Teacher’s use of L1 to give instructions


4.Explaining New Words

      5.Giving Feedback to Students     - 

6.Conveying Meaning

 -  -  -

7.Checking Comprehension

      Figure 1: the purposes of L1 The data showed that the teacher used L1 to give instruction, to manage the classroom, to explain new words and to check students‟ comprehension; they were found in the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th classroom observations. The teacher gave feedback in L1 was found in the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th , and 6 th classroom observations. Besides, the teacher conveyed meaning in L1 was found in the 1 st , 3 rd , and 5 th classroom observations of the Social Studies Class. The purpose of L1 for reducing the student‟s language anxiety was found in the 2 nd , 4 th , and 6 th classroom observations of the Reading Writing Class. The findings have led to several emerging themes as follows: the teacher use of L1 for giving instruction, managing the classroom, giving feedback to students, checking comprehension, conveying meaning, explaining new words, and reducing the students‟ language anxiety. Each of these themes was presented and discussed below.

1. Teacher’s use of L1 to give instructions

Based on the six classroom observations, the findings showed that the teacher used L1 to give instructions. These are some of the examples: 1. Tulis namanya, ayo tulis namanya, tulis namanya dulu. 2. Lihat gambarnya disini, lihat gambar yang disini ya, lihat gambar yang pertama, kita lihat gambarnya, lihat gambar yang terakhir, kita lihat gambar c. 3. Yang pertama garis putus-putusnya disambung dulu ditebalkan dulu terus buat perutnya, disini sudah ada garis putus- putus harus ditebalkan dulu ya, huruf “q” nya ditebalkan seperti tadi. ” 9 4. Sekarang kumpulkan kertasnya. The examples above displayed that the teacher used L1 to give instruction. It was gained by the teacher ‟s sentences such as: in the example number 1 which showed that the teacher gave the instructions to their students to write down their names. In the example number 2, the teacher asked the students to see the picture of the story. While in the example number 3, the teacher asked the students to trace the letter‟s lines. In the example number 4, the teacher asked the student to submit their papers. From the six classroom observations, it could be seen clearly that L1 was really helpful in giving instruction to the students. It could be compared when the teacher gave instructions in English, some students did not pay attention to the teacher‟s instructions. It was slightly different when the teacher used L1 to give instruction; the students followed the instruction quickly. Regarding to the finding above, it could be concluded that the language instructions in the language classroom contributed on the success of teaching. The students followed and understood the lesson when the teacher used clear language instructions. In English language classrooms, the language instructions also took important roles in the teaching learning process. Instead of using English, Indonesian could be useful language to give the instructions to the students. Therefore, this echoed Atkinson 1987; Cook 2001, Lucas and Katz 1994, Macaro 1997. They agreed that giving instructions in L1 were effective in helping the learners achieve the goal of classroom activities.

2. Teacher’s use of L1 to classroom management