetts: Newburry House Publisher Inc Rowley. Nation, I . SP. 1994.Teaching and Learning Vocabulary.New York: Heinle and

Heinle Publisher.

O'Malley, J. M. and Chamot, A. U. 1990.Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rivers, Wilga M. 1951.Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rivers, Wilga M. 1970.Teaching Foreign Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Scott, Wendy A and Ytreberg, Lisbeth H. 1993.Teaching English to Children. Longman Keys to Language Teaching. New York: Longman Publishing Group.

Setiyadi, Ag. Bambang. 2006.Metode Penelitian Bahasa Asing Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shane, Harold G, and Hester, Kathleen B. 1976.Using Good English. Junior High School Book One. Illinois: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers.

Shohamy, Elana. 1985.A Practical handbook in language Testing for Second Language Teacher. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University.

Silbert, E. D. 1979.Teaching Aids for The Language Teacher. New York: Henley and Heinle Publisher Inc.

Stevick, Earl. 1987.Helping People Learn English. Nashville: Tenn Abington Press.

University Lampung. 2010.Format Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Lampung University Press.


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