Materials and methods Results and discussion 1 LDL cholesterol level

Cholesterol profile due to granting of the rice bran types in rats with diet used cooking oil SWUP BC.14 Agricultural s litter such as rice bran contains antioxidants known as Vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols, c-oryzanol and phenolic compounds proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins in particular, especially in the red and black rice bran, then there are four compounds, including antioxidants such as cyanidin-3- galactoside , cyanidin-3- glukoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside, and peonidin-3-glukoside Min et al., 2014; Zhang, 2015. It also said that more anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin found in rice bran colored Min et al., 2011. Empirically antioxidant group sterols Hartadiyati, 2006 and phenol Min et al., 2011; Min et al., 2014 are important compounds in the mechanism of free radical elimination. The role of red rice bran, black and white as hypocholesterolemia agent to minimize the impact of diet used cooking oil is an interesting issue to be studied. Based on the above then research was done to analyze profile of cholesterol total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in blood serum of rats with diet used cooking oil after granting the types of rice bran black rice bran, red rice bran and white rice bran; and also determine the types of rice bran that cause good cholesterol profile.

2. Materials and methods

This study uses Posttest Only Control Group Design. Sixteen m ale s p ra g ue -d aw l ey rats a g ed 3 mo nth s o l d 150-200 g were d i v i ded r ando m l y i nt o 4 groups as follows : P0 : control group were fed standard + 1.5 ml used cooking oil. P1 : the treatment group were fed standard + 1.5 ml used cooking oil + 540 mgheadday white rice bran P2 : the treatment group were fed standard + 1.5 ml used cooking oil + 540 mgheadday brown rice bran P3 : the treatment group were fed standard + 1.5 ml used cooking oil + 540 mgheadday black rice bran The used cooking oil is made by heating 27 times of frying tofu. The rats were kept in individual cages and were treated for 21 days and feeding it ad libitum. Furthermore, the data retrieval cholesterol profile, consisting of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. 3. Results and discussion 3.1 LDL cholesterol level LDL cholesterol levels after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1. Levels of LDL cholesterol after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil. E.H. Wasikin H., R.S. Iswari SWUP BC.15 ANOVA statistical analysis showed significant differences in average LDL cholesterol levels between groups, F = 5.683 ; Sig = 0.012. Furthermore, a further test using LSD are shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows that all experiment groups were different significantly from the control group, but among the treatment groups were not different significantly. Table 1. LSD test LDL cholesterol levels after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil. I Treatment J Treatment Sig. P0 P1 0. 012 P2 0.003 P3 0.006 P1 P2 0.499 P3 0.675 P2 P3 0.793 The granting of this type of white, red and black rice bran shows there is difference significantly p 0.05 to blood serum cholesterol LDL levels with diet used cooking oil. With a LSD test shows all granting type of rice bran white, red and black cause LDL cholesterol levels different significantly p 0.05 with the controls without giving rice bran, the results of the study also confirmed that the levels of LDL all treatment groups was significantly lower p 0.05 than control .This is because the role of antioxidants in rice bran either white, red or black through a protection mechanism of oxidation by free radicals found in used cooking oil. Antioxidants protect cellular biomolecules including plasma lipoprotein thus protecting the LDL and HDL cholesterol in the blood plasma from free radical oxidation. On the other hand lipoprotein liver cell membrane is also protected so that causing the LDL receptors can work well and accelerate the pace of entry of LDL into liver cells and affect low levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood plasma, further LDL will undergo metabolism. Endocytosis initiated from the binding of Apo B-100 to LDL receptors on the surface of the peripheral cell membrane, thus cell membranes form cytoplasmic vesicles by undergo invaginasi. Vesicles then fuse with lysosomes. LDL contained therein are degraded by lysosomal enzymes. Solving LDL in lysosomes include translocation apoproteins and cholesterol esters. LDL receptor is not destroyed but returned to the cell surface. Inflows cholesterol inhibits the activity of HMG CoA reductase, and stimulates the activity of LCAT Murray, 2009. This lowers the cholesterol biosynthesis. Further described by Min et al. 2011 that antioxidant indicators such as total phenol, total flavonoids, antioxidant capacity and radical scavanging correlated with the intensity of bran colors, but all three treatment types of rice bran white, red and black in mice with used cooking oil diet showed no significant difference p 0.05. This is likely due to the amount gkg body weight of mice and duration of provision have not been able to significantly differentiate levels of LDL as a result of the provision of rice bran white, red and black. 3.2 HDL cholesterol level HDL cholesterol levels after granting the types of rice bran on blood serum of rats with diet used cooking oil can be seen in Figure 2. Further statistical analysis ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference in average cholesterol levels between groups, F = 2.364 ; p = 0.122. Cholesterol profile due to granting of the rice bran types in rats with diet used cooking oil SWUP BC.16 Figure 2. Levels of HDL cholesterol after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil. HDL plays a role in reverse cholesterol transport process from extrahepatic tissues to the liver, cholesterol is known to be found in extrahepatic tissues via endocytosis LDL through the LDL receptor or via metabolism of VLDL. Excess of received cholesterol by extra hepatic tissues can move through the cell membrane to the recipient acceptor which is in fluid periseluler. Cholesterol acceptor has the form of small particles that contain a small amount of lipid and contain a lot of apo AI and phospholipid called pre- HDL synthesized in the liver cells. Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase LCAT reacts with these particles form an ester cholesterol and increase HDL particle size, called HDL. Large HDL particles can capture particles such as apo E. Furthermore, this particle cleaned up by the two receptors LDL receptors on liver cells Murray, 2009; Asztalos, 2011. As described LDL levels: antioxidants found in white rice bran, red and black will protect plasma lipoproteins, including HDL and lipoprotein membrane so that the above explains why the results showed HDL levels in all treatment groups was higher than the control group although statistically did not differ significantly p 0.05. This is possible because the amount gkg body weight of rats and duration of provition have not been able to significantly differentiate levels of LDL. 3.3 Total cholesterol level Total cholesterol levels after granting the types of rice bran on blood serum of rats with diet used cooking oil can be seen in Figure 3. Further statistical analysis ANOVA showed there was not significant difference in average cholesterol levels between groups, F = 0.836; p = 0.5. Figure 3. Levels of total cholesterol after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil. E.H. Wasikin H., R.S. Iswari SWUP BC.17 LDL levels due to the provision of white, red and black rice bran showed significant differences with the controls, but did not differ significantly among treatment groups as well as the levels of HDL. This cause total cholesterol levels did not differ significantly p 0.05. 3.4 Ratio LDLHDL To ascertain potential of rice bran types clearly carried by descriptions ratio of LDLHDL, can be seen in Figure 4. The results showed black rice bran has a better effect on the appeal of red and white rice bran, based on the ratio of LDLHDL, but have not been able to cause HDL levels higher than LDL. It is known that the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol is very important as risk parameter of heart disease Murray, 2009. Figure 4. The ratio of LDLHDL after granting the types of rice bran in rats blood serum with diet used cooking oil. When viewed from the levels of anthocyanins as antioxidants, black rice bran contains more antioxidants than white rice bran and red rice bran. Antioxidants are phytochemicals that can minimize the oxidation that cause damage to important cellular biomolecules body, thus protecting the bodys cellular biomolecules. Anthocyanin pigment have been reported to be highly effective in reducting cholesterol levels in the human body Lee et al., 2008. This is as shown in the results of research that steeping of black rice bran effective as hepatoprotector Hou et al., 2013 is certainly no exception for LDL receptors, thus affecting the levels of LDL, HDL and total cholesterol blood serum.

4. Conclusion and remarks