Planning The Implementation of English Teachers’ Empowerment

st The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, UNS Solo 2014 Findings Teachers’ empowerment through English MGMP

a. Planning

The aspects planned in this English teacher activity are; the materials, the time, the place, the resource speakers, and the budget. The steps taken in planning are: doing need assessment before the training begins by making the list of teachers’ needs. The MGMP members are involved in the need assessment to decide the materials will be given in the routine activities and in the development program. The underlying theories are: empowerment theory, human resource management theory, and the theory of human resource development. The steps in the need assessment activity are as follows: first, brainstorming. Brainstorming is making compilation of ideas, information, and experiences from all the teachers who come. Then, the mind map is made and discussed. The last, the activity plan is decided for a single activity, a semester, or for a year. This activity is usually carried out few days before the implementation of empowerment program or after getting the block grant. In general, the planning for the English teacher empowerment through MGMP has a number of strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and threat. The strength in the teachers’ empowerment planning for example is the plan to employ native speakers, to find fund by having collaboration with publishers and universities. One of the weaknesses is the budget limitation. In this case, the MGMP management expected the aid from schools. However, many headmasters are not enthusiatic in supporting this activity. One of the reasons is that when a teacher joins the activities in MGMP, heshe will leave hisclass and do not teach. Because of this, the exit permit is not given to teachers. In the other hand, the 7,5 – 20 million rupiahs per MGMP per year block grant from the government through LPMP Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan is not enough for improving teachers’ competency from 27 public high schools and 107 private high schools.

b. The Implementation of English Teachers’ Empowerment

The materials discuss in the routine and developments activities are: the syllabus, Lesson Plan RPP or Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, KKM Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal or minimal completeness criteria, teaching program, teaching-learning models, teachers’ competency testTOEFL, SKL Standar Kompetensi Lulusan , ICT-based material development, and comparative study. In the year of 2011-2012 the focus of discussion in English MGMP of Bandung City tended to the improvement of professional competency rather than pedagogic competency. Teaching models were always of teachers’ interest that a lot of teachers came to the seminars or workshops. Teaching models for speaking, reading and writing are given in two meetings. In the training of “How to teach speaking” a native speaker was invited as a resource. In fact the availability of a native speaker was really expected, that Ibu Garlina, one of the participants said, “MGMP Bahasa Inggris ada kemajuan dengan mendatangkan orang ‘bule’ sebagai nara sumber . To improve professional competence related to listening skill, reading skill, and vocabulary, there was collaboration with UPI Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia language centre. Although the focus of empowerment was on professional and pedagogical competence, the social competence was also reckoned, for example when one of the members was sick or has celebration, the chair and the board will come to visit. They also sometimes have gathering out of the formal meeting. English MGMP also collaborated with some sponsors, publishers, and some institutions, such as English course, and universities. The form of collaboration could be the provision of speakers, national examinations try out, ICT training, fund giving, lunch providing, etc. All of the collaboration and activities actually depends on the chair’s initiatives that supported by the board. If the chair doesn’t have the initiative, there will be no activities.

c. The Evaluation of English Teachers’ Empowerment