Indonesia Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Adapting to Climate Change

Indonesia Farm Animal Genetic Resources in Adapting
to Climate Change
Ronny Rachman Noor
Department of Animal Production Technology, Bogor Agriculture University.
Bogor 16680, Indonesia

In developng countres, most people depend on agrculture. Crops and lvestock
are usually produced on the same farm wth small plot of land. Grazng anmals n
open grassland also exst but ts contrbuton n terms of anmal products s relatvely
much less when compared to mxed crop anmal farmng system (Chantalakhana
and Skunmun, 2002). Furthermore they stated that most farmers n developng
countres can be classfed as smallhorders, mostly lve n rural areas and some n
per-urban. The role and contrbuton of anmals n rural farms are far more complex
than that n spesalzed commercal farm snce there exst so close and sophstcated
relatonshps among farm famly, anmals, crops, socal and agrculture.
Agrculture must become more productve f t s to feed a much larger world
populaton. In respondng to the dauntng envronmental challenges ahead, the
combned effect of populaton growth, strong ncome growth and urbanzaton s
expected to result n almost the doublng of demand for food, feed and fber (FAO, 2009)

The Role of Lvestocks

In 2050 world populaton s projected to rse to 9.1 bllon from a current 6.7
bllon, as results t requre a 70-percent ncrease n farm producton (FAO, 2009).
Based on FAO (2008) report, the lvestock sector has great potental to contrbute
to poverty reducton and the achevement of the Mllennum Development Goals
(MDG). Agrcultural growth can be hghly effectve n reducng poverty as the largest
share of the world’s poor lve n rural areas. Lvestock provde food and ncome
to the majorty of the 1.2 bllon people lvng on less than $1 per day. Demand
for lvestock products s growng fast n developng countres, faster than demand
for staple crops, and wll contnue to do so n the foreseeable future. Ths demand
growth can provde sgnfcant opportuntes for many rural and per-urban poor
to ncrease returns from ther lvestock resources. However, effectve and coherent
pro-poor publc polces, allevatng both nsttutonal and techncal constrants, are
crucal to captalse on the pro-poor opportuntes offered by the lvestock sector.
The FAO State of Food Agrculture (SOFA) 2010-2011 report stresses the
mportance of lvestocks to the lvelhoods of around one bllon poor people.
Lvestock provdes ncome, hgh-qualty food, fuel, draught power, buldng materal
and fertlzer, thus contrbutng to food securty and nutrton. For many small-scale
Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012


farmers, lvestock also provdes an mportant safety net n tmes of need. However,
the FAO stressed the need for substantal nvestments and stronger nsttutons at
global, regonal, natonal and local levels, to ensure that contnued growth of the
lvestock sector contrbutes to lvelhoods, meets growng consumer demand and
mtgates envronmental and health concerns (FAO, 2010).
The lvestock sector s one of the fastest growng parts of the agrcultural
economy. Lvestock contrbutes 40 percent of the global value of agrcultural
producton and supports the lvelhoods and food securty of almost one bllon
people. Globally, lvestock contrbutes 15 percent of total food energy and 25 percent
of detary proten. Products from lvestock provde essental mcronutrents that are
not easly obtaned from other plant food products (FAO, 2010).
Rsng ncomes, populaton growth and urbanzaton are the drvng forces
behnd a growng demand for meat products n developng countres—and they wll
contnue to be mportant. To meet rsng demand, global annual meat producton s
expected to expand from 228 currently to 463 mllon tons by 2050 wth the cattle
populaton estmated to grow from 1.5 bllon to 2.6 bllon and that of goats and
sheep from 1.7 bllon to 2.7 bllon, accordng to FAO estmates (FAO, 2010).
Strong demand for anmal food products offers sgnfcant opportuntes
for lvestock to contrbute to economc growth and poverty reducton. But many

smallholders are facng several challenges n remanng compettve wth larger,
more ntensve producton systems (FAO, 2010).
Lvestock can play an mportant role n both adaptng to clmate change and
mtgatng ts effects on human welfare, FAO sad (FAO 2010). To realze the
sector’s potental to contrbute to clmate change mtgaton and adaptaton based
on enhanced capactes to montor report and verfy emssons from the lvestock
producton new technologes wll need to be developed.

Loss of Farm Anmal Genetc Resources (FAnGR) Dversty
In general, Local breeds of domestc anmals are much better suted to the
condtons of botc and abotc stress than those mproved breed. In addton, the
local breed also reflect the cultural and hstorcal dentty of communtes that have
developed and contnues as an ntegral part of lfe and tradtons of varous socetes.
A long wth the advance of agrculture ndustralzed through, the ndgenous breeds
are dsappearng n favor of modern hgh productvty but low ecologcal plastcty
(Maxm et al., 2011).
In the last few decates, Farm Anmal GenetIc (FAnGR) dversty has rapdly
declne, manly due to changng market demand and ntensfcaton of agrculture.
Agrculture s shftng away from small producton system to large commercal
systems, and as a result, selecton goals and producton envronment are now very

smlar throughout the world (Prentce and Anzar, 2010). Accordng to the FAO,


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approxmately 20 percent of the world’s breed of cattle, goat, pgs, horses and poultry
are currently at rsk of extncton, and at least one lvestock breed become extnct
per month over the past several years, resultng n ts genetc characterstcs beng
lost forever (Buerkle, 2007). So t s mportance to conserve and mantan anmal
genetc resources to ensure the ablty to respond to selecton plateaus, consumer
demand changes but more mportantly bosecurty, envronmental and food safety
and potentally useful genes avalable n the gene pool (Perera and Marques, 2008;
Andrab and Maxwell, 2007)
Genetc eroson of domestc anmal dversty has placed 30% of the world
breeds at rsk of extncton often as a results of goverment polcy / programs. Conservaton and sustanable development of Anmal Genetc Resources (AnGR) requres a broad focus that ncludes the many adaptve breeds that survve well n the
low external nput agrculture typcal of developng countres (Drucker at al., 2001).

Major Indonesa FAnGR
The Bal breed s one of the four exstng ndgenous cattle breeds (Aceh,

Pessr, Madura and Bal) n Indonesa. The Sumban-Ongole and Javan-Ongole may
also be consdered local breeds. Although no offcal hstorcal records exsts, t
s generally accepted that the Bal cattle s the domestcated drect descendant of
the wld Banteng stll survvng as an endangered speces n three Natonal Wld
Reservaton Parks (Ujung Kulon, Baluran and Blambangan) n Java (Martojo,
2012). Bal cattle stll represents 27% of the total cattle populaton n Indonesa,
and t s consdered the pllar breed for small farmers (Purwantara et al., 2012)
In oder to study the orgn of of Indonesan cattle Muhamad et al. (2009) utlzed the
Y-chromosomes (Y), mtochondral DNA (mt) and autosomal mcrosatellte alleles
(μst). They concluded that Bali cattle is clearly separate from other breeds of catle.
Noor et al. (2001a) usng the soelectrc focussng method concluded that the Bal
cattle has a unique βBal haemoglobn band that does not exst n Bos taurus cattle
(Lmmousn, Smmental and Brangus). Furthermore, Handwrawan et al. (2003)
found that The A and B alleles at INRA035 mcrosatelte locus are monomorphc
and can be used for a spesfc marker for Bal cattle. Allele A at locus HEL9 that
has hgh frequency (92.90%) n Bal cattle and 100% n Banteng can also be used a
supportng marker. All of the studes ndcate that Bal cattle are natve to Indonesa
and have been domestcated n Indonesa.
In general, the productvty of natve anmals n the tropcs s low, but ther
adaptablty and survval n poor envronments my be qute satsfactory. In many

tropcal countres, attempts to ncrease productvty have been made by mportaton
of anmals from temperate areas and crossbreedng wth natve anmal. Ths
mportaton and crossbreedng polcy has been based on comparson of the hgh
producton of breeds from developed countres (prmarly temperate) relatve to

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the producton of natve breed n less developed countres (prmarly tropcal), thus
leadng to unrealstc expectatons of the potental for rapd mprovement (Barker,
1995). However, whle gans may be made for some trats n the crossbred progeny,
ther overall performance and that of subsequent generatons may not be better than
the natve breed because of ther nablty to tolerate the adverse envronmental
condtons, for example poor nutrton and hgh temperature (Noor et al., 1992).
Pure breedng of Bal cattle can be found at Bal Island, Sumbawa Island,
Flores Island and Bone dstrct of South Sulawes provnce. Indonesan government
has allocated those slands as the man source of Bal cattle. Crossbreedng program
can only be conducted outsde areas. However due to ndscrmnate crossbreedng,
the pure Bal cattle at those areas have been contamnated wth other breeds., .e.

Smmental, Lmousne, Brangus, Charolas, ndcatng by hgh frequency of abnormal
appearances, ncludng abnormal color patterns and horn shapes (Handwrawan et
al., 2003)
The most recent study shows that the percentage of abnormal sperm on Bal
cattle bulls s lower than those of Holsten, Lmousne and Smmental bulls. In
addton, the monomorphsm for FSH sub beta, FSH receptor and GH exst n Bal
cattle bulls and can be used as specfc markers for the sperm qualty. These three
markers are closely related to the sperm qualty (Ishak, 2012). Ths result clearly
shows that natve and domestc anmal that experenced a long perod of both
natural and artfcal selecton can adopt the clmate change. The Bal offers the
advantage of a hgh resstance aganst most dseases, a remarkable ablty to grow
on low-qualty fodder and a hgh fertlty (McCool, 1991). The superorty of Bal
cattle n extensve system and margnal condtons s also exhbt by most of natve
and domestc Indonesan FAnGR. Lst of Indonesan FAnGR that can be expected
survve n the perod of clmate change s presented n Table 1.

Global Cmate Change
Reports have ndcated that developng countres are more vulnerable to the
effects of clmate change due to ther hgh relance on natural resources, very lmted
capacty to adapt nsttutonally and fnancally, and hgh poverty level (Thornton et

al., 2006). Drucker et al (2007) stated that the harsh effect of clmate change gve
more mpact n ntensve lvestock producton system, such as pastoral communtes
whose lvelhoods depend on clmatc senstve resources. In the face of clmate
challenges, adaptaton of dfferent lvestock speces to tropcal condtons becomes
crucal. FAO’s Commttee on Genetc Resources for Food and Agrculture noted
that the management of anmals under natural selecton by pastoralsts n margnal
area plays an essental role n ther adaptaton and ftness n margnal envronment
(CGRFA, 2009).
In terms of global clmate change, ncreasng resstance to pathogens and


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Table 1. Lst of Indonesa Major Farm Anmal Genetc Resources (FAnGR)









Sar et al. (2010); Abdullah et al.(2012)
Noor et al.(2001a); Sukmasar et al. (2002); Njman et al.
(2003); Mohamad et al. (2009); Handwrawan et al. (2003);
Handwrawan and Subandryo (2004); Purwantara et al.
(2012); Martojo (2012); Ishak (2012)

Utomo et al. (2010); Utomo et al. (2011)
Wnaya (2010)
Sarban (2004); Jakara et al. (2007)
Hartat et al. (2010)
Yulnawat et al. (2008)
Sumantr et al. (2010); Msrant et al. (2010)
Takaendengan et al. (2011a); Takaendengan et al. (2011b)
Zurryat el al. (2011)
Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)
Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)

Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)
Jawarandu Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)
Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)
Batubara et al. (2011a); Batubara et al. (2011b)
Jeneponto Rahardja (2007)
Salamena (2006)
Fat Taled Noor et al. (2001b); Maskur and Arman (2010)
Thn Taled Dagong et al. (2011)
Inounu et al. (2008); Inounu et al. (2009); Dagong et al.
Kampung Sartka et al. (2004); Sartka et al. (2005); Zen and Sulandar
(2008); Sartka et al. (2008); Sulandar et al. (2009); Mu’n et
al. (2010); Nataamjaya (2008);
Iskandar (2004)
Prasetyo and Susant (2007); Rukmash et al. (2011);
Mattaputty et al. (2011)
Mattaputty et al. (2011); Rukmash et al. (2011);
Prasetyo and Susant (2010)
Prasetyo and Susant (2007); Prasetyo and Susant (2010)

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pests to chemcal, hgh freqency of epdemcs growng, ncreasngly heavy polluton, reducton of genetc dversty may compromse the sustanable of lvestock
producton. Local breeds adapted to local condtons, are often the most suted for
provdng envronmental servces, such as management of landscape, ncludng the
mantenance and promoton of a partcular type of vegetaton, crossng corrdor
preservaton of habtats and wldlfe. Local breeds may contrbute to the prosperty of lvestock farmers, even n the poor area, the ecologcal and cultural toursm
(Maxm et al., 2011). Furthermore they emphaszed that protectng local breeds can
be done by dentfyng and promotng qualty products. Many local races provde
unque products of superor qualty to those from commercal breeds.
The harsh effect of clmate change s expected to have maxmum mpact on
vulnerable pastoral communty engaged n extensve lvestock producton system n
dry lands. Osan and Bebe (2010) emphaszed the mportance of for the selecton of
anmal n harsh envronment. Analyss of progeny hstory records also provde nferences relatng to the repeatablty of kd survval and a measure of the envronmental varance and can be used to predct future performance of dams (Falconer and
MacKay, 1996). All these represent useful nformaton for the selecton of dams n
harsh envronment. Some acton plan that could be appled nclude () the development of smple methods to characterze adaptve trats n margnal lands (Hoffmann,
2008); () fosterng partcpatory plannng and the development of breedng goals
and the desgn of breedng structures for communty based adaptaton to clmate
change (Osan and Bebe, 2010); ()understand herders perspectve on how extensve lvestock producton system are talored toward explotng structural and envronmental unpredctablty (Kratly, 2008), and fnally , ths approach wll contrbute
to the strengthenng of lvestock keepers’ capacty and reslence (Hoffmann, 2008)

Global clmate change represents a crtcal challenge to FAnGR n the 21st
century. However, Indonesa has many natve and domestc FAnGR that have adapted
to harsh tropcal clmate and condtons for a long tme. In order to survve the face
of clmate change, the FAnGR should be kept pure and utlzed n sustanable way.

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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012

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Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal Industry | Jakarta, 5-6 July 2012